rossgeo.pdfZZA Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc.
Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting
A Irerracan Company
OCT Z Q 2006
E.DM 06-59
Project No. 81065103
14 August 2006
Mr. Michael
Mr. Stephen Roth
9102 Olympic View Drive
Edmonds, Washington 98026
Subject: Limited Geotechnical EngineeringEvalua
Proposed Residential Improvements
9102 Olympic View Drive
Edmonds, Washington i
l 5X2006
In accordance with your request and authorization, Zipper Zeman Associa es, . �
has conducted a limited geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above -referenced project.
Our services were provided in general accordance with our Proposal for Limited Geotechnical
Engineering Service letter (P-3386, 6 July 2006), authorized on 18 July 2006. The purpose of
this evaluation was to assess site conditions in order to provide conclusions regarding the nature
of regulated geologic hazards at the subject site relative to proposed improvements to the
dwelling at the property, as well as to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations
pertinent to the proposed improvements. This report is an instrument of service and has been
prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering design practice for the
exclusive use of the Mr. Michael Quenzer and Mr. Stephen Roth, and their agents, for specific
application to the stated purpose and site location.
The project site is a developed single-family residential property. The site includes a
relatively level bench to the southeast, upon which the dwelling and driveway are located. A
landscaped slope extends downward to the west and northwest. A concrete slab extends along
the west side of the dwelling, and the southwest corner of the slab has essentially no setback
from the adjacent western. slope. A wood deck is constructed above the slab.
We understand that you plan to remove the deck, and then reconstruct it such that it is 6
to 8 feet narrower than the current configuration. The outer 6 to 8 feet of the slab below the
deck will be removed as well. This configuration would effectively decrease the footprint of the
impervious surface adjacent to the slope and increase the building setback from the slope. An
extension to the deck would be added to the north, above the existing driveway. A short section
of new exterior wall will be added along the east side of the dwelling. We understand that
measures intended to collect and convey surface water will be incorporated into the new deck.
You have indicated that there will be no significant grading associated with the construction.
18905 331 Avenue West #117, Lynnwood, WA 98036 425-771-3304 Fax: 425-771-3549
Our authorized scope of services included:
Querzer / Roth Residence
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14 August 2006
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• Completing a visual reconnaissance of the site to identify surficial landforms that may be
indicative of past or ongoing slope instability, erosion and drainage;
• Excavating two exploratory borings;
• A review of pertinent geologic publications and maps as well as aerial photographs and
other remote sensing imagery,
• Evaluations regarding the on-site presence or absence of geologically hazardous areas
regulated under the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC);
+ Evaluating general geotechnical engineering considerations regarding design. and
construction of foundations for the new deck and new exterior wall, and;
• Preparation of this written report.
Our authorized scope of services did .not include a quantitative or qualitative evaluation
as to the potential presence of regulated environmental contaminants at the prosect site.
In accordance with your request, we also met with Mr. Steven Bullock, Senior Planner
with the City of Edmonds. The purpose of the meeting was to clarify the City's expectations for
the geotechnical report given the nature of the property and the proposed site improvements.
We reviewed the following documents over the course of our evaluation:
• Chapter 23 of the ECDC;
• The Geologic Map of the Edmonds East and Part of the Edmonds West Quadrangles,
Washington (U.S.G.S. Map MF -1541, 1983);
• Published seismic data from the U.S.G.S. Earthquake Hazards Program web site;
• Undated aerial photograph accessed from the TerraServer web site.
The site conditions were evaluated in August 2006. The surface and subsurface
conditions are described below, while the exploration procedures and interpretive logs of the
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explorations are presented in Appendix A. The approximate exploration locations are shown on
Figure 1, the Site and Exploration Plan.
Surface Conditions
The property is located on a west facing slope that extends below and above to the west
and east, respectively. Ground surface elevations range from a high of 256 feet near the
southeastern portion of the dwelling to a low of 206 feet near the property's southwest comer. A
single-family residential structure and a concrete driveway are located in the higher eastern
portion of the site. The slope extending below the dwelling and driveway to the west is
landscaped and supports gravel -surface walking trails. A small section of lawn extends south of
the dwelling. The narrow strip between the dwelling and the east property boundary consists of
ornamental plantings and a walkway.
A small segment of the slope to the west of the dwelling is inclined as steeply as
approximately 75 percent and has greater than 10 feet of relief. The area supporting the dwelling
and the southern portion of the driveway is largely level, while the north end of the driveway
slopes down gradually to the street.
We did not observe evidence of surface water erosion or past or ongoing landslide
activity at the site. We did not observe significant cracking of the exposed portions of the
dwelling's perimeter foundation. The configuration of the upper portion of the slope west of the
dwelling suggests that fill material may have been placed there. The dwelling is a daylight
basement configuration, and it isnot uncommon for fill material to be present on the lower side
of such dwellings. The southwest corner of the concrete slab located along the west side of the
dwelling appears to have settled and this portion of the slab slopes gently to the west.
Published Geologic Literature
According to the publication Geologic Map of the Edmonds East and Part of the
Edmonds West Quadrangles, Washington, the project site is underlain by Vashon lodgement
glacial till. Downslope and west of the site, occurrences of advance outwash deposits (primarily
sandy soil with some fine grained soil interbeds) have been mapped.
Conditions disclosed by the exploratory borings generally confirmed the geologic
conditions described in the referenced publications. Based on the results of our subsurface
exploration, it appears that glacial till and advance outwash deposits underlie the property. The
native soils were mantled by fill material. at the boring locations.
Subsurface Conditions
The subsurface evaluation consisted of completing two hand auger explorations (HA -1
and HA -2) at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1, the Site and Exploration Plan.
Appendix A includes descriptive logs of the explorations and the procedures utilized in the
subsurface exploration program. Variations in subsurface conditions may exist between the
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Project No. 81065103
14 August 2406
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exploration locations and the nature and extent of variations between the explorations may not be
evident until construction. If variations then appear, it may be necessary to reevaluate the
recommendations of this report_ A general description of the subsurface conditions encountered
during our exploration program is presented below. Refer to the logs in Appendix A for a
detailed description of the subsurface conditions.
Borings HA -1 and HA -2 were advanced along the south and west sides of the concrete
slab located along the west side of the dwelling. Each of the explorations disclosed surficial fill
material that generally consisted of very loose to loose silty sand with secondary amounts of
gravel, some organic material, and in the case of boring HA -1, some pieces of ceramic tile and
wire. The fill material extended to depths of approximately 5 feet and 6 feet at the locations of
boring HA -1 and HA -2, respectively.
The fill was underlain by medium dense, silty, gravelly sand at the location of boring
HA -1. We have interpreted this material to be representative of weathered glacial till. A relic
topsoil horizon of loose, silty sand with some fine organic material and roots was present below
the fill at the location of boring HA -2. The relic topsoil was underlain by very stiff, fine sandy
silt. This .material may be representative of either weathered till or the advance outwash
deposits, in our opinion.
Soil exposures in the cut bank along the east property boundary exposed dense, brown,
gravelly, silty sand. These soils are consistent with glacial till, in our opinion. .
Groundwater Conditions
Neither a distinct groundwater table nor perched groundwater were observed at the
exploration locations. However, groundwater levels should be expected to fluctuate throughout
the year due to seasonal precipitation variation, irrigation, site utilization, and other factors. The
soils observed at the boring HA -1 location were generally in a damp to moist condition. The
soils observed at the boring HA. -2 location were wet. The planter area along the west side of the
concrete slab where boring HA -2 was located is irrigated regularly. We attribute the high
moisture content of the soils at this location to irrigation, rather than groundwater.
We understand that the proposed site improvements include removing a portion of the
concrete slab along the west side of the dwelling, replacing the existing deck above the slab with
a smaller one, constructing an extension of the deck to the north, and constructing a segment of
new exterior wail along the dwelling's east side. New foundations will be needed for the new
deck and the new wall. The project is considered feasible from the geotechnical perspective, in
our professional opinion. Presented below are our conclusions and recommendations regarding
regulated geologically hazardous areas and general site development considerations.
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Regulated Geologically Hazardous Areas
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As part of the plan review process, the City of Edmonds will evaluate the significance of
regulated geologically hazardous areas as defined in the ECDC. Our conclusions and
recommendations regarding these areas are presented below.
Erosion Hazard
The ECDC identifies an erosion hazard area as one containing soils having a severe to
very severe erosion hazard in the presence of flowing surface .water according to the USDA Soil
Conservation Service. Such soils include the Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgD) when they
are present on slopes steeper than 15 percent. The site -characteristic glacial till and advance
outwash deposits are consistent with these soils. Eased upon our document review and site
observations, it is our opinion that the portions of the site with 15 percent or greater slope
inclinations meet the ECDC criteria for an erosion hazard area. However, it should be noted
that the site currently does not exhibit evidence of surface water flow or erosion, even though
surface water from the existing deck drips onto the top of the slope. Mitigation of potential
.erosion hazards can be achieved by incorporating best management practices into the
construction methods and design of the improvements.
Landslide Hazard
The ECDC utilizes a landslide hazard area definition that includes slopes with the
potential for landslide activity. Such areas include slopes steeper than 40 percent with 10 or
more feet of relief. Much of the slope west of the dwelling meets these criteria. It should be
noted that the slope lacks groundwater seepage, lobate terraces, tension cracks, or other surface
features that maybe indicative of past or current unstable slope conditions.
During our site reconnaissance we observed several large trunks of trees that were
removed over the past year when the western slope was landscaped (in compliance with ECDC
requirements, we might add). The trunks exhibit some degree of curvature. Givers the lack of
other surface features that could in some circumstances be indicative of unstable slope
conditions, it is our opinion that the trunk curvature is more likely than not related to growth
adjustments resultant from solifluction (slow downslope creep of near -surface weathered soils)
rather than slope instability. Solifluction is a common mass wasting process that does not
reflect inherent instability of the underlying unweathered native soils.
Seismic Hazard
The site is underlain by glacially consolidated soil and does not support a shallow
groundwater table. The site would not be subject to liquefaction during a seismic event given the
soil density and lack of groundwater, in our opinion. It is our opinion that the site does not meet
the criteria for a seismic hazard area as described in the ECDC.
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Buffer and Building Setback Considerations
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The ECDC requires establishing buffers and building setbacks from geologically
hazardous areas. The lateral separation of the concrete slab on the west side of the dwelling from
the western slope ranges from a maximum of approximately 6 feet at the northwest corner to no
separation at the southwest corner. The current plans call for removing the western 6 to 8 feet of
the slab, and the new deck above the slab will not extend as far to the west as the existing deck.
This condition will effectively increase the lateral separation between the western slope and the
impervious surfaces represented by the deck and slab. Provided that the deck is constructed with
a surface water drainage system that will reduce the likelihood of uncontrolled surface water
flow onto the western slope, it is our opinion that the proposed site improvements will not have
an adverse effect on the adjacent slope. The proposed construction actually presents an
opportunity to improve surface water drainage relative to the western slope.
Seismic Criteria
Geotechnical earthquake engineering input to development of the general design response
spectrum of the International Building Code 2003 requires a site class definition and short period
(Ss) and 1 -second period (Sl) spectral acceleration values. The USGS National Seismic Hazard
Mapping Project tt ://e hazma s. ovn computes the 2002 spectral ordinates (5 percent
damping) at building periods of 0.2 and lA seconds for ground motions at the project site with a
2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years as 1.26898 and 0.43738, respectively. Therefore,
we recommend that Ss and S1 be assigned values of 1.2689g and 0.4373g, respectively. Based
on the subsurface conditions encountered at the site and published geologic literature, we
estimate that the average properties of the upper 100 feet of the site profile correspond to Site
Class C, consistent with very dense soil having a Standard Penetration Resistance of greater than
50, a shear wave velocity between 1,200 and 2,500 feet per second, and an undrained shear
strength greater than or equal to 2,000 pounds per square foot.
Conventional Deck Foundation Recommendations
The new deck will be supported by isolated .columns extending below the outer western
edge of the deck. Based upon conditions observed at the exploration locations, it appears that
much of the concrete slab below the deck is supported by loose fill material. In order to reduce
the likelihood of deck foundation settlement, we recommend supporting the deck by foundations
that bear upon at least medium dense or stiff native stiff native soils below the fill material that
supports the slab. We do not recommend supporting the new deck on the existing concrete slab.
The native soils adequate for foundation support were observed at depths of
approximately 5 feet and 6.5 feet at the exploration locations. It should be noted that the lateral
and vertical extent of the fill, and its physical characteristics, are likely to vary across the site.
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Conventional Foundations
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14 August 2006
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It will be necessary to cut the concrete slab in order to construct the deck foundations. It
will then be necessary to excavate through the existing fill and any underlying loose, soft, or
organic native soil such that foundations bear upon at least medium dense or stiff native soils.
Forming and casting the footings in excavations that extend through the fill material may be
difficult. It would be feasible from the geotechnical perspective to construct the footings at the
recommended minimum foundation embedment depth within compacted structural -fill material,
or Controlled Density Fill (CDF) with a minimum 50 psi compressive strength, which has been
used to backfill the excavations that extend to the recommended bearing stratum.
In the event that the foundation excavations are backfilled with structural fill material, the
fill should be placed and compacted in accordance with the recommendations for structural fill
presented subsequently in this report. The compacted structural fill prism should extend outward
from and below the foundation edges at an inclination no steeper than 1H:1 V. In the event that
the excavations are backfilled with CDF, the excavation width is recommended to extend at least
one foot laterally from the foundation edges. The excavation required for the CDF backfilling
alternative will be less extensive than that required if compacted structural fill is placed below
the foundations.
Allowable Bearing Pressure
Foundations constructed above the recommended bearing stratum, or above compacted
structural fill or GDF placed above the recommended bearing stratum, may be designed for a
maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf). A one-third
increase of this value may be utilized for short term wind or seismic loading. We anticipate that
total settlement of foundations constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented
herein may experience total settlement on the order of approximately 1 inch, with differential
settlement approaching half of the total settlement.
Foundation excavations should be free of soft or loose soil, slough, debris, or standing
water prior to pouring concrete in order to reduce the settlement potential. Foundation concrete
should not be poured if the subgrade soils are frozen.
Footing Depth and Width
Foundations should extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade for frost
protection. Foundation dimensions should conform to applicable sections of the Edmonds
building code.
Passive Resistance
An allowable base friction value of 0.30 and a maximum allowable passive resistance of
140 pef may be utilized for those foundations embedded at least 18 inches below grade. The
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upper 1 foot of embedment should be neglected when evaluating passive resistance. A structural
engineer should prepare the foundation design.
Pin Pile Foundation Recommendations
Pin piles comprise relatively small diameter steel pipe which are driven into the ground
with a pneumatic or hydraulic jackhammer or percussion driver to designated "refusal" criteria.
Pile lengths of 5 to 10 feet are commonly used. Successive pile lengths are either compression
coupled or welded. Once the piles are installed, they are cut off to a pre -determined elevation,
and lengths of reinforcing steel or top plates are generally welded to the top. The tops of the
piles are then incorporated into a new floor slab or foundation, as appropriate. Vibration is
associated with the needle pile installation.
The purpose of installing driven pin piles is to transmit foundation loads through the
unsuitable existing fill material to adequate bearing soils below the fill. This methodology
eliminates the need for removing the existing loose fill material. The use of driven pin piles for
support of the new deck is feasible from the geotechnical perspective, in our opinion.
Pile Installation
Should pin piles be selected as the foundation support alternative, we recommend that 2 -
inch inside diameter, Schedule 80 steel pipe be utilized for the project. The piles should be
installed with a minimum 90 -pound hydraulic or pneumatic jackhammer equipped with stirrups
such that the operator can apply body weight as the piles are installed. Each of the piles should
be driven to "refusal". Refusal is defined as 1 -inch or less of penetration into the ground over a
1 -minute interval of sustained driving. Determination of the depth to suitable bearing soils and
the resultant pile capacities and depths will require field engineering decisions. We recommend
that a ZZA representative observe the pile installation and refusal criteria achievement.
Pile Capacity
An allowable 5,000 pound axial compressive load for each 2 -inch inside diameter,
Schedule 80 steel pile driven to refusal as described herein may be utilized for design. For
preliminary planning purposes, we suggest that a minimum 10 -foot driven pile length below
existing grades be considered. However, variation in pile lengths should be expected and we
recommend that the construction budget include a contingency for longer pile lengths.
Obstructions within the fill may prevent pile penetration to the necessary depths, and may
require relocating some. piles or removal of debris. A lateral capacity should not be assigned to
the plumb 2 -inch piles. Lateral loads should be accommodated by batter piles, grade beams. A'
structural engineer should prepare the pile foundation.
8 1065103, 14 August 2006
Exterior Wall Foundation Recommendations
Quenzer / Roth Residence
Project No, 81065103
14 August 2006
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A section of new exterior wall is proposed for construction near the northeast corner of
the dwelling adjacent to the entry stairs. Based upon observations of soil exposures immediately
to the east, we anticipate that glacial till soils will be present at foundation grade; this should be
verified during construction. In the event that excavation for the new wall foundation discloses
other soil conditions, we should be consulted.
Allowable Bearing Pressure
It will be feasible from the geotechnical perspective to construct the new wall foundation
to bear upon at least medium dense or stiff, undisturbed native soil. Foundations constructed
above the recommended bearing stratum may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing
pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). A one-third increase of this value may be utilized
for short term wind or seismic loading. We anticipate that total settlement of foundations
constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented herein may experience total
settlement on the order of approximately I inch, with differential settlement approaching half of
the total settlement.
Foundation excavations should be free of soft or loose soil, slough, debris, or standing
water prior to pouring concrete in order to reduce the settlement potential. Foundation concrete
should not be poured if the subgrade soils are frozen.
Footing Depth and Width
Foundations should extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade for frost
protection. Foundation dimensions should conform to applicable sections of the Edmonds
building code.
Passive Resistance
An allowable base friction value of 0.35 and a maximum allowable passive resistance of
250 pcf may be utilized for those foundations embedded at least 18 inclies below grade. The
upper 1 foot of embedment should be neglected when evaluating passive resistance. A structural
engineer should prepare the foundation design.
Backfilled Walls
All backfill placed behind conventional cast -in-place concrete walls, including around
foundation stem walls, should be placed in accordance with our recommendations for structural.
fill. The following recommended earth pressures, presented as equivalent fluid weights, are
based on the assumption of a uniform level granular backfill with no buildup .of hydrostatic
pressure behind the wall. To minimize lateral earth pressures and prevent the buildup of
hydrostatic pressures, the wall backfill within 24 inches of the wall should consist of a free-
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14 August 2006
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draining granular material coupled with a perforated pipe drain placed at the base of the wall
backfill. The drain should consist of a minimum 4 -inch diameter rigid perforated pipe, placed
with the perforations facing down, and embedded in at least a 6 -inch thick envelope of clean,
free -draining granular material, such as pea gravel. Footing drains should be directed toward
appropriate storm water drainage facilities. Roof drains should not be connected to the footing
drains in such a fashion that water from the roof could enter the foundation drains.
If the backfilled walls are structurally restrained from lateral movement at the top, we
recommend that they be designed for an "at -rest" equivalent fluid weight of 50 pounds per cubic
foot (pef). If the tops of the walls are free to move laterally in an amount equal to at least 0.1
percent of the wall height during placement of backfill soils, they may be designed for an
"active" equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf.
Surcharges due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment,
etc., must be added to these values. The above equivalent fluid pressures assume that the
backfill was compacted to approximately 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry
density. Additional compaction adjacent to the wall will increase the earth pressure, while a
lesser degree of compaction could permit post construction settlements.
Structural fill
It is our understanding that there are currently no plans to fill along the western portion of
the site where the existing slab will be partially removed and the existing deck rebuilt. We
anticipate that there will be some fill material placed behind the new exterior wall near the
current northeast entry. All fill material should be placed in accordance with the
recommendations herein for structural fill. Prior to placement, the surfaces to receive structural
fill should be firm and non -yielding and free of standing water or deleterious material such as
organics or debris. All structural fill should be free of organic material, debris, or other
deleterious material. Individual particle size should generally be less than b inches in diameter.
Structural fill should be placed in lifts no greater than 9 inches in loose thickness and
each lift should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry
density as determined by the ASTM D 1557 test procedure.
The suitability of soils for structural fi11 use depends primarily on the gradation and
moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the amount of fines (that soil fraction passing
the U.S. No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in
moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult, or impossible, to achieve.
Generally, soils containing more than about 5 percent fines by weight (based on that soil fraction
passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve) cannot be compacted to a firm, non -yielding condition when the
moisture content is more than a few percent from optimum. The optimum moisture content is
that which yields the greatest soil density under a given compactive effort.
We recommend that a "clean", free -draining pit -run sand and gravel be used to backfill
the new wall. Such material should contain less than 5 percent fines, based on that soil fraction
81065103,14 August 2006
passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve, and not contain discrete particles greater than 6 inches in diameter.
It should be noted that the placement of structural fill is, in many cases, weather -dependent.
Delays due to inclement weather are common, even when using select granular fill.
Surface Water Drainage
Roof runoff from the dwelling and deck should be directed to a permanent surface water
collection system that conveys water to the storm sewer. Surface water should not be directed to
splash blocks or other drainage features on or adjacent to the western slope. The intent of this
recommendation is to reduce the potential for surface water from the dwelling and deck to flow
in an uncontrolled manner onto the adjacent slope which is highly susceptible to disturbance by
flowing water.
We observed that the downspout at the southwest corner of the dwelling directs water to
a 4 -inch diameter concrete pipe that extends below grade. The pipe is clogged and likely does
not except much water from the downspout, if any. We recommend that the condition of the
site's surface water drainage system be inspected for functionality during the proposed
construction. Should deficiencies be identified, they should be rectified so that water from the
site's impervious surfaces drains to the storm system in the street.
Erosion Mitigation
Recent landscaping efforts on the western slope included placing jute matting and mulch
on the ground surface. These materials are expected to help mitigate future erosion.. We
recommend controlling surface water from the site's impervious surfaces during construction of
.the proposed improvements such that water does not flow over the western slope. This may
require the use of temporary piping to convey water to the slope toe or the placement of
temporary berms along the slope edge to prevent uncontrolled surface water flow.
Steep Slope Considerations
There are some latent risks associated with steeply sloping property that require vigilance
on the part of the owner or occupant in order to reduce the potential for erosion or slope
• Landscape irrigation systems should be operated only to the degree necessary to maintain
vegetation health. Extensive and unnecessary irrigation on or near slopes can lead to
erosion, as well as saturation of soils which may promote slope movement. Irrigation
system plumbing should be inspected on a regular basis and repairs should be made
promptly when deficiencies are identified. We also recommend that the irrigation system
only be used when the owner or occupants are present. This will reduce the likelihood of
improper irrigation taking place.
• Regular inspections of the water supply and sewer plumbing will increase the likelihood
of discovering leaks, should they occur. Plumbing leaks should be repaired promptly.
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44 August 2006
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• Fill material should not be placed on the western slope unless it is done in an engineering
controlled manner.
The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the
explorations accomplished for this study. The number, location, and depths of the explorations
were completed within the constraints of budget and site access so as to yield the information to
formulate the recommendations.
We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service on this project and would be
pleased to discuss the contents of this report or other aspects of this project with you at your
convenience. Please call if you have any questions or need additional information.
Respectfully Submitted,
David C. Williams, L.E.G.
John E. Zipper, P.E.
Principal ��`�NAL
EXPIRES 124 i Cn
Enclosures: Figure 1 Site and Exploration Plan
Appendix A •- Field Exploration Procedures and Logs
Appendix B –Laboratory Testing Procedures and Results
Distribution: Addressee (3)
81065103, 14 August 2006
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Project No.: 81065103
Our field exploration for the project included advancing two hand auger
explorations (HA -1, HA -2) and completing a visual site reconnaissance, Approximate
exploration locations are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1. The Iocations
of the. explorations were determined by measuring distances from existing site features
with fiberglass and steel tapes relative to a site plan provided by ai Architects. As such,
the exploration locations should be considered accurate to the degree implied by the
measurement method. The approximate site-specific ground surface elevation at each
exploration and infiltration test location was determined by interpolating the grade
information shown on the referenced site plan. The following sections describe our
procedures associated with the exploration. Descriptive logs of the explorations are
enclosed in this appendix.
Soil Boring Procedures
The borings were advanced by hand through the use of a post hole digger, breaker
bar, and a 3.25 -inch diameter hand auger. Throughout the drilling operation, soil samples
were obtained as cuttings, continuously brought to the ground surface as each exploration
was advanced. Our representative visually classified the soils, kept a detailed log of each
exploration, and placed representative samples in moisture tight containers for transport
to our laboratory. Granular soil density and cohesive soil consistency were evaluated
through the use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) in general accordance with
procedures described in ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 399. DCP blowcounts,
NC, are shown on the logs in this appendix.
The enclosed exploration logs indicate the vertical sequence of soils and materials
encountered in each hand auger boring, based primarily on our field classifications and
supported by our subsequent laboratory testing. Where a soil contact was observed to be
gradational or undulating, our logs indicate the average contact depth. We estimated the
relative density and consistency of in situ soils by means of the excavation characteristics
and by the sidewall stability. Our logs also indicate the approximate depths of any
sidewaU caving or groundwater seepage observed, as well as all sample numbers and
sampling locations,
Zipper Zeman Associates Inc.
18905 — 33A Avenue West, Suite 117 Lynnwood, Washington 98036
(425)771 -3304
Hand Auger Boring >ElA-1
Location•. See Figure 1
A rox.round surface elevation feet): 247
Project: Quenzer 1 Roth Residence
Project No.: J-81065103
Date Excavated: 2 August 2006
Material Description
2;� inches grass sod and fine roots above very loose
to loose, damp, brown, silty SAND with some
gravel and scattered pierces of tile and wire (Fill)
Loose, damp to moist, gray -brown, fine to medium
SAND with trace coarse sand and fine gravel (Fill)
Loose to medium dense, moist, dark brown, silty
SAND with some gravel and fine roots_(Fill) ---_
Medium dense, moist, brown, silty, gravelly SAND
(Weathered glacial till)
Total depth = 6 feet (auger refusal on gravel)
No groundwater seepage or caving observed.
Zipper Zeman Associates Inc.
18905 — 33A Avenue West, Suite 117 Lynnwood, Washington 98036
(425)771 -3304
Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc.
M05 -33'd Avenue West, ,Suite 117 Lynnwood, Washington (425) 771 -3304
Hand Au er Borin HA -Z
Location: See Figure I
Approx. ground surface elevation (feet): 246
Project: Quenzer / Roth Residence
Project No.: J-81065103
Date Excavated: 2 August 20.06
Material Description
2+ inches of landscaping bark above very loose,
wet, gray -brown, gravelly SAND (Fill)
Very loose to loose, damp to moist, gray -brown,
fine to medium SAND with trace coarse sand and
fine gravel (Fill)
Loose, wet, dark brown, silty SAND with fine
organic material and roots (Relic topsoil)
Veit' stiff, wet, mottled gray -brown, fine sandy
Total depth = 7 feet
No groundwater seepage or caving observed.
Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc.
M05 -33'd Avenue West, ,Suite 117 Lynnwood, Washington (425) 771 -3304
Project No.: 81065] 03
A series of laboratory tests were performed during the course of this study to
evaluate the index and geotechnical engineering properties of the subsurface soils.
Descriptions of the types of tests performed are given below.
Visual Classification
Samples recovered from the exploration locations were visually classified in the
field during the exploration program. Representative portions of the samples were
carefully packaged in moisture tight containers and transported to our laboratory where
the field classifications were verified or modified as required. Visual classification was
generally done in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system. Visual soil
classification includes evaluation of color, relative moisture content, soil type based upon
grain size, and accessory soil types included in the sample. Soil classifications are
presented on the exploration logs in Appendix A.
Moisture Content Determinations
Moisture content determinations were performed on representative samples
obtained from the explorations in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil
types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures
described in ASTM: D-2216. The results are shown on the exploration logs in
Appendix A.