Staff design memo_08-0535.pdf MEMORANDUM Date:August 18, 2008 To:Street File From:Mike Clugston, Planner Subject:Staff Design Review for BLD-2008-0535 As part of the City’s review of the above permit, design review was required per ECDC 20.10. Because the changes to the existing structure and landscaping did not exceed the threshold requiring Architectural Design Board review, the review was completed by staff. This proposal involves the remodel of an existing two-family residence to an office use at 21214 nd 82 Place West. The site is surrounded by similarly-zoned multifamily parcels (RM) or neighborhood business (BN). As this is a transitional area east of Five Corners, some parcels are developed to what the zoning would allow (multifamily, small business) while others are developed with single-family or institutional (church) uses. Offices like that proposed are allowed in the RM zone with a conditional use permit (CU-07-73). Several exterior improvements are proposed for the structure including the addition of a parapet wall on the southern portion of the building as well as new or updated doors and windows on all elevations. The eastern (street) façade will be clad with cedar shingles to match what exists on the rest of the building while the entry and corners will be set off with brick. Four parking spaces are being provided and the existing landscaping on the eastern portion of the site is being enhanced accordingly to soften the appearance of the parking area. The structure meets all zoning requirements for development in the RM-2.4 zone per ECDC 16.30, with the exception of existing encroachments of structures in the 10’ side setbacks (north and south). No signage was proposed but any future signage must the requirements of ECDC 20.60. With respect to the general design criteria in the Comprehensive Plan (p. 73), the proposal is approved. The exterior improvements and enhanced landscaping will make this remodel an attractive update within the Five Corners area.