SEPA_checklist.pdfOF EDI C> cn St. I Purpose of Checklist: j I 61 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required, Instructions forApplicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Mc l,bonakl's 91ecic^vou o9 ,,atnerd 2. Name of applicant: (: i) o n,,:9 d's 1.1 SA, LIC C 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: ffilI y'; n CI\/ a [ L s e: ri � 21.31 1.13 �AA:I (d I'\�i , i: 101 KH<h]nd;l, \i\//\ 981.131/1 4. Date checklist prepared: 1' 0 nA U ,,) u Y 1-0,- , 2 5. Agency requesting checklist i V y„ q E Q (8111 d n a -i d y Revised on 8/19111 MCD Edinonds_SEPA Checklist Page I of'25 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): J u.1..n e 2013 June 20,14, (STAFF COMMENTS) 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. None antici17a.0etJ. (STAFF COMMENTS) 8. hist any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. t.1eWec hnlc:A V nginc:°ening Report [)y the Ytdev/ ('Arcwup dated May 4, 201. ()"eotc e. huui(A Report A,dc:8c.rrodccrn ... onsB to iufflltrafic: n `Audy date ivJc.)vu�wIrnll acri :14. 2012 q)H, p: lc,cnc.wation A.- ,..zm c: o us IViateil,fl:w Survey by i,Ucr y Grw., p cW ed May 1 7, 2012. i.nDiap;e i Environc nenhfl Site Assessment bV i:h e R6 EcV Group dated May ;171, 2012 t.Y iit:ic�A Areas [1epm—t by the G1iVey GroLq.,) c1a1cd Il t(,^c,en)bc; r N 1, ?01 2. F a J9'c V y s i s b I E 1v` \A/ cicrfed Decennbec 6„ Q1.° (STAFF COMMENTS) 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. N ccm e i< c°w c w rl . (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised on 8/19/11 MCD Ednzoads_SEPA Checklist Page 2 of 25 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. f.. C1 @ 6 ri 01: ion a� U s t, P en P'a"� p..)eSt1e)Bl'pt o n Fl(r tk Brl kfinY site Bremjopro.a.u.ent 61(.prnlit ��u�nn�p 1'r;ra�nnun (STAFF COMMENTS) 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Thcr Mcl1)Onald's Flue pevek).) )rrnent Biu c:)Joct p n:rp.posr's to Construct a nem 4,400 SF restauraro bn.nVldonL r r.nrp9 tato rl thrU laaclBnttiio mnrpel <asuarpp, R(, -,e) -)aaddn, k)t on rr .l.91 acn esu site i)t 10124 It.1n°rt::ntlds way in [C:pn"6tlo nt"l,s, /rk'nlJnP ,wLo"a. An tl.�xisHn" ,, l (:Drpllbrrki',, r(',spau a9B"t wffl b(., di°V"Po"a4:Y19.ad (,d as p:pcaUL of d"'d,c rV,r:po?V/aWslC7llar'9"ierwN: (STAFF COMMENTS) 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related Rau bids a°puar�.°p�Jlu n.. I h(n a sit(, �s Nrpr.rufied at 1.01.M l cfirnppatr,k \N a� do Edmonds, ` ldanpP'nonLJon, �pr�c� �^u�ar�la.a�mrnna baa=sogn h,,arariew [Il arns hPA(,IAN D fm f "a(, toj,)oLraap)p' cal x¢..uryey rTr� ap:p. (STAFF COMMENTS) Remised on 8119111 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 3 of 25 XIVAJr 3001*0101l1011: Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other: RwIdIng with Io.`P(41i/ed,1:Ci"i� ') `,I(➢pes, (STAFF COMMENTS) b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? A" :)t)roxin"N ; t ey t0%,,, (STAFF COMMENTS) C. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, and muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Arccordunjrl to the t;:peotardh Inicar E,rq'jnum-4iLUT, RC't 011 t [,ct the RikB y Q:arw,at) dated May 4Y 2012, the SONS E-'N(0rnrnuaN'rkc) rdtarin, (idd exp'dora�ltior[ andaade nr-wdi(,nm rdenu )e to dense sjt.y sacrad xvBth Fill �q('➢UIIPd,'" t';B"<'��lt'I t`(1 sandVWDa'I""V "`ah�t a"�I(n4`d CSYr1��r? BI x'40a'a° Q."Brri;lk....06YtG.rr'":'C' underlying extended d.o„ 1() de,(mt:, 1IneG`oVd c ota4usts o4 rn(dacanr7 (dense Sky;ra.pd t Wtcord. (STAFF COMMENTS) d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. None qrrsown . (STAFF COMMENTS) Remised on 8/19/11 MCD Ednaowls_SEPA Checklist Page 4 of 25 e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. It is 'InLidpated that '1e',)prmdma1 fly 1,500 (,'N of shaH be movcd during LracfinL�, openfljow'. -1-he shtu shoH k.')e �,,x'aded t�o aLjl-)uoich a SiL�-�cut to hH). Ary hrn[)orted �,.md roq)orted rnaterjak shall be oLAak-iud and&r transpcwted fi'(Afl <H'l s)[)['Koved and pera` itted kxa[Jon, (STAFF COMMENTS) L Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. I empuray ero°iJor� and secfirncnt contin.)l rrwisures will be implePnented Irl accordance, wffli (Aof Edr-ionds staradmd pr�ic',fices armd regukements to n'dnNai�ze short tern'i c'onstruchon (STAFF COMMENTS) g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? )proxflrnatdy 70% ol the site, (STAFF COMMENTS) h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: A 1errq:')wmy F',msion and Sedinient (IonUcd Man will be stjbn-Juod for the (Jty'S R�Vi(-ti\A/ �;,ffld appmv,d. A�,')o'-aroved eros�on rrlift?'o6on WHI be inqTo-rr-wntc�d prior U) and (hninj�' const,Juction. The eros�on contrO Lflan \mffl 0nclhjde Such ek-m-�enLs as fdler fd)ric fe�LjLL.,� ONuStRl('IHO�l C'Hb'�)rAce and 1he f,rnr)1oyn'wt0 of Rest ManoEen'ient 1)ractio,s_ (.duriij -consLru(1U(,'M (STAFF COMMENTS) a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. ve[fldes "md MH Iln incre'ased (:,'aiVssJonsand dus, intoH'icaii, hmiU,d U) Lhe vc,hicle, exhiust of Lhe re,,UuranL Revised on 8119111 MCD Ediwiids—SEPA Checklist Page 5 of 25 (STAFF b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may effect your proposal? If so, generally describe. None k r r:r w n . (STAFF COMMENTS) C. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to the, if any: So[e MH he L)ri nik0ec:d with wtAer klurar)Ly, (fi y coirlst. uction rnonG:hs as ncQ ce^,svy Lo Control dus, , Construct�c:nn ved-tkdes are t�ndn_<nHd ecln.wAppe d with factorinr6adlu'?d aut.n�fflers and spark arr(-',Aes C:ha l MH control excessive crr i ssm ns. (STAFF COMMENTS) 3. WATER Surface: (1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, and wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. (STAFF COMMENTS) (2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. (STAFF COMMENTS) (3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. (STAFF COMMENTS) Remised on 8119111 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 6 of'25 (4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. (STAFF COMMENTS) (5) Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. C'140. (STAFF COMMENTS) (6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Ground: (1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. �Id C) (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised ora 8119111 MCD Edhnonds_SEPA Checklist Page 7 of 25 (2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Dwrues6c �.ma'!'' How wiiH be maintained Po the a xowAhiL munkJpaf Lravitl r sarnk:ary sewer "i,y',V.a;:Sn) in d:d0"CYC7Vids Way, (STAFF COMMENTS) C. Water Runoff (including storm water): (1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. (STAFF COMMENTS) (2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. i'yf o (STAFF COMMENTS) Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Revised on 8119111 MCD Ediaoads_SEPA Checklist Page 8 of 25 4. Plants sa Anon `ih..' �;P6 �,.Pp II V�WtP G��4Q.Yi B.�V II tl.MB P4.t �"m 0.'�bf� E� p4. sya:sk,x n thdt COIUSists o an c)iIz WWr'te1 bYW,;'pKGYrry4G,, ' a c�kch b,isin Sk)n 'r nF ker ,and an uuoaaflmErou..awnd in'filLaf:ilon fa6kl sha H :':'Jfij;a (e the irnL,)L0'as cd.. ssMR.PV^Vift9clter fl.uan'h'ty rctlR'Vd nP,➢ah'ty Ie',dsPVN"p Ex the SsBLe (STAFF Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder map aspen, other:_ evergreen tree: Cr cedar, pine, other: shrubs grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other: water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other: other types of vegetation: (STAFF COMMENTS) b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Io au';ICAB'iarnQ')CVak� the p'olIQ"i tl'.d �)Ilope( , p&"'bBl':lo ns t':Y'f thc, cP)d`.h'iLi ld3b'1dscapinR ,'%its H be dV,tlnd",3yed aWod �eRa�acaird iu'u k�'ui -nd eIs(. h e d e on iIhe site. (STAFF COMMENTS) C. hist threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. (STAFF Revised on 8/19111 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Cliecklist Page 9 of 25 d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other materials to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The �:)wjr>ct will be landscaped in acr;ordal')CE' With (:JtV of Edmonds requirernents, l.11is lrlY"1d"_'7(:apir"qRw, includes r')eY'l8"Y1f tel and parl4 nM ),, lot laYtd";C:aL)iI"g, (STAFF 5. Animals a. Check or circle any birds and animals that have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, ongbir , other: mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: (STAFF COMMENTS) b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. on�:. Iknown, (STAFF COMMENTS) C. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No. (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised on 8/19/11 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 10 of 25 d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Fhta paordu,ct, vA/ffl he Qarandw,naap)e:d hi (: y of d:;:)oaaaands f�)tnCJS au4aLiL)2ioIC: ra.d(`s y.n(:rrunrneLea a�nnn. Laar koo, Vot Inr:dsCaLn )irwg, (STAFF COMMENTS) 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. d..VrWr:,4`,° c and natumr gas MH be a s(. d for ek.c~h--city anci h:tatjnL� (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No (STAFF COMMENTS) C. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: "Me rr9 ojc,(1 nrnrwrLy efficient r'aer,h aP`nia:A sys eru s and wiH comply wiY.h the regu.airt°n.an--ca nts of Hw—aa:.hi nL��.g:on ijon,Resiu:darnfl aB 9:ner y Code, (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised on 8/19/11 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 11 of 25 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so describe. n\J o' (STAFF COMMENTS) (1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. N/k (STAFF COMMENTS) (2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: &\A /A. (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Noise (1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? .'haffic noise frorn acN'Icero develcw�prnen[s, neavby roads and hi'hways shcm'fld not afrect (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised on 8119111 MCD Ednioiids—SEPA Checklist Page 12 of 25 (2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hour's noise would come from the site. On a shm t te"nn ba°'' s, cons I, uc,�Jcm nois(, iA I e)Bek t` L)iccfl IV rk`.A{tC:)C:YJ1A C;I th cornrnf," rcid cwM.rucOun ww,dd 1)e ( rrated, D Iijong, teu,n [Yasis, noise fi om" cuc,[orrer veh i( I I es )UM oxisJ ("on'st Guchc)n nc)Se I I occm on I y during OtV Rnand at e(A hmirs, � onL te� rn n oise, sh,:M occw 24 hmjrs a day, (STAFF COMMENTS) (3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: )perafion hours foir construOion actkJpkes shaH he [)(,n (Jty of p-.cknonds re(.jub rernents, (STAFF COMMENTS) 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? An exushr�g McDonald's :estza ur,irfl and assoc�aterj asphalt-pYwLd .)arkonL? U, ocLfl,ed (m the p:ojeU Site, H -w �Jtf' k bord(,'r.d�_d to the north and so�.fl.h hcornmm,dal propc"dJo,", k� the west Ly resklenlj,al propert, �nd k) [11_e_e,-bsL by ["drnonds\Miy, (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. (STAFF Revised on 8119111 AICD Edniwids—SEPA Checklist Page 13 of 25 C. Describe any structures on the site. An a=4,xistJng MG Do naYW's P"Q,: staBiaV nl m 0;'Da d(fiR"Rg and ads°36 ck.- d ,d cfi Ny4�'''° thr a fca&`fh'ty .flnd B:'M i-ki6' g lot (STAFF COMMENTS) d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Yes, all ex.usB: in will be v':6erylo kshed. (STAFF COMMENTS) C. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Ne9ghlao0"R"Oood BN,@°m�nP.na>,s (13P ) (STAFF COMMENTS) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? (STAFF COMMENTS) g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master plan designation of the site? � %& (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised on 8/19/11 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 14 of 25 11. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. 0 -w sih, k, rnaD)[.�)ed hthe QLy of Edrnonds Ge(floi,,,i ca I �-Jaz�m-ds Area aSl an erosicm hazard arii d a �andshde h,lzad drea. A G,it.iufl Area,, Ro�;)ort mS PN`J)dIred bthe [61ev Group on (,-cernber 12, 2012 Lo evaluate the sU"',ep .Joi:'C-: aRea to the V,A/est of the ,� It( wh��ch vvffl rernaki wntouclhud asi.LarL of the redevelcq-m-wnt, �"he re�:�c).r[ con( Duderl thot the exisfin sLeep 'dope aBfla O,, weH pmteoed'from nMurfl sod erosion by vh,tue o[ heavy tree okra veLjeta0on coverage Iff)d os in sable concfitiord, VIolerfl'aA eroson dnd larari.Ad e hazaarck wffl not be inueaised by Lhe h.-)rot)osed redevelow-nert, (STAFF COMMENTS) L Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? N�proxi ni a t My 80 ern plovees wi I � wm k a 1 0 a e con ,flet ed pi oject, (STAFF COMMENTS) j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? )ewfle do not currendV reskle aL the subjeO !JLe; therelwe, disl-.)IlicernenL Os nW a p Glc:�-u h B e (STAFF COMMENTS) k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: /At (STAFF COMMENTS) Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Revised on 8119111 MCD Edinonds-SEPA Checklist Page 15 oJ'25 the jj�:muop,,.zsm.d dc"vek6 [)a wr0' is a.ow:J,zVeo' wkjthe zm:mw.kar; regcjiremruentc c4 I.L"�e n:dmroorld"'. (STAFF COMMENTS) 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. /. . (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Approximately how many units, if any would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NZ/ - (STAFF /-(STAFF COMMENTS) C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: 1\1/A. (STAFF COMMENTS) 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principle exterior building material(s) proposed? Revised on 8119111 MCD Ednionds_SEPA Checklist Page 16 of 25 kdk-'st V �c�ighas oxkn'�,Ady 24 feet. V he p� h4JQ.1d eXI(NI(A' bldkfiH[� Mr. t(`1J,fl 'oS \AaDod Stud k)ad be n'rAIS w Wo stucco xid stone veneer hinishes (STAFF COMMENTS) b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Vk,\Ats of adVacent [:)roperOes wffl Lw alterc,d kuture de\/(dopment irt the immediate vk'Jnit� r n n a y b e o 1) s u c t e d In y t h e p r o p o(,ti d p r c�) j e ct, (STAFF COMMENTS) C. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: 1'he L�mject has [)een desiLned on accmdance vyffl) CjtsLandards. 'his effort inc]udes enhancernei)L to the bud dinL.; aid lALecture and hndm.'.apinL!, 0u0UJ,1h0Ut OW 10t 111d (STAFF COMMENTS) It. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? P�3111drnLIlOp Wffl ["W� HkHl-dnaLed duOnL eveninpy, hcm,,urs Vddch.headHEhts wHI ako producc� hffl)[ and gWre dun ng hours, (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Revised on 8119111 MCD Edmonds—SEPA Checklist Page 17 of 25 (STAFF C. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? ['addrig ht hom the adjacent developn-wnts n�mo rcx-.�udways the 'Jte- (STAFF COMMENTS) d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: I he [,)ropect MH be desip�,,ncd to �,:)wvide 'I km�fl of hgMbr in the L,),:ajdnj.x, lot and IKOLHAd fl -W bLffldklL�?, in ac.cordincc, wffl-r (JtV Y(-'CJLflreinenLs, IjLhl -h-XLLHT'I wld pok� ' spacinp wffl be dcsd [),ned to nJnknuze iny hp hL encroachmerd on adacenl p:.dwperties' (STAFF COMMENTS) 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? I'he qus docated qt)proximatcly 1,2 mdes Cron LLrod (..!ct site AAs('), (he (line StxeO [�IavhLjd is located ay:)Pii-oArl�mkfly 1-1 n-dles, frorn the gm'ok�0 sk.e. (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreation uses? If so, describe. Revised on 8119111 MCD Ethimids—SEPA Checklist Page 18 of 25 [ he ('Xi Sc.uL! illay6lhc� ' f'�ciGrill be removed A o utG,Oo o az< a«b kntoui da.r�:;n sano at�a�� ! vero0N be ptoykled. (STAFF COMMENTS) C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: An OLL10('fl,. L)L:U wau e�l With OUL100L S(ratoi1 WuNB 122 Lo carrGded. (STAFF COMMENTS) 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. �WJ o n e known. (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. N/A, (STAFF COMMENTS) Revised on 8119111 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 19 of 25 C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: (STAFF COMMENTS) 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. H -w p;moject Sto k acc(,,s-,ed by means of Lhvee drM.way acxesse,, onto Haiomjs Wa� In the rde,velor)e,cl condition, the renter ckivewav wdl be ehinkmLed. (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Is site currently served by public transit? If no, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? the neal'e.sL rransit stoU"1849 k a�ppmxmm.Ada 0A mde from Yxoje(JaJ[e at the h'ite�'secUon of [".(Jrnoncis Way and 10(Y h Ave \/Vc,st. (STAFF COMMENTS) C. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? jLw (:()VnLfleted LL2±L!-\'Aod1 have "worcmin,wt(dy 40 skills, \/v&dch is 34 stoHs th'in In the exlshn,r, comfitOon (pr�or to redewjopalenL), Revised on 8119111 MCD Ednionds—SEPA Checklist Page 20 of 25 (STAFF d. Will the proposal require any new roads, streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). A ne\m 4 5-%umt: �Adde p,fl m ter strip and new 6 toot vvide sRnBk. w,!flk wffl LW n.011amtaeItt:u,t.9 Fdrnoauds Way, (STAFF COMMENTS) e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. ill o . (STAFF COMMENTS) L How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Per, the F aaaffic lmpa:uJ Anadsu ,s by T[6` W dated N.:ne=,ccnuben tt, 2012, the 1��r oposeci os e ( dmaat.e d 'Lc) Eexner�fler 1,8H nae[ nueyA/ weekday daady Lriip r, v�JOi 17 nuu!,p rneW trd Yi du�,.ir6 x, them:wenkd,�y �vA peak hmu¢ a'md 12 n(A neyA/ hjL)s racc urnng u,hn�nntw; the wcuekchiy V:"M `,6ea k hn:nojr, (STAFF COMMENTS) g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Revised on 811.9/11 MCD Edmonds_SEPA Checklist Page 21 of 25 (STAFF COMMENTS) 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: Me proLiwMed pro[ecl will implement desiLn U) ineeL or exceed City hrezlffe/safety co&!S. (STAFF COMMENTS) 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: 11anitary sever septic system, other: (STAFF COMMENTS) b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Revised on 8179111 MCD Edmonds—SEPA Checklist Page 22 of 25 Dm w!stk/irriga�ion wah-� service t.o. [)e uppB�ecl .)y..t L of [-drnonds exb,nd frorn cxist' re rvkle �,o,be su ph '(J y d rn on ds - cixtend to mah-i. F 1,� ct r c ly, rt`6-Vicc __Ly .Sourd E. r) ej gy x t e i d f r O rn exkm g J (rorn exkfii,w -Y in ['.drnonds Way, (STAFF COMMENTS) C. SIGNATURE I declare under penalty of perjury laws that the above answers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature of Proponent 1/10/26"Y65? Date Submitted Revised on 8119111 MCD Ednzonds—SEPA Checklist Page 23 of 25