Response to All Departments.pdf9740 Evergreen Way * Everett, Washington 98204 AWESTERN ENGINEERS (425) 356-2700 FAX (425) 356-2708 SURVEYORS SURVEYORS • ENGINEERS • LAND USE CONSULTANTS R ES U S MAY 10 2018 May 9, 2018 F3UILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDMONDS City of Edmonds Planning and Development Services Attn: Michelle Szafran 121 5"' Ave N. Edmonds, WA 98020 425-771-0220 RE: Tran SFR BLD20180235 & 20180235, 1st Planning & Engineering Review Comment Response Dear Ms. Szafran Below you will find responses to planning, engineering and stormwater comments you and others made in comment letters dated April 6 & 25, 2018. Planning: 1. Building plans updated with average original grades. 2. Height of primary structure updates on site plan to match building plans. 3. Lot coverage calc updated to exclude panhandle portion of site. 4. Additionally Geotech analysis has been conducted. Refer to peer review letter dated May 3, 2008 for additional analysis. 5. Critical Area Notice has been recorded. A copy has been provided with the resubmittal package. Fnr.;inccrinc - General: 1. Refer to resubmittal package for ROW application. Note that at this time, there only appears to be some minor sawcutting of existing asphalt needed for installation of new driveway entrance asphalt apron. No trenching for utilities expected at this time. 2. Drawings update with General Notes. 3. Drawings updated with additional standard details. 4. Refer to resubmittal package for unsigned Stormwater Covenant. 5. All existing easements on title previously shown on the drawings with AFN numbers. Refer to resubmittal package for copy of updated title and attachments. 6. A note has been added to the profile sheet. 7. Per conversations with the owner, there doesn't appear to be a need to cut into the existing asphalt on 232" d Street. It's my understanding that the new water meter will need to be replaced with a 1" meter but the existing service line to the existing meter box is sufficiently sized. Additionally, all dry utilities are planned to be extended into the site from an existing power pole located along the east boundary line of the site adjacent to the new sewer stub. No gas service proposed for the site. 8. Acknowledged. At this time, trenching in the R/W is not expected other than water meter replacement. Fiw,ineel-ing — Sheet 1, Site Plan: 1. Acknowledged. LAND USE CONSULTANTS * CIVIL ENGINEERS * LAND SURVEYORS * ENGINEERING CORPORATION RAIDSERVERQ0I7\171608A ZNA CONSTRUCTION \Engineering\1" prelim Comment Response Letter WESTERN ENGINEERS & 1 SURVEYORS SURVEYORS • ENGINEERS • LAND USE CONSULTANTS 9740 Evergreen Way * Everett, Washington 98204 (425) 356-2700 FAX (425) 356-2708 Eneineerine — Sheet 1 of 4: 2. Silt fence detail referenced. 3. Temp construction fence detail referenced. 4. Construction fencing around infiltration trench area previously noted. Updated with additional info. 5. Temp stockpile added with coverage note. 6. ESC general notes updated for SFR. 7. Contractor notes updated for SFR. Eneineerine — Sheet 2 of 4: 1. General Notes updated. 2. Standard Details updated. Engineering — Sheet 3 of 4: 1. Recently gravel road installed has been noted as new in the impervious area calculations and stormwater analysis. 2. Refer to resubmittal package for copy of updated title and attachments. 3. Refer to resubmittal package for copy of updated title and attachments. 4. Acknowledged. 2' Separation note added to sheet. 5. Footing drain outlet location added to drawing. 6. Impervious area table renamed to Surface Area Cales and updated with info noted in table. 7. Rim to invert for manhole note added to drawing. Eneineerine — Sheet 4 of 4: 1. Contractor Note updated to reflect SFR project. Eneineerine — Sheet U1 of 1. Water & Sewer Plan: 1. Per client conversations with District, water service line from main to meter is sized accordingly. Existing meter noted with change out to 1" meter and new 1.5" service line noted to be installed with material, length and tracer wire needs. Construction notes updated accordingly. 2. Acknowledged. 3' dry utility separation noted added. 3. Acknowledged. 10' water/sewer separation noted added. 4. At this time, there are no plans for an irrigation meter. Note added to plans reflecting this. 5. Restoration note added to drawing. 6. Side sewer updated with approximate rim and invert elevations based on estimated existing pipe stub elevation. 7. As noted above, dry utility note updated with 3' separation to other utilities. Eneineerine — Stormwater: 1. Recently installed gravel noted as new on the drawings and in the report. Note that with this additional, new/replaced hardscape for panhandle basin is still less than 5,000 sf. resulting in no need for water quality or flow control for this basin. 2. Note that 100% infiltration is more or less an unachievable rate. This is due to how the WWHM program is set up with infiltration rates approaching 100% infiltration but can never LAND USE CONSULTANTS * CIVIL ENGINEERS * LAND SURVEYORS * ENGINEERING CORPORATION RAIUSERVER\2017\171608A ZNA CONSTRUCTION \Engineering\1` Prelim Comment Response Letter WESTERN ENGINEERS & 69 SURVEYORS SURVEYORS • ENGINEERS • LAND USE CONSULTANTS 9740 Evergreen Way * Everett, Washington 98204 (425) 356-2700 FAX (425) 356-2708 truly reach that point due to 0 cfs. rates included in the programs formula. Infiltration systems previously design with an infiltration rate of 99.95% and 99.96%. This is practically 100%. Regardless, not sure what the point of the 100% infiltration rate is since the project is meeting flow control requirements in general. 3. Add notes regarding Construction fencing around infiltration areas have been added to the drawings. Infiltration area has been revised to better provide construction access between trenches and permeable driveway. Note added for permeable driveway at south end of panhandle to be over excavated and obtain geotech approval for permeable driveway install. 4. Notes added. 5. Added infiltration notes and details added per comments. 6. Top and bottom of trench elevations added to profile sheet. 7. Observation wells added to plan view for SFR infiltration trench. Due to CB's noted at each end of the garage infiltration trench, no additional inspection ports needed. 8. Catch basin types noted on plan view. 9. Footing drain outlet location noted. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this comment response letter or the revised civil plans, thanks. Sincerely, Jesse Jarrell, P.E. Project Manager LAND USE CONSULTANTS * CIVIL ENGINEERS * LAND SURVEYORS * ENGINEERING CORPORATION RAIDS ERVER\2017\171608A ZNACONS IRUC170N \EngineeringUl" Prelim Comment Response Letter