S-09-49 Complete - need additional info.pdf1� C
October 29, 2009
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121 5TH AVENUE NQRTk J . EDMONDS, WA 08020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
W'ebsdle: www.cli.edmondswa.us
Planning m Building ® Engineerang
Craig Reirner
915 Cedar Street
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Letter of Completeness and request for additional information.
Two -lot. subdivision of property located at 18607 Olympic View Drive (PLN20090048)
Dear Mr, Reimer,
The City of Edmonds has reviewed your application for a two -lot subdivision for the property at 18607
Olympic View Drive for completeness pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC)
20.01002. It has determined that the application meets the procedural submission requirements and
therefore is complete, Please accept this letter as the City's notice to the applicant of determination of
completeness pursuant to ECDC 20.02.003,
Although the application is procedurally complete, additional information is needed before review of the
application can continue„ Please respond to the following items so that review of the application can
1. Critical areas. The original critical area determination for the parcel was completed in 1998 and was
a `study required' for steep slopes. Because the critical areas code was updated in 2004, 1 have
updated the, original determination, a copy of which is enclosed, There are several things to keep in
mind as a result of this update:
a) The parcel is within 800' of Hutt Park, an identified bald eagle nesting site. Please contact the
Department of Fish and Wildlife to see if a habitat management plan is required as part of the
short plat, Please submit the management plan, if required, or an indication from Fish and
Wildlife about what is needed.
b) ECDC 23,90„040,0 requires that a minimum of 30% of native vegetation is retained on
subdividab�le PS -12 and RS -20 parcels. A vegetation management plan meeting the requirements
of will be required as a condition of short plat approval.
c) Finally, on the plat (Sheet 4), please show the standard 50' landslide buffer and 15' building
setback from the top of the slope along Olympic View Drive as well as the existing topography
and trees (like that shown on Sheet 3).
2. Lot area.. The proposed shape of Parcel A will create confusion between adjacent landowners going
forward. While Parcel A would meet the minimum requirement for net lot area, please revise the
shape of Parcel A so that the narrow finger of land that extends to Olympic View Drive is eliminated.
3. Setbacks.. Please indicate the zoning setback boundaries on. Sheet 4. The site is zoned RS -12 and the
setbacks are as follows:
Inc orpornim.i' Arad test 11, 1890
Minimum Street
Minimum Side
Rear Setback
RS -12
25 feet
10 feet
25 feet
Please note that Parcel A will be considered a flag lot with 10' side setbacks all around.
4. Engineering comments. The Engineering Division had several comments regarding the proposed
subdivision, specifically regarding utilities and drainage. Please see their enclosed memo for further
5. Pre -application fee refund. We are processing the 1/2 pre -application fee refund for PRE -2009-0002
that is due to you as a result of filing the subject short plat application. Please contact Diane
Cunningham if you have any questions.
Finally, please note that applicants are now responsible for all notification requirements for land use
applications according to ECDC 20.03 (Ordinance No. 3736). This includes mailing out the notice
materials to adjacent property owners, publishing notice in the Everett Herald, and posting the site itself.
Notice for this project must issued by friday, November 13"'. Within the next several days, I will forward
to you: 1) a notice of application, 2) legal notice for the Herald, 3) a vicinity map, and 4) affidavits of
posting, publishing and mailing. Please let me know if it is more convenient to receive pdf files, paper
copies by mail, or if you would like to pick the information up at City Hall. I will be contacting the sign
company to have them install a white sign somewhere near the mailboxes on Olympic View Drive. I will
also provide a blue sign to post at the site itself, preferably near the entrance of the driveway to the
subject parcel.
The notice of application and vicinity map must be mailed to the property owners within 300 feet of the
subject site and posted on the sign at the site. Please use the following address for the return address on
the envelopes for the mailing: City of Edmonds, .Planning Division, 121 - 5th Ave. N, Edmonds, WA
98020. In addition to using this address for the return address, please also mail a copy of the notice to my
attention at the same address. When you mail the notices at the Post Office, you will need to obtain a
U.S. Postal Service Certificate of Mailing containing the names and addresses of all parties provided
The legal notice must be provided to the Everett Herald by 3:OOpm two business days prior to publication.
In addition to the provided text, the Herald will need your name for billing as well as your phone number
and address. You can submit the ad to the Herald in any of the following ways: 1) via email to
legals@hcraldnct.com (a confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours of receipt), 2) via fax to 425-
339-3438, 3) in person at 1213 California St, Everett, WA 98201, or 4) by mail to PO Box 930, Everett,
WA 98206 attn: Legals. If you have any questions for the Herald, you may contact Jody Knoblich at 425-
339-3089 or legals@heraldnet.com.
No later than 14 days after the required date of posting, publishing, and mailing (November 13"'), an
affidavit must be submitted to the City attesting that you completed each of the required methods of
notification. Additionally, you will need to submit the U.S. Postal Service Certificate of Mailing for each
of the addresses the notice of application was mailed to. You can drop those documents by City Hall or
mail them to my attention.
If you have any questions on the short plat or noticing requirements, please contact me at 425-771-0220
or via email at clugston@cj.edrnonds.wa.us. We are still working out how to smoothly implement the
new noticing procedures and so are happy to help if you have any difficulties.
Sincerely, _ Y/
Michael D. Clugston, ICP
Cc: Stephen Bullock
21402 80"' Avenue West
Edmonds, WA 98020