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December 23, 1963 Hr. Byron B. Carter, Jr. 1920+ -- 80th P1. W. Edmonds, Washington Re. Pile No. S-37-63 Dear Mr. Carters This will confirm that the Edmonds Planning Commission, at their regular meeting of December 18, 1963, approved your application for subdivision as submitted. Yours very truly, (Mrs.) Jean Thompson Secretary, Planning Commission jt °pa;u2a2 uotstATpgnS •ATsnowTu2un paTaa2o uoT;OW •pa;;Twgns s2 panoadde aq '£9-6£-9 9TT3 'uotstntpgns ao; aOTTTH .3 ueQ •saW Jo uoT;POTTddP aq; ;eq; 'uosdwogy •aH Aq papuooas 'auAed •aN Aq panow sem ;I E9 -6E -S 9TT3 'aaTTTH .3 uea •saN •pa;uPall uotstATpgng •ATsnowTueun paTaa2O uoT;oH •pa;;Twgns we panoadde aq '£9-8£-S aTT3 'uoTsrntpgns aog •ouI 'saapTTng A;TT2nb s,;;oOS go uoT;2oTTdd2 aq; ;eq; 's9uT2H •aN Aq papuooas 'aaooN •aN Aq panow SPM ;I E9 -88-S aTT3 '•Oul 'saapTTnff AZTTvnb s,;;oOs •pa;upas uoTsTATpgnS •ATsnowTusun paTaa2o uoT;oN °pa;;Twgns se paAoadde aq `£9 -L£ -S aTt3 `uotstATpgns ao3 •ar 'aa;ae0 •g uoaAg jo uoT;POTTddP aq; ;Pq; 'auAed •aH Aq papuooas 'aa;eS •aN Aq panow seM ;I £9 -LE -9 aTT3 ''ar 'aa4ae0 •g.uOa •ATsnowtueun pataaeo uoT;oN •apo0 BuTUOZ ;uasead ano aapun pa;sanbaa aauuew aq; uT papTATpgns aq ATTOOT ;ouueo A;aadoad stq; ;eq; spunoa2 aq; uo patuap aq `E9 -EE -S 'oN aTT3 'uotstntpgns ao3 wnaAg .0 saA2H 90 uOT42oTTdde aq; ;Pq; 'paeggnH •aw Aq papuooas 'aa;PS •aH Aq panow seM ;I '£96T '9T xego400 3o 2uT;aaw aq; woa; panni:;uoo uoaq peq uoT;2oTTdde stq; uo ?utaeaH •;uasead sex wnaAg •aH E9 -££-S 9TT3 'wnaAg .0 saAaH suo stn.pgnS sskUM4 •uoTl-TPPV aewnZ go ;eTd aq; no suoT;oaaaOO aq; o; ;OaCgns ';no peTTew se panoadde aq '£96T 'oZ aagwaAoN go uotssTwwoo RutuueTd spuowpg aq; 3o SuT;aaw aq; go sa;nuTw eq; ;eq; 'aaooN •aH Aq papuooas 'uosdwogy •aH Aq panow s -em ;I u'3'S 14S q49 go apTs q;aou aq; SuoTe Aem-jo-4g2Ta ao3 ;aaj OT TeuOT4TPP2 ue A;tO aq; o; a42OTpap o; saaa32 °.,, pup '„••°••'woa9aaaq; pa;aTap aq TTags 'APM -JO-;g23Ta ;aaa;s ao} •g•S •;S q;g o; 4uao21pP ;uTd aq; go pue q;nos aq;:_4jo.spuowpg..;o ;TO aq; o; uoT42OTpap ;ooj-OT P Vuxapbaa IS •oN wa;I ;eq; paptnoad '£96T 'ttT aagwanoN go aa;;aT s,aaauTSug A;TO aq; 3o s;uawaaTnbaa aq; o; ;OaCgns panoadde eq••••„ :pPea o; ;oaaaoo 'uoT;Tppy aewnq qo ;eTd aq; 3o Tenoaddu aog uoT;ow aq; UT 'Z aHed uO :smOTTo3 s2 pa;OaaaoO aaam �?uT;aaw snoTAaad aq; 3o sa;nutw aqy •pagstTg2;sa sem umaonb 2 ';uasaad saagwaw p94uTodd2 aaow ao xTs $uTaq eaegy uosny uoQ uosdwogy uTATaO ao;oadsul 9uTpTTng 'NAC[ ueA NaTQ as;es uewaaH aa9utiu3 A;Tb 'u2aOH ugor auAed ;TPM Aauao;;y A;TO 'AgdanN •g sawup :;uasaad osTy aaooN ;aagog pa2ggnH Aaae7 aaT2ug Paegaeg •saN sauTPH •g sawEp uosTaaPH anaeH uewaTegO 'a;TOH '0 Paa9TH ;uasgV 4uasaa3 TT20 TTOa •uewaTegO 'alToH •aW Aq 'w'd 00:9 ;e aapao o; paTTeO sem uoTssTwwOO futuu2Td spuowpg aq; 3o 2uT;aaw ATq;uow a-eTn2aa aqy uo;2uT14sPM 'spaowps as;ua0 OTAT,7 saaquiegO TTOunOO £96T 'BT aagwao9a ONI133W avllnoaa NOISSINN00 ONINNvIld SQNOWQ3 SONOMM dO AZIO (•goZaxs A4Tut0zn apnToul •o -.a 'sauTT 6:�zadozd 'sZaaz:�s 2uiMogs paptntpgns zo pauozaz aq o: eCzaadoado 14oZa5) H0Z3x5 Q"'�},t�-�/11.{� c�� � AIOI�dI2iaS3Q I.E2T3d0�d � p/�y �/p/f/ -J 07 --/O /,' O✓S•lfl VV'?� .Lsanbad 3ZVQ 'ON UI303d aad 'ON TIId .� ..... - - ---- ----- -- d d V -Mlid ssaxaav (APpsaupaM pac eaodaq •SNM Z 'uoou 'UON :u0TZP0TTddE ,aoj GUTTPEaQ) (zas se aad) jlvZd ('PGM PuZ 'uooN :uo14eOTTddu "ao3 au;rTPE90 (00'OT$ GGd) NOISIAMEMS ('PGM PuZ 'uooN :uoz}23TTdde ao_ eurTpeaQ) (00'sZ$ Gad) SNINOMI NOIZVOI'iddv NOISSINNOO JNINNv'Id I AM J 207TH S.W. V ti Dv 191963 GIYY OF EDMONDS 13. B. Meyrinz Land Surveyors Ly4nwood,.Wash. PIR 8-324.1 E C E 0 W E NOV 191963 CITY OF E©MC3MD5 By Legal Description for Byron Carter, Jr. Tract A All that portion of Tract )44, Flat of Pineridge, records of Snolinmish County, Wash., described as follows: 0 Beginning at the 'M corner of said Tract "; thence S 0 21' 29" I. 0 along the ''iVest line of said Tract 4-4, 157-'9 ft; thence S 89 32; 37" E. parallel to the South lane of said Tract 44; 95.00 ft; thence N 0°21'29"E. 3112-47 ft; thence 1% 400 ISL,' 26" W., 96.99 ft. to a point on a curve gthence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right said curve having .a radius of 171 ft., an arc c;isranre cif 142.92 ft. to the Point of Beginni-_g. rr 72 s 3z' 37pr �.0 0 Rl. o� AU. #00 4-*' 2-6h W,y 'I7� rf% few -W"40-e- A). pgL,,Pa, -,C4444441 M4� 'A�— majn r d �•t� 179. r -+"j` r/ RE 1015 WE....................... 4 ................ Nov 19 1963 CITY OF EDMONDS 0Y.. J .... ..............._....... Legal Description for Byron Carter, Jr. Tract B All that portion of Tract Q, Flat of Fineridge, records of Snohomish County, lashinTton, described as 011ows: 0 Beginning at the ".;;T corner of said Tract 44; thence S 00 At' 26" E., 0 93.33 ft; thence S 0 21' 29" W., along the Nast line of said Tract 4h, 0 230.00 ft. to the SE c^,rnor of said Tract Zd4; thence 89 32' 37" W. along the South line of Tract 44, 115 -OG ft. to the SYS corner of Tract 44; 0 thence N 0 21' 29 ^., 110.00 ft; thence S 890 32' 37" ., 95.00 ft; 0 0 thence l 0 21' 29" V., 112.47 ft; thence N 1.10 J414' 26" ;^r., 86.E ft. to a point on a curve; theoce Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left said curve having a railus of 179.06 ft, an arc distance c•£ 20.00 ft. to the Point of heginnin