® t-425.:3337-:39320
May 15, 2014
Jennifer Lambert
Engineering Technician
City of Edmonds
Public Work Department
RE: First Preliminary Engineering Plan Review Comments for Griffin — 804 Bell St,
Permit Application #: BLD20140251
Dear Jennifer,
This letter is intended to summarize the changes made to the engineering package reviewed during the
initial permit review for this project. This letter addresses comments from you along with other staff
members which were provided in an email dated May 6, 2014. 1 have tried to format this letter to match
your comment email for easier understanding.
Cover Sheet (1 of 4)
1. Note 1 revised to state "2012 WSDOT/APWA....".
2. Utility purveying information has been added to cover sheet (power, phone, cable, gas, etc.)
3. Grading quantities have been removed from sheet.
4. Impervious surface table has been removed from sheet.
5. Keystone block wall has been shifted west to be shown on project parcel.
6. Utility note added stating "Existing utilities to be removed and/or capped under demolition permit
7. All trees, including the tree located in the City Right -of -Way, are shown on sheets 1-3 of plans.
8. Note stating "Concrete rubble wall to be replaced" has been removed from sheet.
SWPPP (2 of 4)
1. Title of sheet renamed as "SWPPP & Grading plan".
2. Grading quantities shown on sheet.
3. Infiltration not revised to state "No temporary surface water runoff..."
4. Note added to second sentence in paragraph two of SWPPP Notes, "as approved by the City of
5. Keystone block wall has been shifted west to be shown on project parcel.
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Construction Sequence
1. Note 1, under Construction Sequence Notes removed.
1. Silt fence is shown across the western property line and referenced Standard Detail E1.1
2. Construction entrance is shown located along the southern property line with access from the
ally, per the contractor. Standard Detail E1.2 is referenced.
3. Storm drainage inlet protection note has been added stating that filter rocks are to be added in
said catch basins downstream from the construction site per E1.3.
4. All trees, including the tree located in the City Right-of-Way, are shown on sheets 1-3 of plans.
Limits of clearing shown to protect drip line around the tree within the City Right-of-Way.
Drainage & Grading Plan (3 of 4)
1. Title of sheet renamed as "Drainage & Utility Plan".
2. All trees, including the tree located in the City Right -of -Way, are shown on sheets 1-3 of plans.
3. Impervious surface table shown on sheet.
4. The keystone block wall shown on plan is existing. No new drainage will be implemented.
5. Concrete rubble wall note restated as "Concrete rubble wall to be removed". No new retaining
wall/rockeries are proposed for this project.
1. Sewer main and lateral shown on sheet.
2. Sewer lateral is shown connecting from the main to the house and noted as existing. A sewer
service note has been added to sheet stating that the new SFR shall utilize the existing sewer
unless subject to root intrusion and therefore a new sewer line shall be located.
3. Invert elevations at the main and house are shown.
4. A 6" cleanout is shown at the property line with a note stating that it will be a 12" cast iron
lamphole cover and'/" hexbolts.
5. Another cleanout is shown within 2' of the house, outside of the proposed covered porch area.
6. A 6" PVC pipe is used for the sewer line and is noted on the sheet.
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1. Fire sprinkler note added to sheet. A note has been added to remove/abandon existing water
service line. A note has been added to install a new 1" meter and a new water line is shown from
the main to the house. The water service line is labeled as 1 %" copper pipe with tracer wire.
1. The impervious surface table has been updated to show zero exempt/replaced impervious
surfaces and the total proposed impervious surfaces as new. However, this does not change the
design of the stormwater management system since this design was already based on the total
proposed impervious surfaces (new + replaced).
2. The stormwater runoff generated by the proposed impervious driveway surfaces will be dispersed
on-site via a transition zone. A transition zone is shown on the western, downslope side of the
driveway and a detail is shown on the sheet.
3. A catch basin is shown connected to the north end of the infiltration trench and a note has been
added in the report stating that the pipes shall be discharged to the catch basin rather than
directly to the infiltration pipe.
4. An observation well is shown on the infiltration trench.
5. The footing drain shall be connected to a dry well, rather than the city catch basin. A dry well is
shown west of the proposed SFR and a detail has been added to the sheet.
6. A new infiltration trench was designed using the Puget East 36 rainfall in WWHM per the
Stormwater Supplement. The trench was simulated using a gravel trench bed for the proposed
roof surfaces. This changed the sizing to 200 sf of required trench. Therefore the new trench will
be 40 feet long, 4 foot deep and 5 feet wide.
Dry Utilities
1. The existing dry utilities (phone, power) are shown on this sheet.
2. A noted has been added that all utilities shall be underground.
Soil Management (4 of 4)
No Revisions
Thank you for taking the time to review the revised plans for this project. Please feel free to contact me
with any questions you may have.
Si y,
R hel A. Jacobs
ivil Design Engineer