S-11-08 Staff Report with Attachments.pdf/11 C' "1 'r') (.)11 "T F EDMONDS MIKE COOPER MAYOR 121 5th AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020 0 (425) 771-0220 ® FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www dedmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Project: Weiss -Holmberg Short Plat File Dumber: PLN20110008 Date of Report: September 28, 2011 Reviewed By: nnifer Machuga, Associate Planner Owner: Barbara Weiss -Holmberg Applicant: Rod Wickham, RAD Design 1ncot'pr,"�trtteAugust 1� 1890c1 fk¢�e r�� , Sister City - Hekinan, Japan Section Page I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................2 A. Application........................................................................................................................................2 B. Decision on Subdivision....................................................................................................................2 C. Decision on Modification Request....................................................................................................4 I1. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS...................................................................4 A. Compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance....................................................................................4 B. Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan........................................................................................8 C. Analysis of the Requested Setback Modification..............................................................................9 D. Compliance with the Zoning Code..................................................................................................10 E. Compliance with the Flood Plain Management Provisions.............................................................10 F. Environmental Assessment.............................................................................................................. l l G. Critical Areas Review...................................................................................................................... l l H. Comments........................................................................................................................................11 111. APPEAL............................................................................................................................13 IV. LAPSE OF APPROVAL...................................................................................................13 V. NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSOR................................................................................13 VI. ATTACHMENTS..............................................................................................................13 VII. PARTIES OF RECORD....................................................................................................1.4 1ncot'pr,"�trtteAugust 1� 1890c1 fk¢�e r�� , Sister City - Hekinan, Japan Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 2 of 14 The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 29,303 square foot lot addressed as 7416 — 176a` Street Southwest into two lots (Attachment 1). The site is located in a Single -Family Residential (RS -12) zone that allows lots with a minimum area of 12,000 square feet. See the Zoning and Vicinity Map for reference (Attachment 2). The proposed lot layout is shown on the preliminary subdivision map (Attachment 3) as well as the preliminary development plan (Attachment 4). The applicant has indicated plans to retain the existing residence on Lot 1. Both lots will be accessed via the existing drive on the north side of the site. The applicant also submitted a modification request to reduce the minimum required rear setback for Lot 2 to 10 feet from the southern property line (Attachment 6). A. Application 1. Owner: Barbara Weiss -Holmberg 2. Applicant: Rod Wickham, RAD Design 3. Site Location: 7416 — 176' Street Southwest 4. Request: To divide one lot with a total area of 29,303 square feet into two lots in a Single -Family Residential (RS -12) zone. 5. Review Process: Short plats are Type II permits pursuant to ECDC 20.01.003. Following a public comment period, the Director (or designee) makes an administrative decision. 6. Major Issues: a. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 16.20.030, site development standards for the RS -12 zone. b. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Title 18, public works requirements. c. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.01, development permit review requirements. d. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.75, subdivision requirements. e. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 20.85.010, criteria of approval for a variance. f. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapters 23.40 and 23.80, environmentally critical areas and geologically hazardous areas. Note: All code sections referenced in this report can be viewed via the City's website at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us. B. Decision on Subdivision Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, and Attachments submitted with the application and during the comment period, the following is the decision of the City of Edmonds Planning Division: The subdivision as proposed is APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report by The Galli Group updated May 20, 2011 (Attachment 13) and any subsequently approved geotechnical reports. 2. Any tree cutting on the site must be consistent with the requirements of ECDC 18.45 and the 30% native vegetation requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C. A tree cutting plan shall be submitted and approved with the civil plans for removal of trees impacted by the subdivision improvements. Any tree cutting proposed on Lot 2 that is not a hazardous situation and/or not necessary as part of the subdivision improvements shall be reviewed at the time of a building permit application for Lot 2. All trees retained during the development process must be protected according to the performance standards found in ECDC 18.45.050. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 3 of 14 3. Prior to recording, the applicant must complete the following requirements: a) Civil plans must be approved prior to recording. In completing the civil plans, you must address the following: (1) Adjust the location of the ingress/egress easement so that the existing residence on Lot 1 fully complies with the minimum required 10 -foot side setback from the edge of the ingress/egress easement. The location where this specifically needs to be addressed is at the northeastern corner of the attached garage, where the garage and deck above (including the garage -level wing -wall supporting the upper level deck) must both be a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the ingress/egress easement. When adjusting the location of the ingress/egress easement, the net areas of Lots 1 and 2 will need to be revised accordingly to reflect the shifted location of the ingress/egress easement. These net areas must remain above 12,000 square feet. (2) Correctly indicate the locations of all existing easements, including the existing 10 - foot sewer easement (AFN 2222065) and the existing 10 -foot roadway easement (AFN 1244505). Where existing and/or proposed utilities fall outside of existing easements, new easements shall be provided. (3) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of Subdivision" on Attachment 14. b) A vegetation management plan showing how the 30% native vegetation requirement of ECDC is achieved must be approved prior to recording. For further direction, see section II.F.2 of this report. c) Remove the metal barn from Lot 2. d) Make the following revisions to the plat: (1) Indicate the adjusted location of the ingress/egress easement as required in Condition 2.a.1 above and indicate the correct locations of all existing easements as required in Condition 2.a.2 above. (2) Indicate the locations of all new easements, and provide easement descriptions and maintenance provisions for all new easements. (3) Include a statement on the face of the plat stating the following: "The site is subject to the 30% native vegetation requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C. Lots 1 and 2 shall retain and/or establish native vegetation as detailed in the native vegetation plan approved by the City of Edmonds. This plan may be modified by the property owner(s) with approval by the Planning Division." (4) If setbacks are to be included on the plat, correct the setbacks as shown to be consistent with those stated in Section II.A.4.a of this report and add the following statement to the face of the plat: "Setbacks shown are for reference only and vest no right with the following exception: The rear setback for Lot 2 has been granted a modification to reduce the minimum required rear setback. Refer to File No. PLN20110008 in the City of Edmonds Planning Division for the rear setback requirements for Lot 2." If setbacks are not to be shown on the plat, a note should be added to the face of the Plat stating, "The rear setback for Lot 2 has been granted a modification to reduce the minimum required rear setback. Refer to File No. PLN20110008 in the City of Edmonds Planning Division for the rear setback requirements for Lot 2." (5) Add to the face of the plat: "Conditions of approval must be met and can be found in the final approval for the short subdivision located in File No. PLN20110008 in the City of Edmonds Planning Division." (6) Include on the plat all required information, including owner's certification, hold harmless agreement, and Planning Division and Engineering Division staff's approval blocks. e) Make sure all documents to be recorded meet the Snohomish County Auditor's requirements for recording, including all signatures in black ink. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 4 of 14 f) Submit an updated copy of the title report (short plat certificate) with the documents proposed to be recorded. The title report must be prepared within 30 days of submittal for final review. g) Submit two copies of the documents to be recorded for the Planning Division and Engineering Division's approval. Once approved, the applicant must record the documents with the Snohomish County Auditor's office. 4. After recording the plat, the applicant must complete the following: a) Provide the City Planning Division with three copies of the recorded plat, with the recording number written on them. The City will not consider the subdivision to have been completed until this is done. b) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of Building Permit" on Attachment 14. C. Decision on Modification Request Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, and Attachments submitted with the application and during the comment period, the following is the decision of the City of Edmonds Planning Division: The Modification Request to reduce the minimum required southern rear setback for Lot 2 is APPROVED with the following conditions: If the existing 10 -foot roadway easement (AFN 1244505) along the southern side of Lot 2 is relinquished, the minimum required rear setback for Lot 2 shall be 10 feet as measured from the southern property line of Lot 2. If the existing 10 -foot roadway easement (AFN1244505) along the southern side of Lot 2 remains, the minimum required rear setback shall be an additional 2.5 feet from the northern boundary of the roadway easement for a total setback of 12.5 feet from the southern property line of Lot 2. A. Compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance 1. Introduction a. Settin : The subject property at 7416 — 176' Street Southwest is located in the Single -Family Residential (RS -12) zone (Attachment 2). The surrounding properties to the south, west, and east are also zoned RS -12 and are developed with single family residences. The surrounding properties to the north are zoned RS -20 and are developed with single family residences. The site is bordered by Soundview Drive to the west and 176`h Street Southwest (partially unopened) to the north. b. Topography and Ve eta ation: Refer to the preliminary subdivision map (Attachment 3) for depiction of the topography of the site and locations of existing trees. The subject site slopes downwards generally from east to west. The central portion of the site containing the existing residence is relatively level, but a steep slope is located on the western side of the site where the property slopes downwards from the small lawn on the west side of the house to Soundview Drive below. Also, the majority of the northeastern portion of the site contains a steep slope that slopes downwards from northeast to southwest. This slope extends onto the adjacent properties to the east and north as well as within the unopened portion of the 176"' Street Southwest right- of-way. The site contains typical residential landscaping, including grass, shrubs, and trees surrounding the existing residence. This typical residential landscaping is primarily located on proposed Lot 1, while the majority of proposed Lot 2 is overgrown with blackberries, trees, and other unmaintained vegetation. There are a number of large evergreen trees Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 5 of 14 located adjacent to the southern property line, some of which appear to potentially be located on the adjacent property to the south. There is also a cluster of trees located to the east of the existing driveway within the lower portion of the steep slope. The steepest portion of the slope at the northeastern corner of the site does not contain any trees, but is instead overgrown with lower vegetation, including blackberries. C. Lot Layout: The proposed lot layout is shown on the preliminary subdivision map (Attachment 3). The western approximate half of the site will comprise Lot 1, and the eastern approximate half of the site will comprise Lot 2. The applicant has indicated that the owner plans to retain the existing residence on Lot 1. The site is currently accessed via 176' Street Southwest. The existing driveway is located near the proposed property line between Lots 1 and 2. The proposal is to create a vehicular access easement on a portion of Lots 1 and 2 in order to provide access to both lots via this existing access drive. 2. Environmental Resources a. The subdivision chapter, ECDC 20.75.085, states that a proposed subdivision should be designed to minimize significant adverse impacts where environmental resources exist (such as trees, streams, ravines, or wildlife habitats). There are several existing trees located adjacent to the southern property line of the site, some of which may actually be located on the adjacent property to the south. Additionally, there is a cluster of trees located on the eastern side of the existing driveway towards the lower portion of the steep slope on the northeastern side of the site. The existing trees on the site are considered to be environmental resources. These trees are depicted on sheet 2 of the preliminary subdivision map (Attachment 3). Most of the existing trees along the southern property line can be retained with development of the site since the residence on Lot 1 is existing and since most of these trees are outside of the footprint of development of the future residence on Lot 2. Some of the trees located within the cluster of trees on the eastern side of the existing driveway will likely need to be removed for the future development of Lot 2, particularly for the establishment of a driveway and turnaround on Lot 2. The City promotes the retention of as many trees as practicable and encourages the location of building areas with the goal of retaining as many of the trees as possible. Any trees retained must be protected during development in accordance with the performance standards in ECDC 18.45.050. A condition has been added to this decision limiting tree cutting at the time of the civil improvements only to those trees which will be impacted by the civil improvements and requiring the owner to wait until the time a building permit is approved for Lot 2 prior to cutting any trees on Lot 2 that are not hazardous and/or not impacted by the civil improvements. In addition to the tree protection measures discussed above, ECDC requires all subdividable properties that are zoned RS -12 and RS -20 to retain or create an area of native vegetation equal to 30% of the total area of the site. See Section II.G.2 of this report for further discussion on this topic. b. The site is not located in an identified flood plain nor within the North Edmonds Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area. Although development will occur within a portion of the steep slope on Lot 2, which will require grading of a portion of Lot 2, the proposal limits the amount of total potential grading by utilizing shared driveway access for both lots and by reducing the rear setback on Lot 2 through a modification request, which assists in shifting the proposed residence on Lot 2 to the south and off of the steepest portion of the slope on the northeastern portion of Lot 2. The portion of Lot 2 where the driveway and turnaround will be located is currently relatively level, so the majority of the grading associated with the subdivision improvements and development of Lot 2 will be from the construction of the residence on Lot 2, not from the Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 6 of 14 access or utility improvements. The applicant's June 9, 2011 response to the city's comments on the preliminary submittal indicates that the plans for the future residence on Lot 2 were altered so that they would be grading for a crawl space instead of a full basement in order to reduce the total grading for development of Lot 2 (Attachment 5). Also, the applicant indicated within this letter that grading is anticipated at approximately 450 to 475 cubic yards. See Section II.F.2 for information on SEPA review related to grading. Also, see Section II.G.1 for additional review of the steep slopes on the site, which have been identified as Landslide Hazard Areas and are subject to the critical areas requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. d. The proposed development must be designed to meet current code and minimize stormwater impacts. All new impervious surfaces must be connected to an onsite detention system as required by the engineering requirements (Attachment 14). There are both local views and views of Puget Sound involved with this project. The construction of a single-family residence on proposed Lot 2 may impact views of Puget Sound that currently exist from surrounding properties. Due to the topography of the area, the residence on the adjacent property to the east is much higher than a fixture residence on Lot 2 would be, so the view from the property to the east is not likely to be impacted. As with all single-family construction, the maximum height for a new house is 25 feet from average original grade, which serves to minimize the negative impact to existing views in the vicinity. The Edmonds Community Development Code does not contain specific regulations regarding view protection within single-family zones. 3. Lot and Street Layout a. This criterion requires staff to find that the proposed subdivision is consistent with the dimensional requirements of the zoning ordinance and that the lots would ultimately be buildable. Based on a review of the project and the analysis in this section, staff agrees that a two -lot short plat is a reasonable use of the property. Lot sizes and dimensions: Lot Area: Required Proposed Proposed Lot Area Gross sq. ft Nets . ft Lot 1 12,000 14,549 13,261 Lot 2 12,000 14,754 13,305 Lot Width: The required lot width in the RS -12 zone is 80 feet. Both lots meet this requirement. C. Safe walk provisions: The subject parcel is primarily served by three area schools: Seaview Elementary, Meadowdale Middle School, and Meadowdale High School. According to information that is made available on the Edmonds School District website (http://webquery.edmonds.wednet.edu/edulog/webquery/, accessed on September 26, 2011), bus service is not available to Seaview Elementary School and Meadowdale Middle School since these schools are within walking distance of the subject site, but a nearby bus stop exists at the intersection of 1715` St. SW and 76"' Ave. W for service to Meadowdale High School (Attachment 11). The subject site is approximately 2,000 feet from this intersection, and there are existing sidewalks along 760' Ave. W between 176th St. SW and 171" St. SW. For walking access to Seaview Elementary School, there are existing sidewalks along the applicable portions of 76"' Ave. W, Olympic View Drive, and 188" St. SW, but there are no sidewalks along the majority of 80th Ave. W. For walking access to Meadowdale Middle School, there are no existing sidewalks along Soundview Dr., 72nd Ave. W, nor 176th St. SW, but there are existing sidewalks along Olympic View Drive up to Meadowdale Middle School. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 7 of 14 4. Setbacks and Lot Coverage a. In order to approve a subdivision, the proposal must meet all requirements of the zoning ordinance, or a modification must be approved. Based on the development standards for the RS -12 zone, setbacks for the lots should be as follows: It should be noted that although 176th Street Southwest is partially unopened where adjacent to the subject site, the entire length of this right-of-way is still considered a street for setback purposes since the right-of-way has not been vacated. Lot 1: Street Setbacks (25 feet): From the north and west property lines. Side Setbacks (10 feet): From the south and east property lines.* Lot 2: Street Setback (25 feet): From the north property line. Side Setbacks (10 feet): From the west and east property lines.* Rear Setback (25 feet): From the south property line.** *Note: Where the new vehicular access easement serving Lots 1 and 2 is located, setbacks are measured from the edges of the easement instead of from the property line between Lots 1 and 2. Thus, the eastern side setback for Lot 1 and the western side setback for Lot 2 will be measured from the nearest boundaries of the ingress/egress easement that project onto these lots. **Note: The applicant has submitted a modification request to reduce the 25 -foot rear setback requirement for Lot 2 to 10 feet from the southern property line of Lot 2 (Attachment 6). This modification request has been approved with conditions and is further discussed in Section II.0 of this report and is specifically described in the conditions of approval. b. Existing Structures / Encroachments: The existing residence is proposed to be retained on Lot 1. The proposed subdivision will not be moving the northern, western, or southern property lines any closer to the existing residence than they are currently located. Since a modification request was not submitted for setbacks for the existing residence to be retained on Lot 1, it must be shown that the residence will comply with the minimum required setbacks from the new property line separating Lots I and 2. Additionally, since an ingress/egress easement is being established between Lots 1 and 2, the side setback for the existing residence must be taken from the closest boundary of the access easement where it projects onto Lot 1. The preliminary plans (Attachment 3) indicate that the wing -wall projecting from the northeastern corner of the attached garage is within the minimum required 10 -foot side setback as measured from the edge of the proposed ingress/egress easement. Since this wing -wall supports an upper level deck and is part of the overall structure of the residence, it must comply entirely with setbacks. Thus, the ingress/egress easement must be shifted approximately two to three feet away from the northeastern corner of the existing garage so that the wing -wall, and thus the deck above the garage, is a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the ingress/egress easement. A condition has been added to this decision requiring the ingress/egress easement to be shifted so that the entire existing residence is a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the easement. Additionally, a lot cannot contain an accessory structure without a primary structure. Therefore, another condition has been added to this approval requiring the removal of the metal barn from Lot 2. Any new construction on Lots 1 and 2 must comply with the setbacks in effect at the time of development. Refer to Section II.0 of this report for discussion on the modification request to reduce the minimum required rear setback for Lot 2. C. Corner Lots: Lot 1 is considered a corner lot. d. Flag or Interior Lot Determination: Neither of the lots are considered flag lots. e. Lot Coverage of Existing Buildings on Proposed Lots: 1.) 35% maximum structural lot coverage is allowed in the RS -12 zone. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 8 of 14 2.) According to Snohomish County Assessor's records, the existing house covers 1,558 square feet and the attached garage covers 896 square feet. This would result in a lot coverage for Lot 1 of approximately 2,454 square feet. The site plan from the building permit for the existing residence indicates a slightly larger lot coverage with a building footprint of 1,680 square feet plus 1,210 square feet of decks. This would result in a lot coverage for Lot 1 of 2,891 square feet, which is equivalent to 21.8% of the proposed net area for Lot 1. This is below the maximum allowed lot coverage of 35%. The existing metal barn is to be removed from Lot 2 prior to recording of the short plat; therefore, the coverage on Lot 2 will be zero. Pursuant to ECDC 16.20.030, any future buildings or structures on either of the proposed lots may cover no more than 35% of the net area of each lot. 5. Dedications a. None required, per Engineering Division requirements (Attachment 14). 6. Improvements a. See Engineering Requirements (Attachment 14). 7. Flood Plain Management a. This project is not in a FEMA -designated flood plain. B. Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan 1. Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: The Comprehensive Plan has the following stated goals and policies for Residential Development that apply to this project. B. Goal. High quality residential development which is appropriate to the diverse lifestyle of Edmonds residents should be maintained and promoted. The options available to the City to influence the quality of housing for all citizens should be approached realistically in balancing economic and aesthetic consideration, in accordance with the following policies: B.1. Encourage those building custom homes to design and construct homes with architectural lines which enable them to harmonize with the surroundings, adding to the community identity and desirability. B.3. Minimize encroachment on view of existing homes by new construction or additions to existing structures. 13.4. Support retention and rehabilitation of older housing within Edmonds whenever it is economically feasible. B.5. Protect residential areas from incompatible land uses through the careful control of other types of development and expansion based upon the following principles: 13.5.d. Private property must be protected from adverse environmental impacts of development including noise, drainage, traffic, slides, etc. B.6. Require that new residential development be compatible with the natural constraints of slopes, soils, geology, vegetation and drainage. 2. Compliance with the Residential Development goals and policies: The proposal will retain the existing house that was constructed in 1998 (according to Snohomish County Assessor's records) Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 9 of 14 and would allow for construction of one new residence. The overall proposal should not cause any adverse impacts and appears to be consistent with the residential development goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Analysis of the Requested Setback Modification The applicant has requested a modification to reduce the minimum required rear setback for Lot 2 from 25 feet to 10 feet from the southern property line, as allowed in ECDC 20.75.075, which requires all criteria of a variance to be met if the requested modification is to be approved. The criteria are as follows: a. Special Circumstances: That, because of special circumstances relating to the property, strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would deprive the owner of use rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. Special circumstances should not be predicated upon any factor personal to the owner such as age or disability, extra expense which may be necessary to comply with the zoning ordinance, the ability to secure a scenic view, the ability to make more profitable use of the property, nor any factor resulting from the action of the owner or any past owner of the same property. b. Special Privilege: That the approval of the variance would not be a grant of special privilege to the property in comparison with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. C. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance: That the approval of the variance will be consistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance and the zoning district in which the property is located. d. Not Detrimental: That the variance as approved or conditionally approved will not be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and the same zone. e. Minimum Variance: That the approved variance is the minimum necessary to allow the owner the rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. 2. The applicant has presented declarations as to the merits of their proposal (Attachment 6). These declarations were submitted in response to staff's request for additional information dated April 21, 2011 (Attachment 7) and expand on the declarations that were submitted with the initial application materials (Attachment 10). 3. Conclusions: a. For determining the minimum required setbacks for a property, a street setback (and thus, the rear setback from the opposite property line) is determined based on the presence of public right-of-way and does not specify whether or not this right-of-way is opened and paved as a street for public use or if this right-of-way is unopened. Due to the topography of the unopened portion of 176' Street Southwest adjacent to the subject site, it is not likely that this portion of 176th Street Southwest would ever be developed as a through -street. Thus, although the northern property line of Lot 2 is adjacent to public right-of-way, the appearance of the development is similar to if the northern property line of Lot 2 was adjacent to private property. For example, if Lot 2 was completely surrounded by private property and was accessed via an ingress/egress easement serving only two lots, then Lot 2 would be considered a flag lot and the minimum required setbacks for the lot would be 10 -foot side setbacks from all property lines. The current situation for proposed Lot 2, with unopened right-of-way to the north, is very similar in appearance as if the 176th Street Southwest right- of-way was vacated in this location and if Lot 2 was entirely surrounded by private property. Thus, the layout of the lot in respect to the location of unopened public right-of-way is unique. Although Lot 2 could be developed on in a way that complies with a 25 -foot street Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 10 of 14 setback and a 25 -foot rear setback, this would push a residence on Lot 2 further into the steep slope at the northeastern corner of Lot 2. The requested modification to reduce the rear setback for Lot 2 to 10 feet from the southern property line is equivalent to the minimum required 10 -foot side setback applicable to the RS -12 zone. The existing site, prior to the proposed subdivision, is considered a corner lot, which requires a minimum 10 -foot side setback from the entire southern property line. Thus, prior to the subdivision, the owners of the subject site could construct a structure at a distance of 10 -feet from the southern property line, which is the same distance as the proposed modification. Thus, the requested modification would not allow structures to be located any closer to the southern property line than what would be allowed prior to the subdivision. In fact, the proposal includes the removal of the metal barn, which is located closer to the southern property line than new structures would be allowed even with the approval of the modification request. C. The proposal will be consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan by taking the existing topography of the site into account and by enabling a future residence on Lot 2 to be constructed further down the steep slope than it otherwise might be. Additionally, the proposal will be consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance in that the reduced rear setback would not be allowing increased density of the site, as the modification would only be allowing the future residence to shift further down the steep slope, without allowing increased density or lot coverage. d. The modification will not be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and same zone. As discussed above, the requested modification is not allowing a future residence to be located any closer to the southern property line than a structure could have been located prior to the subdivision since this is considered a 10 -foot side setback for the parent parcel. In order to avoid conflict with the existing 10 -foot roadway easement along the southern side of Lot 2, the modification to the rear setback of Lot 2 has been conditioned so that the setback is 10 feet from the southern property line only if the existing roadway easement is relinquished, but if the roadway easement remains in place, an additional 2.5 feet is required from the northern boundary of the roadway easement. This is because eaves or chimneys may project into a minimum required setback by up to 30 inches, so locating the residence a minimum of 12.5 feet from the southern property line will prevent any eaves or chimneys from projecting into the roadway easement. Additionally, keeping the future residence on Lot 2 further out of the steep slope will help to reduce any potential risk of slope instability and will keep the height of the residence effectively lower since height calculations are based on the average original grade of the smallest rectangle that fits around the building and locating the house further down the slope will keep the average grade lower. Therefore, the proposal does not appear to be significantly detrimental. e. The applicant has shown that the proposed modification is the minimum necessary to develop a reasonably sized home on Lot 2 in such a location that avoids as much impact to the steep slope as possible while still providing space on the property for vehicular access and turn- around. A Compliance with the Zoning Code The proposed subdivision complies with the provisions of the Zoning Code. See sections II.A.3 and II.A.4 of this document. E. Compliance with the Flood Plain Management Provisions 1. The proposed project is not located in a Flood Plain. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 1 I of 14 F. Environmental Assessment Is this site within a shoreline area (within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the Puget Sound)? No. 2. Is an Environmental Checklist required for this application? Not at this time. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6), the approval of short plats is exempt from SEPA review, except upon lands covered by water. G. Critical Areas Review 1. Critical Areas Review Number: CRA20080015. Results of Critical Areas Review: During review and inspection of the subject site, it was found that the site may contain (or be adjacent to) critical areas, including Geologically Hazardous Areas (Landslide Hazard Area and Erosion Hazard Area), pursuant to ECDC 23.40 and 23.80 (Attachment 12). As indicated on the preliminary plans (Attachment 3), a steep slope is located on the western side of the site, sloping downwards to Soundview Drive. Also, a steep slope is located on the northeastern portion of the site, sloping downwards from northeast to southwest and continuing onto the adjacent properties to the north and east. These slopes exceed 40%, and are, therefore, considered possible Landslide Hazard Areas. The applicant submitted a geotechnical report addressing the proposal by The Galli Group dated June 6, 2008 and updated Mary 20, 2011 (Attachment 13). This report addresses the applicable requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80 related to Erosion and Landslide Hazard Areas, including the standards of ECDC 23.80.060 and 23.80.070 that are specific to development within a Landslide Hazard Area. The report provides several recommendations for development of the site and concludes that the proposed subdivision is feasible as long as the recommendations of the report are followed. Additional critical areas study may be required at the time of civil plan review and/or future building permit review to show compliance with the requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. 2. ECDC 23.90 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas: ECDC requires all subdividable properties in the RS -12 and RS -20 zones to retain or create an area of native vegetation equal to 30% of the total area of the lot. The goal of the 30% native vegetation requirement can be met through maintaining existing native vegetation, establishing native vegetation, or a combination of both. This is meant to provide additional protection for fish and wildlife habitat throughout Edmonds; however, the intent is not to set aside areas that cannot be used and enjoyed by the owner. The applicant has indicated where the 30% native vegetation area could be provided for on the preliminary development plan (Attachment 4), but did not provide a full vegetation management plan. As a condition of this decision, the applicant must submit a vegetation management plan showing how the requirements of ECDC will be met. The vegetation management plan could include a combination of retaining existing native trees and vegetation and/or new landscaping consisting of native plants. Any native species will be acceptable provided that a lawn may not count towards the 30% area. The plan must show where the 30% native vegetation area will be located on the site (it does not need to be provided in one contiguous location), specify the native species that will be retained and/or planted within the area, specify any nonnative vegetation that will be removed, and establish ongoing maintenance activities for the vegetation management area. Note that the plan need not preclude use of the property, such as part of a garden or other landscaped area, but that all vegetation within the 30% area must be of native varieties. The vegetation management plan must be approved by the Planning Division prior to final approval of the subdivision; however, this plan can be modified over time with subsequent approvals by the Planning Division. H. Comments 1. Departmental Comment: This project was reviewed by the Engineering Division, Parks and Recreation Department, Public Works Department, and Snohomish County Fire District 1. The Engineering Division provided comments in the form of a memorandum and Engineering Requirements (Attachment 14). The Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 12 of 14 Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works Department both stated the proposed preliminary short plat does not affect their departments at this time (Attachments 15 and 16). Snohomish County Fire District 1 provided comments regarding items that will be required as the site is developed in the form of a memorandum (Attachment 17). 2. Public Comment: ECDC 20.03 provides the City's regulations for public notice of development applications. A "Notice of Development Application and Comment Period" dated July 14, 2011 with a comment period running through July 28, 2011 (Attachment 18) was posted at the subject site, Public Safety Complex, Development Services Department, and Library on July 14, 2011. The notice was published in the Herald Newspaper on July 14, 2011. This notice was also mailed to residents within 300 feet of the site on July 14, 2011 using a mailing list provided by the applicant (Attachment 19). Declarations of posting and mailing are provided as Attachments 20 and 21, and an affidavit of publication is included as Attachment 22. Two public comment letters were received during review of the proposal and are included as Attachments 23 and 24. In a group letter signed by the owners of three nearby properties, Donald and Fern Thompson, Marshall Hoffman, and Thomas and Lauralee Harville, concerns were raised regarding existing easements and regarding the proposed modification request for a reduced rear setback for Lot 2 (Attachment 23). Regarding the existing easements on the subject site, the letter stated that the easement recorded on July 12, 1957 extends the entire length of the proposed lots, the existing 10 - foot sewer easement appears to be shown in error, and the proposed residence appears to be encroaching into the existing roadway easement (AFN 1244505). In addition to concerns over the existing easements, this letter also states that Lot 2 has no survey markers on the ground. Additionally, the letter speaks against the proposed modification request to the rear setback for Lot 2, stating that the reduced setback is only a cost savings to the developer, that it would be significantly detrimental, and that the adjacent properties would be adversely affected by this reduced setback. Staff Response: It appears that the existing 10 -foot roadway easement (recorded July 12, 1957 under AFN 1244505) was shown incorrectly on the survey, as the title report states that this easement encompasses the southerly 10 feet of the original parcel (Tract 16 of the Meadowdale Sound View Tracts). Additionally, it appears that the existing 10 -foot sewer easement (recorded November 10, 1971 under AFN 2222065) was also shown incorrectly on the survey, as the centerline of this easement is described as beginning at a point on the southern property line located 120 feet east of the southwestern corner of the subject site and extending northwesterly in a straight line to the City of Edmonds manhole located within 176`h Street Southwest. As such, a condition has been added to this decision requiring the applicant to correctly indicate the locations of both of these easements prior to civil approval as well as on the final recording documents. The applicant will need to either correct these easements to be consistent with staff's understanding of the locations of these easements as described in the title report or provide sufficient evidence that these easements were in fact shown correctly on the preliminary documents. The applicant has submitted a modification request to reduce the minimum required rear setback for Lot 2 to 10 feet from the southern property line. This request is further discussed in Section II.0 of this report. As conditioned, an additional 2.5 -foot distance must be provided from the northern boundary of the roadway easement for a total distance of 12.5 feet from the southern property line (unless this easement is relinquished in the future, then the setback would be 10 feet from the southern property line) in order to avoid encroachment of eaves and chimneys into the roadway easement. Pursuant to ECDC 20.75.135, the surveyor is not required to set monuments indicating the lot corners until the time of preparation of the final plat. The letter from Lynn Oltman (Attachment 24) addressed concerns regarding the vagueness of material available online, stated that no details were submitted indicating existing easements or property lines, and questioned the intentions of the modification request. Additionally, Ms. Oltman addressed concerns regarding the prior illegal building and excavation of the slope and Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 13 of 14 concerns over slope stability. Ms. Oltman also stated that the plan would cause further encroachment on the right-of-way and the 10 -foot roadway easement. Staff Response: As stated within the public notice issued for the subject proposal, all of the application materials were available at the Development Services Department for the public to view during the public comment period. All records within the file for the subject application (PLN20110008) are public information and are available to be viewed upon request, the majority of which are included as attachments to this report. These materials include a survey indicating all existing and proposed property lines as well as the applicant's statement regarding the requested modification to the rear setback for Lot 2. The location of existing easements is addressed above in staff's response to the other public comment letter that was received for this application. Staff is not aware of previous illegal building or excavation at the site, but any proposed activities at the site will be reviewed for compliance with current code requirements. The existing metal barn will be removed with the proposed subdivision. Any development within the minimum required critical areas buffer and building setback or within the steep slope itself is required to comply with the critical areas code requirements of ECDC 23.40 through 23.80 (as discussed further in Section II.G.1 of this report). One of the purposes of the proposed modification request to reduce the rear setback for Lot 2 is to keep the future residence on Lot 2 from being located entirely within the steep slope, and instead to locate only a portion of the residence within the steep slope. The project plans do not indicate any encroachments into the 176`b Street Southwest nor the Soundview Drive rights-of-way. Additionally, the existing 10 -foot roadway easement located along the southern side of the subject site would be complied with, as the setback modification was conditioned to require an additional 2.5 -foot distance from the northern boundary of the roadway easement for a total distance of 12.5 feet from the southern property line (unless this easement is relinquished in the future, then the setback would be 10 feet from the southern property line) in order to avoid encroachment of eaves and chimneys into the roadway easement. Pursuant to ECDC 20.07.004, a party of record may submit a written appeal of a Type II decision within 14 days after the date of issuance of the decision. The appeal would be heard at an open record public hearing before the Hearing Examiner according to the requirements of ECDC Chapter 20.06 and Section 20.07.004. Section 20.75. 100 states, "Approval of a preliminary plat or preliminary short plat shall expire and have no further validity at the end of five years, unless the applicant has acquired final plat or final short plat approval within the five-year period." The property owner may, as a result of the decision rendered by the staff, request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessor's Office. VI. ATTACHMENTS 1. Land Use Application 2. Zoning and Vicinity Map 3. Preliminary Subdivision Map (2 sheets) 4. Preliminary Development Plan (for reference only) 5. Applicant's June 9, 2011 Response Letter 6. Modification Request Resubmittal, dated June 9, 2011 7. Staff's Request for Additional Information, dated April 21, 2011 8. Staff's Follow-up Request for Additional Information, dated June 10, 2011 9. Notice of Complete Application 10. Initial Modification Request Letter, dated March 24, 2011 11. Edmonds School District Transportation Web Query 12. Critical Areas Reconnaissance Report (CRA20080015) Barbara Weiss -Holmberg File No. PLN20110008 Page 14 of 14 13. Geotechnical Report by The Galli Group, dated June 6, 2008 and updated May 20, 2011 14. Engineering Memorandum and Requirements 15. Parks & Recreation Department Comment Form 16. Public Works Department Comment Form 17. Snohomish County Fire District 1 Comment Form 18. Notice of Application and Comment Period with Vicinity Map 19. Adjacent Property Owners List 20. Declaration of Posting 21. Declaration of Mailing 22. Affidavit of Publication 23. Comment Letter from Thompson, Hoffman, and Harville 24. Comment Letter from Lynn Oltman Planning Division Engineering Division Barbara Weiss -Holmberg Rod Wickham 7416 — 176`' St. SW 2812 Colby Ave. Edmonds, WA 98026 Everett, WA 98201 Donald and Fern Thompson Marshall Hoffman 7413 Soundview Dr. 7411 Soundview Dr. Edmonds, WA 98026 Edmonds, WA 98026 Thomas and Lauralee Harville Lynn Oltman 7321 Soundview Dr. 7314 —176` St. SW Edmonds, WA 98026 Edmonds, WA 98026 City of Edmonds� Land Use Application ❑ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW ®' ❑ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ❑ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FILE # PLNI DLO II OQbB ZONE ❑ HOME OCCUPATION DATE 3 RECD BY '-fe, M. ❑ FORMAI, SUBDIVISION V SHORT SUBDIVISION FEE 196.00 RECEIPT# OgGC41'a3 ❑ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATE Al/A ❑ PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ❑ OFFICIAL STREET MAP AMENDMENT ❑ HE (STAFF ❑ PB ❑ ADB ❑ CC ❑ STREET VACATION ❑ REZONE ❑ SHORELINE PERMIT ❑ VARIANCE / REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION ❑ OTHER: PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LOCATION ICD PROJECT NAME (IF APPLICABLE) PROPERTY OWNER w `hlf I 1APL�,r��CttJPHONE # •`/ I, ADDRESS '144 -967+ �W �VW. %n� WA 413 lff,� E-MAIL FAX # TAX ACCOUNT # t �a/'rr�i® OKn SEC. TWP. RNG. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR PROPOSED USE (ATTACH COVER LETTER AS NECESSARY) - ti� 1 e, Imo_? DESCRIBE HOW THE PROJECT MEETS APPLICABLE CODES (ATTACH COVER LETTER AS NECESSARY) APPLICANT PHONE # ADDRESS E-MAIL FAX # CONTACT PERSON/AGENT ' t7 �� Ik- PHONE #� ADDRESS c �' r 1� � �F' s� Ij �'lii k; pn A q9:)J E-MAIL-P6'-Sl(j0 e, kl7tII),, ,1d" FAX# The undersigned applicant, and his/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to file this application on the behalf of the owner as listed below. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT DATE BOO. ( -ZQ1 1 Property Owner's Authorization I, 430yf a,ti ,- OaSy �oi�11P�( a, IL certify under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the following is a tru)and correct statement: I have authorized the above Applicant/Agent to apply for the subject land use application, and grant my permission for the public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purposes of inspection nd posting attendant to this application. i SIGNATURE OF OWNER V " - DATE 3 � « I -2,01 T _ Questions? Call (425) 771-0220. Revised on 9114/10 B - Land Use Application Page I of] ATTACHMENT 1 i' ro I File No. PLN20110008 75 150 300 X11 I Y I I i I � I I I Z 1 �SF 'www _°� '- M 3AV H19L o �I W Fso Sw f p aZ� R un a a lIJ � �0 4 4U P w mz m o yah z wz>z 0 F P � � � �z N ao�W 0 � E W Few ON' a ® Q EB i9 I m6 Ing.. D O p> W w Pin ip Pin m �o gl 95115Vf11 OR _ CSt 1�V2i1 W wH�waM o N Y oo �y Lu o �I Mr. �a a H W Fso Sw g2F p aZ� R un a CL lIJ � �0 4 4U P w mz " �I" w yah z wz>z p z N ao�W 0 - " W Few ON' a Mr. �a a H DO MI �w L g2F CL lIJ � w mz m�aN 0 F wz>z p z N ao�W 0 - " W a ® Q EB i9 I D O M w�Qa M �wwo °z z m �o gl &�z x ° J LLJ ��LZK V N Y oo DO MI C B4 �w L g2F lIJ � w mz m�aN 0 wz>z z N ao�W 0 7N�_ ti S.wr. " W a ES o M w�Qa M �wwo °z gl &�z o V a L7 W ��LZK V C B4 7N�_ ti S.wr. " a cr &�z W U o SRg N Y oo Lu sw 6 x A m E ER U >- waw do> C B4 I I I � 7 I �31 I s z z J _ � .c Y I .c V�a. uj aQ gn, ' �p sp F o w aaa 4�� � g 6 )d iK pQBP O ®o®. s° 14 e _moo 65y 900 � oy �Jo y db'0 S IL Fu a s a� °ry -71°5 or w d O �Ssw m 3 Q 2 nr �. o dS.`9F 2p `� w t// � a V�p L2 Residential Art of D esign June 9, 2011 RE: 7416 176" ST SW Edmonds, WA 98026 Response to City of Edmonds comments on preliminary submittal, April 21, 2011 Item 1 A more current title report was submitted on June 7, 2011 Item 2 Items a thru g are indicated on the Site Survey plans sheets 1 and 2 Item 3 and 4 The ingress easement along the southern property line has been eliminated. Item 5 We have moved the home to the west 5' and eliminated a basement area converting it to crawl space to reduce construction costs and minimize the excavation on the steep slope. The area of steep slope above the toe to the property line is approximately 7500sf. The basement and crawl space proposed in this area is approximately 850 sf in area. Therefore only 11 % of the steep slope is impacted by locating the home as proposed. The revised soils report addresses this change and supports construction as proposed in this area. The current vegetation in the area to be excavated is 90-100 % blackberry and once construction is completed will be replaced with natural vegetation per ECDC23.90.040.0 The requirement is for 30% retention and or establishment of native vegetation. Once complete the project will approach 45% retention of natural vegetation over the two lots as indicated on site plan 3 Locating the home further west will not decrease the impact of the home on the steep slope area as it would still remain above the toe. This can be clearly seen by looking at Site Plan 1 of 2 Note the relationship between the toe of slope and the building footprint. Additionally the area west of the building footprint, adjacent to the existing driveway, is required to allow vehicular access and turnaround space as indicated on Site plan 3 Item 6 Preliminary calculations indicate excavation and grading will be approximately 450 to 475 cubic yards. This would negate a SEPA review. Item 7 Approximately 45% of the property will be preserved or established with native vegetation per ECDC23.90.040.c. Site plan page 3 delineates the boundary of this vegetation line. Once the plat is approved and the project is submitted for a building permit a vegetation management plan will be provided as part of the application. The survey plan indicates 36 significant trees on the property. These are primarily Douglas 2812 Colby Avenue Everett, Washington 98201 (42 ATTACHMENT fir, Hemlock and various deciduous trees located per Site Plan Sheet 2. Six of the trees located within the proposed BSBL will be removed and 84% will be maintained on both lots as part of the native vegetation management plan. Item 8 Reply to Jeannie McConnell comments to follow. Item 9 Please refer to attached revised soils report. Response to memorandum from Jeannie McConnell Item I The existing residence to remain per site plans Item 2 10 easement removed per site plans Item 3 Sewer service is indicated as a connection to an existing y in lot 1 adjacent to lot 2. Storm drainage will be per the Site plan 3 preliminary plan and Standard detention system worksheet detail (5000sf or less) provided by Trepanier Engineering. The water service connection will be made in the 176t" St ROW adjacent to the lot 2 driveway easement. The water line will run parallel with the storm drain line to the proposed home. Item 4 The existing sewer lateral is located on the survey plan. Item 5 Sheet 3 indicates the proposed storm water detention system as designed by Trepanier Engineering. This plan is preliminary and the storm water will drain to an existing culvert and drainage ditch. Flow is easily achieved as all connections are well down slope from the building foundation. Note the invert elevations on drainage plan Site Plan 3 Item 6 The access easement area has been increased and the gross and net areas of each lot are indicated on site plan 2. The turn around area is existing and is located on Preliminary site plan 3 Item 7 See cross section XX on Site Plan 3 Rod Wickham Owner's representat e 2812 Colby Avenue Everett, Washington 98201 (425) 252-2789 Residential Art of Design June 9, 2011 RE: 7416 176' ST SW Edmonds, WA 98026 Modification Request resubmittal 'JUN 16 2011 DEVELOPMENT P_ We are asking to reduce the rear setback on this proposed short plat from the required 25' to 10' a reduction of 15'. There is a pinch point in the southerly property line where the North West running line changes direction in a southerly direction. The proposed setback will be 10' at this point only. The setback distance increases to 25' running towards the Southwest where it meets the west side BSBL. To the east it increases to 18' where it meets the eastern side BSBL. Currently there is an existing storage shed located 5' from the southerly property line adjacent to the pinch point. This building will be removed so that the new home can be constructed. If the modification request is granted the average width of the rear setback will increase to 15' an improvement of 10' over the existing condition with the existing shed being 5' from the property line. It will also double the distance at the pinch point from 5' to 10' The proposed lot meets or exceeds all other minimum requirements of the RS -12 zone. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance and the zone district in which the property is located. The variance as approved or conditionally approved will not be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and the same zoning. The design as proposed takes into consideration the impact of building into the steep slope area and the soils report addresses the issue. The recommendations of the soils engineer have been followed and coordinated with the building design. To reflect the planning department's earlier concerns regarding encroachment into the slope we have moved the home to the west 5' and eliminated a basement area converting it to crawl space. This will reduce construction costs and minimize the excavation on the steep slope. Approximately 7500sf of the lot is located above the toe of the slope. The basement and crawl space proposed in this area is approximately 850 sf in area. Therefore only 11 % of the steep slope is impacted by locating the home as proposed. The revised soils report addresses this change and supports construction as proposed in this area. The current vegetation in the area to be excavated is 90-100 % blackberry and once construction is completed will be replaced with natural vegetation per 2812 Colby Avenue Everett, Washington 98201 (4' ATTACHMENT 6 Residential Art of Design ECDC23.90.040.0 the requirement is for 30% retention and or establishment of native vegetation. Once complete the project will approach 45% retention of natural vegetation over the two lots as indicated on site plan 3 Locating the home further west will not decrease the impact of the home on the steep slope area as it would still remain above the toe. This can be clearly seen by looking at Site Plan 1 of 2 Note the relationship between the toe of slope and the building footprint. Additionally the area west of the building footprint, adjacent to the existing driveway, is required to allow vehicular access and turnaround space as indicated on Site plan 3 If approved the variance is the minimum necessary to allow the owner the rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and the same zone. Rod Wickham Owner's representative 2812 Colby Avenue Everett, Washington 98201 (42 5) 252-2789 C. 1890 April 21, 2011 121 5th AVENUE NORTH o EDMONDS, WA 98020 0 (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: wwwdedmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mr. Rod Wickham 2812 Colby Ave. Everett, WA' 98201 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR YOUR SHORT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION, FILE NO. PLN20110008 Dear Mr. Wickham: MIKE COOPER MAYOR Staff has begun review of your land use application for a two -lot subdivision located at 7416 1761h St. SW; however, it was found that your application is incomplete. Please submit the following items at your earliest convenience so that staff can continue processing your application: 1. The title report provided with your application was prepared on January 14, 2011; however, the report is required to have been prepared within 30 days of application submittal. Please submit an updated title report in order to satisfy this requirement. When obtaining the updated title report, please obtain a complete title report with all referenced easement and restrictive documents referenced in the report attached. 2. Please make the following corrections to the preliminary short plat survey: a. Refer to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.75.060 for all required information to be shown on the preliminary survey. Some of the items on this list are not indicated on the survey, such as the date prepared/revised, zoning, setback lines, etc. b. Provide gross and net areas of both proposed lots on the preliminary plans. Net area excludes area of any vehicular access easements and must exceed a minimum area of 12,000 square feet, as required by the RS -12 zone. c. Indicate all proposed easements, including vehicular access easements. It was noted that an easement will be necessary for both lots to share access along the existing driveway and along any portions of the driveway that is to be expanded for shared access. d. Indicate the setbacks required by the RS -12 zone as well as the setback proposed through the modification request. When indicating the setbacks on the plans, note that setbacks are measured from the edge of vehicular access easements where they exist. e. Confirm whether all existing tree covered areas are indicated on the survey. f. Indicate the tops and toes of the slopes for all Landslide Hazard Areas (slopes in excess of 40 percent) present on and adjacent to the property. g. The preliminary short plat survey must be signed by the surveyor. Please submit two large -format copies (preferably with a scale of 1"=20') and one reduced -format copy (sized 11" by 17") of the signed and updated survey. Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - Hekinan, Japan ATTACHMENT 7 Your plans indicate a proposed ingress/egress easement along the northern boundary of the adjacent property to the south; however, it is not clear what this easement is intended for, as your preliminary development plan indicates that the two lots will share access. It appears that this might have been a previous plan for access to Lot 2 which isn't being proposed anymore. If this easement was shown in error and is not proposed, please remove it from the plans. If this easement is in fact proposed, provide additional information on its intended use and also indicate the distances from all structures on the property to the south to this easement, as all structures must comply with minimum setback requirements to the edge of the easement. 4. Please describe why Lot 2 is proposed to have an approximate 10 -foot wide strip along the southern side of Lot 1 down to Soundview Drive. Was this part of a previous proposal for access to Lot 2 together with the access easement indicated on the adjacent property to the south? If there is no logical reason for this strip to be a part of Lot 2, it makes more sense for the proposed property line between Lots 1 -and 2 to be adjusted so that this strip is a part of Lot 1 in order to avoid any potential future ownership and maintenance issues. Your modification request states that you are requesting to reduce the rear setback to 10 feet. I believe you are only making this request for Lot 2; however, please specify which lot(s) the modification is being requested for. Additionally, the request states "east of this pinch point, the setback distance increases to 18' and to the west it increases to 15'." Does this mean that you are requesting different setback modifications from the two segments of the southern parcel line of Lot 2? The request states that if the modification is not approved, the future home would need to be built in an area that has a 40 percent slope; however, the preliminary development plan indicates that even with the requested modification; the proposed home is well within the steep slope. When you were discussing the proposal with Mike Clugston, Associate Planner, at the end of last year, you submitted a drawing for a future residence on Lot 2 that takes the angle in the southern property line into account and that would bring the house as close to the southern property line as possible while keeping the home much further out of the steep slope than the current proposal indicates. Please provide further explanation of the requested modification, including why the requested modification is the minimum necessary, how the requested modification is keeping the home further out of the steep slope than it otherwise would be, why the home isn't proposed closer to the southwestern corner of Lot 2 where there are less slopes, etc. Additionally, please have your surveyor indicate all required and requested setback lines on the survey document. 6. If the subdivision improvements and future development of the site will require more than 500 cubic yards of grading, SEPA review is required. Please provide a written statement whether grading for the subdivision improvements and construction of the future residence on Lot 2 is anticipated to exceed 500 cubic yards. The preliminary development plan submitted with your application indicates that a substantial portion of the proposed residence is located within the steep slope, which would require a large quantity of grading. If grading associated with this project is anticipated to exceed 500 cubic yards, an environmental checklist and associated review fee must be submitted. Pleasecontact me for additional information if the SEPA review requirement will be triggered with this proposal. ECDC requires retention and/or establishment of 30 percent of native vegetation on subdividable properties located within the RS -12 and RS -20 zones, which includes the requirement for submittal of a vegetation management plan. Please submit a plan to satisfy this requirement, including an indication of which portions of the site will be retained/established as native vegetation to account for the 30 percent by area requirement and plans for how this area will be established and maintained in accordance with the requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C. Page 2 of 3 8. Refer to the enclosed memorandum from Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager, dated April 5, 2011 for additional information requested by the Engineering Division for review of your application. 9: The geotechnical report prepared by The Galli Group dated June 8, 2008 states that the future residence on Lot 2 will be located 10 feet from the toe of the slope. However, the plans submitted with the application show a proposed future residence located well within the slope on Lot 2. This report is almost three years old, and looking back at the items that were submitted for the pre -application meeting for this property, it appears that the geotechnical engineer reviewed and provided recommendations on a previous preliminary development plan, which is quite different than the current proposal. As such, a new geotechnical report will need to be submitted, addressing the current proposal (including any changes that are made in response to the comments above) and how the proposal complies with all applicable requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. In particular, if the future residence on Lot 2 requires some construction within the Landslide Hazard Area, then the report must address all of the requirements of ECDC 23.80.070.A.2 and 3, which include design standards for building within a Landslide Hazard Area. Although the geotechnical engineer will need to review the actual building permit plans and provide another report at the time of a future building permit application for more specific requirements, a report that adequately addresses the preliminary development plan'is necessary at this time in order for staff to determine if the proposed lots would in fact be buildable. Please submit the above information as soon as possible, so that staff may continue processing your application. Please keep in mind that a complete response to this information request must be received within 90 days or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC 20.02.003.D). Thus, your application will expire if the requested information is not received by July 20 2011. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division s Jen Machuga Planner Enclosure: Memorandum from Jeanie McConnell dated April 5, 2011 Cc: File No. PLN20110008 Ms. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg 7416-176 th St. SW Edmonds, WA 98116 Page 3 of 3 Date: April 5, 2011 To: Jen Machuga, Planner From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Subject: PLN20110008, 2 lot Short Plat 7416176th St SW ` The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary plans & documents for the subject short plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the short plat. Please ask the applicant to revise and resubmit plans addressing each of the comments below. Please, also note, after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division, the applicant will be required to submit a complete set of civil engineering plans to the City Engineering Division for review and approval. The current civil plan review fee is $1,000. 1. Please indicate on the plans whether the existing residence will be maintained.or if it will be demolished. 2. The preliminary short plat plan indicates a "proposed 10 -foot ingress & egress easement" on the property to the south. This easement falls outside the proposed development and should be removed from the plans, unless the proposal is for Lot 2 to take access from Soundview Dr. Revise plans accordingly. 3. Show the location of existing and proposed underground utility line's, sanitary sewer systems, water mains and water service lines adjacent to or within the proposed subdivision. 4. Documents found within City records held for 7416 176" St SW indicate there is an existing sewer lateral that crosses the property just east of the existing home and in a north/south direction. Please find attached copies of these documents and revise plans as needed to show the sanitary sewer lines as they exist on the property today. 5. Provide a preliminary drainage plan showing the proposed on-site stormwater management system. If connection is to be made to the City system, show the point of connection and provide invert elevations to the extent necessary to confirm discharge to the City storm system is possible. City of Edmonds 6, Preliminary development plans should show all required easements. The access easement should encompass the width of the driveway and allow for on-site turnaround for both lots. 7. Provide a cross section of 176`h (driveway area) as well as Sound View Dr. Show existing pavement width, drainage ditches, etc. Thank you. Inc. IS')11 June 10, 2011 CITY OF EDMONDS MIKE COOPER MAYOR 121 5th AVENUE NORTH e EDMONDS, WA 98020 < (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 Website; www dedmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mr. Rod Wickham 2812 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 SUBJECT: FOLLOW-UP REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR YOUR SHORT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION, FILE NO. PLN20110008 Dear Mr. Wickham: An updated title report was received on June 7, 2011 for your proposed subdivision located at 7416 176t' St. SW. This addresses the first item requested in staff's letter of incomplete application sent on April 21, 2011; however, the remaining items within that letter must still be addressed in order for your application to become complete and so that staff can continue processing your application. These remaining items from the April 21, 2011 letter are restated below for your reference: 1. Please make the following corrections to the preliminary short plat survey: a. Refer to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.75.060 for all required information to be shown on the preliminary survey. Some of the items on this list are not indicated on the survey, such as the date prepared/revised, zoning, setback lines, etc. b. Provide gross and net areas of both proposed lots on the preliminary plans. Net area excludes area of any vehicular access easements and must exceed a minimum area of 12,000 square feet, as required by the RS -12 zone. c. Indicate all proposed easements, including vehicular access easements. It was noted that an easement will be necessary for both lots to share access along the existing driveway and along any portions of the driveway that is to be expanded for shared access. d. Indicate the setbacks required by the RS -12 zone as well as the setback proposed through the modification request. When indicating the setbacks on the plans, note that setbacks are measured from the edge of vehicular access easements where they exist. e. Confirm whether all existing tree covered areas are indicated on the survey. f. Indicate the tops and toes of the slopes for all Landslide Hazard Areas (slopes in excess of 40 percent) present on and adjacent to the property. g. The preliminary short plat survey must be signed by the surveyor. Please submit two large -format copies (preferably with a scale of 1"=20') and one reduced -format copy (sized 11" by 17") of the signed and updated survey. 2. Your plans indicate a proposed ingress/egress easement along the northern boundary of the adjacent property to the south; however, it is not clear what this easement is intended for, as your preliminary development plan indicates that the two lots will share access. It appears that this might have been a previous plan for access to Lot 2 which isn't being proposed anymore. If this Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - Hekinan, Japan ATTACHMENT easement was shown in error and is not proposed, please remove it from the plans. If this easement is in fact proposed, provide additional information on its intended use and also indicate the distances from all structures on the property to the south to this easement, as all structures must comply with minimum setback requirements to the edge of the easement. 3. Please describe why Lot 2 is proposed to have an approximate 10 -foot wide strip along the southern side of Lot 1 down to Soundview Drive. Was this part of a previous proposal for access to Lot 2 together with the access easement indicated on the adjacent property to the south? If there is no logical reason for this strip to be a part of Lot 2, it makes more sense for the proposed property line between Lots 1 and 2 to be adjusted so that this strip is a part of Lot 1 in order to avoid any potential future ownership and maintenance issues. 4. Your modification request states that you are requesting to reduce the rear setback to 10 feet. I believe you are only making this request for Lot 2; however, please specify which lot(s) the modification is being requested for. Additionally, the request states "east of this pinch point, the setback distance increases to 18' and to the west it increases to 15'." Does this mean that you are requesting different setback modifications from the two segments of the southern parcel line of Lot 2? The request states that if the modification is not approved, the future home would need to be built in an area that has a 40 percent slope; however, the preliminary development plan indicates that even with the requested modification, the proposed home is well within the steep slope. When you were discussing the proposal with Mike Clugston, Associate Planner, at the end of last year, you submitted a drawing for a future residence on Lot 2 that takes the angle in the southern property line into account and that would bring the house as close to the southern property line as possible while keeping the home much further out of the steep slope than the current proposal indicates. Please provide further explanation of the requested modification, including why the requested modification is the minimum necessary, how the requested modification is keeping the home further out of the steep slope than it otherwise would be, why the home isn't proposed closer to the southwestern corner of Lot 2 where there are less slopes, etc. Additionally, please have your surveyor indicate all required and requested setback lines on the survey document. 5. If the subdivision improvements and future development of the site will require more than 500 cubic yards of grading, SEPA review is required. Please provide a written statement whether grading for the subdivision improvements and construction of the future residence on Lot 2 is anticipated to exceed 500 cubic yards. The preliminary development plan submitted with your application indicates that a substantial portion of the proposed residence is located within the steep slope, which would require a large quantity of grading. If grading associated with this project is anticipated to exceed 500 cubic yards, an environmental checklist and associated review fee must be submitted. Please contact me for additional information if the SEPA review requirement will be triggered with this proposal. ECDC requires retention and/or establishment of 30 percent of native vegetation on subdividable properties located within the RS -12 and RS -20 zones, which includes the requirement for submittal of a vegetation management plan. Please submit a plan to satisfy this requirement, including an indication of which portions of the site will be retained/established as native vegetation to account for the 30 percent by area requirement and plans for how this area will be established and maintained in accordance with the requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C. 7. Refer to the enclosed memorandum from Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager, dated April 5, 2011 for additional information requested by the Engineering Division for review of your application. Page 2 of 3 The geotechnical report prepared by The Galli Group dated June 8, 2008 states that the future residence on Lot 2 will be located 10 feet from the toe of the slope. However, the plans submitted with the application show a proposed future residence located well within the slope on Lot 2. This report is almost three years old, and looking back at the items that were submitted for the pre -application meeting for this property, it appears that the geotechnical engineer reviewed and provided recommendations on a previous preliminary development plan, which is quite different than the current proposal. As such, a new geotechnical report will need to be submitted, addressing the current proposal (including any changes that are made in response to the comments above) and how the proposal complies with all applicable requirements of ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. In particular, if the future residence on Lot 2 requires some construction within the Landslide Hazard Area, then the report must address all of the requirements of ECDC 23.80.070.A.2 and 3, which include design standards for building within a Landslide Hazard Area. Although the geotechnical engineer will need to review the actual building permit plans and provide another report at the time of a future building permit application for more specific requirements, a report that adequately addresses the preliminary development plan is necessary at this time in order for staff to determine if the proposed lots would in fact be buildable. Please submit the above information as soon as possible, so that staff may continue processing your application. Please keep in mind that a complete response to all information requested in staff s,April 21, 2011 letter (restated above) must be received within 90 days from the date this information was initially requested or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC 20.02.003.D). Thus, your application will expire if the requested information is not received by July 20, 2011. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner Enclosure: Memorandum from Jeanie McConnell dated April 5, 2011 Cc: File No. PLN20110008 Ms. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg 7416 —176t' St. SW Edmonds, WA 98116 Page 3 of 3 Date: April 5, 2011 To: Jen Machuga, Planner From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Sub1ect: PLN20110008, 2 lot Short Plat 7416176th St SW The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary plans & documents for the subject short plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the short plat. Please ask the applicant to revise and resubmit plans addressing each of the comments below. Please. also note, after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division, the applicant will be required to submit a complete set of civil engineering plans to the City Engineering Division for review and approval. The current civil plan review fee is $1,000. 1. Please indicate on the plans whether the existing residence will be maintained.or if it will be demolished. 2. The preliminary short plat plan indicates a "proposed 10 -foot ingress & egress easement" on the property to the south. This easement falls outside the proposed development and should be removed from the plans, unless the proposal is for Lot 2 to take access from Soundview Dr. Revise plans accordingly. 3. Show the location of existing and proposed underground utility line's, sanitary sewer systems, water mains and water service lines adjacent to or within the proposed subdivision. 4. Documents found within City records held for 7416 176" St SW indicate there is an existing sewer lateral that crosses the property just east of the existing home and in a north/south direction. Please find attached copies of these documents and revise plans as needed to show the sanitary sewer lines as they exist on the property today. 5. Provide a preliminary drainage plan showing the proposed on-site stormwater management system. If connection is to be made to the City system, show the point of connection and provide invert elevations to the extent necessary to confirm discharge to the City storm system is possible. City of Edmonds 6. Preliminary development plans should show all required easements. The access easement should encompass the width of the driveway and allow for on-site turnaround for both lots. 7. Provide a cross section of 176th (driveway area) as well as Sound View Dr. Show existing pavement width, drainage ditches, etc. Thank you. Inc. 1890 July 14, 2011 CITY OF EDMONDS MIKE COOPER MAYOR 121 5th AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www d.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mr. Rod Wickham 2812 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 SUBJECT:• OF • FOR •'SHORT ;D •, APPLICATION, LOCATED AT 7416 —176 TH ST. SW FILE ,• PLN20110008 Dear Mr. Wickham: Thank you for submitting additional materials on June 16, 2011 in response to my June 10, 2011 letter regarding your short plat application located at 7416 176th St. SW. The application became complete pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 on June 30, 2011. Although it has been determined that the application meets the procedural submission requirements and is therefore complete, additional information may be needed as staff continues with review of the application. The public notice of the proposal was issued today, which included the posting of a notice sign near the northwest corner of the site. Staff will contact you as our review continues if additional information is necessary. If you have any questions, you may, reach me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner Cc: File No. PLN20110008 Ms. Barbara Weiss -Holmberg 7416 —176th St. SW Edmonds, WA 98116 • Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - Hekinan, Japan ATTACHMENT 9 Residential Art of Design March 24, 2011 RE: 7416 176' ST SW Edmonds, WA 98026 Modification Request We are asking to reduce the rear setback on this proposed short plat from the required 25' to 10' a reduction of 15'. This occurs in one location only, where the angle of the property line changes acutely along the south side. East of this pinch point, the setback distance increases to 18' and to the west it increases to 15' We propose this modification because the lot does have steep slopes and the area where we have situated the proposed home takes advantage of the lower sloped portions of the property. If we are forced to maintain the 25' requirement the home would need to be built in an area that has 40% slope and we would also need to take out some significant trees in that area. As proposed no significant trees need be removed. The proposed lot meets or exceeds all other minimum requirements of the RS -12 zone. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance and the zone district in which the property is located. The variance as approved or conditionally approved will not be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and the same zoning. If approved the variance is the minimum necessary to allow the owner the rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and the same zone. Sincerely Rod Wickham Owner's representative 2812 Colby Avenue Everett, Washington 98201 ( ATTACHMENT 1C Edulog's Web Query Page 1 of 1 I TMR-RO: R1 Street Address 7416 176TH ST SW Grade All Grades *Program *Middle School Activities Go RESET Click School Name to see detailed school information, Challenge, Madrona, and Maplewood schools - enrollment is by application only. Please contact your local elementary school. School Code School Name 483 MEADOWDALE HIGH 364 MEADOWDALE MIDDLE 105 SEAVIEW ELEM 540 MAPLEWOOD COOP - CHOICE 541 CHALLENGE PROGRAM 539 MADRONA SCHOOL - CHOICE MEADOWDALE HIGH View the map Number Stop Time Stop Description Bus Number Stop ID 1 6:53 AM 171ST ST SW & 76TH AVE W 70 483.022 2 2:00 PM 171ST ST SW & 76TH AVE W 64 483.022 Edmonds School District Home Page JIMM Transportation Grades Eligibility Eligible 09, 10, 11, 12 Within walk distance of 07,08 school Within walk distance of 01, 02, 03, 04, school 05, 06, K2, KP 01, 02, 03, 04, Eligible 05, 06, 07, 08, K2, KA Eligible 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,06 01, 02, 03, 04, Eligible 05, 06, 07, 08, K2, KA, P, P1, P2, P3 For a map of the student,` school, and stops, click the View the Map button.' MEADOWDALE HIGH View the map Number Stop Time Stop Description Bus Number Stop ID 1 6:53 AM 171ST ST SW & 76TH AVE W 70 483.022 2 2:00 PM 171ST ST SW & 76TH AVE W 64 483.022 Edmonds School District Home Page JIMM CITY OF EDMONDS '%`3'RITICAL AREAS RECONNAISSANCE REPORT Site Location: 7416 176th Street SW Tax Acct. Number: 00513600001600 Determination: Study Required Determination #: CRA -2008-0015 Applicant: Barbara Weiss -Holmberg Owner: Barbara Weiss -Holmberg During review and inspection of the subject site, it was found that the site contains and/or is adjacent to critical areas, including Geologically Hazardous Areas, pursuant to Chapters 23.40 and 23.80 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC). While the area where the current single family structure is somewhat level, a steep slope rises up away from the house to the east and falls away to the west. According to the City's LIDAR data, the steepness of the eastern slope varies from approximately 35% on the southeast corner of the parcel to nearly 60% at the northeast corner. The steepness of the shorter western slope is approximately 50%. Critical Areas Reports identify, classify, and delineate any areas on or adjacent to the subject property that may qualify as critical areas. They also assess these areas and identify any potential impacts resulting from your specific development proposal. If a specific development proposal results in an alteration to a critical area, the critical areas report will also contain a mitigation plan. You have the option of completing the portion of the study that classifies and delineates the critical areas and waiting until you have a specific development proposal to complete the study. You may also choose to submit the entire study with your specific development application. ® Please review the minimum report requirements for all types of Critical Areas that are listed in ECDC 23.40.090.D. There are additional report requirements for different types of critical areas (see below). ® Note that it is important for the report to be prepared by a qualified professional as defined in the ordinance. There are options on how to complete a critical areas study, and there is an approved list of consultants that you may choose from. You may contact the Planning Division for more information. ® General Mitigation Requirements for all Critical Areas are discussed in ECDC 23.40.110 through 23.40.140. STUDY REQUIREMENT — EROSION HAZARD AREA It appears that this property contains or is adjacent to an Erosion Hazard Area. Erosion Hazard Areas include: ® Those areas with Alderwood and Everett series soils on slopes of 15 percent or greater. Any area with slopes of 15 percent or greater and impermeable soils interbedded with granular soils and springs or ground water seepage. ® Areas with significant visible evidence of ground water seepage, and which also include existing landslide deposits regardless of slope. ATTACHMENT 1 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ASSOCIATED WITH EROSION HAZARD AREAS Development within an Erosion Hazard Area must meet additional criteria. • For erosion hazard areas with suitable slope stability, the only critical area study needed is an erosion and sediment control plan prepared in compliance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.30 ECDC as part of the construction documents. This option is at the director's discretion, per Edmonds Community Development Code section 20.80.050.G. • In areas where the slope stability is not suitable, projects within Erosion Hazard Areas will require a report by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer or other qualified professional. Note that it is important for the report to be prepared by a qualified professional as defined in the ordinance. • Report requirements are given in ECDC 23.80.050, and more generally in ECDC 23.40.090.D. • Development standards are given in ECDC 23.80.060 and 23.80.070. STUDY REQUIREMENT — LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREA It appears that this property contains or is adjacent to a Landslide Hazard Area. • A Landslide Hazard Area is any area with a slope of forty percent (40%) or steeper and with a vertical relief of ten (10) or more feet (except areas composed of consolidated bedrock). • Landslide Hazard Areas are further defined and illustrated in ECDC 23.80.020.B. • In addition to the general requirements for Critical Areas reports referenced above, specific Critical Area report requirements for Landslide Hazard Areas are provided in ECDC 23.80.050. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ASSOCIATED WITH LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREAS Development is restricted within a Landslide Hazard Area and its buffer. • Projects that will intrude into these areas will require a report by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer. • The criteria that are applied depend on the amount that the buffer is reduced. • The buffer can be reduced to a minimum of ten (10) feet (with an additional 15' building setback per ECDC 23.40.280) if a report is prepared that meets the standards listed in ECDC 23.80.050. The alteration must also meet the requirements listed in ECDC 23.80.060. • In addition, proposals to reduce the buffer to less than ten (10) feet must comply with the design standards listed in ECDC 23.80.070.A.3. Certain activities are allowed in or near critical area buffers as specified in ECDC 23.40.20. If you have any questions about whether your proposed development qualifies as an allowed activity, please contact a Planner for more information. 2 Certain development proposals may be exempt from Critical Areas Requirements (ECDC 23.40.230). If you think that a specific development proposal may be exempt, contact a Planner for more information. ivame signature uate NOTE: Cited sections of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) can be found on the City of Edmonds website at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us. Geotechnical Report Proposed Short Plat 7416 SW 176th Street Edmonds, Washington Project 1518-01 June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 Prepared for: Barbara Weiss -Cook Mike Cook 7416 SW 176`" Street Edmonds, WA 98026 Prepared by: The Galli Group 5034 18'h Avenue NE Seattle, Washington 98105 206-525-5097 ATTACHMENT 13 Table of Contents PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................1 3.0 SITE FEATURES.....................................................................................................2 3.1 CRITICAL AREAS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 3.1.1 Erosion Hazard Areas..............................................................................2 3.1.2 Landslide Hazard Areas...........................................................................2 3.1.3 Seismic Hazard Area...............................................................................3 3.1.4 Implications on Development Standards.................................................3 3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS................................................................................3 3.3 GEOLOGY........................................................................................................4 3.4 SITE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS......................................4 3.5 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS.................................................................4 3.6 STABILITY ANALYSES.................................................................................5 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................7 4.1 SITE GRADING AND EARTHWORK...........................................................7 4.1.1 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control......................................7 4.1.2 Seasonal Grading Restrictions.................................................................8 4.2 TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS AND RETAINING ELEMENTS ...............8 4.2.1 Temporary Excavations..................................8 ......................................... 4.2.2 Retaining Wall Design Parameters..........................................................9 4.3 SLOPE MITIGATION MEASURES AND CODE REQUIREMENTS ...........10 4.4 FOUNDATIONS...............................................................................................12 4.5 SLABS-ON-GRADE.........................................................................................12 4.6 BACKFILL AND COMPACTION...................................................................13 4.7 DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................13 4.8 PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL.............................................................13 4.9 ASSESSMENT OF RISK TO CRITICAL AREAS..........................................13 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND LIMITATIONS..................................................14 5.1 ADDITIONAL SERVICES...............................................................................14 5.2 LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................14 LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Site Features Figure 3A Generalized Soil Stratigraphy A -A' Figure 313 Slope Stability Analyses Section AA' Figure 4 Generalized Soil Stratigraphy B -B' Figure 5 Temporary Excavation Sections APPENDIX Geotechnical Report Proposed Short Plat 7416 SW 176th Street Edmonds, Washington June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 The Galli Group performed a geotechnical investigation on the property located at 7416 SW 176th Street in Edmonds, Washington. The purpose of our investigation was to identify the subsurface soil conditions on the site and to provide conceptual recommendations for future site development and a feasibility analysis for short platting the property into two lots. Subsequent to our initial report prepared in June of 2008, the owners revised the location of the proposed new residence. This report was prepared considering that new location. This geotechnical report summarizes observations from our research and subsurface exploration performed for the above referenced property. It also presents our recommendations for conceptual geotechnical design elements of the project. The project site is located on the south side of the undeveloped right-of-way of SW 176th Street near the intersection with Sound View Drive (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). The existing site contains a two story single-family residence with daylight basement, a paved driveway and unattached shop. The shop is located in the vicinity of the proposed new lot and future home site. Slopes ascend from the existing shop to the north and east at inclinations on the order of about 45 to 60 percent. An unimproved gravel drive inclined at about 18 percent accesses the existing shop and proposed building site. Site features and topography are provided on Figure 2, Site Features. Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 The proposed residence will be sited in the vicinity of the existing shop about 17 feet west of the eastern property line, 45 feet south of the north property line, and at least 10 feet north of the southerly property line as shown in Figure 2. In order to construct a residence in the desired location the standard buffer for critical areas of 50 feet (ECDC 23.80.070) will need to be reduced. Construction of the new residence will occur entirely within the standard buffer. 3.0 SITE FEATURES 3.1 CRITICAL AREAS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS A review of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) indicates that site will be governed by Critical Areas regulations. Below we have discussed the elements that apply to the project site with reference to ECDC code requirements. 3.1.1 Erosion Hazard Areas The ECDC defines Erosion Hazard Areas as areas possessing steep slopes in excess of 40 percent (see below.) Erosion hazard areas include: "areas of the city of Edmonds that may experience severe to very severe erosion hazard. This group of soils includes, but is not limited to, the following when they occur on slopes of 15 percent or greater: a. Alderwood soils (15 to 25 percent slopes); b. Alderwood/Everett series (25 to 70 percent slopes); c. Everett series (15 to 25 percent slopes)." (ECDC 23.80.020 A(1) The slopes on the north and east side of the proposed building footprint are inclined from about 45 to 60 percent. Soil Conservation Service maps the area as underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Because of these topographic and mapping conditions the project site would be designated an Erosion Hazard Area. 3.1.2 Landslide Hazard Areas The inclination of the slope at the north and east side of the proposed residence and steepest portion of the slope appears to be on the order of about 65 percent. The slope has a 4 -foot vertical cut at the toe that defines the lower limits of the slope. Section 23.80.020B defines "Landslide Hazard Areas" as follows: Landslide hazard areas are areas potentially subject to landslides based on a combination of geologic, topographic, and hydrologic factors. Within the city of Edmonds landslide hazard areas specifically include: "any area with a slope of 40 percent or steeper and with a vertical relief of 10 or more feet except areas composed of consolidated rock." (ECDC 23.80.020B(2). The project site qualifies for designation of "Landslide Hazard Area" due to topographic features. 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 2 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 3.1.3 Seismic Hazard Area "Seismic hazard areas" are areas subject to severe risk of damage as a result of earthquake - induced ground shaking, slope failure, settlement, soil liquefaction, lateral spreading, or surface faulting." (ECDC 23.80.020C) The project site appears underlain by dense glacially consolidated soil, or glacial outwash. This dense material does not present a risk of deep-seated slope movement, seismic liquefaction, lateral spreading, or surface rupture. Provided the new foundations are supported on native undisturbed soil, the risk of seismic -induced settlement is not significant. As shown in our slope stability analyses, the risk of slope failure due to seismic ground shaking is limited to shallow slumps in the loose surficial soil rather than deep-seated slope failures or failures that would impact the residence or planned improvements. In our opinion the site does not represent a severe risk of damage due to seismic induced ground shaking. 3.1.4 Implications on Development Standards The standard 50 -foot buffer from geologic hazard areas as measured from the toe of the slope east and north of the proposed building site and measured from the top of the slope west of the existing residence essentially eliminate any building footprint on the lot. Incorporating these buffers would preclude development of the site including the existing residence. The proposed short plat must include mitigation to the geologic hazards identified above to allow for creation of an additional building site. These mitigation measures will include eliminating buffers at the toe of the steep slopes, construction of retaining walls at the toe of the steep slope, drainage control measures, and erosion control measures for the steep slopes. These measures are discussed in more detail in the Recommendations Section of our report below. In the report sections that follow we have described the site soil conditions and the subsurface geologic conditions. The site appears underlain by dense glacially consolidated sediment. The project site contains steep slopes and presents risks of erosion. In our opinion it does not present a significant risk of seismic liquefaction, slope movement, or erosion if conventional Best Management Practices are followed during site development, and our recommendations are followed during project development. 3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS The project site is located on the south side of SW 176th Street on the lower portion of a west -facing slope. The slope declines westerly at an overall declination on the order of 55 percent for about 55 feet from the top of the ridge to the proposed building site and then declines less steeply toward the west, until it again descends steeply toward Sound View Drive. The slope surface is fairly well vegetated with grass, blackberries, shrubs, a few deciduous trees and mature cedar near the lower reaches of the slope. We did not notice any significant signs of erosion on the site due to stormwater runoff or springs, or seepage. No wet conditions were evident on the slope face. 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 3 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 3.3 GEOLOGY Geologic maps of the area indicate that the vicinity is likely underlain by glacial outwash or advance outwash from the Vashon stade of the Fraser glaciation (Geologic Map of the Edmonds East and Part of the Edmonds West Quadrangles, James P. Minard, 1983.) Glacial outwash tends to consist of granular soil deposited in fluvial environments in front of the most recent glacial advance thousands of years ago. The deposit can appear braided with the sorting dependent upon the energy of the depositional environment. It can often contain beds or seams of varying material but tends to consist mostly of sand and pebbly gravel. The advance outwash unit is often underlain by the Whidbey formation or other transitional beds that were either deposited during previous glacial periods or in between glacial advances. Glacial till tends to cap the advance outwash at the higher elevations along the ridge lines. These units have all been consolidated by tons of ice. The older units tend to exhibit more advanced weathering. The contact between the advance outwash and an underlying unit of fractured clay or silt tends to be notorious for slope stability problems due to intrusion of groundwater and underlying layers that inhibit downward infiltration of ground water. Based upon our site reconnaissance and subsurface investigation it appears that the project site is underlain by dense advance outwash soil and the site appears generally stable in its current condition. 3.4 SITE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS During our subsurface investigation on June 2, 2008, we excavated three test pits at the locations shown on Figure 2, Site Features. We encountered dense silty SAND with gravel at about 5 feet in TP -1 at the top of the slope. We encountered dense silty SAND at the ground surface below the cut near the toe of the slope in TP -2. Blanketing the dense silty SAND in TP -3 we encountered loose silty SAND approximately 4 feet thick. Based upon the results of our subsurface investigation, the site appears underlain by very dense silty SAND with gravel, blanketed by a unit of weathered silty SAND and topsoil. We interpreted this geologic unit as advance outwash. No groundwater was observed in our test pits. The core of the hillside appears stable and we did not observe any indications of recent slope movement. 3.5 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS The site appears underlain by glacially consolidated silty SAND blanketed by a unit of loose to medium dense silty SAND approximately 2 to 3 feet thick. Geologic maps show the site as underlain by advance outwash. No groundwater was evident in our test pits. Based upon these site factors seismic liquefaction does not appear to be a significant concern. The risk of seismically induced slope movement is not significantly increased with the proposed residential construction provided the retaining elements at the toe of the slope are 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 4 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 adequately designed to support the slope above. The uppermost surficial soils might be more prone to minor downslope creep than the core of the hillside, but this would not adversely affect the proposed improvements or adjacent properties. Based upon the latitude and longitude of the site we consulted the USGS Seismic Hazards Maps and estimated the site coefficients for an event with 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years (corresponding to a 500 -year seismic event.) In conformance with the 2006 International Building Code the following design parameters should be used for the project site: TABLE 1 Seismic Site Coefficients 3.6 STABILITY ANALYSES The site appears underlain by very dense silty SAND with gravel or glacially consolidated material that we interpreted as glacial outwash. This material is generally stable provided that it is protected against erosion and provided that it is not underlain by seepage zones along the contact with interglacial units or lacustrine clay. We did not observe any seepage zones within or immediately adjacent to the property that might tend to compromise the stability of the slope. We conducted a slope stability analysis on the cross section A -A' as shown on Figure 3. In order to arrive at apparent soil values to use in the analyses, we assumed a slope stability of unity for seismic conditions similar to those recorded during the Nisqually quake of 2001. The site appears to have remained stable during that event including the vertical cut at the toe of the slope. We then back calculated using the slope stability program XSTABL to determine the apparent soil parameters for the slope. The following parameters were utilized to identify the critical failure surfaces on the slopes for various conditions: 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 5 The Galli Group S, Site Spectral F, Spectral Acceleration Fa Class Acceleration Site Coefficient (0.2 second Site Coefficient (1 second period) period) C 0.462 1.34 1.3 1.0 3.6 STABILITY ANALYSES The site appears underlain by very dense silty SAND with gravel or glacially consolidated material that we interpreted as glacial outwash. This material is generally stable provided that it is protected against erosion and provided that it is not underlain by seepage zones along the contact with interglacial units or lacustrine clay. We did not observe any seepage zones within or immediately adjacent to the property that might tend to compromise the stability of the slope. We conducted a slope stability analysis on the cross section A -A' as shown on Figure 3. In order to arrive at apparent soil values to use in the analyses, we assumed a slope stability of unity for seismic conditions similar to those recorded during the Nisqually quake of 2001. The site appears to have remained stable during that event including the vertical cut at the toe of the slope. We then back calculated using the slope stability program XSTABL to determine the apparent soil parameters for the slope. The following parameters were utilized to identify the critical failure surfaces on the slopes for various conditions: 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 5 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 TABLE 2 Slope Stability Design Model Parameters Soil Unit Internal Apparent Cohesion Lateral acceleration Type Weight Friction �' psl due to seismic 1518R02A; 1518R02B y pcf 0, degrees 1.5 event Loose silty SAND 115 34 40 0.28 Dense silty SAND 125 38 200 0.28g We modeled the slope for existing conditions on the slope as shown in Section A -A'. The results of our analyses are provided in Table 3, below. TABLE 3 Slope Stability Analyses Results Critical Failure Surface Description Factor of Safety* (FOS) Reference File Static Seismic XSTABL Files Model Existing Slope Condition 1.5 1.0** 1518R02A; 1518R02B Section A -A' with Wall 2.6 1.5 1518R03A; 1518R03B * FOS described as median value of 10 most critical theoretical failure surfaces in results ** Used to model slope conditions based upon measured representative PGA values during 2001 Nisqually Quake and owner observations of no movement during event. (PGA = 0.18g) It appears from our analyses that the most likely form of slope movement on the project site would be a shallow colluvial slump involving the loose surficial soils on the slope face during seismic induced ground shaking. These failures appear unlikely to exceed a few feet in depth and more than about 10 or 20 feet in length. These types of failures do not pose significant risk to the site, the adjacent sites or to nearby or proposed structures. For elements located at the toe of the slope under developed conditions the FOS for seismic design exceeds 1.2 and the FOS for static design easily exceeds 1.5 (See Table 3.) The event most likely to create surficial slope movement would include either seismic induced ground shaking or an extreme runoff event from broken water mains or severe storms and/or failure of existing stormwater runoff conveyance systems on properties above. By either integrating a catchment wall into the proposed structure or providing a building setback from the toe of the slope, the risks to the homeowners from such an unlikely event can be reduced to acceptable levels. 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 6 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The site contains steep slopes comprised of very dense silty sand or glacial outwash blanketed by loose sand approximately two feet thick. The loose soils represent a significant risk of erosion if left unprotected or exposed to concentrated discharges from downspouts or other runoff. No groundwater or seepage was evident during our site visit or subsurface exploration. Planned improvements will require significant excavation into the lower reaches of the slope. The following geotechnical issues should be addressed in the proposed development of the site: 1. The proposed building site must include temporary excavations or staged excavations to avoid excessive retaining wall heights or the need for shoring. 2. We recommend that the proposed building permit require both of the following two rquirements: ® The daylight basement wall for the residence should be designed as a catchment wall with a minimum of 3 feet of freeboard, and ® Flat areas at least 8 feet wide should be constructed around the basement walls to provide access for maintenance of the hillside and removal of debris in the unlikely event that the slope experiences sloughing while slope vegetation is being re-established. All stormwater runoff should be captured and directed toward the existing storm drain. No downspouts or area drains should discharge onto the slope. 4. A slope vegetation/restoration plan should be incorporated into the future permit application for the residence to restore vegetation disturbed during site development. 5. Best Management Practices should be followed during site development to prevent erosion of the site soils. The sections below address these geotechnical issues and other aspects of site development for the proposed project. Provided the recommendations supplied in this report are followed during design and construction of the residence, development of the site to include short platting and construction of a new home may proceed safely under appropriate geotechnical supervision. Once a site-specific plan for the proposed residence, drainage, and site improvements are completed, The Galli Group should review the proposed plans and provide additional recommendations as needed to comply with the ECDC development standards. 4.1.1 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control The site contains silty SAND soils that represent severe erosion potential if left unprotected from concentrated discharges during construction. Best Management Practices commonly 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 7 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 observed should be employed during construction. We anticipate these will include the following: Maintain vegetation on the slope area wherever possible to help reduce siltation and retard site runoff. 2. Maintain the street and driveway free of sediment during excavation and hauling and when mobilizing equipment to and from the site. Mud and silt tracked from the site should be removed or cleaned by the contractor. 3. The existing drainage system should be protected from sedimentation by placing a silt fence and straw bales across swales that direct water to the existing drainage system and placing straw wattles where runoff from the construction area might leave the site. Wattles can be moved during construction activity to allow foot traffic and equipment in and out of the site. 4. From October through May we recommend mulching exposed soils with straw or erosion control mats until permanent landscaping is installed. In areas planned for future flatwork such as patios, clean crushed gravel may be substituted for mulch to stabilize the soil. 4.1.2 Seasonal Grading Restrictions Due to the erosion potential of the site we recommend confining grading activities including excavation, utility installation, backfill and compaction to the drier summer months. Construction activity such as flatwork, framing, and above -grade activity can continue after October 1st provided the site is stabilized against erosion by means mentioned in the section above. The geotechnical engineer should evaluate the erosion control measures to verify that the site appears stabilized for wet season construction activity. 4.2.1 'Temporary Excavations The proposed development will require temporary cuts for walls on the order of about 8 to 13 feet high. In order to avoid massive temporary cuts that extend up the slope, we recommend staging the excavation by constructing lower walls, backfilling and then constructing the perimeter walls. We also recommend avoiding a full depth basement in the NE corner of the building since temporary cuts would then extend beyond the property limits or else shoring would be required. Excavation can be accomplished with conventional excavating equipment and generally shaped according to the following guidelines: Cuts within the very dense glacial outwash (as confirmed by the geotechnical engineer) mayb be shaped at 4V:1H for the lowermost 5 feet of the excavation. Above that point the cut should be sloped back at 1H: IV. We anticipate that the very dense unit will be encountered at about 5 feet below existing grade. 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 8 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 ® Cuts within the medium dense outwash sand and gravel should be shaped no steeper than IH: IV. We anticipate that the upper 5 feet of the soil will be comprised of the medium dense outwash sand. The following depicts the general guidelines for the temporary excavations. Specific sections for the proposed building layout are provided on Figure 5 at the end of the report. Using these guidelines the temporary excavation limits for the proposed site development are shown on Figure 6. Generally the cuts can be contained within the property. These temporary cuts should be reevaluated when the building permit application is submitted. The geotechnical engineer should monitor the initial excavation and make recommendations as needed to maintain the stability of temporary cuts. If different soil conditions are encountered than expected we will make recommendations at that time to provide safe excavations and support of adjacent properties. Ongoing safety of open excavations is the responsibility of the contractor. Temporary excavations should be flattened as necessary in order to maintain safety for the workers. Surface runoff should be directed around the excavation. Conditions that might necessitate flattening the excavation include encountering soil conditions different from those observed in our limited hand holes, finding water seepage in the sides of the excavation, or extreme weather and runoff conditions. 4.2.2 Retaining Wall Design Parameters We anticipate that basement retaining walls will be constructed on the east and north sides of the proposed residence at the toe of the existing slope. As recommended, the retaining walls 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 9 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 should be constructed with at least three feet of freeboard in order to account for possible accumulation of soil at the wall from gradual erosion, foot traffic, or minor sloughing of surficial soils. Below are our recommendations for the new walls: 1. The wall footings shall conform to the recommendations described in Section 4.4 below. 2. The footing must bear on native undisturbed soils (or compacted structural fill.) The top of the footing should be at least 4 inches below the slab so that a capillary gravel break and/or insulation can be provided between the top of the footing and the base of the slab. 3. The walls should be designed to resist an active earth pressure equivalent to 35 pcf per foot of retained soil height. This assumes level backslope behind the wall and no structures or embankments within 5 feet of the wall. 4. For walls supporting inclined backfill or supporting embankments or structures within 8 feet, we recommend using 60 pcf for lateral earth pressure. 5. The walls must contain at least three feet of freeboard on the uphill sides of the excavation when situated against the slope. The wall should be designed to include the additional three feet of soil. Basement windows should not be permitted on walls on the east and north sides of the residence where the wall is situated against the steep slope and where the 3 feet of freeboard can not be maintained below the window. 6. A backwall drainage system must be supplied for all newly constructed walls. The drainage system shall include at a minimum, a 4 -inch perforated, smooth-walled pipe, enveloped in 3/4" to 11/2" washed gravel, and wrapped in Mirafi 140N filter fabric (AOS 0.212 mm.) for separation from adjacent soils. The zone of drain rock must be at least 12 inches wide. 7. Additional drainage measures for the basement should include filling all snap tie holes, waterproofing the concrete face, and placing sheet drains against the walls on the north and east sides. We recommend sheet drains such as Delta Drain, AmerDrain, or Mirafi G100N. The sheet drains should direct water toward the backwall drainage system. 8. The geotechnical engineer should verify that the drainage system, bearing conditions, and backfill compaction are in accordance with the report recommendations. 4.3 SLOPE MITIGATION MEASURES AND CODE REQUIREMENTS The existing shop and proposed residence appear situated within the lower limits of the steep slope on the project site. The proposed residence would be sited within the steep slope and standard minimum buffer or building setbacks (ECDC 23.80.070 Alla and lb). The proposed residence would not require a setback from the slope provided the plan includes the following: 1636 Cook_ Holmberg RPT 10 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 Integrate a catchment wall into the design of the structure on the sides of the residence that are located against the toe of the slope. The catchment wall should be designed to retain the slope soils and allow for deposition of soils against the wall from gradual erosive processes. Side yard setbacks or other means should be included in site development that allow equipment access to the rear of the house (or the toe of the slope) to perform maintenance as needed in the event of erosion or shallow sloughing of the soils on the slope. Alterations to areas within buffers or steep slope areas must meet the following requirements in order to be permitted: 1. "The development will not increase the surface water discharge or sedimentation to the adjacent properties beyond predevelopment conditions." (ECDC 23.80.070 2a). The project will increase the amount of impervious area on the existing lot. We recommend the following mitigation measures to satisfy this requirement: ® Runoff from impervious surfaces must be collected in a stormwater collection system and routed to the existing drainage system in SW 176th Street. Management of stormwater runoff shall conform to the requirements of ECDC Section 18.30. In particular if total impervious area of the site development exceeds 2000 square feet, a stormwater detention system should be required with controlled release rates. All disturbed slope areas should be seeded and covered with erosion control mats prior to the wet season. 2. "The development will not decrease the slope stability on adjacent properties." (ECDC 23.80.070 2b) Our slope stability analyses indicate that the proposed improvements will not significantly alter the slope stability of the site or adjacent sites. We recommend the following measures to help maintain slope stability: ® The retaining walls at the toe of the slope should be designed as described in Section 4.2 of this report. ® Proposed deck footings that are situated within the steep slope area should be pier or pile supported to minimize ground disturbance. "Such alterations will not adversely impact other critical areas." (ECDC 23.80.070 2c) bounded on the lower reaches by SW 176th Street and Sound View Drive. Both streets include roadside drainage ditches as part of a stormwater conveyance system. The proposed improvements will not impact other critical areas. No additional mitigation measures beyond those described above are needed to protect adjacent sites or critical areas. 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 11 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 4.4 FOUNDATIONS We anticipate that the proposed residence will be supported on conventional spread footings. Small decks that extend into the steep slope area should be supported on pile or pier foundations. Below we have provided recommendations for conventional footings and pile - supported footings. For spread footings we recommend the following: 1. An allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf may be used for footings bearing on undisturbed glacial soil or properly compacted structural fill. This may be increased by 1/3 for temporary loads such as wind loads or seismic loads. 2. Minimum footing size for isolated column footings should be 24 inches square. Strip footings should be at least 16 inches in width. 3. The footing area must be free from loose or wet soil prior to placing reinforcing or pouring concrete. The geotechnical engineer should verify the bearing. Footings for decks that are situated on the steep slope should be supported on isolated pier or pile footings to minimize disturbance to the slope surface. The piles can be either driven pin piles or small diameter drilled piers. Additional recommendations for the piers and piles can be provided once the building plans are finalized. 4.5 SLABS -ON -GRADE Reinforced concrete slabs can be placed on properly prepared subgrade soils or structural fill. For slabs on grade, we recommend that granular import be placed as soon as the subgrade is prepared to protect the subgrade soil. The following additional recommendations are provided for construction of patios, slabs, or continuous paves: ® We recommend that the contractor use deformed reinforcing steel for slab reinforcement rather than welded wire fabric. A minimum reinforcement scheme would be #3 or # 4 bars, 18 inches on center, both ways. Fibermesh may be used to help decrease drying shrinkage cracks, however it is not a replacement for structural reinforcing. ® Interior slabs should include a capillary break of clean gravel and vapor barrier beneath the slab. ® If the impervious area of the patio slab or pavers exceeds 250 square feet, we recommend capturing the runoff in area drains and routing them toward the existing storm drainage system. ® For slabs or patios less than 250 square feet the runoff should leave the slab as sheet flow. Concentrated runoff from impervious areas should be avoided. 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 12 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 4.6 BACKFILL AND COMPACTION Imported fill soil used as backfill behind walls and under slabs should be moisture conditioned to within 3 percent of optimum moisture content, placed in loose, horizontal lifts less than 8 inches in thickness, and compacted to at least 92 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined using ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). The 92 percent compaction criteria should apply to any material intended to support pavement or intended as backfill behind walls. If structures are supported on the structural fill the compaction criteria should be 95 percent of the Modified Proctor. In areas not constructed as fill slopes or not intended to support pavement or structures, fill material should be placed in loose lifts less than 12 inches in thickness and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density. 4.7 DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS The following general recommendations are provided for the drainage: Impervious areas shall direct runoff as sheet flow. For patios larger than 250 square feet the area shall direct runoff toward an area drain that is tied into the existing storm drain as discussed above. 2. No concentrated runoff shall be permitted onto the slope face or within 50 feet of a steep slope area. 3. The owner should remain vigilant about maintenance of the downspouts and area drains on site in order to prevent overflow that might create erosion on the site. Following installation of the foundation system, utilities and drainage system, and completion of the flat work, the site must be permanently stabilized. All exposed soils on site must either be covered with a thick layer of mulch (3 — 4 inches) that is incorporated into the final landscaping plan or vegetated with other groundcover. The site vegetation should be established prior to October 1. 4.9 ASSESSMENT OF RISK TO CRITICAL AREAS The proposed short plat and construction of the single family residence if conducted in conformance with our recommendations will meet the following requirements according to ECDC 23.80.060: ® The improvements will not increase the threat of the geologic hazard to adjacent properties beyond predevelopment conditions; ® The improvements will not adversely impact other critical areas; ® The improvements are or will be designed so that the hazard to the project is mitigated to a level equal to or less than predevelopment conditions; and ® The improvements, provided they are designed and constructed in accordance with our recommendations, are safe under anticipated conditions according to our professional engineering judgment. 1636 Cook_ Holmberg RPT 13 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176`h Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND LIMITATIONS 5.1 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional services by the geotechnical engineer are important to help insure that report recommendations are correctly interpreted in final project design and to help verify compliance with project specifications during the construction process. For this project we anticipate additional services might include the following: 1. Coordinate with the architect and structural engineer to clarify design specifics and alternatives for the proposed residence and site development. 2. Review final design and construction drawings for the residence for conformance with geotechnical recommendations. 3. Monitor excavation of the building footprint. 4. Monitor the installation of pile -supported deck footings (if needed.) 5. Provide periodic construction field reports, as requested by the client and required by the City. We would provide these additional services on a time -and -expense basis in accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions already in place for this project. If our firm is not utilized to provide these services or if the contractor fails to notify us and request construction monitoring we cannot be held responsible for performance of the geotechnical design elements. 5.2 LIMITATIONS This geotechnical investigation was planned and conducted in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards practiced presently within this geographic area. Geotechnical investigations performed by these standards reveal with reasonable regularity soils that are representative of subsurface conditions throughout the site under consideration. Recommendations contained in this report are based upon the assumption that soil conditions encountered in explorations are representative of actual conditions throughout the building site. However, inconsistent conditions can occur between exploratory borings or test pits and not be detected by a geotechnical study. If, during construction or subsequent exploration, subsurface or slope conditions are encountered which differ from those anticipated based upon results of this investigation, The Galli Group should be notified so that we can review and revise our recommendations where necessary. If conditions change prior to the proposed construction, we should be consulted so that we may alter our recommendations if necessary. This report is prepared for the exclusive use of the owner or the owner's consultants for specific application on this project at this particular site. Copies of this report should be made available to the design team, and should be included with the contract drawings issued to the contractor. Our report, conclusions, and interpretations should not be construed as a 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 14 The Galli Group Short Plat -- 7416 176th Street SW, Edmonds June 6, 2008 Updated May 20, 2011 warranty of the subsurface conditions on the site and should not be applied to neighboring sites. No warranty, expressed or implied is made. We recommend that geotechnical observation and testing be provided during the construction phases to verify that the recommendations provided in this report are incorporated into the actual construction. If our firm is not utilized to provide these services or if the contractor fails to notify us or request construction monitoring we cannot be held responsible for performance of the geotechnical design elements. Respectfully submitted, THE GALLI GROUP STOLT,% 293 9 Paul L. Stoltenberg,P.E. Ok. �:►slF� ON Project Project Geotechnical Engineer 1636 Cook Holmberg RPT 15 The Galli Group r O 00 T -- LO LO r N Hi V9AVITUZ� coKA m m IdIn Q Q r N }'�j ryr�. j M g t j i 'ID1 � L � iii .,.� civ f ! 14 ,j.�.... �) j /(} [�� � `ems h� i1 !il i�ii0.7_.. j�/� T ~ 4 y�. �t� i .I♦,jj}{{j_ ty.{f' U914 AV `ii.i4 1tY 1 t.Lit3 cL k.�#.�l-.-.f �3Li Lm m t invj 1 We"l�,C,...�K. Bre I �� _ cry M 1d It Id VR 1,; l § •v. ,ter (�{{ ].,�( tx jj ..{{ � i Y� yy WIT jam j � � ��1 jj Im FL ILI lf j.4 lot Id RL14 Id PL W CQ ' _. 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VERY LOOSE 0-4 LOOSE 4-10 MEDIUM DENSE 10-30 DENSE 30-50 VERY DENSE > 50 STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE CONSISTENCY (SPT) BLOWS/FT. VERY SOFT 0-2 SOFT 2-4 MEDIUM STIFF 4-8 STIFF 8-16 VERY STIFF 16-32 HARD > 32 The Galli Group Figure ®7 Logs of Test Pits 7416 SW 176th Street. Edmonds, Washington fim Depth Description 0" — 24" Loose, brown Silty SAND with roots, debris. (FILL) 24" — 66" Loose, brown Silty SAND, organics. 66" — 72" Gray, weathered, medium -dense to dense, very Silty SAND. Damp. 72" — 84" Light gray, dense, very Silty SAND w. trace gravel. Weathered streaks. Depth Description 0" — 48" Light brown, loose to medium -dense, silty SAND w. trace gravel and organics. 48" — 72" Gray, medium -dense to dense, weathered, very Silty SAND w. trace gravel. 72" - 110" Light gray, dense to very dense, SAND with trace Silt and gravel. Depth Description 0" — 24" Loose, dark brown Silty SAND with organics. (TOPSOIL) 24" — 60" Medium -dense, orange - brown Silty SAND w. trace gravel. 60" - 72" Medium dense gray SAND w. trace Silt and gravels. Weathered streaks. 72" — 84" Light gray, dense, Silty SAND w. trace gravel. The Galli Group Test Pit log Figure MEMORANDUM Date: July 19, 2011 To: Jen Machuga, Planner From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Subject: P1LN20110008, Weiss -Holmberg 2 -lot Short Plat 7416 –176th St SW Engineering has reviewed and approved the preliminary short plat application for the Weiss - Holmberg property at 7416 –176t' St SW. Preliminary approval shall not be interpreted to mean approval of the improvements as shown on the preliminary plans. Please find attached the Engineering Requirements for the subject development. The applicant will be required to satisfy these requirements as a condition of short plat approval. Once the Planning Division has approved the preliminary short plat, the applicant will be required to submit revised civil engineering plans addressing all short plat conditions. Plans are to be submitted to the Engineering Division. A civil plan review fee is to be paid at the time of submittal. At this time, the review fee is $1000. The following is provided as information only to assist with future civil construction plan submittal. — Drainage and utility systems serving private properties shall be installed on private property and shall be privately owned and maintained. Easement and Maintenance Provisions shall be provided on the face of the recording documents stating ownership and maintenance responsibilities. — The storm detention worksheet submitted does not provide for detention system sizing consistent with the City's revised storm code, which became effective June 1, 2010. Additionally, small site minimum requirements will need to be addressed and outlined within the plan set. Please refer to Edmonds Community Development Code 18.30, Stormwater Supplement to the Code, and Stormwater Handout E72 for additional information. Thank you. City of Edmonds ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF EDMONDS 131 ' 5TH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS WA 98020 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT PLATS To: Planning Division File Number: PLN20110008 From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Engineering Division Date: July 1A.2011 Project: Holmberg 2-ktshort plat Address: 7416-178thStSVV pin2011 r_Roqmnts'071911 1of3 Required as a Required as a Requirement Condition of Condition of Already Subdivision Building Permit Satisfied 1. Right -of Way Dedication for Public Streets: 2. Public Street Improvements & Access (Asphalt, curb, gutter and sidewalks): a) Soundview Drive to be widened along property frontage to provide for a minimum 12 -foot wide north bound lane as measured from centerline of X paved roadway to east edge of lane. b) 176th St SW to be widened along property frontage to provide for a X minimum 20 -foot wide pavement section. c) Curb and gutter and/or asphalt thickened edge to be installed as required X along property frontage on 176th St Sw & Soundview Drive. d) Storm system improvements to be constructed as required along property X frontage on 176th St SW & Soundview Drive. e) Cross slope of public road shall not exceed 2% X f) Lots I & 2 shall take access off 176th St SW. X I. Driveway curb cuts shall be constructed to meet City standards and ADA requirements. ii. Individual driveway access points shall meet sight distance requirements set forth by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 3. Private Access Requirements & Improvements: a) Lots I & 2 shall share a driveay access point off 176th St SW. X 1. Private access/driveway shall be paved to 12 -feet in width, plus 18" asphalt thickened edge or 6" extruded curb may be used to direct storm !I. Slope of private access road and driveways shall not exceed 14% and shall be noted as such on the civils. ill. Cross slope of private access road shall not exceed 2% b) Driveway entrance shall be provided to City standards X c) Provide asphalt or concrete driveway approach to Lot 2. X 4. Street Turnaround: a) Provide on-site turnaround for Lots I & 2. X pin2011 r_Roqmnts'071911 1of3 pin20110008-Holmberg-Engr_Regmnts-07.19.11 2 of 3 form revised 07.19.11 printed 7/19/2011 Required as a Condition of Subdivision Required as a Condition of Building Permit Requirement Already Satisfied 5. ; Easements (City utilities, private access, other utilities): a) Provide all easements as required - access, utility, etc. X b) Private access easement shall be 15 (fifteen) feet in width X hts 6. Street Lights: N/A 7. Planting Strip: a) N/A X 8. Water System Improvements: a) Public hydrant spacing shall meet requirements of ECDC 19.25. X b) Provide water service stub to each Lot x c) Connect to public water system. X X d) Install storz adapter on existing fire hydrant, as required. X 9. Sanitary Sewers stem Improvements: a) Provide new 6" lateral within access/utility easement and individual side sewers to each lot with 6" cleanout at each property line. X b) Provide 6" service lateral from City's sanitary sewer main to development with 6" cleanout at the edge of right-of-way. L Provide 4" side sewer to individual lots. ii. Where sewer lateral is shared by more than one lot, it shall be 6". X c) Connect to public sewer system. X X 10.'`Stormwater System Improvements: a) Provide a Stormwater Management Report and Site Plan that shows compliance with ECDC 18.30, Stormwater Supplement and Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. X b) Construct privately owned and maintained storm drainage system sized to provide adequate capacity for proposed future single family dwellings, and associated impervious areas in accordance with ECDC 18.30. L Stormwater system to be located on private property. H. Construction of storm facility may be deferred to coincide with construction of a single family residence on Lot 1 if the required short plat improvements create less than 2000sf of impervious area and the site is less than one acre in size. X X G) Connect all new impervious surfaces to storm system as required. X X d) Provide storm sewer stub to all proposed lots. X e) Connect to public storm system or manage stormwater on site if soils allow. X f) Storm system improvements to be constructed as required along property frontage on 176th St SW & Soundview Drive. X 11. Underground Wiring (per Ord. 1387 a) Required for all new services. X X 12. Excavation and Grading'(per IBC a) Submit a grading plan as part of engineered site plan. X X b) Submit grading plan for foundations with building permit. x pin20110008-Holmberg-Engr_Regmnts-07.19.11 2 of 3 form revised 07.19.11 printed 7/19/2011 * Fee estimate only. Actual amount based on fees in effect at time of building permit issuance. pin20110008-Holmberg-Engr_Regmnts-07.19.11 3 of 3 form revised 07.19.11 printed 7/19/2011 Required as a Condition of Subdivision Required as a Condition of Building Permit Requirement Already Satisfied 13 Signage per City Engineer): a) Provide fire and aid address signage. X 14. Survey` Monumentation`(per Ord., Sect.12.10.120): a) N/A 15. As -built Drawings (per Ci!y Engineer): a) Provide an as -built drawing of all street and utility improvements both in .dwg format as well as a hard copy. X 16. Other Requirements: a) Plat showing lots, easements, legals, survey information X X b) Legal documents for each lot x c) Field stake lot corners (by professional surveyor) X d) Field stake utility stubs at property lines X e) Clustered mailbox location per Postmaster X f) Maintenance agreements X g) Traffic Impact Analysis X 17.'.Engineering `' Fees: a) Storm development charge (access tract) N/A b) Storm system development charge $428.00- x G) Sewer connection fee (each new lot) $730.00 * X d) Water connection fee (each new lot) $908.00 * X e) Water meter fee - 3/4" meter $550.00 * X f) Traffic mitigation fee per each new SFR $1,196.33 * X g) Short Plat review fee $1,000.00 * X h) Inspection fee TBD X * Fee estimate only. Actual amount based on fees in effect at time of building permit issuance. pin20110008-Holmberg-Engr_Regmnts-07.19.11 3 of 3 form revised 07.19.11 printed 7/19/2011 CITY OF EDM DS ® PLANNING DIVISIcaN REQUEST COMMENT FOR ,, PW -Engineering Fire PW - Maintenance Parks & Rec. Building El Treatment Plant 0 Economic Dev. Project Number: PLN20110008 Applicant's Name: BARBARA WEISS HOLMBERG Property Location: 7416 176TH ST. SW Date of Application: 3/24/11 Date Form Routed: 3/25/11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS -12) Project Description: TWO LOT SUBDIVISION WITH MODIFICATION TO REAR SETBACK. "PER ECDC 20.02.005 ALL COMMENTSDAYS OF THIS FORM WAS ROUTED: If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: JEN MACHUGA Ext. 1224 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: ��� to -74 Title: �� t� s -- Al "�'`� e�� I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is needed): Date: t 1 Signature:- Phone/E-mail: —% ATTACHMENT 15 CIl r OF EDMONDS - PLANNINGDIVISIvN REQUEST FOR COMMENT FORM El PW -Engineering El Fire PW - Maintenance 11 Parks & Rec. Building Treatment Plant 11 Economic Dev. Project Number: PLN20110008 Applicant's Name: BARBARA WEISS HOLMBERG «a Property Location: 7416 176TH ST. SW A s • 2 Date of Application: 3/24/11 Date Form Routed: 3/25/11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS -12) Project Description: TWO LOT SUBDIVISION WITH MODIFICATION TO REAR SETBACK, "PER ECDC 20.02.005 ALL COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF THE DATE THIS FORM WAS ,• DUE BY 4.7.11 If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: JEN MACHUGA Ext. 1224 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: Title: have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Commens (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is needed): Date: Signature: Phone/E-mail: ATTACHMENT 1 R Date: June 13, 2011 To: Mr. Rod Wickham, RAD rad.designChotmail.com From: Fire Marshal John J. Westfall 425.771.0213 Subject: PLN2011-0014 Weiss SFR behind 7416 176th St SW This Review is conducted in accordance with 2009 IFC and Edmonds Community Development Code. Fire Services provides the following comments: 1. Existing hydrants meet proper spacing requirements ECDC 19.25.055 C. 2. Existing driveway grade at 12% is accepted. 3. For information, flow-through design residential fire sprinkler system is required when new dwelling living space (FIRE AREA) exceeds 3,000 s.f. ECDC 19.05.020 C. 4. For information, provide minimum combination water -service of one inch (1") meter and one and one quarter inch (1 W) service line for each property; or show that domestic and fire protection needs, when required, can be met with smaller service. General Facility Charges are based upon domestic requirements only. For instance, up-sizing to one inch (1 ") meter will be calculated to fees for a three quarter inch (3/4") connection. Equipment will be charged by actual equipment costs. 5. Obtain approved building address from Development Services Department. 6. Post approved address on building minimum 4" letters on contrasting background. Additionally, when view may be obscured from public street, provide address sign in accordance with COE Engineering Standard Detail E8.3. See httD://www.ci.edmonds.wa.us/encs toc std details/PDF STDDETAILS/E8-3 St- &-Adrss Sign-Model.pdf City of Edmonds * Office of Fire Marshal ATTACHMENT 1 i cd 4, cn E 0 M cu CL cu CD ct cn c 0 NO C) 0 0 (D 0 0 ul u 0- (D U) E < -0 L) rf� a) (D C14 u A - cn cu a) 0) 0 C14 C? c) CQ -0 < c- cu 0 0) C14 E 0 m 0 75- co— C'4 �z +0, L 0 0 c— 0 (D G:3' co C\l as N (D A, o O -cl O is 0 0 0 0 0 7� 0 cQ E o 76 (D 0 4-4 (D 00 4--4 E En 0 .- � 0 1:� d (D U ai 0 > 0 , " m o bO (D0 Ci C:r LU Ci CU Q) Q�> (D -ff -0 E 0 'cj (D ci 0 0- (D (U - cr cu 0 0 0 ID ami :t -f CIO E cl� 0 ci� Q� C) C) 0- 2) 0 C14 E (/)SO > 0 r N cu � c;) U) O CL -2 : to m < (D 0 U) 0 (D Q Cc) 0 0 "C� 0 cd o 0 E o m 0 = LL. cn CU LLJ -2 0 a) F > :F-: cn E U) cl)cn > C) C'4 1714 p P. cd clqOM C)O CK3 (D N CIO -0 0 cu 0 O U 3-4 j, 0 r-- Q E cnC) 0 CL <Si0 0 bD C13 bp V) cd(1) ;-I 4 4, 0 o C�s bD *' (13 < CL C-) U) 0 0 < -0 i rn CD E E (1) Q) o 2!: m m cu 0 ATTACH ME NT 1 E File No. PLN20110008 75 150 300 Feet Attach this notarized declaration to the adjacent property owners list. On my oath, I certify that the names and addresses provided represent all properties located within 300 feet of the subject property. s Signat6re f Applicant q� Applicant's j\epresentative Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of a®® PRA .... °®® ✓J Zo to o N®T,gRY Notary Public in and for the State'of Wpshington PUBLIC 9 ° Oi Residing at�'J ATTACHMENT 1 PDS COMPANIES PDS COMPANIES DISCOVERY PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 00513600001701 00513600002302 INC 00700900000100 PO BOX 13519 PO BOX 13519 4281 KATELLA AVE UNIT 111 ARLINGTON , TX 76094 ARLINGTON , TX 76094 LOS ALAMITOS , CA 90720 OLTMAN LYNN P GONG BRADLEY & PAULA WALKER CODY C & ANN E 00513600000903 00456000001500 00456000001600 7314176TH S W 7307176TH ST SW 7315176TH ST SW EDMONDS , WA 98020 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 ARCHER JEFFREY T DIZARD GARY R MCKEEVER LADONNA K 00513100014106 00513600000800 00513600000904 7401176TH ST SW 7231 SOUNDVIEW LN 7308176TH ST SW EDMONDS', WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 COLE MARY K HARVILLE THOMAS P HOFFMAN MARSHALL A 00513600001001 00513600001002 00513600001003 7313 SOUNDVIEW DR 7321 SOUNDVIEW DR 7411 SOUND VIEW DR EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 FELDKAMP LUCY & GRIGGS GERALD EIKE BRIAN K & SUSAN JOHNSON LLOYD P & MARIANNE 00513600001102 00513600001103 00513600001104 7400 SOUNDVIEW 7324 SOUNDVIEW DR 7320 SOUNDVIEW DR EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 BAIER STEPHEN C & DEBORA G HUNTER DIANA H MUSTARI MICHAEL & SHARYN K 00513600001300 00513600001301 00513600001400 7422 SOUNDVIEW DR 7420 SOUND VIEW DR 7426 SOUND VIEW DR EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 THOMPSON DONALD L HOFFMAN MARSHALL WEISS-HOLMBERG BARBARA 00513600001500 00513600001501 00513600001600 7413 SOUNDVIEW DRIVE 7411 SOUND VIEW DR 7416176TH ST SW EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 PARSONS JACK L & PAULA M CARTER ALICIA D & SAMUEL D CODER NATHAN & HEUU 00513600001700 00513600001801 00513600001900 7520176TH ST SW 17619 76TH AVE W 17629 76TH AVE W EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 ADAMS JOHN T & EVELYN E HARVI LLE JOHN D & JANET C TROKA PETER J & SANDRA L 00513600002000 00700900000300 00700900000400 17707 76TH W 7415 176TH ST SW 17527 76TH AVENUE WEST EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 SHEBLY MARK A BLACK PATRICIA T CLEMENT BRUCE P & CARLA P 00713100000300 00713100000400 00513600001802 7312175TH ST SW 7229176TH ST SW 17623 76TH AVE W EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026 EDMONDS , WA 98026-5401 File No.: „1 111: • •ps_Weiss-Holmberg On the 14th day of July, 2011, the attached Notice of Application and Comment Period was posted as prescribed by Ordinance and in any event where applicable on or near the subject property. I, Jennifer Machuga, hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct this 22nd day of September, 2011, at Edmonds, Washington. Signed: {BFP747892.DOC;1\00006.900000\ } ATTACHMENT 2( File No.: PLN20110008 Applicant: Weiss -Holmberg On the 14th day of July, 2011, the attached Notice of Application and Comment Period was mailed by the City to property owners within 300 feet of the property that is the subject of the above -referenced application. The names of which were provided by the applicant. I, Jennifer Machuga, hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct this 22nd day of September, 2011, at Edmonds, Washington. Signed: {BFP747887.DOC;1\00006.900000\ } ATTACHMENT 21 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH OF Ox,p4 /.l'C. 139J CITY OF EDMONDS NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NAME OF APPLICANT: Rod Wickham on behalf of Barbara Weiss -Holmberg DATE OF APPLICATION: 3/24/2011 DATE OF COMPLETENESS: 6/30/2011 DATE OF NOTICE: 7/14/2011 FILE NO.: PLN20110008 PROJECT LOCATION: 7416 —176th St. SW, Edmonds, WA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Application to subdivide one lot into two lots, with a modification request to allow for a reduced rear setback of 10' from the southernroperty line of Lot 2. The site is zoned Single -Family Residential RS -12). REQUESTED PERMIT: Short Subdivision. Information on this ap- plication can be viewed at the City of Edmonds Development Ser- vices Dept., 121 5th Ave. N, Edmonds, WA 98020. OTHER REQUIRED PERMITS: Unknown. REQUIRED STUDIES: Geotechnical Report. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS: Critical Areas Checklist. COMMENT PERIOD: Comments due by July 28 2011 Any per- son has the right to comment duringthe public comment period, receive notice, and request a copy of the decision on the applica- tion. Only parties of record as defined in ECDC 20.07.003 have standing to initiate an appeal CITY CONTACT: Jen Machuga, Associate Planner 425)771-0220 PUBLISHED: 7/14/2011 S.S. The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Courtof Snohomish County and that the notice Notice of Development Application Rod Wickman on behalf of Barbara Weiss -Holmberg a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: July 14, 2011 and that said newspaper was regularly 1 J l f �- Subscribed and sworn to before me day of July, 2,411 Notary Pt in and e State County. Account Name: City of Edmonds Account Number: 101416 to its subscribers during all of said period Principal Clerk ® 4q®as®53434%9q ton, res rplotromssAt ts} ® e/l �tl°�,� ®A�� Order Number: 0001743770 ATTACHMENT 2e To: City of Edmonds, Planning Department; Jen Machuga Re: Comments on File Number PLN2011008 From: Interested Property Owners on Soundview Drive 1. Easement recorded July 12, 1957 extends the entire length of lots 1 & 2 and beyond. 2. Lot 2 has no survey markers on the ground. 3. Existing 10 foot sewer easement on lot 1 appears to be in error. 4. Reduced setback of 15 feet is a cost savings to the developer, but will be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare to the property or improvement in the adjacent vicinity. 5. Proposed residence appears to be encroaching on 10 foot easement #1244505. 6. The properties adjacent to the proposed construction enjoy a quiet setting and would be adversely affected by a reduced setback of 15 feet. Donald and Fe n Thompson, Owners 7413 Soundview Drive, Edmonds 98026 Marshall Hoffman, Owner 7411 Soundview Drive, Edmonds 98026 Thomas and Lauralee Harville, Owners 7321 Soundview Drive, Edmonds 98026 t 7 2 s r-?- c %/ JL 2 2011 E date date date ATTACHMENT 2%� GENERAL CONTRACTOR 7314 176TH ST. SW EDMONDS, WA 98026 (425) 743-6324 July 24, 2011 JUL 271 2011 City of Edmonds . PLANNNG DEPT Development Services Department 121 5t" Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 RE: PLN20110008 I am the property owner abutting the east property line of the proposed project. Following are my concerns: 1. Vagueness of the material available online regarding the scope of the project and questions and answers from the city. 2. Prior illegal building and excavation into the toe of the hill and their intentions of further damage to a slide area. 3. What are,the intentions of the application to modify the set back from the 8outh'ern `property line of Lot 2? 4. No details submitted for existing easements and property lines. 5. By proceeding with this plan it would be further encroachment on the right of way deemed by all the property owners that there would be an easement of 10 feet north and south of each property owners that was agreed upon on the original plat. This agreement should be honored by all property owners. The property owner of Lot 1 proposing Lot 2 has already encroached upon the right of way and blocked access to other property owners via his building projects and had personally threatened to sue me if I wanted to open up access to my own property which is on the right of way. I don't believe the variance should be allowed. I would appreciate m'y concerns being addressed application. Sincerely, 6;1a�''� ynn P. Oltman prior to the decision of this ATTACHMENT 24