Snyder Cert.pdfI NFPA 701 TF -9T REPORT (TEST I=HOD 2) CLIENT: Snyder Manufacturing, Inc. SWRI PROJECT NO: 01.049.13,01,373 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Material ED.: ' Polyester Reinforced Vinyl Trade, Name:* PRV-1818 Description:* Knitted polyester scrim With polyvinyl chloride an both sides (Teceived on SepLernber 3, 200 2) Color tested: White Thickness: 0.019 in. %N From Clients' material description and/or imtructions Preparation: The specimens (tested as received by the Client) were cut to size and placed iu an 0�teT1 and d maintained at 105®C for one hour before testing. The specimens were tbe removed frnlaa the condiftning chamber and secured into the test chamber and tested, TEST DATA (Tested as received) Specimen No, Char Length (in.) i Aftername Time Burning On Floor Pass/Fail (sec) (Sec) 6.50 None None Pass 2 7.00 None None Pass 6-00 None None Pass 4 7.00 None None Pass 5-- 7.110 None None Pass 6.00 None None Pass 6,00 None Noae Pass 8- 7.50 None None Pass 9 --6.50 None None Pass L ---20 7.50 None Noue Pass Snyder mosillfactuling, Inc, 4 SWRI Protect No.: 01.04913.01x� ' NEPA 701 TEST RE -PORT (TEST METHOD 2) CLIENT. Snyder Manufacturing, Inc. SWRI PROJECT NO: 01-04913.01.373 TEST DATA (Continued) Preparation: The specimens were laundered (as described in Chapter 14-5), cut to size by SWRI staff and dried at room teraperature for 48 hours before testing. The specimens were then removed from the, conditioning chamber and secured into the test chamber and tested. TEST DATA (Accelerated water leaching) Specimen No_ Char Length (in.) Afterflame Tline Burning On Floor Pass/Fail (Sec) 1 7.00 None None Pass 2 8.00 None None Pass 3 6.50 None None Pass 4 8.00 None None J Pass 5 6.00 None None Pasty 6 6.00 None None Pass 7 6.00 None None Pass 8 8.00 None, None Pass 9 8.50 None Norw, Pass 10 6.00 None None Pass CONCLUSMNS Based an the test results and the above mentioned classification criteria, the spachuen identified as Polyester Reinforced Vinyl (P'R'A -1818), meets the requirements established under th e kTFPA. 701, Test method 2 when tested (as received and weathered) in flat sheets. Snydcr Mont48'acturing, Inc. 5 SwRiProjfallo01.0491101373 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in response to your recent question concerning FPA -701 Large Scale. As of May, 1989, we began to routinely test and certify Our Tent Products, (Om trade name WeatherSpaa), to meet or exceed the NFPA-701 Large Scale. It was first tested by an independent lab, the GGvniarlc Organization in Bellmore, New York (Test Report #84234.) Folloving the Govmark Testing, we continued the testing here in our tab. Often at issue is how does California State Fir,_- Marshal (CSFM) conapaxe to NT -FPA -701 Large Scale. As you will see, by the followhig comparisons, CSFM Is not much different than NFPA-701 Large Scale. The differences between the Two are in the test results, not the procedures (enclosed are copies of each testing Procedures.) NFPA-701 Large CSFM Small Char length 10" max 6" inax After flaine 2.0 see 2.0 see As yo -Li can,. see, the CSFM Sinall Scale char length is stricter than SIIPA-701 Large Scale and the after flames are identical. Another question that fire marshals ask concerns how the fabric is actually flame retardant. Our fabrics are formulated flame retardant from the begira-Ling of the manufacturing process. (Flarne retardant chemicals are in the vinyl arld adhesives.) Tlie fabrics are neither sprayed nor coated after manufacturing. The flame retardant properties cannot be dirninished by washing, usage, or aging of the fabric.14 I hope this information helps you and the fire marshal. Regards, Snyder Mfg. Inc. Customer Service *PVC is inherently flame retardant on available chlorine and furd-ler enhanced by antim 011y- oxide, Snyder DAamifacturing, Iric. o 3001 Progress, Street/ P.O. Box '188 * Dover, OH 44622 'Telephone (330) 343-4456 -FAX (,330)343-7396 E-mail: Sates@Snyderman.com - Websita: Yvww.SnyderMan.corn DEMENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY LAND & MARITIME PRODUG"T TESTING CENTER -ANALYTICAL 700 ROBBINS AVENUP Pl+�ADELPHIA, PA 19111-5096 June 28, 2013 DSCC-TC MEM01UNDIUM FOR DSCP-FQSE V. Vazquez SIJBJECT-. Authorized Testing Facility A review of the questionnaire submitted by the following laboratory indicated they are equipped and capable to perform the specified testing. Laboratory Name Solicitation 9 Item Tests :Snyder Manu facturinghic. SPMlCI-13-Q-0173 CIO t1l, Coated Waterproof All tests, cited in 3001 Progress Street. MfL-PRF-206966 ' Dover, O.H 44622-0188 If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 215-737-3298 Paula Battaglino Chemist DLA Product Testing Analytical Unit