City of Edmonds
DATE August 1, 2007
STAFF: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Project: 207 5 Ave N
Tony Shapiro 9 units
A preliminary review was done with the pre-application materials provided and we have the
following comments.
General Comments:
1)Codes in effect at the time of this meeting:
a)2006 International Building Code (including Accessibility) with State Amendments
b)2006 International Residential Code (including Accessibility) with State Amendments
c)2006 International Mechanical Code (including International Fuel Gas Code) with State
d)2006 International Fire Code with State Amendments
e)2006 Uniform Plumbing Code with State Amendments
f)2006 Washington State Energy Code (WAC 51-11)
g)2006 Washington State Ventilation Indoor Air Quality Code (WAC 51-13)
h)Edmonds Community Development Code
2)Basic Design Loads specific to Edmonds
a)Snow load 25 psf nonreducible
b)Seismic design category D
c)Wind speed 85 mph, 3 sec gust
d)Wind exposure most likely B for this location
3)Townhouse buildings 1 & 2 would be designed using the International Residential Code. The
larger east building would be designed using the International Building Code. (IBC 101.2)
General Comments for site and all buildings:
4)List all deferred submittals on the cover sheet of the plans. The City prefers that plumbing
plans be included with and issued with the main building permit to help avoid any construction
delays. Common deferred items are plumbing, mechanical, fire sprinkler, fire alarm, signs,
side sewer, water meter, shop drawings, State Elevator, State Electrical, etc.
5)A soils report prepared by a State Licensed Geotechnical Engineer is required.
6)A separate building permit (and subsequent deferred submittals) is required for each building.
7)Contact the Planning Division for the Lot Line Adjustment/Aggregation procedure to combine
the 2 lots into one.
Building Division Pre-application Comments 1
8)For site retaining walls, provide engineered retaining wall details and calculations, and take
into account possible surcharges from adjacent buildings, driveways, parking areas, etc.
9)Provide a plan showing how temporary cuts will be treated, whether with shoring or grading at
a 1:1 slope with geotech approval. If shoring will be required, the shoring design and
calculations will require peer review at full cost to the applicant. Coordination must be made
between all design professionals for the shoring design.
10)Plans must be stamped by a State licensed Architect or Professional Engineer.
11)Contact Steve Fisher, Recycling Coordinator, at 425-771-0235 regarding dumpster enclosure
location and size.
12)Contact Linda McMurphy, Cross-connection Control Specialist, at 425-771-0235 regarding
premise isolation requirements to protect the public water system.
Comments for the East building (IBC):
13)Provide allowable area calculations to justify Type VB construction for the east building.
14)Clearly show on plans how this building is designed per IBC 302 for separated uses, non-
separated uses, accessory uses, incidental uses, etc. If separated uses will be used mixed use
ratio calculations are required.
15)Occupancies would be R2 for the dwellings and common areas, S2 for the parking garage, S1
for the storage areas (or can be incidental use areas).
16)Provide occupant load calculations for each floor of the building as well as for the total
building. IBC 1004
17)To determine exterior wall and opening protection requirements, on the site plan provide an
imaginary property line between each building and dimension the distance from the
imaginary property lines and property lines to the exterior walls of the buildings (IBC 704.3).
Exterior walls must be fire rated as determined in IBC Tables 601 and 602 (most restrictive
applies). Also see IBC 704 and 1406 for projections, parapets, unexposed surface
temperatures, combustible exterior wall coverings, etc. Openings are limited in area
depending on the location of the building to the property line, and in some cases are not
permitted or must be ¾ hour to 1 ½ hour fire rated glazing assemblies.
18)See IBC 601 and 602 for additional fire rating requirements, such as roof-ceiling, individual
protection of structural members, etc.
19)The elevator shaft must be 1-hour rated (IBC 706 & 707).
20)The exit enclosure(s) must be 1-hour rated with self-closing 60 minute rated doors. (IBC 706 &
21)Dwelling units must be separated from each other with 1-hour horizontal assemblies and fire
partitions, and must meet a minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) of 50 or more. Provide
copy of listed and tested 1-hour fire rated assemblies with STC rating of 50 or more, and
provide details showing the specific requirements of the assembly on the plans.
22)Provide details of fire rated walls, floor-ceilings, and projections on the plans, including the
complete listed and tested fire rated assemblies and cross-reference where they apply on the
23)Where ducts, exhaust fans, can lights, etc. penetrate the 1-hour fire rated assemblies, show
how the rating will be maintained, such as with lined joist bays, vertical shafts, soffits, etc.,
and provide details.
Building Division Pre-application Comments 2
24)All penetrations of the 1-hour rated assemblies must be firestopped per IBC 712.3. 1-hour
rated putty pads must be installed on the electrical boxes, unless exception for steel electrical
boxes is used (see IBC 712.3.2).
25)The building (each floor) must be provided with 2 exits, unless it can meet IBC 1018.2 for
Buildings With One Exit. In reviewing IBC Table 1018.2, it appears that the current building
design will exceed the maximum 50 foot travel distance.
26)Assuming that 2 exits will need to be provided (per item 22 above), the common path of
egress travel cannot exceed 75 feet (see IBC 1013.1 and 1002 for definition).
27)Sleeping rooms must meet egress requirements of IBC 1025 and must open directly into a
public street, public alley, yard or court. In the case of a yard or court, the occupant must
have direct and unobstructed access to the public way.
28)Exit enclosure(s) must exit directly to the outside or to a 1-hour exit passageway (IBC 1020,
1021). Once occupants enter a level of fire protection, that fire protection must be
maintained to the exterior of the building. The plans show the exit enclosure exiting into the
parking garage, which is not permitted.
29)Columns (including finished materials) cannot encroach within the required widths/lengths of
the parking stalls.
30)The building/site must be barrier free accessible including the main entrance, maneuvering
distances, parking, pedestrian access from the public sidewalk, mailboxes, etc. All units must
be Type B accessible. The plan does not show accessible pedestrian access from the public
sidewalk. The townhouse unit within the building must also be accessible (Type B) on each
31)Show all mechanical shaft locations on the plans. Commonly, issues arise with the garage
exhaust and elevator equipment room ventilation. Parking garage ventilation (supply and
exhaust) is required at the rate of 1.5 cfm/sf of floor area. Show location of supply air inlet(s)
and garage exhaust outlet (outlet location must meet WAC 51-52 501.5 #2)
32)These buildings are subject to RCW 64.55 (EHB 1848 - see attached bulletin). If the buildings
will house condominiums, building enclosure documents stamped/signed by a State licensed
Architect or Engineer are required, and special inspection is required of the installation of the
building enclosure elements. If these building will be apartments, building enclosure
documents will be required as noted previously, or a Sale Prohibition Covenant must be
submitted prior to issuance of the building permit (City will provide covenant form).
33)Complete the Citys Residential Energy and Ventilation worksheets and submit with your
permit application.
34)Show locations of illuminated exit signage and emergency lighting (IBC 1011, 1006), and
specify power back-up.
Comments for the Detached Single Family Townhouse Buildings #1 & #2 (IRC):
35)Buildings are not required to be accessible (IBC 1103.2.4).
36)One exit door is required for each dwelling without requiring travel through the garage.
37)Smoke detectors must be hardwired with battery backup and be interconnected. R313
38)To determine exterior wall and opening requirements based on fire separation distance, provide
an imaginary property line between each building and dimension the distance from the
imaginary property lines and property lines to the exterior walls of the buildings. Exterior
Building Division Pre-application Comments 3
walls located less than 3 feet to the property line must be 1-hour fire rated and openings are not
permitted. Projections shall not extend closer than 2 feet to the property line and must be 1-
hour fire rated where less than 3 feet to the property line (R302 see State Amendment).
39)The centerline of the alley can be used for determining fire separation distance.
40)A fire separation is required between the garage and dwelling per R309.
41)Sleeping rooms must meet egress requirements of IBC 1025 and must open directly into a
public street, public alley, yard or court. In the case of a yard or court, the occupant must
have direct and unobstructed access to the public way. R310
42)The plans show a room opening directly into the garage. This room cannot be a sleeping
room. R309.1
The following is a list of frequently overlooked items that apply to many projects. They are
listed as a tool to help minimize corrections required during plan review.
Incomplete submittals, insufficient number of copies, plans not separated out
General coordination of all plans not done prior to permit submittal nor throughout
resubmittals (architectural, structural, landscape, civil, mechanical, plumbing, fire
sprinkler, etc.)
Overall coordination of plans with details clearly and accurately referenced throughout
the plans as to where they apply. For example, a fire rated wall must be clearly identified
and refer to a construction detail that accurately describes how the wall is to be
constructed so it meets the listed and tested assembly requirements, including insulation
for sound transmission control if applicable, and the listed and tested assembly provided.
Deferred submittals and separate permits not called out on plans
Site plan, landscape plan and civil plan not to same scaleusually a vast difference
between landscape plan and civil for parking space width, planters, patios, driveway
width, location of electrical equipment, parking spaces, etc.
Shoring plan not submitted with initial application or submitted very late in the process;
plans show shoring extending onto adjacent private property or into City RW
Energy calculations deferred to mechanical permit submittal, energy submitted late which
affects framing approval
Allowable area calculations not provided with permit application, yards on site plans not
adequately shown
Fire hydrant locations not specified at pre-application meeting
Structures that require a permit are shown on landscape plans not on architecturals
Stairs, landings, walkways, ramps, architectural projections, cantilevers, bay windows,
etc. not shown on site plans
Garage headroom to obstructions such as sprinkler heads, pipes, ducts, beams, insulation
Plans do not clearly show that a return air plenum will be provided which can affect other
architectural code issues.
Building Division Pre-application Comments 4
Fire Resistive Construction
Fire ratings and locations of required occupancy separations, fire walls, horizontal
separation walls, exit passageways, corridors, exterior walls, etc not clearly specified on
floor plans and in section views
Listed and tested fire-rated assemblies not specified on plans and do not match
construction details
Listed and tested fire-rated assemblies and details showing structural frame protection
(such as for columns and beams) not provided on plans, including those within wall and
floor-ceiling assemblies
Fire-stopping details and products not specified on plans, or listed as a deferred submittal.
Fire rated corridor detail not provided
Column jacketing in parking garage to protect fire-resistive covering from damage
If plumbing is a deferred submittal, it is commonly submitted for permit without adequate
time for the City to review, process and issue the permit, thereby holding up the
underground plumbing work on site.
Locations of all fire/smoke dampers not shown on mechanical plans
Routing of exhaust ducts, dryer vents, gas appliance vents, HVAC ductwork not
coordinated prior to issuance of main permit
Locations and construction details of all mechanical shafts not provided on plans
Mechanical exhaust outlet locations, especially for parking garage exhaust not shown on
floor plans, roof plans, sections and elevations (generator location not approved by ADB
and placed in setback areas)
Appropriate cross-connection control devices provided at the property line on domestic
water line, fire sprinkler line, and irrigation line.
Appropriate cross-connection control devices provided on fixtures within the building.
General exiting configuration not submitted at pre-application meeting, creates redesign
in many cases
Exit enclosure must exit directly to the outside or to an exit passageway
Elevators not permitted to open into exit passageways, lobbies not provided when
Occupant load calculations not included with permit application
Common path of exit travel not shown.
Accessible signage location and details not provided on plans
Accessible means of egress and areas of refuge not shown on plans
Length and width of accessible parking space not shown on plans
Accessible cross walk not provided with in route of travel when crossing vehicular drive
Building Division Pre-application Comments 5
Accessible route of travel not complete nor adequately detailed on the plans. For
example, from the public way (sidewalk) to the main building entrance, from the
accessible parking space(s) to the building entrance, to mailboxes, dumpsters, and
accessory buildings, and throughout building. Detail ramps, slopes, handrails, landings,
width of path of travel, etc.
Building Division Pre-application Comments 6