Staff report.pdf121 5"' Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web www edrr ondswl 1"�_>v DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ® PLANNING DIVISION RLTMMF��� REPORT & RECOMMENDATION TO THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD Project: New Walgreens and Bank with drive-throughs at 9801 Edmonds Way (BN Zone) File Numbers: PLN20110076 (Design Review), PLN20110077 (Conditional Use), PLN20110078 (Short Plat) Date of Report: t"I 2, 2012 Staff Contact: K rnen Lien, Associate Planner ADB Meeting: Wednesday — April 18, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. Edmonds Public Safety Complex: Council Chambers 250 51h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 The applicants are proposing to subdivide a property (parcel number 27033600113200) into two lots and construct an approximately 14,490 square foot Walgreens and 3,373 square foot bank. The proposal includes a single drive-through lane for Walgreens and three drive-through lanes for the bank. Site work will include installation of approximately 19 parking spaces on the newly subdivided property, landscaping, and pedestrian access ways. The proposal will also require work on the adjacent parcel to the west (parcel number 27033600113300) including removing approximately 31 parking spaces, installing rain gardens and providing cross property access linking the proposed project with the existing PCC Market. Frontage improvements across both parcels will include installing new sidewalks and landscaping including planting of street trees. The proposed drive-through use requires a conditional use permit (PLN201.10077), and because the scope of work triggers review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), design review by the Architectural Design Board (ADB) is required (PLN20110076). The design review and conditional use permit review are considered Type III -B decisions under Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.01.003; while the short plat (PLN20110078) is considered a Type II decision. All three permits have been consolidated for review pursuant to ECDC 20.01.002.B. When projects are consolidated under ECDC 20.01.0023, the ADB reviews the proposed development without a public hearing and makes a recommendation to the Hearing Examiner, who subsequently holds a public hearing and makes the final decision on the proposal. The public hearing on this project is tentatively scheduled for May 24, 2012 and public notice for the upcoming hearing will soon be provided. Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 The following represents staff's findings of fact, analysis, conclusions, and recommendation on the project. II. FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicant: Tom Rocca, Seven Hills Properties 2. Owner: Wuscher Family LLP, and Tom Rocca, Seven Hills Properties 3. Tax Parcel Numbers: 27033600113200 and 27033600113300 4. Location: 9801 Edmonds Way, Edmonds WA 98020 (Attachment 1) 5. Size: Tax parcel 27033600113200 is approximately 1.34 acres and tax parcel 27033600113300 is approximately 1.56 acres. 6. Zoning: Neighborhood Business (BN), subject to Chapter 16.45 ECDC 7. Proposed Use: New 14,490 square foot Walgreens with drive-through and 3,373 square foot bank with three drive-through lanes and associated site work. 8. Existing Use: A bowling alley (Robin Hood Lanes) currently sits on tax parcel 27033600113200 while tax parcel 27033600113300 is developed as a parking lot. 9. Process: Consolidated review of short plat, design review and conditional use permit. According to ECDC 20.11.010.A.2, when permits are consolidated pursuant to ECDC 20.01.0023, the ADB reviews the design of the proposal and makes an overall design recommendation to the Hearing Examiner on whether the proposal is consistent with the zoning ordinance and the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Hearing Examiner makes the final decision on both the design and the conditional use permit as well as the short plat in this instance. The Hearing Examiner's decision on this proposal will be Type III -B decision. Review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is required for this project because the proposed project exceeds 4,000 square feet of new building area. A SEPA threshold determination has not been issued to date. A SEPA threshold determination will be made prior to the applications going to public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. I C. iNOTICE I A "Notice of Application" was published in the Herald Newspaper, posted at the subject site, as well as the Public Safety Complex, Community Development Department, and the Library on January 31, 2012. Notices were also mailed to owners within 300 feet of the site. The City has complied with the noticing provisions of ECDC 20.03 (Public Notice). A specific notice for the ADB meeting has not been issued because this meeting is not a public hearing, but rather a public meeting that does not require specific public notice. The ADB meeting agenda has been posted on the City's website, as well as at the Public Safety Complex, Community Development Department, and the Library. A courtesy notice of the ADB meeting is also being provided to all parties of record. Notice of the upcoming public hearing and SEPA determination will soon be published, posted, and mailed, as required. Page 2 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 D. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE This application was reviewed and evaluated by the Fire District, Engineering Division, Parks and Recreation Department, Community Services & Economic Development Director, as well as the Public Works Department. There were initial comments and concerns by the reviewing departments; however, the pertinent issues to the design review have been addressed. At the time of the writing of this staff report, there are still some outstanding comments on the stormwater requirements that should not affect design review. The applicant is aware that a thorough review of the entire scope of work will take place during the building permit review process. E. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Topography: The site is mostly flat with the exception of a steep slope along the northern property boundary and a sloped area along the eastern property line. 2. Soils: According to the Soil Survey of Snohomish County Area, Washington, the southern 3/4 of the site consists of "Urban Land" while the slope along the northern property boundary is identified as "Alderwood Urban land complex, 8 —15% slopes". 3. Critical Areas: A critical area determination for the subject site was made under CRA20110111 and the site was found to contain geologically hazardous areas. Slopes along the northern property boundary slope to the south at approximately 80% according to the City's LiDAR information. The steepness of the slope together with the soils classifies the site as containing potential erosion and landslide hazard area pursuant to ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. 4. Wildlife: The property is in an urban environment with little space for wildlife. Site may be visited by song birds and small mammals, but generally is not suited for wildlife. S. Vegetation: The property is mostly paved with limited areas of landscaping. An existing vegetated slope along the northern property boundary is covered mostly with Himalayan blackberry, ivy and alder trees. 6. Shoreline: The subject property is not located within shoreline jurisdiction. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS This property is located in the Neighborhood Business (BN) zone. The neighborhood surrounding the site consists of commercial development along Edmonds Way in what is known as the Westgate neighborhood. Surrounding uses include shopping centers to the south and southwest (Bartell's, Starbucks, Subway, etc.), a bank and service station to the east and grocery stores to the west (PCC and QFC) along with numerous neighborhood commercial businesses. A single family residential (RS -8) neighborhood surrounds the BN zone and is directly north of this site. There are a few new bank buildings planned or in the process of being constructed in the immediate vicinity, all of which will have drive-through teller lanes. Access for the proposed development will remain off both 100`'' and Edmonds Way (SR -104), the latter of which is considered a "Principal Arterial." Page 3 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 G. 'COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designation for this site is "Community Commercial." An excerpt of goals and policies from the City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan related to this project are shown below: Goals for Community Commercial Areas. Community commercial areas are comprised of commercial development serving a dual purpose: services and shopping for both local residents and regional traffic. The intent of the community commercial designation is to recognize both of these purposes by permitting a range of businesses and mixed use development while maintaining a neighborhood scale and design character. G1. Permit uses in community commercial areas that serve both the local neighborhood and regional through -traffic. C.2. Provide for transit and pedestrian access in addition to the need to accommodate automobile traffic. C.3. Provide for the pedestrian -scale design of buildings that are two stores or less in height and that contain architectural features thatpromote pedestrian activity. C.4. Provide pedestrian walkways and transit connections throughout the community commercial area, assuring connections to nearby residential neighborhoods. (2011 Comprehensive Plan, page 74) The site is currently occupied by the Robin Hood Lanes bowling alley, which has an existing access driveway at the eastern edge of the property onto Edmonds Way. The subject site is also located east of the PCC Natural Market with a parcel between the two developments that contains a shared parking lot. There are two more access driveways onto Edmonds Way and a third driveway on the PCC site that accesses 100`h Avenue West. Pedestrian connections are provided off of Edmonds Way and connecting the proposed development to the PCC Market. Goals and objectives for site design, building form, and building facade are discussed in the Comprehensive Plan's Urban Design chapter (pages 92-98). C.1. Design Objectives for Vehicular Access. C.1. a. Reduce the numbers of driveways (curb cuts) in order to improve pedestrian, bicycle and auto safety by reducing the number of potential points of conflict. Comments: The subject property and two adjoining properties (shared parking lot and PCC Market) have four access points: three on Edmonds Way and a fourth on 100`h Avenue West. All driveway access points are existing and will be retained at their current locations. The internal drive aisle on the eastern driveway will be widened, but the curb cut widths at the right-of-way will remain the same. The Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Heffron Transportation Inc. evaluated site access and cueing with the light at Edmonds Way and 100`' Avenue West and found that the existing driveways will be functional and safe. C.I. b. Provide safe routes for disabled people. Comments: The proposed pedestrian routes servicing both buildings from the public right-of-way as well as on-site pedestrian circulation routes have been designed in accordance with current ADA accessibility requirements. ADA parking spaces are also provided near the entrance of both buildings. Page 4 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 C.I.c. Improve streetscape character to enhance pedestrian activity in retail/multi- family/ commercial areas. Comments: The proposed bank building will utilize the minimum 8 foot street setback authorized by Ord. 3846 with an entrance on Edmonds Way which will improve the streetscape character and enhance pedestrian activity. Frontage improvements on parcels 27033600113200 and 27033600113300 include widening the sidewalks to approximately 7 feet in width and providing a planter strip between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way, which will further enhance the streetscape and pedestrian activity. C.2. Design Objectives for Location And Layout of Parking C.2. a. Create adequate parking for each development, but keep the cars from dominating the streetscape. Comments: There is sufficient parking at the site for the proposed development. Three parcels make up the development on the northwest corner of Edmonds Way and 100'' Avenue North. PCC Natural Market is on the western most parcel, there is a shared parcel that is developed with a parking lot, and the proposed site of the Walgreens and bank buildings is on the eastern most of these three parcels. PCC Market is approximately 35,733 square feet and the proposed Walgreens is 14,490 square feet. ECDC 17.5 0.020.13. 1 requires one space per 300 square feet for both PCC and Walgreens which results in 119 required parking spaces for PCC and 48 parking spaces for Walgreens. The bank is proposed to be 3,373 square feet and requires one space per 200 square feet or 17 parking spaces. For all three developments, a total of 184 parking spaces are required. Two -hundred and forty (240) parking stalls will be available after the proposed development; however, the parking agreement on the shared parking parcel (27033600113300) should be updated. Several parking agreements have been recorded on parcel 27033600113300, with the most recent being recorded under AFN 201103250158 (Attachment 10). The parking agreement is between three entities: Newkirk Washtex (PCC), the Wuscher Family Limited Partnership (WFLP), and the bowling alley (represented as the Guenther Entities). Newkirk Washtex has sole use of the 76 parking spaces on parcel 27033600107700 and according to the agreement have access to parking on the shared parking parcel (27033600113300) to "satisfy the parking —space requirements of permits and codes applicable to Newkirk Washtex." Guenther Entities (and their successors) have access to 66 parking spaces on the shared parcel, but only until April 30, 2015. The WFLP and their successors have access to at least 66 parking spaces (with no expiration date). The Walgreens will have 8 parking spaces located on its lot after the subdivision and thus need 40 parking spaces from the shared parking lot. The bank site will have 11 parking stalls associated with it and will need 6 parking spaces for the shared parking lot. As a condition of approval, the parking agreement should be updated to make clear that the Walgreens and bank have enough parking spaces to meet code requirements for the life of the development. C.2. b. Improve pedestrian access from the street by locating buildings closer to the street and defining the street edge. Comments: The proposed bank building will utilize the minimum 8 foot street setback authorized by Ord. 3846 and provide an entrance to the proposed building off the sidewalk along the southern facade. Frontage improvements that will widen the Page 5 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 sidewalk and provide a planter strip between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way will help better define the street edge. C.2.c. Improve the project's visibility from the street by placing parking to side and rear. Comments: While the existing shared parking lot will remain with some minor modifications, none of the new parking spaces proposed with the development will be located between the new buildings and Edmonds Way. C.2. d. Provide direct pedestrian access from street, sidewalk, and parking. Comments: Direct access is provided from the sidewalk to the bank building and a walkway also leads from the sidewalk on Edmonds Way to the Walgreens building. An additional walkway also is provided from the Walgreens west to the shared parking and PCC Market site. C.2. e. Integrate pedestrian and vehicular access between adjacent developments. Comments: A walkway is provided from the proposed Walgreens west to the PCC Market building. C.3. Design Objectives for Pedestrian Connections Offsite. C.3.a. Design the site access and circulation routes with pedestrians' comfort and ease of access in mind. Comments: All proposed pedestrian walkways are direct with minimal vehicular drive aisle crossings. Where walkways cross vehicular areas they will be clearly delineated through the use of striping. Additionally, where pedestrian areas run adjacent to vehicular drive aisles or parking area they will be raised and/or separated by a curb. All of the proposed pedestrian areas have been designed with the safety and convenience of the pedestrian in mind. C.3. b. Create parking lots and building service ways that are efficient and safe for both automobiles and pedestrians. Comments: Both the proposed parking lots and building service ways were designed to include drive aisles of adequate width, minimal turns and stops and minimal pedestrian crossings of drive aisles. Additionally, the service area for the Walgreens was located to the north of the building allowing for minimal interaction of trucks with vehicles within the parking area and pedestrians. C. 3. c. Provide direct and safe access along, through and to driveways and adjacent developments or city streets. Comments: The proposed project includes walkways along Edmonds Way, a walkway from the Edmonds Way sidewalk to both buildings main entrances, and a walkway from the Walgreens building's main entrance west to the shared parking and adjacent PCC Market site. All walkways are straight, direct, have minimal vehicular aisle crossings. All drive aisle crossing will be clearly delineated and raised when adjacent to vehicular drive aisles or parking areas and/or are separated by a landscape strip. C.3. d. Encourage the use of mass transit by providing easy access to pleasant waiting areas. Comments: There are no existing mass transit stops located on the project site, and the proposed project does not include new transit stops. However, there are several existing Page 6 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 stops around the intersection of 100`h Ave West and Edmonds Way, approximately 0. 15 miles west of the site. The proposed project includes direct pedestrian walkways to the Edmonds Way sidewalk which leads to these stops. C. 5. Design Objectives for Building Entry Location. C. 5. a. Create an active, safe and lively street -edge. Comments: The proposed bank building will be at the minimum allowed 8 foot setback along Edmonds Way. There will be a new sidewalk installed within the right-of-way as part of the project and this walkway will be widened across the lot line to create a large inviting pedestrian area. A planter strip is also included between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way increasing the separation between pedestrians and vehicular traffic thus creating a safer environment. C.5.b. Create a pedestrian friendly environment. Comments: The proposed project includes a new walkway that will continue across the lot line to create a wide and inviting pedestrian walkway (up to 13.5 to 16.25 feet wide) with a plaza -type feel adjacent to the bank building. Along the eastern edge of the drive aisle a second pedestrian walkway will run directly north to the main entrance of the Walgreens building. A third pedestrian walkway will be installed from the Walgreens main entrance west to the shared parking and adjacent existing PCC Market. All new pedestrian areas will be ADA compliant. C. 5. c. Provide outdoor active spaces at entry to retail/commercial uses. Comments: The development will include wide sidewalks with accessible routes that will connect both new buildings to each other as well as adjacent existing development and create an inviting and safe pedestrian atmosphere. Plaza -like spaces near and around the building entries will provide an active space. C.5.d. Provide semi-public/private seating area at multi family and commercial entries to increase activity along the street. Comments: The applicant considered adding benches near the bank entry closest to the sidewalk, but felt it represented a safety risk for customers coming out of the bank or late night ATM users. The applicants proposed adding a bench at the nearest bus stop along Edmonds Way or to pay a fee in lieu. The City does not have a fee in lieu program and placing a bench at nearby bus stops may be problematic. The site is designed such that if the use at the bank building changes in the future, there is ample area to provide seating at a future date. Given the safety concerns, staff is supportive of not providing the seating at this time. C.6. Design Objectives for Setbacks. C. 6. a. To create and maintain the landscape and site characteristics of each neighborhood area. Comments: The development site is located within the Westgate commercial area with buildings generally setback a ways from the street edge. As previously mentioned, this proposal is utilizing the reduced setbacks (8 feet) authorized by Ordinance 3846. Ordinance 3846 was passed because the City of Edmonds is in the midst of developing a special district plan for the Westgate neighborhood and the previous setback of 20 feet Page 7 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 had the potential of thwarting the long term planning effort for Westgate by allowing new projects to be constructed pursuant to the twenty -foot setback. This development and another recently approved development on the southeast corner of Edmonds Way and 100t" Avenue North are both applying the 8 foot street setback establishing a new feel for the Westgate Center. C. 6. b. To create a common street frontage view with enough repetition to tie each site to its neighbor. Comments: See the comments above in C.6.a regarding Ordinance 3846. In addition to applying the 8 foot street setbacks, the project will include frontage improvements on parcels 27033600113200 and 27033600113300, which will include widening the sidewalks to approximately 7 feet in width and providing a planter strip between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way. These improvements will help tie the sites together. C. 6. c. To provide enough space for wide, comfortable and safe pedestrian routes to encourage travel by foot. Comments: The proposed project includes widening sidewalks along Edmonds Way and pedestrian walkways internal to the site which will connect the Walgreens building to Edmonds Way as well as to the adjacent PCC Natural Market. All walkways will be ADA compliant and provide safe pedestrian travel ways through the site. C.6.d. To encourage transition areas between public streets and private building entries where a variety of activities and amenities can occur. Comments: The new sidewalk along Edmonds Way will be widened across the property line and beyond City code requirements up to the south facade and main entrance of the bank building. This open plaza -like area will be an inviting and safe area for pedestrians and site patrons to utilize. The main entrance to the Walgreens building will face a well landscaped planter island and the main pedestrian walkway through the site as well as have generous sidewalks to either side creating an open and inviting entryway. C. 7. Design Objectives for Open Space. C. 7.a. To create green spaces to enhance the visual attributes of the development and encourage outdoor interaction. C. 7.b. To provide places for residents and visitors to meet and to interact. C.7. c. To provide an area for play, seating and other residential activities. Comments: There are no open space requirements in the BN zone and none are proposed with this development. C. 8. Design Objectives for Building/Site Identity. C.8.a. Do not use repetitive, monotonous buildingforms and massing in large multi- family or commercial projects. Comments: Both of the proposed buildings have been designed to incorporate a mix of design elements, colors and features including glazing, changes in roofline height, changes in materials and material color as well as canopies and light shelves. This mix of design elements, materials and colors ensures that a repetitive, monotonous facade and building massing will be avoided. C.8.b. Improve pedestrian access and way -finding by providing variety in building forms, color, materials and individuality of buildings. Page 8 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 Comments: The entries of both proposed buildings will be accentuated by a raised roof line with large eaves, ample glazing, pedestrian scale walkway canopies and light shelves. Additionally, while the majority of both buildings will be constructed of brick, the entries will also include large areas of stucco to further accentuate the entry, and provide an area for signage thereby improving pedestrian access and way finding. C.8.c. Retain a connection with the scale and character of the City of Edmonds through the use of similar materials, proportions, forms, masses or building elements. Comments: The proposed buildings will be in scale and character with the existing adjacent commercial development through the use of similar materials, proportions, forms, masses and building elements. C. 8. d. Encourage new construction to use design elements tied to historic forms or patterns found in the city. Comments: The development will include low rise architecture with facades of storefronts transparent glass, articulated parapets, and walls with awnings that are consistent with historic downtown Edmonds forms and patterns. The proposed architecture melds these historic forms and patterns with modern features including brick and glass interpreted to reflect historic forms in a modern way and harmonize not only within the project but with adjacent developments and those found throughout the city. C.9. Design Objectives for Weather Protection. C.9.a. Provide a covered walkway for pedestrians traveling along public sidewalks in downtown. Comments: The project site is not located within the downtown area. C. 9. b. Protect shoppers and residents from rain or snow. Comments: Both proposed buildings include overhead canopies along pedestrian walkways adjacent to the building and leading to the main entrances. These canopies will provide protection for shoppers and residents from rain and snow. C.9.c. Provide a covered waiting area and walkway for pedestrians entering a building, coming from parking spaces and the public sidewalk in all areas of the City. Comments: Both proposed buildings include two layers of protection. There is a large canopy -like cornice above both entrances and second lower canopy. Together these features will combine to provide ample covered waiting areas and walkways at the main entrances of the buildings. In addition to the main entries, the walkways along the building facades leading up the entries will also have canopies along a large portion of the facades. C.10. Design Objectives for Lighting. C.10.a. Provide adequate illumination in all areas used by automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians, including building entries, walkways, parking areas, circulation areas and other open spaces to ensure a feeling of security. Comments: The proposed project includes parking lot lighting, building facade lighting, lighted bollards and under canopy lighting which will provide adequate illumination of all areas used by automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians at locations such as building entries, walkways, parking areas and circulation areas. Refer to include photometric plan for illustration of lighting patterns (Attachment 11). Page 9 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 C.10.b. Minimize potential for light to reflector spill off-site. Comments: The potential for light to reflect or spill off-site has been minimized by limiting the amount of lighting to what is needed for a safe and secure site, placing lights strategically to provide the best coverage, using appropriately sized lights, and using lights shields. Refer to the included lighting plan, photometrics plan and lighting cut sheets (Attachments 11). C. 10. c. Create a sense of welcome and activity. Comments: With the proposed walkways connecting this development to neighboring existing development, new landscaping and the lighting provided, this development will provide a sense of welcome and activity. C. 10. d. Provide adequate lighting for signage panels. Comments: No illumination plans for the signs have been submitted at this time. Sign illumination will be review for consistency with ECDC 20.60 at building permit review. C.I1. Design Objectives for Signage. C. H. a. Protect the streetscape from becoming cluttered. Comments: The application materials indicate there will be six wall signs, which is the maximum number of signs allowed by ECDC 20.60. Since all signs are wall signs, they should not contribute to streetscape cluttering. C.I L b. Minimize distraction from the overuse of advertisement elements. Comments: The proposed six wall signs is consistent with the maximum number of signs allowed by ECDC 20.60, so there does not appear to be an overuse of advertisement elements. C.11. c. Provide clear signage for each distinct property. Comments: Each building will have its own signage. C.11.d. Use graphics/symbols to reduce the need to have large letters. Comments: The pharmacy building will include one graphic symbol as an interior sign. The applicants have requested additional sign area for both sites, which may increase the size of the sign lettering if approved. C. 11. e. Minimize potential for view blockage. Comments: The signage depicted in the application materials will not block any views. C.11.f. Signs should be related to the circulation element serving the establishment. Comments: Signage will be placed to accentuate the entries of both buildings and site signage will include small directional signs relating to the drive-through circulation patterns of each building. C. I I.g. Landscaping should be used in conjunction with pole signs for safety as well as appearance. Comments: There is no pole sign associated with the project. C. 11.h. Where multiple businesses operate from a central location, tenants should be encouraged to coordinate signing to avoid the proliferation of signs, each competing with the others. Page 10 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 Comments: The proposed project includes two independent buildings, each housing a single tenant. There are no proposed free standing signs associated with the development that would lead to competing signs. C. 12. Design Objectives for Site Utilities, Storage, Trash and Mechanical. C. 12. a. Hide unsightly utility boxes, outdoor storage of equipment, supplies, garbage, recycling and composting. Comments: The proposed Walgreens building will have two self contained compactors as well as a small area for plastic recyclables and merchandise delivery tote storage. All of these items will be located along the north facade of the building and screened from most views by the building itself. Additionally, views of this area from the north and east will be blocked by a tall retaining wall around the perimeter of the site at those locations. Additionally, a chain link fence on both the pharmacy compactors and tote storage areas. The chain link fence should include slats which screen the compactors and tote storage areas from view. The proposed bank building includes a small trash and recycling area that is incorporated into the footprint of the building. This area will be within the walls of the building and include a door which will shield the interior of this refuse/recycling area from view. C.12. b. Minimize noise and odor. Comments: The proposed project is for the construction of two buildings to be occupied by a pharmacy and a bank. These uses do not produce waste' that creates would create excessive odor. C.12.c. Minimize visual intrusion. Comments: The proposed pharmacy's garbage and refuse areas will be along the northern facade, shielded by the building itself as well as enclosed by a chain link fence. The garbage and refuse area of the bank building will be inside the footprint of the building. Both building's garbage and refuse areas will be discrete and shielded from view, minimizing visual intrusion. C. 12. d. Minimize need for access/paving to utility areas Comments: All utility areas for the proposed buildings will either be located along the north facade of the building (Walgreens) or within the buildings. By locating the utility areas together or within the building, the need for access/paving to those areas has been minimized. C.13. Design Objectives for Significant Features. C. 13. a. Retain significant landscape features and unique landforms such as rock outcroppings and significant trees. Comments: The site is an existing developed area and does not contain any unique landforms. A handful of Douglas fir trees exist along the northern property line and these trees will be retained. C. 13. b. Limit potential future negative environmental impacts such as erosion, runoff, landslides, and removal of vegetation and/or habitats. Comments: The subject property is currently fully developed with a commercial structure and associated paved parking areas. The project will require limited grading and will include the installation of rain gardens within the existing parking lot as well as Page 11 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 develop a stormwater system the will handle runoff from the property. An extended retaining wall along the northern edge of the development has been reviewed by a geotechnical engineer to insure it will not increase the potential for landslides. C. 13. c. Buffer incompatible uses. Comments: The subject property is located within the BN zone as are the properties to the east, west, and south (Attachment 1). The parcels to the north are zoned RS -8. The residential property to the north will be buffered by a 20 foot high retaining wall and landscaping installed along the entire northern property line. C.13.d. Integrate buildings into their site by stepping the mass of the building along steep sloping sites. Comments: The site is mostly flat with the exception of a steep slope along the outer portion of the northern and eastern property lines. Retaining walls will be installed at these, locations. However, the buildings themselves will be constructed on nearly flat ground with no required stepping of the building to match changes in slope. C.14. Design Objectives for Landscape Buffers. C. 14. a. Create a visual barrier between different uses Comments: The subject property is located within the BN zone as are the properties to the east, west, and south (Attachment 1). The parcels to the north are zoned RS -8. The residential property to the north will be buffered by a 20 foot high retaining wall and landscaping installed along the entire northern property line. C. 14. b. Maintain privacy of single family residential areas. Comments: The privacy of the single family property to the north of the subject site will be maintained with the 20 foot high retaining wall and landscaping installed along the northern property line. C. 14. c. Reduce harsh visual impact of parking lots and cars. Comments: The visual impact of the existing parking areas will be improved by the proposal. Parking along Edmonds Way will be reduced by placing the bank building closer to Edmonds Way. Landscaping on the interior parking area will be improved with the installation of rain gardens and additional landscaping. Additionally, frontage improvement along parcels 27033600113200 and 27033600113300, which include widening the sidewalks to approximately 7 feet in width and providing a planter strip between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way, will further aid in reducing the visual impacts of the parking lots. C. 14. d. Landscape buffers should reinforce pedestrian circulation routes. Comments: The walkway along Edmonds Way will be improved with new street -side landscape planter. This planter will include street trees that reinforce the lineal nature of the walkway and define the street -side pedestrian walkway. The walkway leading into the site from Edmonds Way through the parking lot to the main entry of the Walgreens will also be bordered by landscape planters that will emphasize the walkway. C.14.e. Landscape buffers should not be designed or located in a manner that creates an unsafe pedestrian environment. Comments: The landscaping along the pedestrian walkways as described above will not create an unsafe pedestrian environment. Page 12 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 C.14.f. Minimize heat gain from paved surfaces. Comments: All parking areas included with the proposed project include landscape islands at the ends of the rows. These islands will include trees intended to provide shade for the parking areas which will result in the minimization of heat gain from these paved surfaces. C.14.g. Provide treatment of runoff from parking lots. Comments: The proposed project will include new rain gardens as well as a new stormwater system to handle runoff from the parking areas as well as the rest of the development. Design Objectives for Building Form. Building height and modulation guidelines are essential to create diversity in building forms, minimize shadows cast by taller buildings upon the pedestrian- areas and to ensure compliance with policies in the city's Comprehensive Plan. Protecting views from public parks and building entries as well as street views to the mountains and Puget Sound are an important part of Edmonds character and urban form. D.1. Design Objectives for Height. D.I.a. Preserve views to mountains and Puget Sound to the west. Comments: There are no views to the Puget Sound or mountains from the subject property. D.1. b. Maintain the smaller scale and character of historic Edmonds. Comments: While the proposed site is not located within the historic downtown area of Edmonds, the two buildings at approximately 14,490 feet for the Walgreens and 3,373 for the bank are smaller than several of the surrounding buildings, including the adjacent PCC Market. D.I.c. Minimize blockage of light and air to adjacent properties or to the sidewalk area. Comments: Neither of the buildings included in the proposed project will be located along property lines of adjacent developments, they will within the interior of the site or along the right-of-way setback line. By setting the buildings back from all property lines, blockage of light and air to adjacent properties is avoided. Additionally, where the bank is placed at the minimum setback from the right-of-way walk, the setback area will be paved to match the right-of-way pedestrian walkway creating a large open pedestrian area that ensures blockage of light and air does not occur. D. Ld. Maintain/protect view from public places and streets. Comments: No views will be impacted from the proposed development. D.2. Design Objectives for Massing. D.2.a. Encourage human scale elements in building design. Comments: Both of the proposed buildings have been designed to include numerous pedestrian scale elements which include overhead canopies, pedestrian scale lighting and ample glazing along facades with walkways. Overhead canopies along the walkways will be located at approximately 10 feet above grade. Pedestrian scale lighting will Page 13 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 include overhead lighting in the canopies as well as lighted bollards in key locations. Glazing along the walkways will begin close to grade and provide ample views into the interiors of the buildings. D.2. b. Reduce bulk and mass of buildings. Comments: The bulk and mass of both buildings will be broken with the use of vertical and horizontal elements. The main facades of both buildings will incorporate two different colored bricks which will be used to create vertical columns along each facade. The roofline of the darker brick columns will be raised to break the long horizontal lines of the parapet. Both glazing and canopies will be used to create a horizontal element of design at pedestrian level along walkways, further reducing the bulk and mass of the buildings. At the entrances, the rooflines will be raised and changes in material from brick to stucco, as well as color, will provide a break in the brick patterns of the main facades. The entries will also feature ample glazing, light shelves and larger parapet overhangs; all of which provide variety, thereby reducing the bulk and mass of the buildings. D.2. c. Masses maybe subdivided vertically or horizontally. Comments: In addition to the elements listed above to help reduce and subdivide the massing of the buildings, the Walgreens building will include metal trellises on a planter that will allow vines (evergreen clematis) to grow up the side of the building. These trellises will be placed on the southern on eastern facades of the building. D.2.d. Explore flexible site calculations to eliminate building masses that have one story on one elevation and four or greater stories on another. Comments: The proposal is for two single story buildings. D.3. Design Objectives for Roof Modulation. D. 3. a. To break up the overall massing of the roof. Comments: Both proposed buildings will include changes in roofline height. The Walgreens building will have patterns of darker brick within the main facade and brick of copper that will create column -like vertical elements along each facade. These columns of darker brick will have a parapet height (approximately 23 feet) that is raised above the main fagade parapet (22 feet). Additionally, the main entry will have parapet walls that are raised to approximately 25 feet accentuating the main entry and further breaking up the overall mass of the roof. The bank building will include a raised parapet (approximately 22 feet) at the main entry along the west facade. This element will be repeated on all elevations to break the main parapet height of 20 feet, adding interest as well as breaking up the overall massing of the roof. D.3.b. Create human scale in the building. Comments: Both of the proposed buildings have been designed to include numerous pedestrian scale elements which include overhead canopies, pedestrian scale lighting and ample glazing along facades with walkways. Overhead canopies along the walkways will be located at approximately 10 feet above grade. Pedestrian scale lighting will include overhead lighting in the canopies as well as lighted bollards in key locations. Glazing along the walkways will begin close to grade and provide ample views into the interiors of the buildings. Page 14 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 D. 3. c. Use roof forms to idents different programs or functional areas within the building. Comments: The parapets of the main entry areas of each building will be raised and will be above the heights of other parapets included in each building. The Walgreens will have main facade parapets that are stepped at approximately 22 and 23 feet. The main entry parapet of the pharmacy will be approximately 25 feet in height to accentuate the entry. The bank buildings main parapet height is approximately 20 feet with main entry parapets at approximately 22 feet. Additionally, the drive-through service areas of both buildings will be accentuated with canopies that are raised slightly above the standard pedestrian walkway canopies in order to accentuate these functional areas of each building. D. 3. d. Provide ways for additional light to enter the building. Comments: Both buildings have been designed to include ample glazing along their main facades in order to allow a large amount of natural day light into the working areas of each building. Additionally, light shelves will be strategically placed along the south facades to help facilitate illumination of the interiors by natural day light during summer months when the sun is too high overhead to enter the buildings directly. D.4. Design Objectives for Wall Modulation. D.4. a. To let more light and air into the building. Comments: Both proposed buildings include ample amounts of glazing along with light shelves which will aid in allowing direct light into the interiors of the buildings. D.4. b. Break up large building mass and scale of a facade. Comments: The bulk and mass of both buildings will be broken with the use of vertical and horizontal elements. The main facades of both buildings will incorporate two different colored bricks which will be used to create vertical columns along each facade. The roofline of the darker brick columns will be raised to break the long horizontal lines of the parapet. Both glazing and canopies will be used to create a horizontal element of design at pedestrian level along walkways, further reducing the bulk and mass of the buildings. At the entrances, the rooflines will be raised and changes in material from brick to stucco, as well as color, will provide a break in the brick patterns of the main facades. The entries will also feature ample glazing, light shelves and larger parapet overhangs; all of which provide variety thereby reducing the bulk and mass of the buildings. D.4. c. To avoid stark and imposing building facades. Comments: Stark and imposing building facades will be avoided through the use of articulation expressed by variation in materials, stucco and brick, as well as changes in material colors. To further ensure the facade of this building is not stark and imposing ample glazing, lighting and overhead canopies will be used to create an inviting and pedestrian friendly feel. The Walgreens building will also include metal trellises on a planter that will allow vines (evergreen clematis) to grow up the side of the building. These trellises will be placed on the southern and eastern facades of the building. The same techniques, with the exception of the columns of darker brick, will be used on the bank building. Page 15 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 D.4.d. To create a pedestrian scale appropriate to Edmonds. Comments: Both of the proposed buildings have been designed to include numerous pedestrian scale elements which include overhead canopies, pedestrian scale lighting and ample glazing along facades with walkways. Overhead canopies along the walkways will be located at approximately 10 feet above grade. Glazing along the walkways will begin close to grade and provide ample views into the interiors of the buildings. Additionally, the varied parapet heights create a sense of human scale through the lower main walls of the building while using the higher entry parapets to accentuate the entries of the building and aid pedestrian way finding. D. 4. e. To become compatible with the surrounding built environment. Comments: The subject property is surrounded by commercial development on all sides except the north side which is developed with single family residences. The single family area will be buffered by a retaining wall and landscaping, and the proposed buildings will be compatible with and accentuate the surrounding developments. Design Objectives for Building Facade. Building facade objectives ensure that the exterior of a building — the portion of a building that defines the character and visual appearance of a place — is of high quality City of Edmonds. E.1. Design Objectives for Building Facade. E. La. Ensure diversity in design. Comments: While the project uses materials (brick, stucco and metal) typically found in commercial projects of the Pacific Northwest, the design of the buildings blends "Northwest" style architecture with the needs of each individual tenant creating buildings that are unique to the site. This blend of design and materials ensures that while the project is compatible with surrounding development, it will also have its own unique identity. E.1. b. Reinforce the existing building patterns found in Edmonds. Comments: The proposed project site abuts existing commercial developments on all but the northern property line. These commercial developments range from small gas stations to individual box stores and multi -tenant mall buildings. These adjacent properties use a mix of building materials including brick, stucco, concrete, glass. They also employ a mix of design elements including flat roofs with parapets, hipped or gable roof atop taller tower elements, ample glazing, and canopies. The proposed project will include many of these same materials and design elements including brick, stucco, glazing, canopies, flat roofs with parapets and a taller entry tower feature. E. 1. c. Improve visual and physical character and quality of Edmonds. Comments: The proposed project will use durable and quality materials and design elements to ensure that the visual and physical character and quality of Edmonds is improved. The quality materials and building design have been used to create an aesthetically pleasing, highly functional project that is compatible with adjacent properties. The proposed project will contribute to a business environment that is attractive, active and safe. Page 15 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 E. 1.d Improve pedestrian environment in retail/commercial areas. Comments: Both of the proposed buildings have been designed to include numerous pedestrian scale elements which include overhead canopies, pedestrian scale lighting and ample glazing along facades with walkways. Overhead canopies along the walkways will be located at approximately 10 feet above grade. Pedestrian scale lighting will include overhead lighting in the canopies as wells as lighted bollards in key locations. Glazing along the walkways will begin close to grade and provide ample views into the interiors of the buildings. Along with building design the project includes several pedestrian walkways through the site which allow pedestrians safe and direct routes to buildings onsite as well as the adjacent PCC Market site. Additionally, frontage improvements along Edmonds Way associated with the project will also enhance the pedestrian environment of the area. E. Le. Create individual identity of buildings. Comments: While the project uses materials (brick, stucco and metal) typically found in commercial projects of the Pacific Northwest the design of the buildings blends "Northwest" style architecture with the needs of each individual tenant creating buildings that are unique to the site. This blend of design and materials ensures that while the project is compatible with surrounding development that it will also have its own unique identity. E.2. Design Objectives for Window Variety and Articulation. Windows help define the scale and character of the building. The organization and combinations of window types provide variation in a facade as well as provide light and air to the interior. Small windows are more typically utilitarian in function, such as bathroom or stairway windows, etc. and can be grouped to provide more articulation in the facade. Comments: The main retail area of the proposed Walgreens building will be located along the western and southern facades of the building with service and back of house functions located to the north and east within the building. Large expanses of storefront glazing is being provided along both the western and southern facades in order to accentuate the entry, provide an inviting pedestrian atmosphere along adjacent walkways, and allow for ample day lighting into the interior of the building. Along the eastern fagade, there will be a storefront door as well as a small window at the drive- through pharmacy pick up window. The bank includes ample glazing on all elevations. E.3. Design Objectives for Variation in Facade Materials. The materials that make up the exterior facades of a building also help define the scale and style of the structure and provide variation in the facade to help reduce the bulk of larger buildings. From the foundation to the roof eaves, a variety of building materials can reduce the scale and help define a building's style and allows the design of a building to respond to its context and client's needs. Comments: Both buildings will include a variety of materials with the main walls of each structure composed of brick. The entry and accent areas of each building will be composed of stucco. Metal will be used for variety of elements including canopies, light shelves, flashing, and coping. Variation in the color of brick and the placement of the stucco and canopies will work to reduce the overall bulk and mass of the buildings, Page 17 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 providing articulation in the facades, as well as bringing an inviting and pedestrian scale to both building. E.4. Design Objectives for Accent Materials/Colors/Trim. Applied ornament, various materials and colors applied to a facade as well as various decorative trim/surrounds provide variation in the scale, style and appearance of every building facade. The objective is to encourage new development that provides: • Compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. • Visual interest and variety in building forms. • Reduces the visual impacts of larger building masses. • Allows identity and individuality of a project within a neighborhood. Comments: As described in detail above, the proposed buildings include materials, colors, and trim that ensure the development will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, provide visual interest and variety in form, reduce building mass, and provide an unique identity for the proposed development. As conditioned, staff feels the proposal is consistent with the above policies and goals in the Comprehensive Plan. H. PUBLIC COMMENTS The public hearing has been tentatively scheduled for review by the Hearing Examiner on Thursday, May 24`" at 3:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Public Safety Complex. Public comments can be received up until the close of the public hearing. The City has received several comments on the proposal. Most of the comments generally are against the proposal, mainly for the loss of the bowling alley. These comments will be provided to the Hearing Examiner. Only one of comments received thus far is pertinent to design review. Attachment 12 is a letter from John McCullough of McCullough Hill Leary, PS in support of the design aspects of the proposal. 1. ECDC 16.45 BN: Neighborhood Business A. ECDC 16.45.0 10 Uses The site is located in the Neighborhood Business (BN) zone and subject to the requirements of ECDC 16.45. Pursuant to ECDC 16.45.010.A, both the bank (office) and drug store (retail) are permitted primary uses. However, since both the bank and Walgreens are proposing to include drive-through components, a conditional use permit is required pursuant to ECDEC 16.45.010.C.2. B. ECDC 16.45.020 Site Development Standards The minimum street setback in the BN zone (within the Westgate Community Center) has been recently reduced to 8 feet along Edmonds Way (SR -104) under Ordinance 3846. The proposed bank building would take advantage of this reduced setback. Ordinance 3846, and the 8 foot setbacks along Edmonds Way, is set to expire on July 15, 2012. In order to vest to the 8 foot setbacks, a complete building permit must be submitted by July 14, 2012. The setback from Page 18 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 residentially zoned property is 15 feet. The proposed Walgreens building would be more than 60 feet from the northern property line and the residentially zoned property to the north. The maximum height in the BN zone is 25 feet. The elevation views for the Walgreens building indicate the Walgreens will be 25 feet in height. The elevation views for the bank building show the bank at 22 feet in height. Detailed height calculations must be submitted with the building permit to ensure that the project is compliant with the 25 feet height limit. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all development standards during the building permit review process. 2. ECDC 17.50 Off Street Parking Regulations Three parcels make up the development on the northwest corner of Edmonds Way and 100`" Avenue North. PCC Natural Market is on the western most parcel, there is a shared parcel that is developed with a parking lot, and the proposed site of the Walgreens and bank buildings is on the eastern most of these three parcels. PCC Market is approximately 3 5,73 3 square feet and the proposed Walgreens is 14,490 square feet. ECDC 17.5 0.020.B. I requires one space per 300 square feet for both PCC and Walgreens which results in 119 required parking spaces for PCC and 48 parking spaces for Walgreens. The bank is proposed to be 3,373 square feet and requires one space per 200 square feet or 17 parking spaces. For all three developments, a total of 184 parking spaces are required. Two - hundred and forty (240) parking stalls will be available after the proposed development; however, the parking agreement on the shared parking parcel (27033600113300) should be updated. Several parking agreements have been recorded on parcel 27033600113300, with the most recent being recorded under AFN 201103250158 (Attachment 10). The parking agreement is between three entities: Newkirk Washtex (PCC), the Wuscher Family Limited Partnership (WFLP), and the bowling alley (represented as the Guenther Entities). Newkirk Washtex has sole use of the 76 parking spaces on parcel 27033600107700 and according to the agreement have access to parking on the shared parking parcel (27033600113300) to "satisfy the parking —space requirements of permits and codes applicable to Newkirk Washtex." Guenther Entities (and their successors) have access to 66 parking spaces on the shared parcel, but only until April 30, 2015. The WFLP and their successors have access to at least 66 parking spaces (with no expiration date). The Walgreens will have 8 parking spaces located on its lot after the subdivision and thus need 40 parking spaces from the shared parking lot. The bank site will have 11 parking stalls associated with it and will need 6 parking spaces for the shared parking lot. As a condition of approval, the parking agreement should be updated to make clear that the Walgreens and bank have enough parking spaces to meet code requirements for the life of the development. 3. ECDC 20.11 General Design Review ECDC 20.11.010 requires the ADB to review general design review applications that trigger SEPA. This project required review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) due to the size of the proposed buildings (greater than 4,000) square feet. ECDC 20.11.030 lists the criteria for Building Design and Site Treatment that must be met. A. ECDC 20.11.030.A. Building Design. No one architectural style is required. The building shall be designed to comply with the purposes of this chapter and to avoid conflict with the existing and planned character of the nearby area. All elements of building design shall form an integrated development, harmonious in scale, line and mass. The following are included as elements of building design: Page 19 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 1. All exterior building components, including windows, doors, eaves, and parapets; Comments: All exterior building elements are harmonious with one another, the overall buildings themselves and integrate with the surrounding commercial development. 2. Colors, which should avoid excessive brilliance or brightness except where that would enhance the character of the area; Comments: Proposed colors include brick in both ebony (gray) and copper (reddish brown) along with stucco in color Brushed Aluminum (gray) and Delaware Puddy (off-white), metal canopies in Bone White metal panel and Blue (PMS 542C) metal trim accents. There are no excessive brilliant or bright colors associated with the proposed development. 3. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof, grounds or buildings should be screened from view from the street level; Comments: Mechanical equipment has not been shown with the elevation views. A condition of approval should be that all mechanical equipment and other utility hardware on the roof, grounds, or buildings will be screened to mitigate view impacts from street level. Screening could include the use of architectural elements, landscaping and/or fencing. 4. Long, massive, unbroken or monotonous buildings shall be avoided in order to comply with the purposes of this chapter and the design objectives of the comprehensive plan. This criterion is meant to describe the entire building. All elements of the design of a building including the massing, building forms, architectural details and finish materials contribute to whether or not a building is found to be long, massive, unbroken or monotonous. a. In multifamily (W or commercial zones, selections from among the following or similar features are appropriate for dealing with this criterion: Windows with architectural fenestration; ii. Multiple rooflines or forms; iii. Architecturally detailed entries; iv. Appropriate landscaping; V. The use of multiple materials; Comments: Both proposed buildings include numerous features designed to ensure facades are not long, massive, unbroken or monotonous. These features include the use of ample glazing, varied rooflines and cornice elements, canopies, light -shelves, landscaping trellises and changes in material and color. The Walgreens building will include variations in colors and materials to provide visual interest. Facades on Edmonds Way and facing the parking lot will include significant glazing and weather protection at the entry. Facades will be articulated and multiple rooflines and building forms incorporated in the design. The main entry to the building will be emphasized through a projecting roofline and two-story glazing. Although smaller in height and scale, the adjoining bank building will include similar design elements to ensure consistency of architectural treatment. 5. All signs should conform to the general design theme of the development. Comments: The Walgreens sign shown on the elevation views (Attachment 4) generally conform to the overall design theme of the building. The signage for the bank is not depicted on the elevation views, other than in a generic manner. The applicants are requesting an increase in the allowable sign area which is discussed in Section I.5 below. Page 20 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 Staff feels the project is consistent with design guidelines contained within ECDC 20.11.030.A. B. ECDC 20.11.030.B. Site Treatment. The existing character of the site and the nearby area should be the starting point for the design of the building and all site treatment. The following are elements of site treatment., 1. Grading, vegetation removal and other changes to the site shall be minimized where natural beauty exists. Large cut and fill and impervious surfaces should be avoided. Comments: The site is an existing developed parcel and does not contain any significant vegetation. Currently there is a large grade change along the north and east property lines with an existing retaining wall along the northern property boundary. As part of the proposed project, a portion of the existing retaining wall will be removed. A new retaining wall will be installed along the entire northern project boundary and a portion of the eastern property line. There will be minor re -grading along the eastern property line to bring this area level with the existing developed portion of the site. 2. Landscape treatment shall be provided to enhance the building design and other site improvements. Comments: A significant amount of new landscaping will be provided in association with the project, including, frontage improvements along Edmonds Way that will include a planter strip between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way, new rain gardens and other interior landscaping within the parking area, and landscaping included around the proposed buildings including a metal trellis on the Walgreens building that will support vines growing up the side of the building. 3. Landscape treatment shall be provided to buffer the development from surrounding property where conflict may result, such as parking facilities near yard spaces, streets or residential units, and different building heights, design or color. Comments: The subject property is located within the BN zone as are the properties to the east, west, and south (Attachment 1). The parcels to the north are zoned RS -8. The residential property to the north will be buffered by a 20 foot high retaining wall and landscaping installed along the entire northern property line. Landscaping on the interior parking area will be improved with the installation of rain gardens and additional landscaping. Additionally, frontage improvement along parcels 27033600113200 and 27033600113300 which include widening the sidewalks to approximately 7 feet in width and providing a planter strip between the sidewalk and Edmonds Way will further add in reducing the visual impacts of the parking lots. 4. Landscaping that could be damaged by pedestrians or vehicles should be protected by curbing or similar devices. Comments: All landscaping that could be damaged by pedestrians or vehicles will be protected by curbs. The landscape islands of the interior parking lot and the perimeter parking are all curbed. S. Service yards, and other areas where trash or litter may accumulate, shall be screened with planting or fences or walls which are compatible with natural materials. Comments: The proposed Walgreens building will have two self contained compactor units located along the north facade of the building. This area will be screened by the building itself and a chain link fence enclosure. The chain link fence should have slates placed within the chain link to sufficiently screen the compactor units from view. The bank building will Page 21 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 include a waste and recycling room within the footprint of the building and will be screened by the building itself and an exterior door. 6. All screening should be effective in the winter as well as the summer. Comments: The screening methods proposed include screening by the building itself, locating these areas inside of the building footprint, all of which will provide effective screening in the winter as well as the summer. 7. Materials such as wood, brick, stone and gravel (as opposed to asphalt or concrete) may be substituted for planting in areas unsuitable for plant growth. Comments: There are no areas of wood, brick, stone or gravel in lieu of landscaping proposed as part of this project. 8. Exterior lighting shall be the minimum necessary for safety and security. Excessive brightness shall be avoided. All lighting shall be low-rise and directed downward onto the site. Lighting standards and patterns shall be compatible with the overall design theme. Comments: The proposed project includes parking lot lighting, building facade lighting, lighted bollards and under canopy lighting which will provide adequate illumination of all areas used by automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians at locations such as building entries, walkways, parking areas and circulation areas. All proposed lighting is the minimum required for safety and security and will avoid excessive brightness. All lighting will be low- rise and directed downward onto the site. All lighting standards and patterns will be compatible with the overall design theme. The applicants have proposed to use taller light standards in order to be consistent with those already existing on the development. However, the proposed 30 foot tail light standards would exceed the height limit in the BN zone (25 feet). In order to be consistent with the design guidelines and the underlying zoning, the light standards can be no taller the 25 feet. As conditioned, staff feels the proposal is consistent with design guidelines contained within ECDC 4. ECDC 20.13 Landscaping Requirements ECDC 20.13 contains specific landscaping requirements for new developments, which the ADB may alter in accordance with the design review chapter. Four types of landscaping apply to this project; Type I along the northern property boundary, Type II along the eastern property boundary, Type III landscaping along Edmonds Way and Type V landscaping within the parking area. The applicants landscaping plan is included as Attachment 3. A. ECDC 20.13.030.A describes Type I landscaping as: Type I landscaping is intended to provide a very dense sight barrier to significantly separate uses and land use districts. 1. Two rows of evergreen trees, a minimum of 10 feet in height and planted at intervals of no greater than 20 feet on center. The trees must be backed by a sight -obscuring fence a minimum of five feet high or the required width of the planting area must be increased by 10 feet; and 2. Shrubs a minimum of three and one-half feet in height planted in an area at least five feet in width, and other plant materials, planted so that the ground will be covered within three years; Page 22 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 3. Alternatively, the trees and shrubs may be planted on an earthen berm at least 1 S feet in width and an average of five feet high along its midline. Type I landscaping is required along the northern project boundary where the property abuts residentially zoned property. This area is currently vegetated and the applicants intend to leave this area in its current state, apart from the construction of the 20 foot tall retaining wall along that will be extended along the project sites northern boundary. Any vegetation above the retaining wall that is damaged from the installation of the retaining wall will be replaced. There will be maple and arborvitae planted along the base of the retaining wall. Staff feels the landscaping provided on the northern boundary of the project is consistent with the requirements of Type I landscaping. B. ECDC 20.13.030.B describes Type II landscaping as: Type II landscaping is intended to create a visual separation between similar uses. 1. Evergreen and deciduous trees, with no more than 30 percent being deciduous, a minimum of six feet in height, and planted at intervals no greater than 20 feet on center; and 2. Shrubs, a minimum of three and one-half feet in height and other plant materials, planted so that the ground will be covered within three years. Type II landscaping is required along the projects eastern property boundary. The applicants have proposed to plant eight summit ash 30 feet on center as well as salal for the shrub and coastal strawberry for ground cover. The proposed planting is not consistent with ECDC in that all of the proposed trees are deciduous and they are planted 30 feet on center. The applicants argue that the site conditions at this location restricted the allowable planter' dimension to a width that would not accommodate healthy conifer growth and that the proposed landscaping was selected to create a seamless blend with that of the existing site. ECDC 20.13.000 allows the Architectural Design Board and Hearing Examiner to interpret and modify the requirements of the landscaping chapter. Staff feels the proposed landscaping meets the intent of Type II landscaping to create a visual separation between similar uses and would be complementary to other proposed landscaping associated with the proposal. C. ECDC describes Type III landscaping as: Type III Landscaping. Type III landscaping is intended to provide visual separation of uses from streets, and visual separation of compatible uses so as to soften the appearance of streets, parking areas and building elevations. 1. Evergreen and deciduous trees, with no more than 50 percent being deciduous, a minimum of six feet in height, and planted at intervals no greater than 30 feet on center; and 2. Ifplanted to buffer a building elevation, shrubs, a minimum of three and one-halffeet in height, and living ground cover planted so that the ground will be covered within three years; or 3. If planted to buffer a parking area, access, or site development other than a building, any of the following alternatives may be used unless otherwise noted: a. Shrubs, a minimum of three and one-half feet in height, and living ground cover must be planted so that the ground will be covered within three years. b. Earth -mounding, an average of three and one-half feet in height, planted with shrubs or living ground cover so that the ground will be covered within three years. This alternative may not be used in a downtown or waterfront area. Page 23 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 °c. A combination of earth mounding, opaque fences and shrubs to produce a visual barrier at least three and one-halffeet in height. The proposal includes frontage improvements along Edmonds Way that includes a planter strip separating the sidewalk from Edmonds Way. At the direction of the Public Works Department, nine (9) Bowhall red maples will be planted for street trees at 40 feet on center. While the planting is not consistent with ECDC 20.13.030.C.1, the proposed planter strip is consistent with the City's Street Tree Plan and will provide a visual separation and soften the appearance of the street and parking area consistent with the intent of Type III landscaping. Additional landscaping associated with the proposal includes plantings along the edge of the parking areas and adjacent to the buildings consistent with the requirements of ECDC 20.13.030.C.2 and C.3. Staff feels the proposed landscaping is consistent with the intent and requirements of Type III landscaping. D. ECDC 20.13.030.E describes Type V landscaping as: Type V landscaping is intended to provide visual relief and shade in parking areas. 1. Required Amount. a. If the parking area contains no more than 50 parking spaces, at least 17.5 square feet of landscape development must be provided as described in subsection (E)(2) of this section for each parking stall proposed. b. If the parking area contains more than 99 parking spaces, at least 35 square feet of landscape development must be provided as described in subsection (E)(2) of this section for each parking stall proposed. c. If the parking area contains more than 50 but less than 100 parking spaces, the director — or his designee — shall determine the required amount of landscaping by interpolating between 17.5 and 35 square feet for each parking stall proposed. The area must be landscaped as described in subsection (E)(2) of this section. 2.. Design. a. Each area of landscaping must contain at least 150 square feet of area and must be at least four feet in any direction exclusive of vehicle overhang. The area must contain at least one tree a minimum of six feet in height and with a minimum size of one and one- half inches in caliper if deciduous. The remaining ground area must be landscaped with plant materials, decorative mulch or unit pavers. b. A landscaped area must be placed at the interior ends of each parking row in a multiple lane parking area. This area must be at least four feet wide and must extend the length of the adjacent parking stall. c. Up to 100 percent of the trees proposed for the parking area may be deciduous. d. Bioswales integrated into parking lot designs are strongly encouraged. e. The minimum area per planter is 64 square feet. f. The maximum area per planter is 1,500 square feet for parking lots greater than 12,000 square feet. Planters shall be spread throughout the parking lot. g. Shade trees are required at the rate of a minimum of one per planter and/or one per 150 square feet of planter. Page 24 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 Between the shared parking lot on parcel number 27033600113300 on the parking provided on the lots for the Walgreens and bank there are there are 164 parking spaces, which pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.D.1.b would require 5,740 square feet of Type V landscaping. Based on the square footage numbers provided on the site plan (Attachment 2) the proposal includes 6,412 square feet of Type V landscaped areas. The majority of the Type V landscaping islands are at least 150 square feet consistent with ECDC 20.13.030.D.2.a. Three of the islands are below 150 square feet, but more than the minimum 64 square feet of planter area required by ECDC 20.13.030D.2.e. The proposal also includes three new rain gardens in the existing parking lot on parcel number 27033600113300. Some of the trees in the existing parking lot will be retained, and the landscaping islands that are being modified will include new trees. All trees within the parking areas will be deciduous species. Staff feels the Type V landscaping provided is consistent with the requirements of ECDC 20.13.030.D. Overall, staff feels the proposed landscaping is, for the most part, consistent with the requirements of ECDC 20.13. Where the proposal varies from the requirements of ECDC 20.13, the provided landscaping still meets the intent of the specific landscape Types described above. 5. ECDC 20.60 Signs Signs associated with the proposal will require separate building permits and are regulated by ECDC 20.60. The elevation views show there would be three wall signs associated with each building. The size of each individual sign has not been provided, however, the applicant is requesting an increase in the maximum allowable sign area. ECDC 20.60.025.A.1 limits the maximum total permanent sign area for permitted uses within the BN zone to one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of wall containing the main public entrance. The entrance for the Walgreens is located in the southwest corner of the building. The southern facade of the Walgreens is approximately 138 feet long, which according to ECDC 20.60.025.A.1 would provide for a maximum 138 square feet of sign area. The bank building has two entrances, one on the western facade and a second on the southern facade. The applicant's narrative indicates the western entrance is the main public entrance (Attachment 9). The western facade of the bank building is approximately 32 feet long, which translates to a maximum of 32 square feet of sign area. The applicants are requesting 143 square feet of sign area for the Walgreens and 138 square feet of sign area for the proposed bank. ECDC 20.60.0153 allows the ADB to approve requests from modification of the sign standards proscribed by ECDC 20.60 if certain criteria are met. The ADB shall only approve modification requests that meet all of the criteria established in ECDC 20.60.015.B. La — l .d. a. The request is for signage on a site that has a unique configuration, such as frontage on more than two streets or has an unusual geometric shape; Walgreens: Once the property is subdivided, each of the proposed buildings would be located on separate lots. The Walgreens building would be located on a lot that does not front a street and would be located in the northeast corner of the site. Given that this site is located away from the public streets, and no free standing sign is proposed to be located out on the street frontage for Walgreens, the Walgreens site appears to have a unique configuration. Page 25 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 Bank: The proposed bank is located 8 feet from the Edmonds Way right-of-way and does not appear to have a unique configuration. The applicant argues that the bank has three operable facades (the west entrance, the south entrance and the drive-through on the north side) and that more sign area is required to improve way finding. Staff does not feel the banks location or configuration meets the unique configuration criteria. b. The subject property, building, or business has site conditions that do not afford it the opportunity to provide signage consistent with or similar to other properties in the vicinity; Walgreens: The Walgreens could provide signage consistent with the sign code and other buildings in the area, but given its location setback from any street frontage, the amount of sign area allowed may not provide the same amount of visibility as other businesses with actual street frontage. Bank: The applicant argues that again that since the bank has three operable facades; additional sign area is required for adequate way finding. Staff feels that site conditions do not inhibit the bank from providing signage consistent with or similar to other properties in the vicinity. c. The design of the proposed signage must be compatible in its use of materials, colors, design and proportions with development throughout the site; Walgreens: The signage shown on the elevation views of the Walgreens indicate that the sign will be constructed of compliable materials, colors, design and proportion with the building. Bank: The signage shown on the bank elevation is generic in character and -it is hard to determine if this criterion will be met until a sign application is made. d. In no event shall the modification result in signage which exceeds the maximum normally allowed by more than 50 percent. Walgreens: The southern facade of the Walgreens is approximately 138 feet, which according to ECDC 20.60.025.A.I would provide for a maximum 138 square feet of sign area. The applicant is requesting 143 square feet of sign area which is only a 4% area increase over the allowed 13 8 square feet. Bank: ECDC 20.60.025.A. I limits the maximum total permanent sign area for permitted uses within the BN zone to one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of wall containing the main public entrance. In the narrative provided by the applicant (Attachment 9), the applicant indicates the west entrance is the main public entrance, but describes the southern facade as the main facade. The code specifically ties sign area to the main public entrance. The western facade is only 32 feet in width, which would allow a maximum of 32 square feet of sign area. The ADB could increase the allowed sign area by a maximum of 50%, which would equate to 48 square feet of sign area. If the southern entrance is used as the main entrance (since it is identified as the main facade) the bank may be allowed 98 square feet of sign area. The applicant is request 132 square feet of sign area, which is 35% increase of the 98 square feet using the southern entrance as the main entrance or approximately 400% more than would be allowed using the western entrance as the main entrance. Staff feels the request for 143 square feet of sign area for the Walgreens building is consistent with the criteria established in ECDC La — l .d. Page 26 of 28 Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 Staff does not believe the request of 132 square feet of sign area for the bank is consistent with the criteria established in ECDC 20.60.015.B. La — l .d. The Board could grant the bank building 48 square feet of sign area using the west entrance as the main public entrance, or 98 square feet of sign area using the southern entrance as the main public entrance. III. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to ECDC 20.11.020, when approving proposed development applications, the ADB is required to find that the proposed development is consistent with the criteria listed in ECDC 20.11.030 (General Design Review), the Comprehensive Plan, and the zoning ordinance. Based on the findings, analysis, conclusions, and attachments to this report, staff recommends that the ADB RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the design for the proposed Walgreens and bank buildings to the Hearing Examiner, files PLN20110076 - PLN20110078, with the following conditions: 1. Where walkways cross vehicular areas they will be clearly delineated through the use of striping. 2. The chain link should include slats that screen the compactors and tote storage areas from view. 3. The Walgreens may be allowed a maximum of 143 square feet of sign area. 4. Depending on the discussion before the ADB the bank may be allowed a maximum sign area of 48 square feet or 98 square feet. Height calculations are required with the building permit application in order to show that the project meets the 25' height limit. 6. The light standards installed in association with the project cannot exceed 25 feet in height. 7. In order to vest to the 8 foot street set back from Edmonds Way, the applicant must submit a complete building permit by close of business on July 14, 2012. 8. All mechanical equipment and other utility hardware on the roof, grounds, or buildings shall be screened to mitigate view impacts from street level. Screening could include the use of architectural elements, landscaping and/or fencing. The applicant must apply for and obtain all necessary permits. This application is subject to the requirements in the Edmonds Community Development Code. It is up to the applicant to ensure compliance with the various provisions contained in these ordinances. IV. PARTIES OF RECORD Seven Hills Properties Tom Rocco 88 Perry Street San Francisco, CA 94107 Wuscher Family LLLP 1812 West Main Puyallup, WA 98371-5202 Baysinger Partners Architecture PC William Ruecker 1006 SE Grand Ave, #300 Portland, OR 97214 Teri Terrano 9808 224th St SW Edmonds, WA 98020 Page 27 of 28 Robin Hood Lanes Mike Gubsch 9801 Edmonds Way Edmonds, WA 98020 David Bailey Anne-Lise Deering V. ATTACHMENTS John C McCullough McCullough Hill Leary 701 5"' Avenue Suite 7220 Seattle, WA 98104 Libby Hustler Bill Wormstedt Walgreens/Bank PLN20110076 - PLN20110078 1. Zoning and vicinity map 2. Site Plan 3. Landscape Plan 4. Walgreens elevations 5. Walgreens views 6. Bank elevations 7. Bank views 8. Applicant narrative on design review criteria 9. Applicant narrative, including responses to comprehensive plan criteria, landscaping, and signage requirements 10. Parking Agreement 11. Lighting Plan 12. John McCullough Comment Letter Page 28 of 28