City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: May 20, 2008
TO: Ki Nam, Architect
29605 Military Road S
Federal Way, WA 98003
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 2008-0343
Project: Seattle Deli
Project Address: 22618 Highway 99, #114
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where
changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1.Note type of construction (VA), occupancy, sprinkler system (NFPA-13), fire alarm system, etc.
2.Provide existing floor plan, occupancy, use of spaces, wall layout, etc.
3.List all separate permits on the coversheet of the plans so it is clear what is to be included with
this permit. Common deferred submittals are mechanical/HVAC, fire sprinkler alterations, fire
alarm alterations, Type I hood, Hood suppression, State electrical, Sign, etc. See enclosed
handouts for plumbing and mechanical/HVAC submittal requirements.
4.Typically, the Type I hood is a separate permit, but if you intend to include with this permit
since some information is shown on the plans, the following information is needed:
a.Hood worksheet
b.Roof plan showing location of existing roof top mechanical equipment, make-up air
intake duct, exhaust air termination and distance to adjacent make-up/supply air and
building openings (including for adjacent tenant spaces that may be affected.
c.Provide manufacturers information and Evaluation Report for duct wrap option
instead of a 1-hour shaft.
5.Provide occupant load calculations.
6.Note the floor area of the tenant space.
7.Plumbing (also see handout):
a.Distinguish existing piping and fixtures from proposed.
b.Note the pipe size and material.
c.Note the slope of the waste lines.
d.Provide expansion tank on water heater.
e.Show where condensate waste will drain.
f.Based on the equipment list, reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) devices
are required for the ice machine, juice dispenser (unless totally self-contained) and
any other direct connections the public water system. Is the pop display a refrigerator
or dispenser? If it is a beverage dispenser, an RPBA is required.
8.Accessible restroom details: (ICC/ANSI A117.1 sections 603 & 604)
a.Revise height of toilet seat to 17 min. to 19 max.
b.On detail A, show the centerline of the toilet and dimension rear grab bar on either
side of the toilet.
c.On detail D, dimension the height of the toilet paper dispenser and distance in front
of the toilet
d.On the floor plan of the restroom clarify and dimension the encroachment of the
toilet and lav into the turning radius.
9.The reflected ceiling plan show an exit sign at the rear of the tenant space. IBC 1014.2 prohibits
occupants from exiting through a kitchen. If the occupant load (see item 5 above) is 49 or less,
which it appears to be, one exit is required from this tenant space and the rear kitchen exit would
not be required (WAC 51-50 1019.2 #3).
10.Specify the actual locking device for the front exit door. If you intend to use IBC 1008.1.8.3
exception 2 to allow a key-operated lock, note all requirements on the plans, including signage.
11.Revise door B information on Door Schedule to match floor plan.
12.The customer counter must be accessible per ICC/ANSI A117.1 section 904. Provide details
showing compliance.
13.Verify that the site (accessible parking and path of travel to the entrance door of the tenant
space) and tenant space (with proposed improvements) meet current accessibility codes. The
alterations require accessibility upgrades per IBC/WAC 3409.6 & 7. On the plans clearly show
that the exterior and interior accessible route of travel complies with current code, or provide
upgrades per the previously referenced section. If you choose to use exception #1 of IBC
3409.7, provide a letter stamped and signed by the architect (reference the code exception),
stating what parts of the existing site and building are not accessible, the project cost and what
20% of it equals, list the upgrades that will be done as part of this permit as well as showing that
the total cost of the upgrades is at least 20%.
14.Provide copy of review letter from the Snohomish County Health District, and make alterations
to the plans as applicable.
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