S-62-03.pdfSEPT. 7, 1981 EAS`, -SENT INCONSIDERATIONOF BENEFITS TO `,CCRUE TO THE GRANTORS HEREIN BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT yO.,F.A SEblEP, 5. STEr`t, THE ;lDER51GNED .. JOHN M. SWAN, ANO �/,c��i�-C/i� �Gi tf� � HIS WI FES HEREBY GRANT TO THE CITY OF—CD' ONDS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AN EASEMENT FOR THE IN- STALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF A SANITARY SEWER LINE OVER, ACROSS, THROUGH AND BELOW THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH., STATE OF WASHINGTON TO -WIT: THE NORTHEASTERLY 71 OF THE VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 31 .2 AND THE NORTHWESTERLY 16.00 FEET OF LOT 3, ALSO THE NORTHEASTERLY 5.00 FEET OF THE VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 4 Amp THE NORTHWESTERLY 26.00 FEET OF LOT 5 AND THE NORTH— EASTERLY 34.00 FEET OF LOT 3 ALL IN BLOCK 41 OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF NORTH EDMONbs. DATED THIS, DAY OF H� JO.fj NO SALES TAS REQUIRED 6 10" t r ❑r -Daputy STATE OF VJASHINGTON)ss COUNTY OF SNOHOM I SH) ON 7TH 1 S DAY PE BON LLY APPEARED BE FORE ME JOHN Vi. SWAM AND �r>���� Or •!�I t`r�2i, HI S WI FE, TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE I ND I VI DUALS. DE SCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING IMSTROMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THE SAME AS -THEIR .FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEEDS FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. .�... y GIVEN UNDER. MY HAND AND OFFICrI.AL SEAL TH15 DAY OF��j�.y- `mak i s NOT.RY PUBLIC .1N AJD''FORTy1F�jSTP.TE OF VIASHINGTONa RESIDtNG AT VOL 171 i - SEPT -7, 1961 1 C ]SII RI�T10i o E,�IEi I TS TO ACCRUETO THE 6PA:ITIiRS HEREI V 9Y RZASON OF THE CONSTRUCTEON AUD ESTABLISFiMZNT 0 A SEWER P -YS E°M' THE NDERSiGNED 'JOHN M. SWAN, ��� � �� �--v.%��—� sem_/ � RiS WIFE, HEREBY GRANT TO T:#£ O � ' }t'iLS, .A MU't1CIPAL CORPORATION, AN EASEMENT FOR THE 1:4- STALLAT.ION, OPERATION., AND MAINTENANCE OF A SANITARY .SZWER LINE OVwR., ACk033,7 THROUGH ASVD aELOW THE FOLLOWI UG €3ESC R1 CEO PAOPCRTY� LOCATED 1-4 TH r COV41CY OF SNOMONI SFE, STATE OF ar'ASHINGTON TO -WIT: T"z NORTHEASTERLY 71 OF THE VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT TO LoT3 1, 2 Aap THE NORN-rVESTCRLY 16.00 .FEET OF LOT 3, ALSO THE NORTHEASTERLY 5.00 FEET Or. THE VACATED ALLOY ADJACENT To ',€ITS 4 AAD TETE NORTHWESTERLY 2$.00- FEE{' OF LOT 3 AND THE NORT8- EASTERLY 34.00 PF -ET OI` LOT 3 A�L in StocA 41 OF .THE ORIGINAL PLAT QF NORTH Eoi u`I>S. ; / DATED THt 1 � ����Y o� f / STATE OF WASHINGi{3Oss COLNV Y OR SMO}- OM1 SH 3 TH121 DAY ER?0NALLY APPEARCO BEFORE ME J041 M. ,SWAB! AND HIS WIFE, TO MZ KidOWM TO 8E THE INDI VIDt AL$ DE- SrR1 E31rO I I A40/310 EXECUTED TOE WIT 1E ! A.40 FORENOON -41 J OSTRUMEN T, A00 ACK"OWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THE SA -99 AS THEIR FREE AND VC LU4TARY ACT AND DEED., FOR Tai' USES A:di) PURPOSES THERE;U MENT10'rIED.6 GiVw-N UNDER MY HAND AUD'OFFICIAL $CAL THIS �� - DAY OF CD moi' -- i ,c���i � _-�-C✓c/G 1 = Pd0!Tr RY :�Li�IE I C I :a Asap G�+? T�."e STATF_ OFAIAS}iINGTOPiRESIDING AT NalE Nj ADDRESS 1 c:) C) ~ �r Q "! PHOS' ! Q- L .- REQUEST:.' r ti Ie, i PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SKETCH: (Sketch of property to be rezoned or subdivided. showing streets, property lines, etc,) 3AMES H. POD ASSOC—IMES; I CONSUEJANG 324 MaFn SV, PR. 8-.ri7l WMOt,.jD5, WASH.INGTON. �CAIE, r15 3AMES H. POD ASSOC—IMES; I CONSUEJANG 324 MaFn SV, PR. 8-.ri7l WMOt,.jD5, WASH.INGTON. 17z- 3AMES H. POD ASSOC—IMES; I CONSUEJANG 324 MaFn SV, PR. 8-.ri7l WMOt,.jD5, WASH.INGTON. DESCRIPTIONS Taal Parcel. to be Sj bdivided r J*M* Swan 1004 Spxuoe Edmonds That porticn of the Northwest quarter' of Northeast . quar'ter of Section 259 Township 27 Northg Range 3 Ea.sts WoTd.9, described as follows: Beginning at a point 368 Feet South and 724 Feet East of -north quarter corner of said Section 259, thence continue East 134 feet: thence South 328 feetg thence West 130 feet; thenoe north 328 Feet to point of begiming g EXCETT they north 24 feet thereof e SUMBOT to an easement for egress anal ingress for road and uti t over and upon: that portion of said premises descrited as follow�� �. Beginning at a point 383 feet South and 820 feet East of North qua er of Said Section 25g thenc6 East 30 feet; theme South 260 feet# thenoe West 30 feet; thence North 267 feet to the paint of beteg, Parcel "A" That portion of the Northwest quarter -of Northeast quarter of Section 259, S vmhip 27 Northg Range 3 East,, W.#.9, describeca as follows: Begging at a, point 368 feet South, and 720 feet East of North -quarter corner of Said Section 25g thence continue East 130 feet; thence South 178 feet; thence Fest 130 feat; thence North 178 feet to point of begin. ningg EXCEPT the North 20 fbet thereo.fo SUBJECT to an easement for egress and ingress for road and utilities over and Ripon that portion of said premises described as follows: Beginning at a point 388 feet South and 820 feet East of Northp-quarter of Said Section 25g thence East 30 feet; thence South 158 feet; thanoe West 30 feet, thence North 1.58 feet to point of beginn.ing. TQCETR'ER with an easement for egress and in as for road and utilities over and across that portion of the above Said Subdivision described as BegimAzg, at a point 546 feet South. and 820 feet est. of North -quarter of Said Section 25g thence East 30 feet; thence Sauna 102 feet; thmoo Vilest 30 feet; thence Forth 102 feet to point of bei. FEB 9 1962 CITY O'FF E`DMONDS. U K Bei at a point 546 feet South and 720 feet Ba.et of north-quarteir corner. of Said Seetion 25¢ thence continqe East 130 feet] theme South feet; the ioe Wast 130 feet; thence North 80 feet to point of bei. SUBJECT to an easement for egress and ingress for road and utiUtf ea over and upon that portion of Said premises doscribed as follows: Begg at a point 546 foot South and 820 feet Bast of North quarter of Said Section 259 thence continue East 30 feet; thence South 80 feet; thence West 30 feet; thence North 80 feet to point of beteg. TOGETMM with an easement for egress and Ingrees for road and utiUties over and across that tortion of the above said sub vision deseribed. as follows: Beteg at a point 386 feet South and 820 Feet East of North -quarter of Said Section 259 thence continue East 30 feet; thence South 1.58 feet; � thence :Fest 30 feet; thence forth 158 Feet to point of begirm1ug, Farcei Ile" . That portion of the Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 259 Township 27 Horth9 Range 3- East W.M.9 de scribed as fol:l,owss Being at a point 626 feet South and 720 feet East of Xorth-quarter worrier of Said Section 259 thenee oontinue East 1.30 feet; thence South 70 feet; thence lest 1.30 feet; thence North 70 feet to point of begs. SUBJECT to an easement for egress and ingress for road and utilities over and upon that portion of Said premises described as fol.l.ows.: Beginning at a point 626 feet South Arid 820 feet East of forth --quarter corner of Said Section 25, thence continue East 30 feet; thenoe-South 22 feet; thenee West 30 feet; thence North 22 feet to poitit of beginning, -.- TOGE7THM, with an easement for egress 9nd ingress for road and utilities over and across that portion of the above Said Subdivitift described as fall owe s BeginnIrig at a print 388 feet South alad 820 feet East of forth -quarter of Said Seation 25, theme Fast 30 . feet; theme south 238 feet; thence, Fest 30 feet; thenee North 230 feet to the point of bcgl=ing.. RE CEO WED FEB- 9 1962 CITY. OF EDMONDS �. Y CI.EK February 21, 1962. John Malcolm Swan 100+ Spruce Edmonds, Washington Dear Mr. Swan: The Planning Commission of the City of Edmondshas advised me to inform you that your request for the sub -division of your prop- erty, File #S-3--62, has been approved. Yours very truly, CITY OF EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION By Secretary sm October 14, 1964 Mr. J. M. Swan 1004 Spruce Edmonds, Washington Re: Subdivision File No. S-3-62 Dear Mr. Swan: Some time ago this office was asked by your representative to determine the manner in which the Planning Commission approved the subdivision of your property on Spruce Street. There seemed to be some question of deleting a required hammerhead at the -end of an easement in a subdivision made by Kenneth A. Hovde in 1959. Since the files were not clear as to the approved depth or turn -around of the easement into the property, the file was sent into the Planning Commission work meeting. Upon studying this file, as well as the original subdivision request by Kenneth A. Hovde, the Planning Commission determined that a turn -around would be needed at the end of the easement to serve the six lots using; the easement. Would you please submit a revised sketch of your subdivision showing the turn -around. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Yours very truly, CITY OF EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION (Mrs.) Jean Thompson Secretary 7t &I \-AJ Y4 N a 114. all 01 W IP S- October 23, 1963 Mr. John Malcolm Swan 1404 Spruce Edmonds, Washington Dear Mr. Swan: Re: File No, S-3-62 Regarding your inquiry about approval of a revised subdivision of property located on Spruce Street, we find that this application was filed in your name on February 9, 1962, and approved by the Planning Commission on February 21, 1962. An original, unsigned letter advising you of this approval has been found in the file. Yours very truly, (Mrs.) Jean Thompson Secretary, Planning Commission jt Date: December I* 1964 EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 18, 1964 Council Chambers Civic Center Edmonds, Washington The regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 8:20 p.m, by Mr. Hubbard, Chairman Pro Tem. ROLL CALL Present Absent Larry Hubbard, Chairman Pro Tem Alfred 0. Holte, Chairman Mrs. Barbara Engler Harve Harrison, Councilman -at -large James B. Haines Robert Moore Also present: James A. Murphy, City Attorney Walt Payne John Moran, City Engineer Herman Sater Calvin Thompson Jack Bevan, Councilman -at -large On motion by Mr. Payne, second by Mr. Sater, the minutes of the October 21st meeting of the Planning Commission were approved as mailed to the various Planning Commission members for their study. HEARINGS Subdivisions CMr le No. S-3-62, John Malcolm Swan (deferred from 10/21/64) . Swan was unable to be present for the meeting; therefore, at the request of . Chet Bennett, his attorney, it was moved by Mr. Sater, seconded by Mr. Haines, at hearing on File No. S-3-62, subdivision by John M. Swan, be continued to the eting of December 16, 1964. Motion carried. File No. S-47-64. Donald Akin This was a request for approval of a two -lot subdivision of property located on 76th Ave. W. between 234th S.W. and 236th S. W. Affidavit of Posting presented. Mr. Akin was present. Mr. Payne stated that of the two plans submitted, only the alternate plan would be acceptable, as the first plan proposed two lots which would be substandard in width. It was moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Mr. Payne, that the subdivision request of:Donald Akin, -as described in File No. S-47-64, be approved as per the alternate plan wherein the lot is divided into two parcels with a 20' road to reach the lot in the rear. Motion carried. File No. S-48-64, Russell T. Coryell This was a request for approval of a four -lot subdivision on Sound View Drive. Affidavit of Posting presented. Mr. Leroy Middleton was present for Mr. Coryell. Mr. Haines and Mr. Sater were the committee assigned to review the application. Mr. Haines reported that the subdivision met all the requirements for subdivisions in that area. There was a little access problem, but not enough to disqualify it. He would ask that the drainage be channeled on the portion marked "D" on the sub- division so that it would not be a problem to the land owners on the lower side, as there is a slope there. Mr. Gloyd Mosier, 17703 Soundview Drive, the adjacent property owner on the lower side, and Mr. George Adams, 7310 Sound View Drive, expressed concern over the potential drainage problem when Lot "D" should be developed. After discussion of ways and means in which to require drainage control on this lot while approving the subdivision, it was moved by Mr. Payne, seconded by Date: October 29 1) 1964 T0: Mr. J. M. Saran 1004 Spruce Edmrands, Washington Re: File No. S-3-621 Enclosed is copy of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of October 21, 1964 , on which date hearing on your application for approval of Subdivision Turn -around was held. Results of your hearing are reflected in the minutes, encircled in red. Yours very truly, CITY OF EDMONDS Secretary Edmonds Planning Commission Encl. cc: -14r. Chat Sennett Edmonds Planning Commission Meeting - 10/21/64 (page 2) Plats File No. P-6-64, "CARE" ADDITION", William G. Carey The committee which investigated the property were displeased with several items shown on the proposed plat. Mr. Sater said that the committee had been misinformed regarding the ownership of the 24,000 swuare foot area in the center of the plat, which should not have been included. When the professional planner examined the property and submitted a suggested revision, he didn't know thatthis lot was under separate ownership and could not be revised. Affidavits of Poster and Publication were presented, note of notice to adjacent property. owners, and letter from the City Health Officer that the proposed plat met all Health Code requirements in a satisfactory manner. The letter from the City Engineer had been held up pending reconsideration of the Plat. Mr. Leroy Middleton, Consulting Engineer, stated that Lot 8 is included even though under different ownership; therefore, the size of this ,lot cannot be changed. They could not work out a different solution to the road because of topographical conditions. Mr. Hubbard asked if there would be any objection to postponing hearing on the plat for thirty days in order to work out a better solution. Since Mr. Carey was not present, Mr. Middleton agreed. A motion was,made by Mr. Sater and seconded by Mr. Haines that File No. P-6-64, plat of "Carey Addition", be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on November 18th. Motion carried. A member of the audience having asked to see the plat, Mr. Middleton withdrew from the Council Chambers with a copy, and the bulk of those present followed to see the plat. Rezones File No. R-12-64, Borre Langvold, et al (Preliminary_ hearing) This was an application for rezone from R-6 to R -6A all of Blocks 2, 3 and 4, together with that portion of Block 1 lying westerly of and adjacent to the existing C-1 zone, all within the Plat of South Park Addition to Edmonds. Mr. Chet Bennett, Attorney for the applicants, asked that the request be amended from R -6A under the old code to RMH under the new code. It was moved by Mr. Moore, seconded by Mrs, Engler, that November 18, 1964 be set as a public hearing date for the rezone petition of Borre Langvold, d: al, File No. R-12-64. Motion carried. File No. 5-3-62, John Malcolm Swan At the request of Attorney Chet Bennett, hearing on this subdivision had been deferred to this point in the meeting. This was for reconsideration of a previously approved subdivision because of a needed clarification on the turn -around requirement at the end of the easement. The easement road had been put in by Kenneth A. Hovde after approval of a four -lot subdivision on August 17, 1959, with three of the lots on the east half of the property, and the fourth lot comprising the west half of the property with an existing residence at the front. The road, which extends through the middle of the property, is about 14' wide and is now blacktopped, Mr. Bennett said. The subdivision granted Mr. Swan in 1962 created three lots on the west half of the property, so that the easement would now serve six lots. A request by Mr. Swan for deletion of the turn -around requirement by the Planning Commission in the original Hovde subdivision, since the easement was later extended beyond the hammerhead, reopened the file and resulted in a letter being sent to Mr, Swan stating that a turn- around would be required and requesting that he resubmit a revised sketch of the sub- division. After some discussion, the Planning Commission deferred action on this file to the next regular meeting of November 18, 1964, at which time Mr. Bennett will clarify ownership of the original Hovde house, and how much property is available for a lot. and turn -around, 9 EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING December 16, 1964 Council Chambers Civic Center Edmonds, Washington The regular monthly meeting of the Edmonds Planning Commission was called to order at 8:15 p.m. by Mr. Hubbard, Chairman Pro Tem. ROLL CALL Present Absent Larry Hubbard, Chairman Pro Tem Alfred 0. Holte, Chairman James B. Haines Mrs. Barbara Engler Robert Moore Harve Harrison, Councilman -at -large Walt Payne Jack Bevan, Councilman -at -large Herman Sater Calvin Thompson Also present: John Moran, City Engineer John H. Nordquist Dirk van Dyk, Building Official It was moved by Mr. Sater, seconded by Mr, Thompson, that the minutes of the previous meeting, as mailed to the members of the Planning Commission, be approved. Motion carried. On motion by Mr. Sater, second by Mr. Thompson, the minutes of the November 18th meeting of the Planning Commission were approved as mailed to the Planning Commission members. 41, HEARINGS Snhrl i tri s i nns File No. 5-3-62, John Malcolm Swan (deferred from 11/18/64) Mr. Swan and his attorney, Mr. Bennett, were present. In order to clarify the status of this subdivision to the Planning Commission, who had requested that a turn -around be installed on the easement to serve the four lots using it, Mr. Swan presented a series of sketches of the subdivision in various stages of its history. He emphasized that at the time he purchased the west half of the property subdivided by Kenneth Hovde in 1959, known as Lot "E", he purchased it in two separate transactions with the understanding that it would be subdivided into three lots. Earnest money agree- ment on the first was signed one day prior to original subdivision approval. A year later, Mr. Hovde came to Mr. Swan and proposed eliminating the turn -around on the west as approved in the original subdivision, extending the easement further south, and nutting a turn -around on Lot "C" in order to better serve Lot "C". It was determined that at the time of the original subdivision all lots had access to the easement, and the change was done without the knowledge of the Planning Commission. In February, 1962, Mr. Swan requested approval of subdivision of his property from the Planning Commission, and sketch indicated the extension of the easement with a turn- around on the east on Lot C. which was not on his property. Mr. Hubbard pointed out that the subdivision was approved on the basis of this turn -around existing on the east. However, it later developed, when Mr. Swan attempted to sell the southerly lot of the three on his property, that Mr. Hovde had not followed through on the agreement for the turn -around, and Mr. Swan was left with the easement and a turn -around in the middle section, north of Lot 3, as per the original subdivision granted Mr. Hovde. In the meantime, Lot C on the east had been sold without any change in the existing easement. He went ahead and extended the easement 30' to serve Lot 3, but Lot C has no legal access to this portion of the easement. Lot C has gone into bankruptcy with a trustee appointed, and it can't yet be closed. Edmonds Planning Commission Meeting - 12/16/64 (Page 2) Mr. Bennett said that the middle lot is all that is still under the ownership of Mr. Swan, and with the turn -around originally required in the original subdivision, it leaves a lot difficult to develop. It was noted that the turn -around has never been developed. It was then disclosed that Mr. Swan actually still holds the con- tract on the northerly lot, which is 150' deep, and the transaction has never been completed; therefore, the Planning Commission suggested the possibility of shifting the south boundary of this lot to allow for a larger middle lot. The middle lot, as it exists, contains 7300 square feet, with the square footage in the easement to be added to that. After discussion of the various possibilities for a turn -around, it was moved by Mr. Payne seconded by Mr. Sater, that Subdivision File No. S-3-62 rbe amended so that the hammerhead requirement for turn -around be an additional easement area o ' running east and west, and 40' running north and south, situated on the southeasterly portion of the tract now owned by Mr. Swan and adjacent to the existing easement, and that the area be blacktopped and the blacktop be made adjacent to the westerly edge of the pavement now in existence. l Motion carried. File No. S-49-64, Earl D. Tibbets(deferred from 11/18/64) Mr. Tibbets was present. Mr. Payne reported that this property falls within the RML district. A committee investigated the property because if it were subsequently sold and used for apartments, nine or ten units could be put up, according to the amount of land, and they wanted to see if there would be enough access road. It was the feeling of the committee that the access road should be 251, thereby providing better access to possible future apartments. This would be an additional 51 from that shown on the subdivision application, but would leave enough footage in the front lot - about 8200 square feet, with the lines between the second and third lots to be adjusted to provide enough square footage in the center lot. Mr. Tibbets noted that the sewer line runs down the middle of the 20' to the back lot. It was moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Mr. Sater, that the subdivision request of Earl D. Tibbets, File No. S-49-641 be granted subject to the easement road on the south portion of the property beim 251 in width, and to the rearrangement of the subdivision so there will be no substandard lots. Motion carried. File No. S-50-64, Eldred F. Ferster This was an application for approval of a two -lot subdivision on 8th Ave. So. between Elm and Fir Streets. Affidavit of Posting in file. Mr. Ferster was present. It was moved by Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Haines, that the subdivision request of Eldred F. Ferster, File No. S-50-64, be approved as submitted. Motion carried. File No. S-51-64, Phillip S. Dale This was an application for approval of a two -lot subdivision of Lot 57 of Talbot Park at Talbot Road and Frederick Place. Affidavit of Posting in file. The applicant mas not present. It was moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Mr. Thompson, that the subdivision request - of Phillip S. Dale, File No. S-51-64, be approved as submitted. Motion carried. File No. S-52-64, H. Clay Application for approval of a three -lot subdivision on 192nd S. W. east of 86th Ave. W. Affidavit of Posting in file. The applicant was not present. In answer to a question regarding ownership of adjacent property, Mr. van Dyk stated that the had checked with the Auditor's office and found that according to the records, there had never been a subdivision of the original property recorded, and Tor. Russell G. Berg is shown as the owner. A title company check showed it as part of a larPe tax sale years ago.