Review Comments - Addition - ENG1.pdfof Ell-'Vo CITY OF EDMONDS
.(425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE: July 26, 2017
TO: Klodian Sokoli
FROM: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician
RE: Application 4: BLD20170930
Project: Sokoli — Covered Porch
Project Address: 9628 — 2261h Pl SW
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or
Fire may result in additional comments. Please submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents
including a written response to each item below.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code
may be referenced on the City website: under Services/Permits and
1) Please show all impervious areas on the plans. (i.e. driveways, patios, sheds, etc.).
2) Please show all proposed work on the plans. For example, it appears that during a site visit
it was noticed that concrete was placed and fences were installed, but are not shown on the
3) Show all appropriate erosion control measures.
a. Show filter fence on the plans and incorporate and reference City standard detail
b. Show construction entrance on the plans and incorporate and reference City standard
detail E 1.2.
c. Please show and add a note to the plans that filter socks will be added to any catch
basins downstream from the construction site as needed. Incorporate and reference
City standard detail E 1.3.
d. Orange protective barrier fencing shall be placed at the drip line of trees to remain
and around areas proposed for low impact development techniques, such as rain
gardens, infiltration systems, etc., to protect the area from compaction.
Please provide the location of the temporary stockpile. Add a note that the stockpile
is to be covered within 24 hours
4) Please add a note to the plans that all disturbed soils will be compost amended per BMP
5) Show the water service line from the meter to the house.
6) Show the side sewer from the main to the house.
7) If the project exceeds 2000 sgft of new impervious please add the following to the plans:
a. Show all stormwater management facilities. Stormwater management shall be
provided consistent with Edmonds Community Development Code Chapter 18.30
and the 2014 DOE Stormwater Manual.
i. If the proposed project exceeds 5000sf of impervious surface area, the on -site
stormwater management BMP's shall follow DOE List 2 or LID Performance
ii. If the current proposal exceeds 10,000sf of impervious surface area the
project will be classified as a Category 2 project site that shall be designed to
meet minimum requirements 41-9.
iii. Stormwater management system(s) shall be shown with invert elevations at
facilities and connection to City storm system, if applicable.
iv. For those areas where permeable pavement, bio-retention, or other LID
technique is provided as a means of meeting stormwater management
requirements, infiltration rates shall be provided consistent with City of
Edmonds requirements. Refer to Handout E72B & E72D for additional
information. (When the addendum is complete, these references will need to
be revised)
b. Impervious Areas chart.
Project Site Category: (Category 1 or Category 2)
Discharge location: (City's MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system), BNSF
Property, Puget Sound through the City's MS4)
Type of area
Square footage
Stormwater Facility
Lawn and Landscape
Hard surfaces
25% Retrofit
c. Provide invert elevations for all pipes at catch basins and manholes. Please note that
a minimum of 2' of cover is required for all pipes located under driveable surfaces
and 1' of cover under landscape areas.
d. Please add a note to the plans that if the rim to invert elevation exceeds 5-feet then a
type II manhole will be required.
8) Please note: additional comments not included in this review may be produced after
reviewing the next submittal.
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