SKMBT_C45008111210400.pdfNovember 12, 2008 TO: Bob Bozorth, Taylor Gregory Butterfield FROM: Steve Fisher, City of Edmonds Public Works, 425-771-0235 RE: Plan review for trash collection area #2008-0861 Edmonds Yacht Club building There is a requirement to provide a trash collection area for this project. Outside storage of both garbage and recycle containers will need to be enclosed and accessible to both tenants and service providers. Inside storage will be subject to additional minimum requirements. Please refer to our handout #E37 titled "Garbage & Recycle Collection Enclosure & Access Policy" which outlines minimum design standards for this area. There are hard copies available in the second floor lobby of Edmonds City Hall or it is available online on the city website at www.ei.edmonds.wa.us. Click on City Government, then Development Services, then Engineering, and finally on Handouts and Forms. Please feel free to call me with any questions.