SEPA DNS.pdf0 1P CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 WAC 197-i 1-970 Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) [01121,111114111A lil Description of proposal: Architectural Design Board review for a revision of the last of ten multifamily residential buildings approved for the Point Edwards development. The proposed Building 10 includes 85 residential unite. 144off-street parking stalls, and associated landscaping. Proponent: Joe Kolmer ofWeber Thompson on behalf of Edmonds Pine SL LLC Location mfproposal, including street address ifany: 5OPine Street, Edmonds, WA. Lead agency: CITY OFEDN1DNDS under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW43.21C.240 and WAC 197-11-158 andlor mitigating measures have been applied that ensure no significant adverse impacts will be created. An environmental impact statement is not required under RCVV43.21C.03UCQ(c). This decision was mode after review of completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information ieavailable tothe public onrequest. There ienocomment period for this DNS. xx This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must besubmitted by April 26, 2013 . Project Planner: Kernen Lien, Senior Planner Responsible Official: Rob Chavo.Planning Manager Contact Information: City ofEdmonds 1121 5th Avenue North, EdmondsWA 98020 1425-771-0220 Date: Signature:_ xxYou may appeal this determination to RobnrtCheve. Planning Manager, at 121 5th Avenue North' Edmonde, WA 08020. by filing a written appeal citing the specific reasons for the appeal with the required appeal fee, adjacent property owners list and notarized affidavit form no later than April 26, 2013. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Rob Clave toread orask about the procedures for SEP/\appeals. xx Posted on April 12, 2013, at the Edmonds Public Library and Edmonds Public Safety Building. Published in the Everett Herald. Emailed to the Department of Ecology GEPA Center ( ). Mailed ot property owners within 300 feet of the site. xxDistribute to"Checked"Agencies below. The GEPA Checklist, project plana, location map. and DNS are available nd through the Permits Online link. Search for file number PLN20138022. These materials am also Ed -avei|ob|ofor viewing at the Planning Division — located on the second floor of City Hall: 121 5 th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020. Page /ofz SEPA DETERMINATIONDOC Mailed to the following: C0MCAST _-X{_- Outside y|ondEngineer,No� North >0 Puget Sound Energy 152575^ GL8VVSte 2UU __X_. Attn: Elaine Babb Everett, VVA082O3 POBox Q7O34.M/S EST'11VV Bellevue, VVAQ8OOQ-0734 XX Department ofFish &Wildlife 1OO18Mill Creek Boulevard Joe Kolmer Mill Creek, VVA 08012 __)QX_- Weber Thompson 225Terry Avenue North XX State Dept. ufTransportation Seattle, VVA081U0 -Washington Attn: RaminPuznoN SnoKing Developer Services, K4S221 Betty Tobin 157O0Dayton Ave, N. __%X__ Snohomish Co. PUD POBox 330310 POBox 11O7 Seattle, VVA0O133-O710 Everett, VVAQ82O8'11U7 XX`_ Tu|aUpTribal Council XX J. Donna Bunten 07UOTotem Beach Road Marysville, WA 98270 --==-- DopedmontofEco|ogy Shom|ando&Environ. Assist. Program XX�_ Snohomish County Fire District No 1 -- � POBox 47O0O Hoadquo�ereon No. 1 Olympia, WA 98504-7600 Attn.: Director ofFire Services 12310Meridian Avenue South KcjoFor�ourDepa�men(nfFonioa Evoro�.VVA982O8'5704 __XX__ Environmental Manager 2QO13mAvo..Suite 50O XX Town ofVVoodwoy Seattle, VVA08121-3O14 Attn.: Clerk -Treasurer 23020113thPlace West Kristin Kelly VVoodwey' WA 98020 __XX Snohomish Co/Skagit CnProgram Director 1420Avenue D.PMB532 XX Edmonds School District No. 15 Snohomioh, VV�A82Q0 Attn.: Stephanie Hall 2042OO8thAvenue West Lynnwood, WA 98030'7400 }X Department ofArchaeology &Historic %X Community Transit Preservation Attn.: Brent RpaeeU P.O. Box 48343 7100 Havdeoon Road O|ympie, WA 98504-8343 Everett, WA 98203 Attachments pc: File No. SEPA Notebook Page zvr2 mm DETERMINATIONDOC