response to planning comments 1.pdfRICHARD A. FISHER A R C H I T E C T S 11 i May 2, 2016 City of Edmonds Planning Division RE: Pl wCheck B L Dr20 160420/0421 Peterson Residence 820 Maple Street Edmonds, WA Attn: Kernan Lien, Senior Planner 1. Tl)e tractor sae -sl ;&e eco elev ons ovided iev ed bcr . Did ,comeout uY nam of an approximate 2:foot,diffierence between -A & B. Elevation revised to new elevation heights. 2. The 1674 sq ft number includes the overhangs. The second number was removed. The 2" excess overhang added to the lot -coverage. I hope this answers 81,1 gestwas and you attention to tks pxgect is apprecisbed. Sincerely, Richard Fisher Project Architect 1932 FIRST -AVENUE SUITE 601 SEATTLE, WA 98101, (206) 441-0442