Description of Proposal
:The City of Edmonds has received a design review (“Type III-B”)application
bySwedish Medical Center to construct a new15,120 square foot pre-fabricated modular outpatient
cancer infusion center withinthe Swedish/Edmonds campus located at 2160576Avenue West in the
Medical Use “MU” zone, file number PLN20110044. The project proposes to reconfigure the adjacent
onsiteparking area as well as some of the landscaping. There will be approximately 1600 cubic yards of
excavation and minimal fill.
Name of Applicant
:Brad Hinthorne of Perkins + Will representing Swedish Cancer Institute Edmonds
Date of ApplicationDate Application Complete
:June 16,2011:July 14, 2011
Date of Notice of Hearing
:August 19, 2011
Project LocationAvenue West, Edmonds (Swedish/Edmonds Campus)
:21605 76
Requested Permits and Approvals
:Architectural Design Board (ADB) approval.
Other RequiredPermits
:SEPA and applicable buildingpermits.
Required Studies related to the project
Related Environmental Documents
:File CRA20110052 (no critical areas found)
Comments DueSeptember 7, 2011
City Contact
:Gina Coccia,Associate Planner||425-771-0220x 1778
Public HearingSeptember 7 at 7:00 PM
:in the City of Edmonds Council Chambers: 250 5Ave N,
Notice is Hereby Given
that the City of Edmonds has issued a Determination of Nonsignificance under
WAC 197-11-340(2) for the above project.This decision was made after review of a completed
environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available
to the public on request.
Project Description
:The project described above requires SEPA review because it involves
approximately15,120 square feet of new commercial (medical) building plus approximately 1600 cubic
yards of excavation.
Date of Issuance
:August 19, 2011
Appeal Period
:This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). You may appeal this determination by
filing a written appeal citing the specific reasons for appeal with the required appeal fee no later than
September 2, 2011by 4:30p.m
Any person has the right to comment on this application during public comment period, receive notice and participate in any
hearings, and request a copy of the decision on the application. The City may accept public comments at any time prior to the
closing ofthe record of an open record predecision hearing, if any, or, if no open record predecision hearing is provided, prior to
the decision on the project permit. Only parties of record as defined in ECDC 20.07.003 have standing to initiate an
administrative appeal. Information on this development application can be viewed at the City of Edmonds Development Services
Department, 121 5th Ave North, Edmonds, WA 98020 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 PM425-771-0220