SD-07-16 complete.doc April 11, 2007 Ralph W. Allen Bridge Architects FAX 206.783.2037 TH RE: APPLICATION FOR LANDSCAPE MODIFICATIONS AT 201 5 AVE S FILE NO. PLN-2007-0016 Dear Mr. Allen, th Thank you for submitting the application for landscaping modifications at 201 5 Avenue South. I have reviewed the application. It is technically complete; however, I would like to see a few changes so that I can approve it. Plant Variety 1.. The proposed plant material for the planting beds includes two types of boxwoods, which are very similar in appearance. A variety in texture and/or color is preferable. Two possible suggestions may include Viburnum davidii (dwarfed version) or Prunus laurocerasus, commonly referred to as ottoluyken laurel. Detailed Plan 2.. The landscape plan needs to be more detailed. As submitted it reads, “Plant Material.” The plan should indicate where each plant will be located and specifically what it will be. Once you submit the requested information, I will issue a formal decision shortly thereafter. I am the planner assigned to your application. If you have any questions, please contact me at 425.771.0220 x1330. I am in the office Mondays, Wednesdays, and until noon on Fridays. Thank you for your patience. I apologize that this letter did not get out to you sooner. Sincerely, Kathleen Taylor Associate Planner