Response to BLD comments 1.pdfNovember 22, 2016
yNc Leif Bjorback, Building Official
City of Edmonds, Building Division
Second Floor City Hall
121 5th Avenue North
Edmonds, VVAS8O2O
Re: Plan Check:BLD2016-1212
Swedish Edmonds Pharmacy
218O176thAve VV
Edmonds, VVAS8028
Dear Mr. Bjorback,
Please find Your original comments in blue along with our response below.
1. Please provide acopy ofthe DOH plan review for this project.
Please find the attached [}C}H 8pp|iC8UOn for this project. It is currently under review.
2. Please provide alayout and description ofthe freestanding shelf units inthe pharmacy,
including the method of structural anchorage. If the units are taller than 8 feet' an engineered
design for anchorage isrequired.
Please see attached shelving layout provided bvSouthwest Solutions Group. Units are O' -W^
tall and d0 not require structural anchorage.
3. The alterations require accessibility upgrades for the building per |EBC 410I On the plans,
either a\ clearly ahmvv that the entire interior accessible route of travel in the vicinity of the
pharmacy complies with current code, or b) provide upgrades per the previously referenced
section. If you choose to use exception #1 of that section, provide @ letter stamped and
signed bythe architect (reference the code exception)'stating the overall project noot'2OY6
ofthe project uosi'and|imttheaooeemibi|ityupgrmdemihatvvi||hedoneaopartofthiapernnit
aswell as showing that the total cost ofthe upgrades isatleast 2Oq4.
Please see Sheet AO.21 which indicates the accessible route to and from the new pharmacy
area uerequired by41O.7. Please note the upper and lower levels pharmacy are separated
by an existing ramp in the public corridor that does not meet accessibility requirements. The
referenced plan shows access from both the upper and lower areas. The route from the
upper portion of the pharmacy is through a short -stay unit directly across the corridor from
the access door tothe pharmacy. The pharmacy inarestricted area that isfor authorized
staff members only. The accessible route is through the short -stay unit which a||ovva onoeeo
tohospital staff.
4. It appears that door #1345 is an exterior door and may be appropriate to include in ffie
Means nfEgress Plan. (The lighting plan on sheet E2.01 8hOvvs an Exit sign at this door.)
Please clarify whether this door and pathway are part ofthe compliant means mfegress, and
incorporate this information into the M[)E Plan as needed.
Door 1345 is not part of the compliant means of egress and exit lighting will be updated and
revised to direct occupants to doors 1340 and 1350 as the means of egress from this project,
aoshown onsheet AO.21.
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5. In the Plumbing Fixture table, K states for water closets: "2 naq'd for males and 2 naq'd for
herno|ea. 2 plus 2 provided within this project." K is unclear how this requirement is being met,
since there is only one restroom shown on the plans. Please clarify how this requirement is
being met (for water closets as well as lavatories) or make revisions to the plans as needed.
IBC 2902.1
Please see image below showing multiple staff and public toilets provided nearby and
throughout the floor,
6. Add a reference maUoutfor details 13/A8.02' 14/A8.02 and 15/A8.02 onfloor plan for the new
steel stairs.
CaUouCehave been added tothe reissued sheet A2.11.
7. Add a reference oaUoutfor detail 1A\8.O2 on the floor plan for the raised concrete landing
outside VfDoor 1345.
CaUouthas been added tothe reissued sheet A2.11.
8. On the floor plan, identify the existing corridor wall inthe proximity ofgridline 13eea Smoke
Partition, similar to hOvv the other Smoke Partitions are labeled. Several infill portions of this
corridor wall should belabeled asmatching the construction ofthe existing Smoke Partition.
Please refer to uheetAO.31 for separation of suites. The existing partition in proximity of
gridline 13 is part a suite that includes the Pharmacy and the adjacent care unit and is not a
smoke partition.
Sheet A6.01
9. Door 1314(being relocated b)new iTcloset) appears tobewithin the smoke barrier ofthe
existing corridor. Please indicate on the door schedule the door will be smoke 0asketed with
a positive latch. IBC 407.3.1
As indicated in our response to question #8, this existing partition is not a smoke partition
and therefore door 1314 does not require smoke gasketing or a positive latch.
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10. It appears that door #1345 is an exterior door. Please label as such on the door schedule.
Door schedule has been updated to indicate door #1345 as an exterior door.
Sheets E0.O2and E3.Oi
11. |norder toshow compliance with the VVSEC.please provide aLighting Summary form
addressing the lighting fixtures and controls proposed for the project amaa.Thefonnoanbe
found online at Please make sure the information provided on the form is
consistent with the dn]vvinQo.
Please see attached electrical response and Lighting Summary.
12. Provide structural calculations from a Washington State licensed engineer for gravity design
ofthe roof mtK4UA-1.The note onthe plan says "Structural member bvother — See Roof
Framing Plan," but there is not roof framing plan included in the drawings. Provide new or
revised plans aeneeded tnshow framing supporting the new roof loads.
New K4UA4 iolocated b3span existing roof beams without additional supports, per PSM
engineers. Detail 7/TM6.01 will be modified to state structural members are existing.
If you have any further comments orquestions, please let meknow.
Kind regards,
00%wl WOLOW
Pa la Isla -McGill
Revised Sheets:
A0.21 — Code Analysis — Separation of Suites and Smoke Compartments
A2j1 — Demolition and Floor Plans
A8.01 —Sohedu|ee (Door and FIFE)
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21911 76" Ave W. Suite 2 10
Edmunds, WA 98026