S-06-146 Comments on 2nd Draft Recording Documents.pdf
1215 ANE,WA98020
P: 425.771.0220 F: 425.771.0221 W: www.edmondswa.gov
DATE: July 25, 2012
TO: Mr. Carmen Crispeno
Email: Crispeno@juno.com
FROM: Jennifer Machuga, Associate Planner Development Services Department
Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Public Works Department
Dear Mr. Crispeno:
The Planning and Engineering Divisions have reviewed the above draft recording documents submitted on
July 11, 2012, and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be
addressed before review can continue:
1.Our letter dated July 2, 2012 requested a cover letter addressing how all of the conditions of the
preliminary short plat approval have been met. Your July 11 submittal included a cover letter
addressing the review comments of our July 2 letter, but it did not address how all of the conditions
of the preliminary short plat approval (including the conditions of the modification request) have been
met. Please provide such letter.
2.The draft recording document submittal still does not meet the Snohomish County Auditor's recording
requirements, particularly in regards to the minimum required margins. The Auditor's office will not
record the final documents unless they meet all recording requirements. As such, be sure that the final
set is printed consistent with the County Auditor's requirements, which are available for your reference
via the following link: http://www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Auditor/Divisions/Recording/.
3.Thank you for adding the requested statement under the Declaration of Subdivision Covenants
heading on Sheet 1; however, the word free was left out of the statement. Please update the
statement as follows: We certify that we are the legal owners of interest in the property herein
described, and we hereby certify that this subdivision, with the declarations and conditions contained
herein, is made of our free consent and according to our desires.
4.Sheet 2 indicates dashed lines for all existing and proposed easements; however, easement labels are
not provided on this sheet. Please provide abbreviated labels for all of the existing and proposed
easements on Sheet 2, including those stated within the Notes section. Additionally, add a note to
the Notes section on Sheet 2 stating the following: Easements shown within the subject subdivision
are privately owned and maintained. Further detail can be found on Sheet 3.
5.Within the easement details on Sheet 3, be sure to indicate the distances and bearings of all line
segments of the easements.
6.It does not appear as though all new easements have been specified correctly. For example, there are
portions of the new storm line that fall within the boundaries of Lot 3, which is not covered by a new
easement. Likewise, portions of the new sewer fall outside the proposed utility easement on Lot 1.
Please confirm that all new easements shown are consistent with utility locations as shown on the as-
builts. The examples provided within this comment may not be all inclusive.
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7.The previous version of the private easement language (from your draft recording documents
submitted on May 23, 2012) included language such as maintenance, operation, repair, and/or
reconstruction... The new version only specifies maintenance. It is the applicants responsibility to
ensure that the easement ownership and maintenance responsibilities are stated in a manner that will
prevent future conflict between property owners. Example language was provided in our July 2
comment letter, which you may find helpful.
8.As stated in our July 2 comment letter, a power easement must be provided near the northeastern
corner of Lot 1 / northwestern corner of Lot 2 to provide for the existing power pole. Although it was
indicated on Sheet 3 that the existing power pole is located within the private ingress, egress, and
utility easement on the northern side of Lot 1, it is unknown if the power lines running from the power
pole to the respective parcel(s) are also located within this easement. If there is a power line running
across Lot 1 to serve Lot 2, for instance, then an easement shall be provided for such. It may be
clearer to provide a separate easement for the power utility system.
9.On Sheet 3, revise the label for the new access and utility easement along the western sides of Lots 1
and 3 to specify that it is a private easement. Additionally, the existing lot to the south of Lot 3 shall
be included as a beneficiary of the new portion of the ingress, egress easement. However, the existing
lot to the south of Lot 3 should not be stated as a beneficiary of the utility portion of this easement. It
may be clearer to provide separate utility and ingress/egress easements. The maintenance provisions
should also be revised to reflect ownership and responsibility.
10.Thank you for correcting the discrepancies between the lengths of the property line segments as
indicated on the map and as written in the legal descriptions. It was noted, however, that the directions
for bearings are not consistent between the map and the legal descriptions. In addition, the bearings
alternate directions between the line segments as shown on the map. For instance, the legal description
for Lot 1 (starting at the NW corner of Lot 1) begins with a SE bearing direction. The next line
segment runs NW, the segment after that also runs NW, and the segment after that runs SE. Please
correct the recording documents so that all bearings are written in the same direction and are consistent
between the map and the legal descriptions.
11.Please add the following note to the Notes section on Sheet 2: The subject site contains and/or is
adjacent to critical areas, including a Landslide Hazard Area. Therefore, work on the site is subject to
the applicable critical areas regulations of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80, or as amended. A geotechnical
report for work within the Landslide Hazard Area and/or its buffer may be required.
12.The final recording documents must be signed by your surveyor.
13.Note that all signatures on the final documents must be made in black ink. However, you may wish to
submit the revised documents to staff for another review prior to obtaining all required signatures.
Please make the above changes and submit your updated recording documents to a Planner, Monday through
Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM. In addressing the above comments please keep in mind that
preliminary short plat approval will expire on August 17, 2012 (five years from date of decision on motion
for reconsideration) if final approval is not granted prior to expiration. It is strongly recommended that
you respond to all comments no later than July 30, 2012 in order to provide time to review the revisions
and complete any pending requirements.
Please feel free to contact Jennifer Machuga or Jeanie McConnell at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at
Machuga@ci.edmonds.wa.us or Mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding
these plan corrections.
Cc: File No. PLN20060146
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