response to planning revision comments.pdfS ...FI Ilf ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING November 4, 2016 RE 1� ° �Ily {' muiglNr �t �luuv�di� �� � : � � ,,!, n�11�@ 1 ��III' iimu�t � ��� NOgtrl /21Vd 16 4: AL.UN r Kernen Lien Senior Planner City of Edmonds - Planning Division 121 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 Kernen.Lien@edmondswa.gov RE: Plan Check BLD20150846 Point Edwards Building 10 50 Pine Street Below, you will find our responses to your review of Oct 19, 2016. The original subject text of each correction has been included verbatim with any omissions clearly noted, Our responses are included in bold italics. 1. Design Review Required: The revision would eliminate the outdoor amenity area on the east end of Building 10 which contained a fire place and barbeque area. This was a key aspect in the design review of Building 10, which was mentioned approximately 20 times in the staff report that was adopted as the Architectural Design Board's findings. Removal of this amenity area would be a significant change from the plans approved by the Architectural Design Board (ABD) resulting in the proposal no longer being consistent with the ADB approved plans. In addition to the outdoor amenity area, there appear to be other design changes to the building as well (removing the covering from entry on the north side, changes to windows, removing windows and doors) which also change the design of the building approved by the ADB. If the applicant wishes to remove the patio and make other significant changes (particularly removing the covered entrance on the north side), the proposal will have to go back before the ADB as a Type III -B process (public hearing with notice, appealable to the City Council). Please submit a Design Review Application and revised landscape along with the application fee of $1,662. See the design review handout for application requirements. August 16, 2016 Comment: I believe I have identified the major design changes above that would require Building 10 to return to the ADB above. For clarity, the following changes to the design will require additional design review before the ADB if the applicant wishes to maintain the changes: • , dc:ir:,srut: d, The removal of the outdoor amenity space. The types of uses in the amenity space may change, but the overall area and design should be similar to the area that was reviewed by the ADB or the design change will have to be reviewed by ADB. • 1" of add rcs^ ed, Removing the covered entry the north side of the building. The entry www.st�com, 11/4/16 Rev] Cor 1 Response Permit#: BLD20150836 50 Pine Street, Edmonds, WA design must be covered and be similar in design to that reviewed by the ADB or be returned to the ADB for further design review. The plans have been revised to indicate the originally submitted "covering" canopy at the North side of the project. (see A 13 from 10/07/15, and A 13 new) It should be noted that this area has never been a North side entry. The Building Entry has always been located at Level 4 off the main surface parking. A secondary Entry is also located at the Level 3 Parking garage. The area indicated in highlight on your comment plans was the exercise room at L 1 (now located at L2). The subject area you describe as the "North covered entry" is now indicated as a landscape area and continues to provide egress to the street. This area has always been low relative to the Street, with limited light and no views. The L I outdoor amenity, at the East end of the site, provides better views and more privacy for the building occupants and the public due to it's high elevation relative to the adjacent sidewalk. In addition, the proposed landscape use will tone down the visual impact to neighbors due to lower light levels for this minimally occupied landscape area. L2 exercise room use will have less impact to the neighbors as this space is elevated from the Street and faces into the adjacent undeveloped greenbelt area. During the ADB, one neighbor commented on the desire to provide more privacy between the proposed building and the adjacent sidewalk, which we feel this change improves. Additionally, this landscape area provides central unimpeded access for the project's main connections to SNOPUD services and Fire Marshal Riser Room. We feel the overall building is improved with this change and fits in with the adjacent Point Edwards development as related to residential street frontage presentation. • Addressed, Changes to window styles. The revision has more plain windows with fewer breaks than what was presented at the ADB and approved with the original building permit. This change of window styles significantly alters the appearance of the building from the version that was reviewed by the ADB. Any change in window style will require design review by the ADB. Octaaliaca- fly, 201l llll A;'onminaanrmila .An ana:itdoor vain enity spice sinwhi.ir in cla°sii;n io die ariie reviewed by MAI> has been added baa.ch to the plan. Also additional detaaid has been to sorna, ant" Nana wnindow s,, l lois additional. clewi'i is close caaua,n igh lo the AD13 approval th A.A. this, change will not nra°q nice aaddifloirni design review by the ADR, I [ow ever, n.IVauc covered entry on the north shute, has not Ilva;e m rest nn'ed. "i I[i.s awllroaange k an. signific int chwrge that wvmild aa,ainuhre additional review b the ADB, l Illiaaa:vc, hi llhllighted tire laa:ralionn that building than.t i aanan l ails i rnil aainow oin the tWaaa,lncd plans, This entry design nitust be covered in.nd bec salanfflaaa: in design to that reviewed 'by the AIN, or be rehirricA to f.ha; A.D11 for further ha^auiogn reviiew, [wlc;aase either revise dil is entry ()u:° anauinncinit Jr design review aa.lv[aiiaaaJrrion au�.n.d lv°e as noted above, -2- 2. Rockery: Addressed. 3. Scope of Revisions: Addressed, Thank you, Aidan Bird Studio Meng Strazzara -3- 11/4/16 Rev Corl Response Permit#: BLD20150836 50 Pine Street, Edmonds, WA