S-06-141 Comments on 1st Draft Recording Documents.pdfJuly 13, 2009 CITY OF EDMONDS • 121 5" AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAx: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING • ENGINEERING • BUILDING Ms. Pam Arnhold 24310 —10151 Ave. W Edmonds, WA 98020 Email: barnhold@aol.com RE: COMMENTS ON I ST DRAFT RECORDING DOCUMENTS FOR ARNHOLD SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. S-2006-141 Dear Ms. Arnhold: The Engineering Division and I have reviewed the above draft recording documents, and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue: 1. The Engineering Division cannot sign off on the final recording documents until either a bond is posted for the required subdivision improvements or the improvements are completed and the final inspection is conducted for the civil review_ If you have any questions on this requirement, please contact Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager, at 425.771.0220 or mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa_us. 2. Please refer to the attached memo from Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager. The items in her memo will need to be addressed before staff can approve your recording documents. 3. On Sheet 1, under the "Certification" heading, correct the spelling of the underlined words within the first line as follows: _a limited liability company, is the legal owner of the property herein..."". 4. As conditioned under the preliminary short plat approval, two on-site parking spaces must be provided for Lot 1. The Engineering Division and I have determined that the portion of the existing driveway located outside of the 15' vehicular access easement is sufficient to accommodate for two tandem parking spaces at this time; however, when this portion of pavement is removed as part of the civil improvements, a new paved area (or garage) will need to be provided to accommodate for the on-site parking for Lot 1. In order to provide notice of this requirement on the recording documents, please add the following note to Sheet I: "A minimum of two on-site parking stalls are required for the single-family residence on Lot 1. The current or any future owner of Lot 1 must ensure that these stalls are provided at all times. The stalls shall be provided in accordance with City regulations." 5. As conditioned under the preliminary short plat approval, removal of the detached garage and associated decks, the shed, and the covering over the patio on the northwest side of the residence must be removed prior to recording of the short plat. Please contact a Permit Coordinator at 425.771.0220 for information on obtaining demolition permits for these structures prior to their removal. 6. Please provide and label the gross and net areas of Lots I and 2 on Sheet 2. Net area is equivalent to gross area excluding the area of the vehicular access easement. 7. Remove the following statement from Sheet 2 of the plans: "Remove covering over patio from the setback area / Concrete patio to remain" since this work will be conducted prior to recording. 8. On Sheet 2, provide the distance of the property line adjacent to the street for Lot 1. 9. Since the garage and associated decks are required to be removed prior to recording, please remove these structures from Sheet 2. 10. On Sheet 2, the entire length of the 75 BSBL from the access easement on Lot I should be labeled as being 7.5'. You may dimension the distance from the residence to the easement as being 7.2', but no portion of the BSBL should be labeled as 7.2' since the modification request was only approved for the retention of the existing residence and any future structures must comply with the 7.5' BSBL. 11. On Sheet 2, remove the statement "building to remain," since the existing residence is not required to be retained as part of the subdivision approval. 12. Please provide evidence of the individual who is authorized to sign on behalf of MLT Properties. 13. Note that all signatures and notary blocks on the final documents must be made in black ink, and the final documents should not have any folds. Please make the above changes and submit your updated recording documents to a Planner, Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220, ext. 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner Date: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM June 17, 2009 Jen Machuga, Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager PLN20060141, Arnhold 2 -lot Short Plat 23416 1.01s1 Ave W During review of the final short plat documents it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please ask the applicant to revise and resubmit plans addressing each of the comments below. SHEET 1 1. Civil construction drawings for the subject short plat have not yet been issued. Final short plat docments cannot be approved until the civils have been issued and one of the following has occured: a. All required subdivision improvements have been constructed; or b. A performance bond has been received in lieu of constructing all required improvements. 2. The storm drainage system for the short plat, to be located on Lot 1, was designed to accept storm water flows from the shared driveway, future driveway and garage on Lot 1 and future driveway on Lot 2. As the drainage system will be constructed with the short plat and will allow for future connection of some impervious areas, the short plat recording documents shall reference CG Engineering Infiltration Trench Sizing and Calculation Summary dated January 30, 2008 and note the impervious area allowances. 3. Please revise the Easement Provisions and Maintenance requirements as follows: a. Revise #1: Identify the sanitary side sewer lines located within the 10' easement providing individual benefit to Lots 1 and 2. Individual maintenance responsibilities shall also be identified. b. Revise #2: Identify road and storm drainage improvements as having joint ownership and maintenance responsibilities and water and sewer lines serving Lot 2 as having individual ownership and maintenance responsibilities. c. Include provisions and maintenance requirements for the joint storm drainage system to be located on Lot 1. City of Edmonds 4. The engineering requirements, contained within the Planning Division Findings, Conclusions, and Decision dated July 24, 2007, establish the requirement for a storm drainage system on Lot 2. Please clarify your intent to construct the storm drainage system on Lot 2 in conjunction with the short plat improvements or to defer construction of the storm drainage system to the buiding permit phase. a. If your intent is to construct the storm drainage system for Lot 2, please add the following language on the face of the short plat: "The storm drainage system designed and constructed for the future development of Lot 2 is sized to accommodate 3000 square feet of impervious area. Refer to Western Engineers Infiltration Trench Sizing and Calculation Summary dated January 30, 2008". b. If your intent is to defer the storm drainage requirements for Lot 2, please add the following language on the face of the short plat: "Construction of a storm drainage system on Lot 2 has been deferred to coincide with future development approval of Lot 2. The storm drainage system shall be designed in accordance with City of Edmonds Storm Water Management Codes and Regulations effective at the time of development. The storm drainage system shall be reviewed for compliance at the time of building permit submittal for lot 2 and constructed in conjunction with the approved building permit." SHEET 2 1. Revise to show easement for short plat storm drainage system.