S-08-06 Complete But Need More Info - 2nd Notice.pdf July 16, 2008 Mr. Barry Constant Western Engineers, Inc. 13000 Highway 99 South Everett, WA 98024 Subject: EXPIRATION WARNING FOR SHORT PLAT APPLICATION FILE NO. S-2008-06 Dear Mr. Constant: You have submitted an application for a short subdivision for the property at 808 Daley Street (File No. S- 2008-06). On March 20, 2008, I sent a letter to you requesting additional information before staff could continue reviewing your application. I have not yet received a response. This is a courtesy letter to remind you to submit the requested items so that we can continue to review your application. Pursuant to ECDC Please 20.90.010.D.4, an application that is not acted on by the applicant for six months will expire. submit the specified information by September 20, 2008. If we do not receive a response from you prior to this date, your application will be rejected pursuant to ECDC 20.90.010.D.4. The required information from my March 20, 2008 letter is included below for your convenience: 1.Your preliminary short plat plans indicate a proposed 5 foot access easement; however, it appears that the arrows pointing to the easement are in the wrong location and it is unclear where the boundaries of the easement are. Please clarify the location of this easement and provide its size. 2.The RS-6 zone requires a minimum lot size of 6,000 net square feet. Net area is defined as gross lot area excluding the area of any existing and/or proposed vehicular access easements. For example, the area of the proposed 5 foot access easement should be deducted from the gross area of Lot 1, and the area of the existing easement on the northeastern corner of the subject property should be deducted from the gross area of Lot 2. Please provide gross and net lot areas of both proposed lots in order to confirm that the net areas of both lots would meet the minimum required 6,000 square feet. 3.The RS-6 zone requires a minimum lot width of 60 feet. Proposed Lot 1 is shown on the preliminary plans as being 60 feet wide; however, proposed Lot 2 is shown as being 59.9 feet in width and the City’s code requirements do not allow for rounding this number up to 60 feet. Therefore, please either adjust the location of the proposed property line so that both lots meet the 60 foot lot width requirement or submit for a modification request to reduce the required lot width for Lot 2 to 59.9 feet. Refer to our short subdivision handout for instructions on how to apply for a modification request and for the review criteria, which it appears that you will have justification for meeting. Note that if you choose to apply for a modification request, a $560 fee will also be required. 4.Based on the survey submitted with your application, it appears that the subject property contains a slope that is steep enough to be considered a Landslide Hazard Area as defined by ECDC 23.80. Although the property’s critical areas determination was changed to “Study Complete” in 2004, the City’s critical areas code was updated in 2005, which changed the definition of a Landslide Hazard Area and now encompasses the subject property. Therefore, the subject property is regulated by the critical areas requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. Please submit a report by a qualified geotechnical engineer supporting the proposed short plat and meeting the report requirements of 23.40 and 23.80. 5.When the City’s critical areas code was updated in 2005, the minimum required stream buffers were increased. Shell Creek runs across the adjacent properties to the south of the subject property. Based on City information, it appears that the portion of Shell Creek adjacent to the subject property is anadromous fishbearing adjacent to reaches with anadromous fish access, which ECDC 23.90.040.D.1 requires a 100’ buffer plus a 15’ critical areas setback from. Please provide the location of Shell Creek on the preliminary plans. Additionally, please do one of the following: a) Show that a residence would be able to be reasonably placed on proposed Lot 1 meeting the minimum required 115’ (100’ buffer plus 15’ setback) from the stream, OR b) Submit a report by a qualified biologist meeting the requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.90 that shows that this portion of Shell Creek is a stream type that would require a smaller buffer and/or have your biologist prepare a proposal for reducing the required stream buffer width pursuant to ECDC 23.90.040.D.2. 6.Your grading plan and SEPA checklist show a large quantity of proposed grading. Please note that the subdivision must be reviewed for compliance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which includes policies for minimizing grading and avoiding substantial alterations to the existing topography. Please note that your subdivision may be conditioned to reduce the proposed grading. In particular, staff discourages the proposed grading shown on the southern portion of proposed Lot 1 since this grading is within the stream buffer and would require removal of the existing trees. It appears that if the degree of grading is reduced, particularly along the southern portion of the property, it is possible that SEPA review may not be required. Therefore, staff recommends altering your proposed grading at this time to ensure compliance with the City’s policies and to avoid potential conditions of approval limiting grading on the site. Additionally, if the proposed grading for the short plat improvements is limited to below 500 cubic yards, SEPA review will not be required at this time. Please clarify how much grading is proposed for the short plat improvements. If grading for the plat improvements is proposed to exceed 500 cubic yards, please submit the required $420 SEPA review fee. 7.Your preliminary plans show proposed retaining walls near the eastern and western property lines of proposed Lot 1 and near the northern property line of proposed Lot 2. Note that retaining walls may not exceed 3’ in height over original grade where located within the minimum required setbacks. You do not need to respond to this item, but please keep in mind that at the time of review of your proposed retaining walls, you must show that the portions within the minimum required setbacks do not exceed 3’ in height over original grade. Staff will be unable to continue processing your application until responses to the above items are received. Please submit a response by September 20, 2008 to avoid expiration of your application. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner Cc: File No. S-2008-06 Mr. Boyd Lybeck th 16430 – 6 Ave. W, #A Lynnwood, WA 98036