Scotts B & G - TIA.pdfGTC Gibson Traffic Consultants 2802 Wetmore Avenue Suite 220 Everett, WA 98201:1 425,339.8266 GTC #10-137 ig lip q 1, 1 - qqiqi� IJ plll� Prepared for: Scott's Bar & Grill Submitted to: City of Edmonds December 2010 Scott's Bar & Grill Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION................................................................................... 1 2. TRIP GENERATION.............................................................................................................. 2 3. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES................................................ ...................................................... LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Trip Generation Summary............................................................................................... 2 ATTACHMENTS Trip Generation. Calculations......................................................................................................... A Trip Generation Land Use Descriptions.........................................................................................B Gibson Traffic Consultants December 2010 GTC #10-137 i Scott's Bar & Grill Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum 1. DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION Gibson Traffic Consultants (GTC) has been retained to analyze the traffic impacts of the proposed expansion of Scott's Bar & Grill quality restaurant. GTC is a professional traffic engineering consulting firm registered and licensed in the State of Washington. This study has been organized in the manner of the SEPA Traffic Impact Requirements for the City of Edmonds for developments generating less than 25 PM peak -hour trips. GTC is located at: 2802 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 220 Everett, WA 98201 Phone: 425-339-8266 Fax: 425-258-2922 Email: info@gibsontraffic.com Matthew Palmer, responsible for this report and traffic analysis, is a licensed professional engineer (Civil) in the State of Washington and member of the Washington State section of ITE. The proposed Scott's Bar & Grill expansion will consist of adding additional outside seating area to the existing restaurant located on the north side of 244th Street SW (Lake Ballinger Way). The address is: 8115 Lake Ballinger Way Edmonds, WA 98026 Scott's Bar & Grill is requesting permits for an additional outside seating area consisting of a 1,025 square feet. The proposed expansion is anticipated to be operational in 2011. The property currently is served by the signalized intersection of Aurora Village Shop Center Street at Lake Ballinger Way. No change in access is proposed. Gibson Traffic Consultants December 2010 GTC 410-137 1 Scott's Bar & Grill Trip Generation &Mitigation Memorandum 2. TRIP GENERATION Quality Restaurant (Land Use: 931) was utilized for the trip generation of the expansion as the land use description best matches Scott's Bar & Grill: full-service eating establishments with typical turnover rates of at least one hour or longer, usually requires reservations, and generally not part of a chain. Whereas the High -Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant (Land Use: 932) typically has turnover rates of approximately one hour or less, frequently belongs to a restaurant chain, and typically does not take reservations. Trip generation rates were obtained from Trip Generation, O' Edition (2008) by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The average trip generation rates for ITE Land Use Code 931, Quality Restaurant have been used for the trip generation calculations. The ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2"d Edition (2004) documents the pass -by reduction for a quality restaurant at 44 percent. This pass -by reduction has been applied to the daily, AM peak -hour and PM peak -hour trip generation calculations. The trip generation land use descriptions, rate sheets, and pass -by sheets have been included in the attachments. The outdoor seating expansion of Scott's Bar & Grill is anticipated to generate 52 net new ADT, with 1 net new AM peak -hour trips (0 inbound/1 outbound) and 5 net new PM peak -hour trips (3 inbound/2 outbound). The trip generation is summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Trip Generation Summary Land Use Size Average Daily Trips AM Peak -Hour Trips PM Peak -Hour Trips Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Total Quality Restaurant 11025 s.f 92 0 1 1 5 3 8 Pass -by 1,025 s.f. -40 0 0 0 -2 -1 -3 Total Net New Trips 52 0 1 1 3 2 5 The trip generation calculations are included in the attachments. Gibson Traffic Consultants December 2010 GTC #10-137 2 Scott's Bar & Grill Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum 3. 'TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES Traffic impact rnitigation payments to the City of Edmonds are based on Edinonds Road Impact dee Rate Stucty'-fable 4, Impact Fee Rates. The table does not have a rate for quality restaurant; therefore, GTC has performed an independent fee calculation in accordance with ECDC 1 &81130, The traffic impact -fee is based on the net new PM peak -hour trips anticipated to be generated by the development, a mitigation fee of $1,04-9.41 per PM peak -hour trip and an estimated trip length factor. In calculating the independent fee calculation the trip length from the City of Edmonds Tr af ,fie Iny)act Analysis Requireinents, 2009-In7pact Fee Rate Table for 14nd use Restaurant: sit-down was utilized for the quality restaurant. The trip length factor it , U1 `,,-1 . .. . ....... Scott's Bar & Grill. outside seating area expansion is anticipated to generate 5 PM peak -hour trips per Table 1, which results in 3,65 PM peak -hour trips when multiplied by the trip length adjustment factor. Based on a mitigation fee of $1,049.41 per PM peak -hour trip and an estimated trip length factor the traffic mitigation fees for the expansion are $3,830.35. Gibson Traffic Consultants December 2010 GTC #10-137 3 Trip Generation Calculations A m k m 0, I %l OU m 0 m m n ME m Trip Generation Land Use Descriptions Land Use. 931 Quality restaurant Description This land use consists of high quality, full-service eating establishments with typical turnover rates of at least one hour or longer. Quality restaurants generally do not serve breakfast; some do not serve lunch; all serve dinner. This type of restaurant usually requires reservations and is generally not part of a chain. Patrons commonly wait to be seated, are served by a waiter/waitress, order from menus and pay for meals after they eat. While some of the study sites have lounge or bar facilities (serving alcoholic beverages), they are ancillary to the restaurant. High -turnover (sit-down) restaurant (Land Use 932) is a related use. Additional Data Truck trips accounted for approximately 1 to 4 percent of the weekday traffic. The average for the sites surveyed was approximately 1.6 percent. Vehicle occupancy ranged from 1.59 to 1.98 persons per automobile on an average weekday. The average for the sites surveyed was approximately 1.78. The outdoor seating area is not included in the overall gross floor area. Therefore, the number of seats may be a more reliable independent variable on which to establish trip generation rates for facilities having significant outdoor seating. The sites were surveyed between the 1970s and the 1990s throughout the United States. Source Numbers 13, 73, 88, 90, 98, 100, 126, 172, 260, 291, 301, 338, 339, 368, 437, 440 Trip Generation, 8th Edition 1775 institute of Transportation Engineers ISI Quality Restaurant (931) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area 4n a: Weekday Number of Studies: Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: Directional Distribution: 15 9 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 89.95 33.41 - 139.80 36.81 Data Plot and Equation m C LU CL .r- F - m 0 5 ar a� a' F 11600 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 soo 500 400 300 200 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 X Actual Data Paints Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 81h Edition X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area ------ Avarage Rate R2 = **** 1776 Institute of Transportation Engineers X :X. ...... 1.............. ,............. ------ --- ---- --- .... . .... ----: --- X X. ---- __ .... _... ; X X- .... • .... ........... .... .... y �X X .... .... ; .... .X : .... .... : .... -.... .... , ........ ...... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 X Actual Data Paints Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 81h Edition X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area ------ Avarage Rate R2 = **** 1776 Institute of Transportation Engineers If Quality Restaurant (931) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 11 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 9 Directional Distribution: Not available Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.81 0.25 - 1.60 0.93 Data Plot ana Equation 13 12 11 10 .... .... ..X .. .... . ..... .... ..... •.. , :. :......:.................... :...... :------ :.._... ,- X •. •--• •JE. -X... ... .... x ..kc.. �,..... ......• .... ..... .... i' . . . - . . . . .. . - . . . .. . . . ... .:...... :...........................: ..... .......:......:.... X.... ..... , .... .... ................ 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 X =1000 Sq, Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 8th Edition -- Average Rate R2 _ **** 1777 Institute of Transportation Engineers Quality Restaurant (931) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area. On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 24 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 9 Directional Distribution: 67% entering, 33% exiting `trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Mange of Rates Standard Deviation 7.49 2.42 - 18.64 4.89 Data Plot and Equation is 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 80 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 ----- -----' X. X , x , ... .... .... .... ..... .... !�.. -... ..- -... --.. .... ............... -.. ............ :X X x . _ .. .... .... ..... .... .. ... .... ;.x .. .... .... ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . X. yr., .X.- - . . . r - - - - - - - - -X : . . . . : .. . . . . . . . - - • - - - - "Xi - - - . - - . - ` . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .- - - .... :X ............ :......:. x 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 is 14 15 16 X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 8th Edition X =1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area ------ Average Rate R2 n **** 1778 Institute of Transportation Engineers I 9 .............. ......•••..... ........ .......... ........ ----- -----' X. X , x , ... .... .... .... ..... .... !�.. -... ..- -... --.. .... ............... -.. ............ :X X x . _ .. .... .... ..... .... .. ... .... ;.x .. .... .... ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . X. yr., .X.- - . . . r - - - - - - - - -X : . . . . : .. . . . . . . . - - • - - - - "Xi - - - . - - . - ` . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .- - - .... :X ............ :......:. x 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 is 14 15 16 X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 8th Edition X =1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area ------ Average Rate R2 n **** 1778 Institute of Transportation Engineers I 9 r • -Use-�_M2- High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant Description This land use consists of sit-down, full-service eating establishments with turnover rates of approximately one hour or less. This type of restaurant is usually moderately priced and frequently belongs to a restaurant chain. Generally, these restaurants serve lunch and dinner; they may also be open for breakfast and are sometimes open 24 hours per day. These restaurants typically do not take -reservations. Patrons commonly wait to be seated, are served by a waiter/waitress, order from menus and pay for their meal after they eat. Some facilities contained within this land use may also contain a bar area for serving food and alcoholic drinks. Quality restaurant (Land Use 931), fast-food restaurant without drive-through window (Land Use 933), fast-food restaurant with drive-through window (Land Use 934) and fast-food restaurant with drive-through window and no indoor seating (Land Use 935) are related uses. Additional Data Users should exercise caution when applying statistics during the a.m. peak periods, as the sites contained in the database for this land use may or may not be open for breakfast_ In cases where it was confirmed that the sites were not open for breakfast, data for the a.m. peak hour of the adjacent street traffic were removed from the database. Vehicle occupancy ranged from 1.39 to 1.69 persons per automobile on an average weekday The average for the sites surveyed was approximately 1.52. Five sites submitted for inclusion in this land use indicated the presence of an on-site pick-up window. From the limited data sample, it does not appear that the presence of a pick-up window had a significant impact on trip generation. The outdoor seating area Is not included in the overall gross floor area. Therefore, the number of seats may be a more reliable independent variable on which to establish trip generation rates for facilities having significant outdoor seating. The sites were surveyed between the 1960s and the 2000s throughout the United States. Source Numbers 2, 4, 5, 72, 90, 100, 126, 269, 275, 280, 300, 301, 305, 338, 340, 341, 358, 384, 424, 432, 437, 438, 444, 507, 555, 577, 589, 617, 618 Trip Generation, 8th Edition 1794 Institute of Transportation Engineers I High -Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant (932) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday Number of Studies: Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: Directional Distribution: 14 7 50% entering, 500/. exiting Trip Generation per 1 000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 127.15 73.51 - 246.00 41.77 Data Plot and Equation 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 ❑. 1,100 a� ca j 1,000 CD CD FU goo Q II 800 700 600 500 . ..' ... ............ ...•........-- .......... ............. e • • X,// ; . . . . . . '- . . . . . . . . . •- - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - . . . - - _ .. 1< . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ....... ......._ ........ - .e�... .._.... ....._- 1 _ . . . . . . . . - - - - - - , .(Il • - . . . . - - - ' - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - .............................. .. -- ... ................ . . . x . x ,. x . . . . . . - - . - . - X . _ . . . . .Y/�- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . _ - . - • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . - _ - . . . . . . - ] . _ . . . . - . .. .........:.................... ........... ._................... 4 5 X Actual Data Points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 8th Edition X = 1000 5q, Feet Gross Floor Area ------ Average Rate R2 = **,r. 1795 Institute of Transportation Engineers M High -Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant (932) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: Directional Distribution: 18 6 52% entering, 48% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feed Gross Floor Area Average Hate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 11.52 2.83 - 25.60 6.75 Data Plot and Eauation 140 130 120 110 -o c w 100 CL .1 v 90 41 80 N Q 70 LL�� 1" 60 50 40 3o - - ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ . _ ; _ _ . _ ; . . . _ . ' . . . . . ' . . _ . _ �,. . • • . • • • / . . .. . . . . . . . . '.......; X --X X ................ ;�'/ -------;----- ---------- ...... .. �'. ----------- ..... ..... ...... ...... .... !�...... ............... _._.. X • , ///' X ' .X v --------------- X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . • . . . . X 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Equation: Not given Trip Generation, 8th Edition 9 10 11 12 ------ Average Rate R2 = **** 1796 institute of Transportation Engineers U i High -Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant (932) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 7000 Sq. Feet Gross door Area On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: Directional Distribution: 46 6 59% entering, 41 % exiting rip veneration per i uuu z�q. reet taross rioor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 11.15 2.80 - 62.00 9.13 uata Plot arta tauation 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ... .... ;x... , .._. .. ... ........... ... ...... ..._ ,_... , ... ---3G---- .- -, -- -- - -- - - -- .. _.. , ... ... .... .. . .X. x ; .._ ... :.....:.....:.....:.....:.X..._.: ...... ....... :.._ r....- ........ x ................. ..._ ..x.: .... _.. ..._ ....... ... x' X ,x }v, x.. ... .x. ..' :x . ... ..... X X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Paints ------ Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Not given R2 = **** Trip Generaflon, 8th Edition 1797 Institute of Transportation Engineers lW 0 0 0 U C C C r� u� ro m E Q N 0 E E Q � E R � E E � 0 � a- �2 .0 .G L -C C Q C D C O C O C O m wu1 t� � a > O c LQ C'4 (D� C4 °� N N CO LO a cv m a7z- LO 00 00 coM F M ie) r M N N •� Q I LL] OD co C O m jc �`,,, N Q m :a V ' F °— I I I I I 1 m 'C , .L10 z° m N '�C% co I I ;• ui a o Lr; (D C° a E Qy © E E .caaa �NN aEd C!Y W¢ oa fls o osa Fa am E a E ti E ci. E a. E Q 1= ci O. v N N ,y� �� a �� aoo$8 OD M r r m O 0 :iii d d to mm L Q. Cu N 'L l CD L F CL O q M O) M M M Ti r¢ o� oD M M co m e7 5 -tea a 6 Nt V Z Z 'C aj Z J sJ D_ T3 to Ui I N _N N rl ¢ d T 0- cn c�r cn LLI OM cot*i ug V 00 C' 0 LO V) d' co F-^ � b t4 f0 RS Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 ® ITE 65 B-9 � C C • C fD Cl N .a: N Qt? •n a 0 . Gi ❑ E C F � m � N CD CD N d � 66 ITE 9 Trip Generatio U fi t-u� Lu Lu �Y3 1aeY] Q r O m ww9 C Y ¢d¢ DAF a pspi� Z F m a i d LU P P CLO w YQ}o �WJ q� 6 o i i O^ w co CO (7 u� i Handboc CJ C d h - Z N i OD (D E a OI O 0 k, 2n E 0- 0 a O N LQ �I N m m r J LL .L N Ln U LO C J Ec U 66 6 w co U U U V Q d Q Q co i VO 09-m m M Lo � m cfl ai LQ u> r C9 N r Om CID� N renco 0 co LLO C m CSV N N E E E E ci a sL a S a a a n 0 0 0 -�t 4 q q N — — co co m co CD m m m t37 D) C3] m r r r r Z [Cf CCS Ctl -0N N N Q J J J Z r'l m r r r r r N iition Chapter 5 U Q m N i cmo E a. 0 4 [O O a N Ln 03r LLL (D E E co C i C ❑ m c It i CL 0 O co O O N co 0 r) m r LL LL O .P O N L(} C Q