S-64-2.pdfMarch 16, 196+ :fir. Carl E. Walters 7707 - 203rd. S. W. E monds t Washington Re: Planning? Commission File X0.3-2-64 Dear Mr. Halters: This will confirm officially that the Edmonds Planning Commission, at their regular meeting of February 19, 1964 approved as submitted your application for subdivision of the property described in the above file No. S-2»64. Yours very truly, (torso) Jean Thompson Secretary, Planning Commission i in S 15 S06 V S •!"tis 7d ZOZ —.e ., . �._... As SONOW03 A iUlo t Nvr 100 11 . 7 -i r (°go4a3{s apnToul °04o ®satTrT Szaadoad °s:.aaa;s 2urmogs paprnrpgns ao pauozaa aq oz A4aadoad go gozaNS)=HOL3xS Lftl ., :NOIldl-dos3Q A,LNUO'Lld i.4 -`^ssaxaaa (-, t psaupaN pa£ aaoj:aq _ sxrt luoou -UOR :u0r4eo-CTddn aoj auiTpaaa) 3,LHQ (:.as sp aa3)^ ,LyZd /fry 'ON IaIRDMI (°paN puZ `uooN :u0t420-CTddt? aog 9urTp-29a) (00°OT$ aa3) - NOISIAIQdnS a -n ' �/ 331 ('Pahl PLZ °aoON :UO-C;20-[TddE ao= 9UTTpe9(l) i7 - N aui (00'9Z$ em) (� j 9NINOZTd NOILHOI'IadV NOISSINW03 9NINNd'Id 03A0JddV __- - --------- _ _ NOTICE OF HEARING FETITICM FOR SUBDIVISION All ,interested persons are hereby notified that Wednesday, the 13th day of February, 1964, has been set as the date for Hearing petition for the proposers subdivision of the following described property-; The West 200 .feat of East 730 feet of North 237 feet of South 47L� feet of Southeast quarter of 4orthea.st quarter of Section 19, Township 27 north, .Range 4 East W.M., EXCSPT the South 20 feet for read. That said hearing will be at 8:40 p.m, in the Council Chambers, Edmonds Civic Center, 1;dmond,s, Washington, and all interested persons are invited to appear and voice their approval or disapproval of the proposed subdivision. IRENE VARNEY 40RAN City Clark AFFIDAVIT OF POSTER STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) DIRK VAN D:yk, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: THAT on the 7th day of February, 1964, he posted a Notice of Hearing Petition for Subdivision of property legally described as follows: The West 200 feet of East 730 feet of North 237 feet of South 474 feet of Southeast Quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 27 North, Range 4 East W.M., EXCEPT the South 20 feet for road. DATED this day of February , 1964. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this February4 1964. %/z, -i . day of NOTARY PUBLIC in and for Snohomishnty,' Washington, residing in Edmonds. 0, •suo-pxTndr:s anogs eqj q;TM aouETTdwoo o4 loalgns pazuea8 UOTSTATpgnS •paraaso uotaoW •SpuOwPR JO f4T3 aq4 04 4u9m9sE9 A4TTT4n aadoad 21rrAT2 pus ` punoaE-uan4 aO4awsTp 400 -9 -pg Ting E SUTPTAoxd pus ;aa; pg oz zaa; OZ moa.; :.uautessa ssaoos ST44 BuruapTM xTaq; uodn 4ua2m4uoD panoaddE aq 'h9-6-9 aTTd 'uTPg 'g AaeS Pus '-fig-L-S aTT3 'uosaa4;d ETpAZ Aq UOT;TATpgns ao; suOT4eDTTdds aq:. 4sqT 'uosdwotly •aN Aq papuooas 'aaTBug •sxW Aq panow SSM }r 'SUOT:�sDTTddE eqz pezuesead puq oqM 'uo49-(pPTW Aog aaauTBug 2aTo.Tnsuo3 g4TM uoTzezTnsuoo aozjV 'SZOT ano; aeass o} pue 9q4 :.E psaq -aammaq E pus mag4 ueem;aq 4uemesEa 400g -OZ E gZTM aOgZO goEa UTOIPE saT;xadoad omZ asagy 179-6-9 aTTd 'U -[pg 'g AaED t9 -L -S OTTd 'uoSaa3-ad ETPAq -paTaaPa UOT;oW -M -OAV puZB do UOTSUque eqz o:. 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