Review Comment Response -Kisan_20190430_Resub.pdfDonna Breske & Associates Civil Engineering & Land Use Planning April 12, 2019 City of Edmonds Development Services Department 21 Ave A, Suite 4 Snohomish, WA 98290 Telephone (360) 294-8941 www.donnabreske.com Planning Division Attn: JoAnne Zulauf, Zachary Richardson, Jennifer lambert, and Bertrand Hauss City Hall - Second Floor Edmonds, WA 98020 Subject: PLN20190003 -Design Review Kisan Enterprises Donna Breske & Associates, LLC is in receipt of the Memorandum Comments dated March 11, 2019. This letter was prepared by Alex White, EIT, at Donna Breske & Associates, LLC and reviewed and signed by Donna L. Breske, PE. Stormwater Engineer Review: Refer to attached plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at Zachary.rchardson@edmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. Response: The stormwater review comments have been addressed. Transportation Engineer Review: 1. Please provide a Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet that indicates the project will not create more than 25 peak -hour trips. Specific mitigation fees will be further reviewed during the building permit phase of the project. Response: This will be provided by other project parties. General Engineering Review: The following comments are provided by the Engineering Technician, Jennifer Lambert. Please contact Jennifer directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at Jennifer. lambert@edmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. 1. Frontage Improvements and Access: a) Provide a plan showing all existing and proposed frontage improvements along Edmonds Way. Both driveway approaches shall be removed and replaced with curb/gutter and sidewalk. Response: Frontage improvements are now shown along Edmonds way. Both existing driveways will be removed. Curb/Gutter and sidewalk are shown on the plans. Page 1 of 6 Donna Breske 21 Ave A, Suite & Associates Snohomish, WA 98290 Telephone (360) 294-8941 Civil Engineering & Land Use Planning www.donnabreske.com b) Building 4 shall not take access from Edmonds Way. Please revise the plans accordingly. Response: Unit 4 is now shown taking access from the shared drive aisle. c) Clearly label the access easement on all plan sheets and provide reference to the AFN 7801230217. Response: The access easement with AFN 7801230217 is now shown on the plans. d) Show the improvements proposed within the easement and City right-of-way that allows, for access to the subject site. Response: Improvements are shown within the easement, and City right-of-way that allow access for the site. A portion of the existing extruded curb within the easement is called out as being removed, along with the addition of a pedestrian access, ADA ramps, and locations of proposed extruded curbs. e) 311112019 comments revised: With regards to the proposed access to site, please address the following: i. Clearly show the existing access easement area on the adjacent parcel, label as public access easement and indicate whether the proposed driveway improvements fall entirely within the existing easement area. ii. In providing access to the proposed development, if the driveway improvements will not fall entirely within the existing easement area, indicate how the approach at the intersection will be reconfigured to show that vehicles entering the site to access the proposed development can at least do so entirely within the designated easement area. Some consideration has been given to how this might be accomplished and a couple ideas are provided here: 1. Provide two (2) ingress lanes (one for the existing development and one for the proposed development) and shift the egress lane further to the east. Alignment with the intersection signal light would need to be reviewed by a transportation engineer and alignment with the traffic signal loops would also need to be reviewed; or 2. Please refer to the attached concept that was provided to the City, that mostly keeps the ingress and egress lanes as the currently exist, but includes some curb adjustments and a pedestrian path along the west side of the approach. * * For info, the adjacent property owner to the west has in concept agreed with both ideas presented here. ** Response: The existing access easement is now shown on the plans, and the plans demonstrate consistency with the concept provided by the City, that will keep the ingress and egress lanes as they currently exist, including curb adjustments and a pedestrian path along the west side of the approach. iii. In determining the appropriate driveway entrance location for the on property access for the subject development, the vehicle queuing area provided within the easement will need to be reviewed. This comment refers to the queuing area necessary for vehicles entering the site from Edmonds Way that intend on making a left hand turn onto the subject property. The further south the proposed Page 2 of 6 Donna Breske 21 Ave A, Suite & Associates Snohomish, WA 98290 Telephone (360) 294-8941 Civil Engineering & Land Use Planning www.donnabreske.com Driveway approach is located, the more vehicle queuing area will be provided. This will need to be reviewed and commented on by your transportation engineer. Response: The proposed driveway approach shall be reviewed the transportation engineer, and will be adjusted as necessary per review. Please address/show the following sidewalk width and landscape buffer requirements: i. 7 foot wide sidewalks required. Response: A 7 foot sidewalk is shown. ii. 4-foot wide landscape buffer required between travel lane and sidewalk along Edmonds Way. Response: A 4 foot wide planter strip is now shown between the curb and sidewalk. iii. If the sidewalk will encroach onto private property, please note the requirement to provide public pedestrian access easement. Response: A 3.5 foot public pedestrian access easement is shown along the north property boundary to allow for the construction of the sidewalk. iv. Please add a note that placement and species of trees to be located within the right-of-way will be determined during the building permit phase of the project to ensure adequate spacing from driveways, utilities, etc. Response: A note has been added to the plans stating that the placement and species of tress to be located within the right-of-way will be determined during the building permit phase. g) Please show the curb ramp that feeds the crosswalk on the east side of the intersection as being replaced to meet current ADA standards. During building permit review phase, the City will require a site specific detail showing how the ramp is to be installed. The ramp detail/plan will also need to be submitted to WSDOT for review prior to the civil approval. Response: The curb ramp that feeds the crosswalk on the east side of the intersection is now shown, per WSDOT standards, and details will be provided as necessary during the building permit review phase. h) Please show all utility appurtenances (i.e. utility boxes, signal poles, utility poles, etc) on the plans to verify that there are not conflicts with any of the proposed improvements. Response: All utility appurtenances are now shown on the plans, and do not appear to conflict with the proposed improvements. Page 3 of 6 Donna Breske 21 Ave A, Suite & Associates Snohomish, WA 98290 Telephone (360) 294-8941 Civil Engineering & Land Use Planning www.donnabreske.com i) Per ECDC 18.80.10, the drive aisle for subject site shall be a minimum of 22'. Please revise the plans accordingly. Response: The drive aisle is now shown has having a minimum width of 22'. 2. Water and Sewer: a. Water and sewer utilities fall under the purview of the Olympic View Water & Sewer District. Please provide confirmation that OVWSD has been made aware of the proposed project and that the proposal is found to be feasible from their perspective. Response: OVWSD will be made aware of the project, and confirmation that the project is feasible from their perspective will be provided. Stormwater Review Comments Recommendation: It is not clear that sufficient space has been left for the required storm drainage mitigation and the site is very tightly constrained. I recommend that PLN20190003 be withheld until the comments below are adequately addressed. Review Comments: 1. It appears that no drainage report was submitted, include a preliminary Stormwater Site Plan (which includes requirements for a drainage report) constant with ECDC 18.30.060.D.1, Edmonds Addendum Chapter 7, and SWMMWW Chapter 3 of Volume 1. Response: A preliminary drainage report providing calculations of the stormwater system will be provided in this next submittal. 2. More information about the proposed drainage system is anticipated with the next submittal, ensure the resubmittal specifically addresses the following concerns: a. How was the size of the proposed vault determined? Response: The stormwater vault was sized with WWHM2012, and is shown with and area greater than or equal to the size required. b. Have by-pass areas or areas lower than the vault collection points been addressed properly? Response: By pass areas lower than the vault have been conservatively included in the vault sizing calculations, and do not appear to be over the threshold areas that require stormwater mitigation. c. Are frontage improvements required and have they been properly accounted for? Response: Frontage improvements are required, however they do not contribute more than 2000 sf of new impervious surface, and do not trigger the minimum requirements for stormwater management. Page 4 of 6 Donna Breske 21 Ave A, Suite & Associates Snohomish, WA 98290 Telephone (360) 294-8941 Civil Engineering & Land Use Planning www.donnabreske.com Additionally, the frontage improvements will require a planter strip that can be utilized to mitigate stormwater through dispersion. d. How has surface flow across the public sidewalk been eliminated? Response: The public sidewalk will disperse runoff into the proposed planter strip. e. What water quality treatment is proposed? How is it sized? Response: Water quality treatment will be provided by two Contech StormFilter catch basins, with ZPG media filters. Calculations for filter sizing will be provided in the preliminary drainage report. f. How deep is the vault and have sediment storage and freeboard been properly accounted for. Response: The vault is 7' deep per OSHA requirements, and has a 6" sediment storage with 6" of freeboard. g. What are the dimensions to nearby utilities and structures and are they sufficient? Response: The vault will be approximately 8' from all structures, 3' from the sewer lines, and 6' to 7' from dry utilities. It is likely that these distances are sufficient and will allow for feasible structural design, and access to the utility systems. h. How is vault buoyancy accounted for without creating a permanent groundwater flow to the public system? Response: Vault buoyancy will be accounted for during the structural design of the vault. i. Address source control BMPs associated with, or required for, the trash enclosure. Response: Contech ZPG media filters will provide the necessary treatment of stormwater runoff. 3. Include/show survey rim and invert elevation for the existing upstream and downstream storm manholes in Edmonds Way; the only information currently shown appears to be for an off -site CB which drains into the upstream manholes. Response: Rim and invert elevations of the upstream and downstream storm manholes in Edmonds Way have been provided. 4. Provide storm drain elevation/invert information sufficient enough to ensure that the proposed system can achieve positive drainage to the public system. a. Conveyance calculations will also be required prior to construction approval. Page 5 of 6 Donna Breske 21 Ave A, Suite & Associates Snohomish, WA 98290 Telephone (360) 294-8941 Civil Engineering & Land Use Planning www.donnabreske.com Response: Storm drain elevation/invert information has been provided and demonstrates that the proposed system can achieve positive drainage to the public system. Conveyance calculations will be provided with the completed drainage report. 5. Revise connection to the public system to eliminate the backward/eastward direction of flow; connection should be made perpendicular or angled with the direction of flow in the existing system. a. Existing manholes are channeled; prior to construction approval the City will provide additional direction for using a sump manhole or channelized manhole. Response: The connection to the public system is called out as being made perpendicular to the direction of flow within the existing system. Sincerely, Alex White, EIT 425-208-9744 Donna L. Breske, P.E. Phone: 360-294-8941 Mobile: 206-715-9582 Page 6 of 6