Special Insp Report.pdfMaterials Testing & Consulting, Inc. NIT`
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9th Ave - Schrieber Residence - 1613108 - Field Report: Structural Steel, Job site: Report
CLIENT Ron Scott Homes DATE 08/04/2017
PROJECT LOCATION 810 9th Avenue South PERMIT # BLD2015-1252
Edmonds WA
Inspection Information:
Inspection Date: 08/04/2017 Time Onsite: 1100 Weather Conditions: Clear 88k F
Inspection Performed:
Structural Steel, Job site
Arrived on site to perform continuous special inspection of CJP welds for TSS beam brace.
Location : along the north side of great room on west side of structure.
Details : a photo copy of a single detail 19. No shop drawings were made available.
Welder was Dennis McVay. WABO certification number W20753, expires Oct 1st, 20t7.
Inspected fit up alignment and groove depth and angle. Inspected root pass for size, defects, fusion and consistency. Inspected subsequent
passes for size, defects, and continuity.
Filler metal was 7018 sticks stored on site in a dry box.
Due to complications during prep, only the brace on the north side was completed. The root pass for the brace on the south side was
All work conformed to the provided detail and AWS DI A standards.
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UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:36:00
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Corporale - 777 Chry0er Drive - Burlington, WA 982J3 • Phnee .160.715.1990 - Fax 360.755.1996
SW Region • ,IRA Hike Late Hlvd :S N' • 01)rnpia, 1A A 911,112 • Phone .16(1.1i4.9777 1-11v .4611.5.14 9771)
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91h Ave - Schrieber Residence-16B108, 08/0412017, #F83162, Page I of 3
Materials Testing & Consulting,
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UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:48:00
UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:49:00
UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:49:00 UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:50:00
CorporRiv * 777 ChrNLIdr Dflvr w Ituilinition, WA 91i2.1.1 - 11hiint - Fax .160.155.19MI1
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91hAve - Schrieber Residence - 16BI08, 08/04i2017, 8F83162, Page 2 of
Materials Testing & Consultixify, Inc.
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UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:50:00 UPLOADED: 08/07/2017 08:51:00
REPORTED BY: James Northouse REVIEWED BY: Raymond McNamara, Project Manager
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t'nrpnrntr • 771 Chrykltr 1)rlvr • RurllnRtnn, N'A 41i213 • Phunt -140-719-1990 • FAX 360.733.1988
\LY lepton :I to Hi3i2 I.ske Hlvsl ti W 4)1}rnpi1j, VA,A +IHI12 • Phoile. Ih(I 5141177" I-Ak IhU,', 14 9779
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