Response to Planning Comments 1.pdfCedar �� D� � ~^�w8� "'�VV^`^�D][>��~.��re � 21006 72nd Avenue W Edmonds, WA 98026 (72D821[ynStSW, Edmonds, VVA98026) City 0fEdmonds Response Letter to Plan Review Comments Attn: Jen M8chug8,Associate Planner Plan Check: BLO20l5-003Z Planning Department Please accept this resubmittal for the project located 8t2100672DdAvenue W8nd known 83Cedar View Memory Care Community. The following iS8response tUthe Planning Review Comments. 1. Lot Line Adjustment: Since the lot line adjustment consolidating the two original parcels has been recorded with Snohomish County (AFN 201501165001). Please revise the legal description, parcel number, and lot area information on all applicable plan sheets in order to be consistent with the parcel consolidation approved under File No. PLN20140051. Additionally, please remove the internal parcel line indicated on all applicable plan sheets since this lot line has been See sheet A&0m�A1.0. Parcel line has been removed, oodporc'el legal description has been revi5ed, Please make the following revisions toyour site plan (Sheet A1.0): a The line style of the property lines is difficult to distinguish from the other line styles. Please revise the property lines to a bold line style in order to help clarify the location of the property lines. Additionally, as requested above, please remove the interior property line and revise the legal description, lot area, and parcel number as necessary in order to be consistent with the recorded lot consolidation (AFN 201501165001). RJ Development 401Central 5tSE—Olympia, VVA985O1 b. Corrected the setbacks stated within the top rightcnmerVftheabep|aninonjertobe consistent with the General Commercial, CG2. setback requirements which are as follows for comer lots: Streets = 4' and Sides = 0'. c. In order to confirm compliance with the 4' street setback as measured from the northern and eastern property lines, please conduct the following: i Indicate the shortest distance from the canopy to the eastern property line. ii The portions of the retaining walls that project into the 4' street setback at the northwestern and southeastern corners of the site cannot exceed three feet in height as measured over original grade Please provide original grade and top of wall elevations for the two portions of the retaining walls that are within the 4' street setback. a, 5heet A2.0/or updated line Weights, removed interior lot, line, omdupdated recoodedlot #. 6, Sheet A1.Osetbacks have been nemised c, iSee sheet A1.0, the shorted dislancetothefoceufoo/unnnis 4'-8" ii, See sheet A2,0the 1VNKrelu/n/ngwall is V-D"above existing grade, ondthe 51: comet i s equal to the existing gicide. Please provide adetail ofthe exposed face ofthe proposed retaining wall. Since this wall will be facing the adjacent properties to the west and south, the face of the wall should be of a decorative design instead of a plain concrete face. Please provide details on your plan for stamping oradding other design interest tnthe face ofthe wall. See sheet A2,0for additional deUW of the proposed concrete lorm design fm thefoce of the wall. Please clarify the proposed grading quantities for the project. AuparioftheSEPArevievv conducted during the design review phase ofthe project underFi|eNoPLN20l4OO43,the environmental checklist stated that approximately 1,800 cubic yards of stripping and 1,600 cubic yards of fill xvnu|d be necessary for the project. However, the civil plans submitted with your building permit application (Sheet C6.0) indicate 1,120 cubic yards of cut, 2,530 cubic yards of 0|, and 1,870 cubic yards of stripping. Please provide clarification regarding these proposed quantities including an explanation as to whether the volumes of cut or fill are included within the volume ofthe stripping. Or, are these numbers all separate? Also, please provide an RJ Development 4OlCentral St5E—Olympia, VVA9O5O1 explanation of why these numbers changed following the information presented on the environmental checklist. The groding 4uontilies stotedin S£PA were estin/o&eci The quantiNes indicated on the civil 1,)Ions submitted to the City were bosed on final grodeeleuodions, geuteu4nico/ondcontractor necornnnendo6ons The stripping S.Building Please indicate all colors ofthe various building materials U.e.handip|ank siding, handip|ankshing|es, trim details, metal roof, CMU base, handip|ank panels a! the base of the building, etc.) on the building elevation views. Also, please provide color elevation view bz assist with representing the proposed colors. Although color elevation views were provided with the design review application, color information is being requested again with the building permit application in case any changes are proposed from what was approved with the design review application. See sheetASi1and A6.26rexterior colors ondbuilding /notetiab, Attached tot6i5 6. The maximum allowed height within the General Commercial, CG2, zone is 75 feet above average original grade. in order to confirm compliance with height requirements, please provide height calculations onthe site plan. in providing height calculations, please be sure to address the following: a. Indicate the datum point utilized for the height ca|culationxontheshep|an.VVhen indicating the datum point, please provide a description of what was utilized as the datum point (Le manhole cover, top of fire hydrant, etc.) and provide its elevation. b. indicate the elevations of the four corners of the height rectangle, which is the smallest rectangle that encompasses the entire structure (excluding up to 30 inches of eaves) including the support posts for the front canopy on the eastern side of the building c. Provide height calculations on the site plan indicating the elevations of the average original grade, maximum allowed height, and proposed height. d. On the building elevation views, please indicate the elevations of the average original grade, maximum allowed height, and proposed height e. Refer to Handout #1341 (enclosed) for additional guidance on conducting the height calculations. RJ Development 401Central 5tSE—Olympia, VVAg85O1 (]60-528-3343)— ,See sheet A1Dfor 0height calculations, doturn pointsmedfor reference,olerage grade, rnoxbuilding height, ondtoIcjlbuilding height, SET sheet, A6i1and A6,,2 elevothmsfor the revised &7tutn reference points, Plan: Please address the following comments regarding the landscape plan: a. ECDC 20.13.015 establishes the minimum sizes at installation for shrubs and groundcover as well as the maximum allowed spacing. Please review the minimum size and maximum spacing requirements of ECDC 20.13.015 and revise the landscape plan as necessary in order to comply with these requirements. In particular, ECDC 20.13.015,E requires a maximum spacing of 30 inches on center for groundcover in one -gallon pots. Please revise the sizes and/or spacing of the proposed groundcover to comply with the requirements nfECDCJ0.13.O1S.E. b. Once the requested changes have been made to the landscape plan, please provide a cost estimate for all labor and materials for installation of the landscaping. This estimate will be utilized for calculation of the required landscape inspection fee and landscape maintenance bond. The maintenance bond, however, does not need to be submitted until the landscaping has been installed. The maintenance bond will be requested at the time of the Planning Division's inspection of the project. See londsccipe cointrient letter 8. 51gpage. Your plans indicate future signage. Please note that signage xviUberevievvedfor compliance with the City's sign regulations within ECDC Chapter 20 60 as well as all other applicable requirements at the time of submittal of a sign permit application We will subroit the signage upplicotion (";nd sign pennit ut o luter dote, RUDevelopment 401Central StSE—Olympia, VVA9Q5O1 1. Screening: All exterior mechanical equipment must be screened from view. It appears that much of the rooftop mounted equipment will be screened by the various building parapets(i.e. the roof modulation at the building corners and the parapets within the middle of each building facade). However, it is unclear if any of the rooftop equipment will be visible when looking at the building through the portions of the roof that have a lower parapet. Please provide additional documentation showing that the mechanical equipment will not be visible and/or that additional screening will be provided in order to sufficiently screen the mechanical equipment from view. Thereisoporopet wroppingaround the en/ir�ebuilding, At the /omm?Stpo/nt,dIS opproxinote/v2'-D"high, The equip/nentot this location is 25feet fi'on`edge. 'File equipment hosbeen p/ucedh7renough bock toscneenfrom upto 225rbee��m/o3/ft0n7 the building, 2. Height: In order to confirm compliance with building height requirements please indicate whether the elevation of the highest piece of rooftop mechanical equipment will exceed the highest point of the roof. Alow7(:�ofthe e(Juil.)nnentexceeds the roof height, RJ Development 4O1Central 8tSE—Olympia, VVA98SO1