S-10-73 Letter of Incomplete Application - 2nd Review.pdfJanuary 20, 2011 121 5th AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020 0 (425) 771-0220 ® FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www dedmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mr. Ron Johnson 19601 — 23`d Ave. NW Shoreline, WA 98177 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR YOUR TOWNHOUSE SUBDIVISION LAND USE APPLICATION, FILE NO. PLN20100073 Dear Mr. Johnson: MIKE COOPER MAYOR Thank you for submitting additional information on January 6, 2011 for your land use application for a townhouse subdivision located at 656 and 658 Daley Street. Upon staff's review of this information, it was found that modifications will need to be made to the layout of the proposed lot lines and additional information is required. Please respond to the following items for your application to become complete and so that staff's review of your application can continue: Additional information must be shown on the preliminary plans to assist staff in our review of your proposal. Please add the following items to the preliminary short plat survey: a. Show the location of the existing parking stall striping for the row of parking between the parking lot and the townhomes. b. Show the location of existing curb between the parking lot and townhomes. c. Show and label the outline of all existing structures, including the footprints of the duplex and single-family buildings out to the outermost walls, lines of all eaves and overhangs, exterior stairs and landings, etc. d. Provide the dimensions between the structures and all proposed property lines as well as between the eaves and all proposed property lines. e. Show all existing and proposed easements. 2. Please refer to the enclosed comments from Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official, dated January 20, 2011. As stated in Mr. Bjorback's comments and in our meeting with you this afternoon, additional information is necessary to determine if the structures will comply with Building Code requirements, particularly those related to fire separation. Based on Mr. Bjorback's initial review, it appears that the proposed property lines will need to be shifted in order to comply with the applicable Building Code requirements. Please modify the proposal as necessary in response to Mr. Bjorback's letter. The items listed above to be added to the preliminary plans will assist Mr. Bjorback in determining Building Code compliance. Additionally, please submit as -built floor plans of each floor of each unit with the proposed lot lines overlayed on the floor plans so that staff can verify the distances of the proposed lot lines to all walls, openings, and projections. lncorj_-Oop aced August 11, 1890 Sister City - Helcinan, Japan 3. Please refer to the enclosed memorandum from Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager, dated January 19, 2011 with additional items that will need to be addressed in order for the Engineering Division to be able to continue with review of your application. 4. The street file for 656 Daley Street contains the enclosed site plan and parking calculations, which were submitted by you on December 15, 2008. Please confirm if these calculations are still current, or if there have been any changes to the number of parking stalls required (based on the size of the church and the number of bedrooms within the residential units) or any changes to the existing number of stalls provided on site. This will assist staff in confirming compliance with the parking requirements of ECDC 17.50. Please note that your application will be on hold until a response is received regarding the above items. Pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.003.D, you must submit the above information within 90 days. Thus, your application will expire if the requested information is not received by April 20, 2010. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner Enclosures: Comments from Leif Bjorback dated 1/20/11 Memo from Jeanie McConnell dated 1/19/11 Site Plan and Parking Calculations submitted 12/15/08 Cc: File No. PLN20100073 Page 2 of 2 -� °` E°AI� City of Edmonds A Short Plat Permit Comments BUILDING DIVISION DATE January 20, 2011 STAFF: Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official RE: Project Address: 656 Daley St. Project: Open Bible Church Short Plat Previous comments provided by the Building Division included the following item. 2. Zero lot line construction must comply with the fare resistive requirements of section R302 of the International Residential Code. Each separate unit must also comply with all other IRC requirements for dwelling units. To clarify the deficiencies noted by the Building Division in the short plat map received by the City on 11/19/2010, the following must be addressed. Table R302.1 requires exterior walls within 5 feet of a property line to be one hour rated, and prohibits any openings (doors and windows) within 3 feet of a property line. Also, projections are not allowed within 2 feet of a property line, protected when closer than 5 feet. Additional information is required to show compliance at the following locations. a. Proximity of the new duplex on lots 2 and 3 to their respective north property lines. b. Lot 3 between the duplex and the west property line. c. Lot 1, once the existing residence is partially demolished as proposed. 2. The width of the lot 1 pedestrian easement between lots 3 and 4 shows 10.5 feet. The distance between the structure on lots 2 and 3 and the near face of the retaining/foundation wall (at the raised concrete porch) for a future lot 4 structure is 10 feet as shown on the approved plans for permit BLD 2010-0628. This would place the portion of the foundation intended for lot 4 partially into lot 1, which is not acceptable. Date: To: From: Subject: January 19, 2011 Jen Machuga, Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager PLN20100073, 4 -lot Short Plat 656 Daley Street The following comments are based upon review of the additional information submitted by the applicant on January 6, 2011. The submittal was in response to the comments provided by the Engineering Division on December 17, 2010. Please ask the applicant to revise and resubmit plans addressing the comments below. 1. A note has been added to the utility plan indicating the downspouts for the future dwelling unit will connect to the existing storm detention system. The existing storm detention system was sized, however, under old storm code. The city adopted a new stormwater management code in June 2010. All new development will need to comply with the new storm code. Please find attached a copy of the new storm detention sizing worksheet. In review of the worksheet it can be seen that 25 -feet of 30" pipe (the size and length installed with the duplex) no longer provides capacity for 5000sf of impervious surface area. Plans will need to be adjusted to reflect the installation of additional storm pipe to meet current standards or installation of a completely separate storm detention system. 2. Please clarify the "storm outlet pipe" shown in the alley from the outfall of the detention system to the existing CB near the SW corner of the property. If this is a private outfall line then it should be located on private property. If it is mainline then it should be 12" in diameter and there should be a catch basin near the SE corner of the property. The detention outfall should be connected to this CB. Please confirm the size and location of the pipe. Thank you. City of Edmonds Stormwater Rest Management Practices Simplified Sizing Tool—City of Edmonds Unlike the linear relationships for iiiii1tration facilities, the y-axis intercept of the regression line is not zero. Because the relationship is linear and the y -intercept is an integer, the slope of the line ("Factor") and the y -intercept ("Integer") can be used to calculate the pipe length as a function of the impervious surface area draining to it: Pipe Length (Feet) = [Factor x Impervious Area (square feet)] + Integer As an example, for a project subject to the Category 2 site standards, the length of a 30 inch diameter pipe in feet would be calculated by multiplying the contributing impervious surface area (fti square feet) by 0.0185 and then adding 13.6. The low flow orifice diameter required tCr meet standards varies by contributing area as shown in Tables 5 and 6 for Category I and Category 2 sites, respectively. For intermediate areas the orifice diameter should be rounded down to the nixxt smallest area shown in the table. For Category 2 sites this may result in a detention pipe that somewhat over -achieves the 2 -year standard and under -achieves the 10- and 100 --year flow control standards. Use of the simplified sizing too] is limited to sites with up to 10,000 square feet of impervious surface area. However, modeling was performed for Category 2 sites up to 0,5 acres. Sizing results for these IIII-ger Contributing areas were included in the data Set used to develop the sizing equations, and these equations can be used as rule ofthumb sizing for City design review of submittals for larger sites. Table 5. Detention pipe look -up table for Category I. sites, Contributing Impervious Surface Area (st) Pipe Volume (cf) Length of Pipe `(fl) foo- Given Inside Diameter 13 -inch 24 -inch 30 -inch 36 -inch 2,000 73 41 22 15 11 2,500 89 49 30 18 —1-12 3,000 109 61 33 23 16 3,500 122 74 38 24 17 4,000 142 81 45 29 20 4,500 160 95 49 312 L 23 5,000 181 tl 56 35 25 sr— square reet; cf — cubic feet Pipe Volume is average required finr all pipe diameters, which diMr somewhat due to varying orifice size. Detention pipe sized to achieve Category I detention standard: 0.25 ck; per acre of impervious surface area for the 14 year 3 recur-ence interval flow. W 0,5" orifice. 0,625" orifice 0.75" orifice 0,875' orifice I V A'5 515 T W ITt- �' 6R.O.W. rq x0,x >• ea 0 z a uLow vF_llu qua AX CL L6 a 0.w a ll W 0 u o. v. e• j a W u W l! 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