SKMBT_C45011062709160.pdfJune 24, 2011
TO: Tom Spader
FROM: Steve Fisher, City of Edmonds Public Works, 425-771-0235
RE: Plan review for minimum trash enclosure compliance
BLD 2011-0416 — Starbucks, 21920 Highway 99, Edmonds, WA
In review of this proposal it has been noted that there are solid waste containers that are not
adequately screened from public view at this location. The existing enclosure is not
properly sized to house all the current collection containers serviced. It is the intent of our
department's minimum design standards to allow applicants to make all efforts to
adequately screen all waste containers, while providing safe and convenient access for both
users and collectors.
It is noted that this site does not provide the optimum conditions to comply fully with our
standards. However, improvements should be considered at this time. For example, the
existing enclosure's east side could be relocated more toward the east closer to the
building's southside entry door, in order to improve service and usability to the existing
containers and to house the other plastic carts that are now outside the enclosure,
This has always been a difficult site to access and provide safe service from the hauling
company's point of view. Efforts to provide minimal screening for all containers would
greatly improve the overall quality of the site and go toward meeting our minimum
Please contact me if you have any questions..