Seavue Unit 100 Deck construction ltr 10JULY17.pdf
Date: July 10, 2017
From: Jay Grant
Seavue President
To: City of Edmonds
Development Services, Building Division
CC: Unit 100 Tini Burch
Re: HOA limited Common area approval of construction request
As a unit owner, you have requested to bring the deck into compliance has been reviewed. The unitÈs deck is
a limited common area and is subject the Declaration, having full architectural, construction and maintenance
rights over the deck. Please be advised The City of Edmonds Code requires a permit for deck work of this
nature. Bring a copy of this letter to the CityÈs Planning Development Office approving the construction based
on the requirements of this letter.As the current owner,you areresponsible for all aspectsof compliance with
City, County, and State Codes, ensuring all work affecting the Seavue building is completed properly and
meetssuch Code,as well as meeting the requirements of the AssociationÈs governing documents.
Several aspects of the unitÈs deck appear not to meet appropriate codes and Seavue requirements. Your
approval is granted, subject to the following requirements to brining the deck back to its original state:
Ensure there is heatinstalled heating,if it does,is aviolation of Snohomish County code, thus the heating unit
and all electrical wiring to the heater must be removed;
Any electrical outlets on the deck walls must be removed unless the current wiring meets exterior wall
requirements; and the electrical outlets also meet exterior requirements, including outdoor coverings;
That electrical outletson the building structure (stucco walls) must meet exterior outlet requirements;
Walls of the deck may be wrapped in cedar strips as originally built, or as a recommended substitute use Harde¨
board sheets with artificial wood grain;
Exterior stucco and deck walls must be painted in Sherman Williams Resilience Acrylic Exterior Balanced Beige
7037;If any of the current build out has removed or affected the stucco, you must notify us before any action is
The deck railing cap must be in good condition, ensure ita slight angledto the exterior ofthe building to allow
rain runoff; and is painted with the trim color Sherman Williams ÅIntellectualGrayÆ-7045Resilience Acrylic Exterior
Latex Paint;
The deck floor must be brought back to its original level and surface, have a satisfactory deck floor for exterior
purposes,if the original is not in place, and coatedwith Sherman Williams Super Deck Elastomeric Coating;
Summerhouse Beige SW3004; the contractor must insure they follow the recommend preparation and coating
application of the manufacturer;
The contractor must be licensed and bonded through the Washington State Department of Labor and have a
current City of Edmonds business license, as required by the City;
Any rot or areas where the stucco has been penetrated needs to be identified and replaced, and all appropriate
areas must bel be properly sealed; Please notify the president if any is identified;
The completed work is subject to City and Board approval.Any electrical work requires a State licensed
contractor; and Seavue will provide the outdoor light that matches the other deck units.Please notify the president
when any inspection is going to take place.
The Board reserves the right to amend or withdraw this approval at any time; and in that event all work shall
cease immediately and no further work will take place until approval is reinstated.