SM-08-60 & ADB-08-61 Staff Report to ADB.pdfCITY OF E,DMONDS 121 5111 AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98,020 - (425) 771-0220 - FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: wwwci.edmondsmams DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning - Building - Engineering GARY 1-1AAKENSON MAYOR PLANNING DIVISION REPORT & RECOMMENDATION TCI TIIE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD Project: 1-I'dirionds Yacht Club at 326 Admiral Way File Numbers: SM -2008-601. AD13-2008-61 (Consolidated Review) Date of Report: January 14, 2.009 Staff Contact: Jen MachUga, Planner ADB Meeting: .1'anUary 21, 2009 at 7:00 RM, Edmonds Public Safety Complex: Council Chambers 250 - 5"' Avenue North, F"di-nonds WA 98020, 1. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: The following is a staff report concerning the application by Steve Butterfield with T(;13 Architects on behalf of the Edmonds Yacht Club for consolidated review of a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and design review for an approximate 14,500 square foot new Yacht Club building. The subject site is located at 326 Admiral Way, within the Commercial Waterfront (CW) zone. Due to the proposal's location within 200 feet of the shoreline, a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit is required. The application for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit has been consolidated with the application for design review by the Architectural Design Board(AD13). 'therefore, pursuant to E'CDC 20.90.010,13, only one public hearing is to be conducted for the proposal. I'lie public hearing for this proposal will be held by the I learing Examiner and is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 19, 2009, The Architectural Design Board (ADB) has jurisdiction to review the subject proposal for design only and will make a recommendation to the Hearing Examiner, who will make the final determination on both the design review and the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. Since the public hearing for the subject proposal will be held by the Hearing Examiner, the ADB meeting on January 21, 2009 will not be a public hearing. The public will be given an Opportunity to comment on both the proposed design as well as the Shoreline Substantial Development 11crinit at the public hearing, which is tentatively scheduled for 1'ebruary 19, 2009, The following is the Edmonds Planning Division's analysis of and recommendation on the design review portion of the submittal. Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - 1-fekinan, Japan Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yaclit Club 326 Admiral Way II. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner: Port of Edmonds (Attachment 1) 2. Applicant: Steve Butterfield with TGB Architects on behalf of Edmonds Yacht Club (Attachment 1) 3. Tax Pareel Number: 27032300401400 4. Site Location: 326 Admiral Way, Edmonds, WA 98020 (Attachment 2) S. Site Size (Lease Area): Approximately 11,000 square feet (Attachment 3) b. Buildin Size: Two story building of approximately 14,398 gross square feet (Attachment 4) 7. Zoning: Commercial Waterfront (CW), subject to the requirements of ECDC 16.55. 8. Proposed Use: New building for the Edmonds Yacht Club (Attachment 5) 9. ExistinIZ Use: Parking lot (Attachment 6) 10. Review Process: For this project, the ADB reviews the design of the proposal and makes a recommendation to the blearing Examiner on whether the proposal is consistent with the design requirements of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) and the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Hearing Examiner will then conduct a public hearing and make a final decision on the subject application, which will be consolidated with the Hearing Examiner's review of the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit application. 11. Maior Issues: a. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 16.55 (CW — Commercial Waterfront). b. Cornpliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.11 (General Design Review). c. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.13 (1,andscaping Requirements). d. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section (Project Consolidation) e. Compliance with the City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan. III. SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) was required for the subject application because the proposed building is over 4,000 square feet in commercial area and because the proposal includes over 500 cubic yards of grading, The applicant submitted an environmental checklist with the subject application; however, a revised checklist was submitted on January 6, 2009, which is included as Attachment 7. The Port of Edmonds requested that the City of Edmonds act as lead agency for SEPA review of the subject application due to a potential conflict of interest (Attachment 8). The City issued a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) on January 7, 2009 (Attachment 9). No comments or appeals have been received to date on the DNS. The cornment and appeal period will end on January 21, 2009 at 4:30pm. The applicant and City have complied with SEPA requirements. Page 2 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way IV. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: The site is located within the Urban Mixed Use 1 shoreline designation of the Shoreline Master Program. Due to the project's location within 200 feet of the shoreline, the proposal is subject to the requirements of the City's Shoreline Master Program. The applicant submitted an application for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit under File No. SM -2008-60, which has been consolidated with the design review by the Architectural Design Board (ADB) for the proposal (ADB -2008-61). Pursuant to ECDC, only one public hearing is to be conducted for the proposal. This public hearing will be held by the Hearing Examiner and is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 19, 2009. The Architectural Design Board (ADB) has jurisdiction to review the subject proposal for design only and will make a recommendation to the 1 -fearing Examiner, who will make the final determination on both the design review and the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. Since the public hearing for the subject proposal will be held by the Hearing Examiner, the ADB tneeting on January 21, 2009 will not be a public hearing. The public will be given an opportunity to comment on both the proposed design as well as the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit at the public hearing, which is tentatively scheduled for February 19, 2009. V. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: A "Notice of Application" was published in the Herald Newspaper as well as posted at the subject site, Public Safety Complex, Development Services Department, and the Library on October 3, 2008. This notice was also mailed to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site, based on a mailing list provided by the applicant (Attachment 10). Since the meeting being held by the Architectural Design Board (ADB) is not a public hearing, the City was not required to provide public notice of the ADB meeting. However, a courtesy "Notice of ADB Meeting and Hearing Examiner Hearing" was posted at the subject site, Public Safety Complex, Development Services Department, and the Library on January 7, 2009. This notice was also mailed to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site, based on the mailing list provided by the applicant. The notices discussed above as well as the affidavits of mailing, posting, and publishing are included as Attachment 11. The City has complied with the noticing provisions of ECDC 20.91 (Public Hearings and Notice). VI. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: This application was reviewed and evaluated by the City's Public Works Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Engineering Division, Fire Department, and the Building Division. The Public Works Department did not have any initial cornments (Attachment 12). However, during review of the building permit application (BLD20080861), which has been submitted for review concurrently with the pending land use applications, Steve Fisher with Public Works commented that a trash/recycling enclosure must be provided (Attachment 13). The Parks and Recreation Department commented that the proposed landscaping looks great (Attachment 14). An additional letter was received frorn Rich Lindsay, Parks Manager, on January 13, 2009 stating that there is not sufficient space to replace the four street trees that are proposed to be removed with the subject application (Attachment 15). Page 3 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way The Engineering Division initially requested a Traffic Impact Analysis (Attachment 16), which was then submitted on December 16, 2008 and subsequently approved by the Engineering Division on December 17, 2008 (Attachment 17). The Fire Department commented that unobstructed access must be provided to P Dock from the south of the project (Attachment 18). The applicant revised the initial site plan, eliminating one parking stall and a landscape bed from the southwest corner of the project site in order to provide for adequate fire access to P Dock (Sheet 3, Attachment 28). Mike Smith, Acting Fire Marshal, subsequently approved the updated fire access. Note that some of the project plans have not been updated to reflect the required fire access. All plans will need to be corrected for the building permit review to reflect the required access as shown on Sheet 3 of Attachment 28, Ann Bullis, Building Official, provided a letter stating that due to the project's location in or adjacent to Zone AE on the National Flood Insurance Rate Map — Panel 1292, compliance to the provisions of the international Building Code, ASCE 24-05 and other adopted references is required for flood resistant construction (Attachment 19). In response, the applicant submitted a survey of the subject site (Sheets 13 & 14, Attachment 28). The Building Division subsequently approved the design review aspect of the proposal, and will complete its review for compliance with the requirements applicable to flood resistant construction as well as all other International Building Code requirements during building permit review. The only outstanding issues with any of the reviewing divisions/departments that are applicable to the design review (ADB -08-61) of the proposal are the requirement for the trash enclosure and the elimination of the street trees, which are both further discussed in this report and have both been added as recommended conditions of approval. VII. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: 1. Topography: Genet -ally flat. 2. Soils: According to the Soil Survey of Snohornish County Area, Washington, this site consists of "Urban land" (Map Unit Symbol 78). 3. Critical Areas: A critical areas determination was originally issued for the Port -owned property that includes the subject site under File No. CRA -1996-0250. Under the original reconnaissance made in 1997, it was determined that the property does not contain and is not adjacent to any critical areas as defined by ECDC 23.40; therefore, a critical areas "Waiver" was issued. However, since the time of the original reconnaissance, it was determined that the property contains and/or is adjacent to a Seismic Hazard Area as defined by ECDC 23.40 and 23.80, and an updated determination was issued on December 18, 2008 (Attachment 20). T'he applicant submitted a geotechnical report by Gary Flowers with Geological & Geotechnical Consulting dated March 5, 2008, which concludes that the site is suitable for the proposed development as long as the recommendations of the report are followed (Attachment 21). All geotechnical and seismic hazard issues will be further reviewed during the building permit review for the proposal. In addition to the presence of a Seismic Hazard Area on and/or adjacent to the site, the site is also directly adjacent to Puget Sound. Due to the project's location within 200 feet of the shoreline, the proposal is subject to the requirements of the City's Shoreline Master Program, which is discussed above. Page 4 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way 4. Wildlife: The wildlife present on the subject site is typical of the wildlife present in a waterfront location. Within the immediately adjacent Puget Sound to the west are various fish and marine mammals. Birds also frequent the area. Since the subject site is currently developed as a parking lot with minimal existing vegetation, it is not likely that the proposed project would have a significant impact on any existing wildlife in the area. S. Vegetation: The site is currently developed as a parking lot, and as such only contains a small amount of existing landscaping. In addition to a few landscape beds within the parking lot, there are existing street trees and shrubs located between the site and Admiral Way. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: This property is located in the Commercial Waterfront (CW) zone. The surrounding sites on all sides of the subject site are also zoned Commercial Waterfront (CW) (Attachment 2). These surrounding sites are developed with parking, the marina, restaurants, the Port offices, a workyard, and vacant land. The BNSF railroad is located in the vicinity the subject site. The properties located on the opposite side of the BNSF railroad are zoned General Commercial (CG) and Open Space (OS). These sites are developed with the Harbor Square complex and maintained as the Edmonds Marsh open space area. IX. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan designates the subject site as being within the Master Plan Development designation as well as the Dow ntownlWaterfront Activity Center. Some of the policies from the City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan that are intended to achieve the goals for the downtown waterfront area that are applicable to the subject application include: E. 1. Ensure that the downtown waterfront area continues — and builds on -- its function as a key identity element for the Edmonds community. E.2. Future development along the waterfront should support the continuation and compatible design of three regional facilities: Edmonds Crossing at Pt. Edwards; the Port of Edmonds and its master plan; and the regional parks, beaches and walkways making up the public shoreline. E.6. Enhance Edmonds' visual identity by continuing its pedestrian -scale of downtown development, enhancing its shoreline character, and protecting and building on the strong visual quality of the "5th and Main " core. E, I1. Encourage a more active and vital setting, for new retail, office, entertainment and associated businesses supported by nearby residents and the larger Edmonds community, downtown commercial activity and visitors,from throughout the region. E. 12. Support a mix of uses downtown which includes a variety of housing, comniercial, and cultural activities. E. 16, Provide for the gradual elimination of large and inadequately landscaped paved areas. (2006 Comprehensive Plan, pages 33-35) The subject proposal appears to be consistent with the above goals, as it will enhance the Poet of Edmonds property consistent with the Port's Master Plan (Attachment 27), provide a stronger presence for the Edmonds Yacht Club, and provide for the elimination of a large parking area directly adjacent to the Puget Sound. Page 5of15 Files sM-08-60 &. ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way 1. Downtown Design Qbiectives for Site Design- "The development of parking lots, pedestrian walkways and landscaping features is an integral part of how a building interacts with its site and surrounding environment. Good design and site planning improves access by pedestrians, bicycles and automobiles, minimizes potential negative impacts to adjacent development, reinforces the character and activities within a district and builds a more cohesive and coherent physical environment. " (Comprehensive Plan page 38) Ten different objectives for site design are discussed in the Comprehensive Plan. Not every objective necessarily applies to every project; and, some objectives may be more important than others for a particular project. a. Vehicular Access and Parkin : Vehicular access to the site is currently taken from the east off of Admiral Way. No new curb cuts are proposed with the subject application. Refer to Sheet 5 of Attachment 28 for locations of existing curb cuts. The subject site is located within the existing parking area between the Port of Edmonds administration building and the Arnie's restaurant to the north. Therefore, the proposed building will be surrounded to the north and south by parking. The proposal will result in the elimination and re -striping of some of the existing parking stalls. In total, approximately 36 stalls will be eliminated. The parking calculations for the proposal are further discussed later in this report. b. Pedestrian Access and Connections: There are existing sidewalks along both sides of Admiral Way adjacent to the subject site, and there is an existing pedestrian boardwalk located between the subject site and Puget Sound. The sidewalks and boardwalk will not be impacted by the proposal. In fact, the proposal includes walkways along all sides of the building (Sheet 3, Attachment 28). Therefore, it will be easier for pedestrians to walk between Admiral Way and the boardwalk than it currently is. c. Building Entry Location: The main pedestrian entrance is at the northeast corner of the building through the "lighthouse" portion of the building. A walkway is indicated connecting this entrance with the sidewalk along Admiral Way as well as with the adjacent parking lot. There are secondary entrances/exits on the remaining sides of the building, which are connected with the surrounding parking lot, sidewalk, and boardwalk by a walkway proposed around the entire building (Sheet 4, Attachment 28). d. Building Setbacks: It appears the proposal meets the required setbacks for the underlying CW zone. The project will be reviewed for setback compliance with the building permit review. e. Building/Site Identity: The applicant has proposed building colors, including grey and white, that are consistent with those of the buildings located in the vicinity. The color on the building elevations is stated as "color per Port of Edmonds standards"; therefore, it appears that the color of the building will blend with the surrounding properties within Port jurisdiction (Sheets 6-9, Attachment 28). Although the ADB will review the proposed colors, the applicant must obtain final color approval from the Port of Edmonds since the Port is the property owner. f. Weather Protection: None of the building entrances are proposed to be covered. The plans indicate trellises along portions of the sides of the building; however, the trellises, as proposed, would not provide any protection from the weather (Sheets 6-9, Attachment 28). g. Lighting: Exterior wall mounted sconce lighting is proposed. Locations of the light fixtures are indicated on the site plan (Sheet 3, Attachment 28) and the design of the Page 6 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way proposed light fixture is indicated in Attachment 22. The proposed lighting appears consistent with the design of the building. A total of 13 wall mounted fixtures are proposed. In addition to the wall mounted lighting, uplights are proposed to be directed at the wall signs on the northern and eastern sides of the building (Sheet 5, Attachment 28). h. Sil4nage: The subject proposal includes three new wall signs as shown on the building elevations (Sheets 6-9, Attachment 28) and as discussed in an email from the applicant dated January 9, 2009 (Attachment 23). The applicant is proposing a wall sign on both the northern and eastern sides of the building that will state "Edmonds Yacht Club" ill individual aluminum or bronze cut-out letters. These signs are proposed to be up -lit. Both of these signs are proposed to be 14 square feet in size. The applicant is also proposing to post the letters "EYC" individually within the three gables on the northern side of the building. These letters will also be individually cut-out of aluminum or bronze. Each letter is approximately 1.5 square feet, for a total of 4.5 square feet. Thus, the total proposed sign area is 32.5 square feet. Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.025.A, the maximum allowed total sign area for the building is one square foot of sign area per lineal foot of the wall containing the main public entrance. The northern side of the building is approximately 80 feet in length. Therefore, the proposed signage appears to be well below the maximum area allowed, which will be verified during the building permit review for the proposed signs. i. Site Utilities, Storage, Trash and Mechanical: The plans indicate that the rooftop HVAC equipment will be screened from view by a parapet wall (Sheet 15, Attachment 28). The applicant did not initially have plans to provide a trash enclosure; however, during review of the concurrent building permit application (BLD20080861), Steve Fisher with Public Works commented that a trash/recycling enclosure must be provided on site (Attachment 13). It appears that the most logical location for the trash/recycling enclosure is near the southeastern corner of the building. The applicant has provided Steve Fisher with some options for trash/recycling enclosure locations, and comment from Steve Fisher regarding the locations will be available at the time of the ADB meeting on January 21, 2009. It is likely that the requirement for the trash/recycling enclosure will result in the loss of one to two parking stalls and/or a portion of the proposed landscaped area near the southeast corner of the building. j. Art and Public Spaces: The proposal includes three benches along the eastern side of the building, which provide a public location for pedestrians to rest (Sheets 6 & 8, Attachment 28). 2. Downtown Design_O__Wectives for Building Form: "Building height and modulation guidelines are essential to create diversity in building forms, minimize shadows cast by taller buildings upon the pedestrian areas and to ensure compliance with policies in the city's Comprehensive Plan. Protecting views from public parks and building entries as well as .street views to the mountains and Puget Sound are an important part of Edmonds character and urban form. " (Comprehensive Plan page 40) Four objectives for building form are discussed in the Comprehensive Plan: a. Height: Upon staff's site visit, it did not appear that any existing views would be obstructed, as the property located to the east of the subject site is a vacant lot. The new building will block some views from the sidewalk along Admiral Way; however, pedestrians will still be able to enjoy the existing views of the marina and Puget Sound if Page 7 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Cub 326 Admiral Way they walk along the boardwalk to the west of the site. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the maximum allowed height of 30 feet for the CW zone during building permit review. b. Massing: The proposed trellises and "eyebrow roof detail" designated by keynotes 49 and 14 on the building elevations (Sheets 6-9, Attachment 28) help to break up the mass of the building and provide for a more human scale to the building. Additionally, the proposed nautical flags on the southern side of the building (Sheets 7, 9, & 12, Attachment 28) help to break up the facade and will help to tie in the theme of the building, especially if consistent colors are used for the flags and the table umbrellas as shown in Sheet 12 of Attachment 28. The roof and wall modulation discussed below also help to break up the mass of the building. c. Roof Modulation: The roof contains various peaks, which can be seen from all four sides of the building. In particular, the portion of the building that is designed to resemble a lighthouse provides for additional modulation to the roof at the main entrance and on the eastern side of the building, which is adjacent to Admiral Way. Additionally, the roof will contain a parapet to screen rooftop equipment from view. d. Wall Modulation: The portion of the building that is designed to resemble a lighthouse provides for modulation to the building fagade. Additionally, each side of the building contains various bumpouts to provide further modulation to the walls. This modulation can most easily be seen on the site plan (Sheet 3, Attachment 28) as well as the building elevations (Sheets 6.12, Attachment 28). Additionally, the windows, trellises, and "eyebrow roof detail" further break rip the mass of the building. 3. Downtown Design Objectr,ves for Building Facade: "Building facade guidelines ensure that the exterior of buildings, the portion of a building that defines the character and visual appearance of a place, is of high quality and demonstrates the strong sense of place and integrity valued by the residents of the City of Edmonds. " (Comprehensive Plan page 41) Four objectives for building form are discussed in the Comprehensive Plan: a. Faeade Requirements: The proposed building is appealing and would arguably improve the current condition of the site. Additionally, the design of the building is compatible with the existing buildings within the vicinity of the subject site, particularly the other existing buildings on Port of Edmonds property. The nautical theme of the building ties the building in with the adjacent marina and Puget Sound. b. Window Variely and Articulation: The proposed building includes numerous windows along all four fag.ades, particularly along the western fagade. The southern fagade contains the fewest windows; however, same of the windows from the western fayade can be seen from the south since the southern facade is shorter and does not extend past the patio. c. Building FaEade Materials: Proposed materials are indicated on the building elevations (Sheets 6-9, Attachment 28). The applicant has presented two options for the siding for the majority of the building. Option A shows hardie shingle siding (Sheets 6 &7, Attachment 28), and Option B shows hardie plank siding (Sheets 8 & 9, Attachment 28). The applicant has proposed hardie "a rtisanmatrix" panel on the portion of the building resembling a lighthouse and vertical wood siding on the portions of the walls behind the proposed wall signs (Sheets 6 & 8, Attachment 28). Page 8 of 15 Piles SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 F.dc OMS Yacht ClUb 326 Admiral Way d. Accent Materials/Colors/Trim: The facade colors will be grey with white trim. The wall sections behind the proposed "Edmonds Yacht Club" signs (on the north and east facades) will be wood with a natural color stain. The elevation views state that the colors will be selected based on the Port of Edmonds standards, which will blend in well with the surrounding buildings. X. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 1. To date, no written public comments have been received. XI. APPLICABLE CODES: 1. ECDC 1.6.55 (CW -- Commercial Waterfront) A. The site is located in the Commercial Waterfront (CW) zone and subject to the requirements of ECDC 16.55. B. The CW zone allows for marine -oriented services as a permitted primary use; therefore, the proposed Yacht Club building is an allowed use within the CW zone. C. There is no minimum lot area in the CW zone. D. There is no maximum lot coverage in the CW zone. E. There is no maximum floor area in the CW zone. F. The maximum height in the CW zone is 30 feet. The height calculations shown on the site plan (Sheet 3, Attachment 28) and building elevations (Sheets 6-9, Attachment 28) indicate that the proposed building will be approximately 29.5 feet high. The elevations indicate a metal decorative cap on top of the "lighthouse" portion of the building (Sheets 6 & 8, Attachment 28), The City's height regulations (ECDC 21.40.030) applicable to the CW zone do not allow for decorative elements to extend over the maximum allowed height limit. Therefore, the decorative cap must be removed from the plans unless it can be shown that the cap will be wider the 30 foot height limit. Compliance with the CW height requirements will be verified with building permit review. G. The minimum setbacks for properties in the CW zone are for buildings to be a minimum of 15 feet landward of the bulkhead and for parking to be a minimum of 60 feet landward of the bulkhead. The site plan indicates that the building will be approximately 18 feet landward of the bulkhead (Sheet 3 of Attachment 28). The proposal includes re -striping of existing pat -king only; therefore, the requirement for parking to be 60 feet landward of the bulkhead does not apply. The CW zone also requires 15 -foot setbacks from all lot lines adjacent to R -zoned properties; however, there are no R -zoned properties directly adjacent to the subject site. It appears that the proposal meets the required setbacks for the CW zone. This will be confirmed during building permit review. H. The applicant will be required to prove that all development standards are met through the building permit process. Page 9 of 15 Fifes SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way 2. ECDC 17.50 (Off Street Parking Requirements) A. The applicant provided a parking study for the entire Port of Edmonds property dated May 2, 1997 (Attachment 24). B. Tile applicant indicated in their response to staff's request for additional information that no changes have been made to the Port property since the time of the study which would impact the parking stall calculations provided in the study (Attachment 25). C. The parking study (Attachment 24) indicates that the Port has daytime parking available for 626 cars and nighttime parking available for 666 cars. In addition to these numbers is additional parking available for cars with trailers. The parking study indicates that the total parking stalls required by City code is 541 for the daytime and 569 for the nighttime. Thus, the Port currently has a surplus of provided parking over the minirnum required by City code. D. Pursuant to ECDC 17.50.020.C.1, all new buildings or additions in the downtown business area shall provide parking at a flat rate of one parking stall for every 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area of building. E. The applicant has stated that the proposed building will be 14,398 square feet in size (Attachment 4). This would yield a total of 29 new parking stalls required in association with the Yacht Club building. F. The proposed project will eliminate 54 existing stalls, but add back 18 stalls through re - striping, resulting in a net loss of 36 stalls. G. When deducting the net loss of stalls (36) from the total provided (626 daytime, 666 nighttime), the total provided stalls would be 590 daytime stalls and 630 nighttime stalls. When adding in the 29 stalls required by the new Yacht Club building, the total stalls required would be increased from 541 to 570 daytime stalls and from 569 to 598 nighttime stalls. Therefore, the total number of stalls provided would still be over the number required by City code. H. As discussed earlier in this report, the construction of the required trash/recycling enclosure will most likely result in the loss of one to two parking stalls. Even with the loss of one to two more parking stalls, the Port is still providing a surplus of parking over the minimum required by code. I. The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with parking requirements throughout the building permit review process. 3. ECDC 20.11 (General Design Review) A. ECDC 20.11.010 requires the ADB to review general design review applications that trigger review under the State Environmental Policy Act. Since the subject proposal required SEPA review, design review by the ADB is also required. B. ECDC 20.11.030 lists the criteria for Building Design and Site Treatment that must be met by the proposal. C. ECDC 20,11.030.A (Building Design) states: No one architectural style is required. The building shall be designed to comply with the purposes of this chapter and to avoid conflict with the existing and planned character of the nearby area. All elements of building design shall form an integrated development, Page 10 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way harmonious in scale, line and mass. The following are included as elements of building design.- 1. esign:1. All exterior building components, including windows, doors, eaves, and parapets; 2. Colors, which should avoid excessive brilliance or brightness except where that would enhance the character of the area; 3. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof, grounds or buildings should be screened from view from the street level; 4. Long, massive, unbroken or monotonous buildings shall be avoided in order to comply with the purposes of this chapter and the design objectives of the comprehensive plan. This criterion is meant to describe the entire building. All elements of the design of a building including the massing, building forms, architectural details and finish materials contribute to whether or not a building is found to be long, massive, unbroken or monotonous. a. In multifamily (RM) or commercial zones, selections from among the following or ,similar features are appropriate. for dealing with this criterion: i, Windows with architectural fenestration; ii. Multiple rooflines or forms; iii. Architecturally detailed entries; iv. Appropriate landscaping; v, The use of multiple materials; S. All signs should conform to the general design theme of the development. D. Staff feels that the Building Design criteria listed in ECDC 20,11,030,A (stated above) have been achieved. The way in which the proposal relates to these elements of building design has been discussed throughout this staff report. E. ECDC 20.11.030.B (Site Treatment) states: The existing character of the site and the nearby area should be the starting point for the design of the building and site treatment. The following are elements of site treatment: Grading, vegetation removal and other changes to the site shall be minimized where natural beauty exists. Large cut and,ill and impervious surfaces should be avoided. 2. Landscape treatment shall be provided to enhance the building design and other site improvements. 3. Landscape treatment shall be provided to buffer the development from surrounding property where conflict may result, such as parking facilities near yard spaces, streets or residential units, and different building heights, design or color. 4. Landscaping that could be damaged by pedestrians or vehicles should be protected by curbing or similar devices. S. Service yards, and other areas where trash or litter may accumulate, shall be screened with planting or fences or walls which are compatible with natural materials. 6. All screening should be effective in the winter as well as the summer. 7. Materials such as wood, brick stone and gravel (as opposed to asphalt or concrete) may be substituted for planting in areas unsuitable for plant growth. 8. Exterior lighting shall be the minimum necessary for safety and security. Excessive brightness shall be avoided. All lighting shall be low-rise and directed downward Page 11 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way onto the sight. Lighting standards and patterns shall be compatible with the overall design thence. F. Staff feels that the Site Treatment criteria listed in ECDC 20,1 1.030.13 (stated above) have generally been achieved, The proposed landscaping is discussed in the following section of this report. Staff feels that with the recommended improvements to the proposed landscaping, the Site Treatment criteria will be sufficiently addressed. 4. ECDC 20.13 (Landscaping Re uirernents A. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan, which is included as Sheet 4, Attachment 28. B. The landscaping that is proposed to be removed is indicated by dashed lines in the initial site plan provided as Attachment 6. Note that the site plan for this project was updated since the submittal of the initial site plan, however, the vegetation removal is not shown on the updated site plan (Sheet 3, Attachment 28). C. Pursuant to ECDC 20.13.020.E, automatic irrigation is required since the project will have more than 4,000 square feet of building area. This has been added as a recommended condition of approval. D. Pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.C, Type III landscaping is intended to provide visual separation of uses from streets, and visual separation of compatible uses so as to soften the appearance of streets, parking areas and building elevations. This type of landscaping is required between the eastern side of the building and Admiral Way. E. Based on an addendum to the City's Street Tree Plan, the required street tree along the west side of Admiral Way from Dayton Street south to Anthony's Restaurant is "Acer Rubrum" Scarlet Sentinel Maple (Attachment 26). F. The applicant has indicated removal of four of the existing street trees directly adjacent to the proposed building (Attachment 6), and has not indicated plans to replace these street trees on the landscape plan (Sheet 4, Attachment 28). A letter was received frog► Rich Lindsay, Parks Manager, on January 13, 2009 stating that there is not sufficient space to replace the four street trees that are proposed to be removed with the subject application (Attachment 15). However, if the applicant is not going to replace the existing street trees, they need to show how they are going to compensate for this fact, It may be possible for the applicant to provide street trees in tree grates along the sidewalk adjacent to Admiral Way or to shift the building to the west slightly in order to provide sufficient space for street trees between the building and the sidewalk. G. Aside from the lack of proposed street trees, the proposed landscaping along the eastern side of the building appears to be consistent with the Type III landscaping requirements. It appears that there will be sufficient coverage by a mix of shrubs, groundcover, and grasses. Additionally, the proposed clematis to be planted in pots under the trellis will provide additional softening to the building's eastern fayade from the street. H. Pursuant to ECDC, Type V landscaping is intended to provide visual relief and shade in parking areas; therefore, Type V landscaping is required within and adjacent to the parking areas to the north and south of the building. Page 12 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way I. The subject proposal requires 29 parking stalls. ECDC 20.13.030.E. I requires at least 17.5 square feet of landscape development to be provided per parking stall, for a total of 507.5 square feet of landscaping. J. As mentioned earlier in this report, the applicant did not initially have plans to provide a trash enclosure; however, during review of the concurrent building permit application (BLD20080861), Steve Fisher with Public Works commented that a trash/recycling enclosure must be provided on site (Attachment 13). It appears that the most logical location for the trash/recycling enclosure is near the southeastern corner of the building. The applicant has indicated that they would like to avoid impacting as much parking as possible by the trash enclosure, and is currently considering slightly reducing the size of the landscape bed shown near the southeast corner of the building in order to provide space for the trash/recycling enclosure. The applicant plans to bring an option for the location of the trash/recycling enclosure to the ADB meeting on January 21, 2009 so that the ADB can view the potential impact to the proposed landscaping bed near at the southwest corner of the building. K. The applicant must show that a minimum of 507.5 square feet of Type V landscaping is provided within the parking area following any reduction in area of the landscape bed near the southeast corner of the building due to the location of the trash/recycling enclosure. Additionally, each area of landscaping must contain at least 150 square feet of area pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.E.2.a. L. The landscape plan (Sheet 4, Attachment 28) only indicates one proposed tree within till southernmost landscape bed in the parking area. Additional shade trees must be provided within the Type V landscaped areas so that there is at least one tree per planter and/or one per 150 square feet of planter, pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.E.2.g. All of these trees must be a minimurn of 6 feet tall and one and one-half inches in caliper. M. The building renderings (Sheets 10-12, Attachment 28) show numerous planters along the western side of the site, These planters, however, are not indicated on the landscaping plan (Sheet 4, Attachment 28). The establishment of landscaping within the planters shown in the building renderings or other movable planters would significantly increase the landscaping along the western side of the building, which is otherwise fairly minimal. XII. PORT OF EDMONDS MASTER PLAN: 1. The subject site is designated as "Mixed Use Area" in the Port of Edmonds Master Plan (Attachment 27). Regarding the "Mixed Use Area" designation, the Master Plan states "additional potential uses might include open space, load/unload space, an office and retail building, Edmonds Yacht Club building and a building for community facility use." Thus, the subject proposal is consistent with the designation for this site. Page 13 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the analysis and attachments to this report, staff recommends that the ADB recommend APPROVAL of the design of the project to the Hearing Examiner, who will make the final decision, with the following conditions: 1. Provide a trash/recycling enclosure meeting the applicable City requirements. 2. Remove the metal decorative cap from the top of the "lighthouse" portion of the building unless it can be shown that the cap meets the CW height limit during building permit review. 3. Provide automatic irrigation pursuant to ECDC 20.13.020.E. 44. Provide street trees adjacent to the eastern side of the building or provide additional landscaping in order to compensate for the lack of street trees. 5. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 507.5 square feet of Type V landscaping within the parking area following any reduction in area of the landscape bed near the southeast corner of the building due to the location of the trash/recycling enclosure. 6. Additional trees shall be provided within the landscape beds adjacent to the parking areas at a rate of one tree per planter and/or one per 150 square feet of planter, pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.E.2.g. All of these trees must be a minimum of 6 feet tall and one and one-half inches in caliper. 7. Provide movable or permanent landscape planters along the western side of the site. 8. The applicant must apply for and obtain necessary building permits. 9. This application is subject to the applicable requirements in the Edmonds Community Development Code. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance with the various provisions contained in these ordinances. 10. The applicant is responsible for obtaining any applicable permits/approvals from outside local, state, and/or federal agencies. XIV. PARTIES OF RECORD: Mr. Steve Butterfield TGE3 Architects 21911 -- 76th Ave. W. Suite 210 Edmonds, WA 98026 Edmonds Yacht Club c/o Mr. Ernie Collins Management Performance Group 8127 — 212" St. SW, # 1 Edmonds, WA 98026 Planning Division Mr. Chris Keuss Port of Edmonds 336 Admiral Way Edmonds, WA 98024 Page 14 of 15 Files SM -08-60 & ADB -08-61 Edmonds Yacht Club 326 Admiral Way XV. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Land Use Application 2. Zoning and 'Vicinity Map 3. Lease Agreement (Port of Edmonds and Edmonds Yacht Club) 4. Email from Steve Butterfield dated 1/6/09 5. Edmonds Yacht Club Narrative 6. Site Plan received 9/19108 (Afote: This site pian is provided to show the existing parking and landscaping that is proposed to be eliminated with the project. /In updated site plan is provided on Sheet 3 of lltachment 28) 7. Environmental Checklist 8. Email from Chris Keuss dated 9/22/08 9. SEPA Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) 10. Adjacent Property Owners List 11. Public Notices and /affidavits 12. Review Comments from Public Works Department 13. Memo from Steve Fisher dated 11/12/08 14. Review Comments from Parks and Recreation Department 15. Letter from Rich Lindsay dated 1/13/09 16. Review Comments from Engineering Division 17. Approved Traffic Impact Analysis 18. Review Comments from hire Department 19. Review Comments from Building Division 24. Critical Areas Determination 21, Geotechnical Report 22. Exterior bight fixtures 23. Email from Steve Butterfield dated 119/09 24. Parking Study dated 5/2/97 25. Response from Applicant received 11/21/08 26. Addendum to City's Street Tree Plan 27. Port of Edmonds Master Plan 28. Packet of Color Drawings (containing 15 sheets) Page 15 of 15