S-59-11.pdfv I%At L_vr f'BLOCK 6 to �. --r-r. r BLOCK i L/ BL_�iCK 1� i/r-I1/^���• r.)I r\AA/^\A lr+i' 1\L..L_L_111 .7 i L�/-\I I v L_t4VICJIVL)Z) :. WEST 270.00' 85.00' 100:00 SEWER) EASEMENT p2 r m 0 O m B Cm A=90,001 2000' A=9000' 0 r 0 � 0 T=20.00` T=20.00' --- --- R=20.00' ti �,� R=20.00' —— ------ — = 1 5K 65.00 kCCESS AND UTILITIES E N SCMENTI0� cS0 \/n i�n-=r-r\ 1_Ir_-n A : V /-\ � � Ax I L 1 I i v i L_,, %_ i \ 85.00' 40.00' 60.00' _ L' L_ EAST 270.00' Existing Iron Piri 1'7 r> r_- 1:' --. 1 �i I �� 9 1?.t A K V 111 n ET IRON PIN WITH PLASTIC CAP NO'D.456f _ RECORD OF SURVEY FOR PAUL HYLTON IN, NEIA OF NW%4 OF SECTION 25 T27N, R3 SNOHOMI SH. COUNTY, WASHI NGT( MADE EY ME;:OR &a MU&&a 4U�E[VIENTBOF � t • L_ Y �TON = ;. .. !lea, , ENGINEERS • SuRvEY012S • RI ANIVERS .f ,.. y' 924 MAIN STREET, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON ,. BRAWN CHECI(ED bAR6 FIELC HOOK I—ALK i°ILE NO, G. W. L. L. F. M. 8^21-75 374,rp•1" c 4Q' -. 47 , 1 SPRUCE STREET Point on Manhole Lid from, . Punch Marks on Ring W. Corner of E rN* • 30' 30' I - O V tD W > Q:... BASIS OF BEARINGS: ASSUMED 0 85.00' SANITARY cn A I� 30' 3O' o 85.00' HEMLOCK S�REET AC Existing Concrete Monument in Case Existing 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTION OF VACATED 'BLOCK 6, KELLOGG PLAT TO EDMONDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF dSE1 PLATS, ON PAGE 42, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHING- TON. TOGETHER WITH PORTION OF NORTH HALF OF VACATED HEMLOCK STREET ADJOINING SAID VACATED BLOCK G. RECORDING CERTIFICATE 21,1,0,907 1/QSURVEYORS-,CERTIFICATt e, J. FILED FOR RECORD ex_LEROY' F, MIDDLETON , - THIS_1+-4—DAY OF AUGUST 791, A.D„ AT_.. THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY. MA UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE E` WITH THRE`QU MINUTES PAST�_O'CLOCK�Lw .AND RECORDED IN- PAUL EST THF�SURVEY RECORDYNG ACT, AT THE REQ UOF "`. VOLUME�OF SURVEYS - ON PAGE 29� THIS :21 nA]' OF ` :A'UGU ST `.., .1.§ 75, RECORDS OF SNOHOMI SH COUNTY, WASHINGTON,. HENRY B. WHALE L.S. NO. XK 6 (/t_'I..�\?' I\�_lh_c.1�7\.7 -rl-, ff-r>I, AI-\nlr�r 1 L_!-\1 t �i L_L/Ivl�-�IVL)Z) WEST 270.001 85.00' 100.00 _ NER, EASEMENT -- -- I m m zro B c ter: &=90°00' WEST. A=9do0' 20_00 o z T-20.00 0 T=20.00' 00° iy u� R=20.00' 65.00' _SS o,4N UTILITIES E x SLMENTI�� °p. \ / A /� A -!! r -r, �_� r_-� t 1 -y••v V/ -y \.!-� t L_L I IL_i V1. l_.. k- t.\ ,'' .... .$5.00 40.00' 60.00i EASTc 270.00' ' t Ex 5't Ing Iron- Pin L--l!- .- 1 4 • . /�GC�fYe� �es owner:: of �2//� ON PIN WITHL PLASTIC CAR NdD.4561 . RECORD OF SURVEY FOR: PAUL H Y LTON IN, NE 1/4 OF NWA OF SECTION .25, T27N, R3EV SNOHOM I SH COUNTY, : WASH I1GTbN' `, BY' ME OR z • ��,rG6Lj �I��f,.G��L �,Q�:i✓+Q.,. 41ENT$ DF ' Vf `�v. • ENGINEKRS . • ' SURVEYORS IPLAMNEf o y� p -3E4 MAIN- $TREET, EDM NDS. WASHINGTON CHIECKEb' LiAT6 FIELD MOOK BCgLE - BILE -NO 4 47'G01' . ' - SPRUCE STREET Point on Manhole Lid from, Punch MarKs on Ring/ A V /'%t, f -W W. Corner of BLOCK G 1 301 ,: I ' 30 I 0 _ i W � wT r . 0 �a L L' GO W ES•, BASIS OF BEARINGS: ASSUMED O 85.00' —�5ANITARY SEWER EA51 �� v m. v 00A 0 LZ 30' 30' p — —_85_00'_ — — H EM LOCK Sof R E E T o ACCESS NAn se Existing Concrete Monument in Casef ~ EAS'. r f e LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTION OF VACATED BLOCK G, KELLOGG PLAT TO EDMONDS, ACCORDING ,TO THE PLAT THEREOF. RECORDED' IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS', ON PAGE 42, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH. COUNTY, WASHING- • = SET IRON PIN TON. TOGETHER WITH PORTION OF NORTH HALF OF VACATEDHEMLOCK STREET ADJOINING SAID VACATED BLOCK G. e RECORDING CERTIFICATE WWF07 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE ' FILED FOR RECORD BY—LEROY F MIDDLETO�Nv THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR THIS Y9 OF_GUST _1 AT�ZIN UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH T, E7REQU1REM[ENTS OF MINUTES PAOST—OiCLOCK�Z_M; AND RECORDED' IN ND RECORDED' 'SURVEY :THE RECORDING ACT, AT THE REQUEST OF PAUL HYLTON VOLUME.. 2. 6F' SURVEY$ - ON PAGE_;f_ 2� THISDAY OF=AUGUST. RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY. WASHINGTON. "fig / I rC_ vr' iii/"\"v(-)f i i er of BLOCK 6 ------------------------ s. i. 1\LL..L_�i1J1�7 PLA-I.�i L_L/VlJ�1 WEST 270.00' 5.00' 85.00' _0 100.00' NARY ` SEWER EASEMENT r m x a a m t. (D _ A z Z B C A=90°00' WEST, A=SC00' 20r_00� O _ T=20.00' T=20.00' -- R=20.00' ---- —ti R= 0001 ._ .�� 20.---- ------- — 5.00 — — 65.00 1. Vy ACCESS SAND' UTILITIES E o SEMENTIqm 00 \/n/ten--r-r) I_1r_-nnl v/-��./-1I L_v' I IL_I�IL_..\�I\ 55.00 w` 85,00 , 40.00 az ,. 60.00 EAST 270.00' I Existing Iron Pin c' -i r�r_-r--- S I I-\ L_ L_ I _ 1 .i C, I. I a n A I\ /.I 11 'A I r C = SETIRON PIN WITH PLASTIC CAP NO'D. 4561 RECORD OF SURVEY FOR ' PAUL H Y LTON IN NEI A OF NWI A OF SECTION 25,127N , SNOHOMI SH COUNTY, WASH , k1E R MADE ME TS OR c,z HE REQUIREMENTS,OF � Rea, Mf&e� �c GGVVWW 4LN�''LLGW�j A�OC�GWLG:Df' - ` PAUL, H`�LTON "<. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS ,'PLAN 824 MAIN STREET, EDMCNDS, WASHINGTON- - T ' DRAWN CHECKED DATE' ,. FIELD HOOK SCALE FILI t� Nd 4561. G. W. L. L. F. M; 8^2 f-75 374, pq7 1" c 40' i SPRUCE STREET Point on Manhole Lid from) I Punch MarKs'on Ring - / A V /- )-N—W. Corner of BLOCK 6 3011 I 30 I - --- --- w v to J z do Qz L I00 'i- � WE: BASIS OF BEARINGS: ASSUMED _ -SANITARY 85.001 SEWER EA'. _ I �m M In A o� 301 301 p ---- HEMLOCK STREET o _85.00' ACCESsqAr a 85.001 oN Existing Concrete Monument in Case) ~ EAS 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTION OF'VACATED BLOCK 6, KELLOGG PLAT TO EDMONDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS,ON PAGE 42, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHING *=SET IRON PIN V TON. TOGETHER WITH PORTION OF NORTH HALF OF VACATED HEMLOCK STREET ADJOINING SAID VACATED BLOCK G. RECORDING CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERTIFICA FILED FOR RECORD BY_LEROY F. MIDDLETON THIS DAY OF AUGUST THIS MAP CORRE 191�2__A.D.. AT_. ESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR .UNDER MY: DIRECTIO MINUTES PAST _O'CLOCK—M; AND RECORDED IN ORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THESURVEY RECO I VOLUME OF SURVEYS ON PAGE 21 T,.AT THE REQUEST OF PAUL HYL70N THIS RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON. D UG ST 19 75 HENRY B WHALEN CnI.1N— nuns ..-s......, ..I-.-- _ .. L.S_ NO:_456i _ i i e V L_ VV ISI/ -%I %j �1 \ V /'L \—/—\ I L_ L / ) p I 11:1) L_ L_ 1 �K 6 (— — — i j i — — — — — —. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 _ '�, i I�r=1 1 �-\•••• ' rel nY -r�'\ r_ r.h n� .A Ir•r 'I L_/-\1 Iii L._L/IVI"_/IVL.I�I WEST 270.00'' 85.00' 0 100.00' -R EASEMENT - F 0 Z n X 0 0 ^ ro B _ r Ix L=90*001 2000' g000' T=20.00 —0 T=20.00' --------ti R=20.00' — R=20.00' ----------------- 65.00' —�� ��_ S 0 SAND UTILITIES EASEMENT Iom \ / A r` A --r- rN _1 r_ -n Al �� v 85.00' 40.00' 0Q 60.00' EAST 270.00' Existing Iron Pin r -r --i Iii :7 L_ /-\ w \v l 1_11_ x N PIN WITH PLASTIC CAP NO'D.4561 RECORD OF SURVEY OR PAUL' H Y LTON IN, NEI/4 OF NW%4 OF SECTION 25, T27N, R3 E.W. SNOHOMI SH COUNTY, WASHINGTON ME OR :NTS OF ��QG4GYLGQ� • QZC• rON ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS 324 MAIN STREET, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON PRAWN CHECKED DATE FIELD "" SCALE J1 ' FILE NO. 4 76 L G. W. L. L. F. M. 8-21-75 374,p.47 1 = 40 SHEET 1 OF 1 F CITY CLERK CIVIC CENTER WOMONpg, SVA 88020. WSS/naa 02/l2/86 RESOLUTION NO. 636 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, VOIDING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 5-11-59 REGARDING HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY, AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS., Subdivision. 5-11-59 regarding the herein described pr6perty was approved by the Planning_ Commission of the City of Edmonds on June 22, 1959, on. the application of Paul Hylton, and WHEREAS, said subdivision was recorded for record on August 2.2, 1975, and as none of the improvements relating to said subdivision have been built or .are in place, and. WHEREAS,. the record owner of all property encompassed within said subdivision has requested that subdivision approval be voided and any dedication thereon vacated, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said voiding and vacation is in the public interest, now, therefore, THE .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON HERESY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS`: Seot.ion 1. That Subdivision 5-11--59 encompassing certain real estate further described to be: That portion of vacated Block 6, Kellogg Plat, to City of Edmonds according to a plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats.,. on page 42,. Records of Snohomish County, Washington, Tcgethe�.-,.Q'lith., portion of the north half of vacated Hemlocktre9adjoining said vacated Block 6. I HEREBY CFRTIF" THIS TO 'BE -A TR-UEWNlJ,°�, CORRECT COPY OF THE ORiGINAk; CIVli'� 1N" MY OFFICE AS PART OF THk:'OFRICCAL-49 D9 .OF THE CITY OF DMONDS...,-- 8 6 0 .. ' E VOL .1954 PAGE98� . , CITY CLERK C'VIC CIENTER EDMONDS, WA 28020 Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to record a copy of this resolution with the Snohomish County Auditor in the records of Snohomish County, Washington.. RESOLVED this 4th day of March , 1985. APPROVED: MAYOR., LARR S . N UGH EN ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: PARRETT ITY'CLERK; JACQUELINE G. FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 12, 1185 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: March 4, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. 635 f� s VOL 1954 PAGE 1990 M E M O R A N D U M February 21, 1986 T0: Building Division FROM: Mary Lou Block SUBJECT: McGee Building Permit The McGees have applied for a building permit -for an addition to their home at 809 Hemlock flay, in Edmonds. The property on which they wish to build received preliminary approval for a three lot subdivision in 1959. However, the necessary improvements were never completed and, therefore, the subdivision has expired. At this time -the McGees are requesting authorization to consider this property as one lot and build on it accordingly. They own the whole parcel. Since the earlier subdivision was never recorded., there is no apparent reason why this could not be treated as a single building site. To assure that this property appears as a single parcel of land on the County Assessor's records, a resolution will be forwarded to the City Council for action voiding the earlier preliminary subdivision. Recording the Council Resolution will supersede the Record of Survey,. which was filed in 1975 and showed that land as three parcels. In the meantime the McGees may obtain a building permit and proceed at their own risk, with the understanding that the Resolution must still be passed by the City Council and subsequently recorded with the Snohomish County Auditor. MEMORANDUM February 21, 1986 TO: Building Division FROM: Mary Lou Block" SUBJECT: McGee Building Permit The McGees have applied for a building permit for an addition to their home at 809 Hemlock Way, in Edmonds. The property on which they wish to build received preliminary approval for a three lot subdivision in 1959. However, the necessary improvements were never completed and, therefore, the subdivision has expired. At this time.the McGees are requesting authorization to consider this property as one lot and build on it accordingly. They own the whole parcel. Since the earlier subdivision was never recorded, there is no apparent reason why this could not be treated as a single building site. To assure that this property appears as a single parcel of land on the County Assessor's records, a resolution will be forwarded to the City Council for action voiding the earlier preliminary subdivision. Recording the Council Resolution will supersede the Record of Survey, which was filed in 1975 and showed that land as three parcels. In the meantime the McGees may obtain a building permit and proceed at their own risk, with the understanding that the Resolution must still be passed by the City Council and subsequently recorded with the Snohomish County Auditor. THESE 11114UTES SUBJECT TO MARCH 10, 1986 APPROVAL EDMO NDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Naughten in the Plaza Meeting Room of the Edmonds Library. All present joined in the flag sa- lute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Larry Naughten, Mayor Pat LeMay, Personnel Mgr. John Nordquist Bob Alberts, City Engineer Steve Dwyer Dan Prinz, Police Chief. Laura Hall Jack Weinz, Fire Chief, Jo -Anne Jaech _ Bobby Mills, Pub. Wks. Supt. Bill Kasper Steve Simpson, Parks & Rec. Mgr. Lloyd Ostrom Duane Bowman, Asst. City Planner Jack Wilson Chris Beckman, Traffic & Trans. Eng. Cindy Browne, Student Rep. Mary Lou Block, Planning Div. Mgr. Scott Snyder, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, City Clerk Marqaret Richards, Recorder Councilmember Dwyer was not present until 9:05 p.m. and did not vote on any of the items prior to. CDC -4-85. CONSENT AGENDA Items (B), (C), (E), (F), (J), and (K) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER NORD- QUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda include the following: (A) ROLL CALL (0) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF CLAIM FOR DA14AGES FROM OLYMPIC BALLET (5575 + TAX), LAWRENCE R. COLBY ($95.94), LAURENCE M. OLSON ($53.85), HANS J. LUTZ (AMOUNT TO BE DETERMINED), AND ANITA MARIE WELLS ($1,234.63) (G) ACCEPTANCE OF QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM ARCHIE A. AND VIOLET ME. COKER FOR STREET RIGHT-OF- WAY (H) APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER (i) ,ADOPTED RESOLUTION 635 VOIDING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL S-11-59 (PAUL HYLTON) (L) DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY FOR MEADOWDALE AREA (164TH ST. S.W. AND 75TH PL. W. FOR STORM DRAINAGE AND AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS (M) AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH FUJIKI & ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTIENGINEERING INSPECTION SERVICES FOR MEADOWDALE (164TH ST. S.W./75TH PL.W.) GROUND WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM ($12,400) (N) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR 76TH AVE. W./MEADOWDALE BEACH RD. CULVERT (0) REPORT ON BIOS OPENED FEBRUARY 24, 1986 FOR PURCHASE OF WATER METERS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT TO FOG-TITE METER SEAL, INC. ($14, 038.19) APPROVAL .OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 1986 [ITEM (B) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA] Councilmember Ostrom noted a correction on page 3 in the middle of the page as follows: "Council - member Ostrom said he recalls asking Mr. Hauth, rather than he recalls Councilmember Dwyer, at EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO Item number: -Z Originator: Mary Lou Block For Action: X For Information: SUBJECT: PROPOSED RESOLUTION 635 VOIDING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL S-11-59 (PAUL HYLTON) AGENDA TIME: Consent AGEND"A DATE: March 4, 1986 EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. McGee Letter Clearances: Dept./Indiv./Initials ADMIN SVCS/FINANCE CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK _ COMMUNITY SERVICES_ ENGINEERING PARKS & RECREATION PLANNING1, PUBLIC WORKS FIRE PERSONNEL POLICE COMMITTEE MAYOR COMMENTS: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT APPROPRIATION (REQUIRED: $ 0 BUDGETED: _$ 0 REQUIRED:,$ 0 HISTORY, AND SUMMARY STATEMENT: In 1959 a short subdivision (S-11-59) was approved for Paul Hylton at 8th Ave. South and Hemlock Street. The subdivision was never recorded and no improvements were ever installed to complete the development of the three lots. The property is currently owned entirely by the Richard McGee family and is occupied by their home. The McGees wish to add an addition to the existing house and want to eliminate any vestiges of the earlier subdivision. For, although the subdivision itself was never recorded, a record of survey of the. three lots was filed with the County in 1975. The City.Attorney has advised us that the subdivision has expired because the improvements were not completed, but recording of the proposed Resolution is necessary to correct the County's records. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt'proposed Resolution 635.. -7 777777 17777 77 WSS/naa 02/12/86 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, VOIDING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL S-11-59 REGARDING HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY, AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION, WHEREAS, Subdivision S--11-59 regarding the herein described property was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Edmonds on June 22, 1959, on the application of Paul Hylton, and WHEREAS, said subdivision was recorded for record on August 22, 1975, and as none of the improvements relating to said subdivision have been built or are in place, and WHEREAS, the record owner of all property encompassed within said subdivision has requested that subdivision approval be voided and any dedication thereon vacated, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said voiding and vacation is in the public interest, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON. HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Subdivision S--11-59 encompassing certain real estate further described to be: That portion of vacated Block 6, Kellogg Plat, to City of Edmonds according to a plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 42, Records of Snohomish County, Washington, Together with portion of the north half of vacated Hemlock Street, adjoining said vacated Block 6. . MAYOR, LARRY S. NAUGHTEN ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: CITY CLERK, JACQUELINE G. PARRETT FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. 02/17/86 To: Ms. Mary Lou Block Planning Department City of Edmonds From: Richard A. McGee Anne J. McGee e09 Hemlock Way Edmonds, Wa. Dear Ms. Block: We are planning to build an addition to our residence at 819 Hemlock Way. There currently exists a subdivision (S-11--59) that was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Edmonds on June 22, 1959. The subdivision record of survey was recorded on August 22, 1975. We request that the subdivision approval be voided. No improvements relating to the subdivision have been completed. Than: You for your help on this. Sincerely, � Q Richard A. McGee Anne J. McGee prope y Ma i4r. McGibbon moved and seconded by Mr. Blackbourn that the request of. Mr. Tasty be approved subject to 'approval by' 'e Pity Attorney. Carried. n A letter was received from the Edmonds d+ea.:Estats Dealera requestingrein8 03` de re demi zones and for multiple dwsll.ing purposes. This letter.- was !erred for study by a aondttee consisting of Larry Hubbard Chairsa np Darold Steer son and Alton Phillips. A letter from Mr. RalI& and Mrs. 2ULlies 6tenberg was read requesting subdivision of a portion of Tract 13, Puget Sannd Machinery Depot 5 Aare Tracts. This was referred to a comittee of Mr. McGibbon Chairman,, -Kr. Al Simpson and Mr. Blackbourn. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. ,Isle Lobsan s; referred to a cc�ttee consisting of p��i itr. Hubbard, Mr. Stevenson and Mr. ps• A letter from Mr. John F. Sehute xrequested ,subdivision of a portion of property descr'�be3d ro a portion of Lot 1, Block 5,. Alderwaod Manor #9 known as parcel "C". A committee of Mr. Hubbard Chairman, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Stevenson fres appointed to investigate this subdivision. Mr Paul !ton's letter requested permission to subdivide a piece of property "`3,nto 3 lots each being 90'x106' iocated'on Sth Street between Spruce and Laurel. and Mr. Blackbourn were appointed em this.ce�ittes to sHr. McGibbon, Mr. Simpson look over this property. A letter from Mr. Chas. T. Mvnel.l.. Bofdoin Way at 16th Avenue asked.permission to bdivide his property described as Tract % Block 4, Alderwood Manor No. 9. :s MrMaG+bbon that the Planning Commission . Blackbourn moved and seconded by Mr. 'approve the request of Chas. T. Monell as shown on attached drawing. Cgrriedo r „.. :Th; s E...Belt requested by letter asking permission to subdivide property "f described as Lot•:11, Onavu Park Div. #1 unrecorded. k Mr. Blackbourn;mi�veyd and seconded by Mr.- McGibbon that the PlAnning Coumission approve the proposed subdivision as:amended with the correetid copy to be deliverea to the.City Clerk and the roadway t be�Ydeeded to the City of Edffionls with the City •.attorney' s approval. Carried. A letter fresn �.rs., Alia Baronovich, . 221'3. "G", Tacoma 3 asked division into 3 lots of property desevibed as Lots 3 and 4. Bowdoin 'food .Tracts, was referred to a eeamarit�- ; tee: consisting of Mr. Hubbard Chairman, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Stevenson. letter from the City En inper regarazng tines of the fres read: , Mr. 131ackbourn moved and seconded by Mr. Simpson that the Planning Commission approve the eemdendment to the Ohlson Plat in accordance with conditions outlined in the City Engineer's letter of May 18, 1959•% Carried- -A letter from Mrs. Strange asking the Planning Commission attendance at a meeting for. planning -of ';a new library. r The subdivision -for Mrs. Alta Baronovich for property described as Lots 3 and 4 r " $owdo!A-.Road wars reviewed. She submitted .two proposals to be,considered. k , r{ iF"moved and seconded by Mr. PId11i_ps that the Planning Commission approve proposals as requested by Nrp_.:Alta Fiaronovich. Carried. - ;Ir�Rc_b_ert Aogle' s subdivision was discussed next. Mr. McGibbon moved and seconded by Mr. Simpson that the Planning. Commission appr:,ve the subdivision as submitted by Mr.-Doyle for property described as TrAct 17, Block 5, AldenTmd Manor #9. Carried. Mr. Palm's subdivision was discussed. Mr. McGibbon move<? and .seconded by Mr. Blackbourn x.: that the plat" of Alderwood Manor T9-as shown by M. B. Meyri.ngsdrawing of Sept. 9, 1952 .be approved providing that the 30 ft. easement be deeded to the City for roadway"purposes { thus becoming a*30 ft. service lane. Carried. A letter from MI'V. G7 em Johnston request4a subdivl ding of his property was read. A .f � committee consisting of Mr. N:aphis, `Tr. Stringer, Mr. Hubbard and Iffr. Bennett were appointed.to investigate the subdivision. Mr. Thomas E. Belt submitted an additional st.odivisipn to the Commission asking � approval fending buying of the property. He was told that the second subdivision should be presented apart from the first piece a'­eady submitted. k Planning Commission Edmonds, Wash. 1207 Bowdoin Way Edmonds, Wash. May 18, 1959 Gentlemen; I have a large tract on Eighth Street between Spruce and Laurel which I would like to divide into three regular -sized lots. It is now 1.081 wide and 2701 deep. The division would allow for three lots each 901 by 1081. Attached is a sketch showing the proposal, including the present driveway (12ftwide) up the southernmost side of the property. My own homesite is at the extreme rear of the tract,. and I plan to build. this summer. It is not my intention to divide this, or at least sell any part of itp right array, but wanted to get your approval in case it would affect my building plans in any way. YD aslvery truly, 1 frj Paul Hylton 7-7 ... 0 _ j J - _........ - t: 108 . -r - �- i - - T 5-11-59 No re ; k6-coffO&WVA--r1&%J 6A) ��v�►-��r ro $-.j- o t?A-,r Ei�s few t ,�oa� 20 lN/ -1 � � IQA�! r nl � 03 �x t r 1S z cars cAt G4T.i.M �o Ctrs A.7T&-A.1Tia+./ Tld C:oXOVAAP wArtM P"AGs7-1 7�s gceW