StaffReport_ADB20110061-KeyBank.pdf&C"ITY OF EDMONDS 121 5"' Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web. mvw 9 <imon(]s &o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT . PLANNING DIVISION PLANNING O Project: Key Bank new drive through building at 9930 Edmonds Way (BN Zone) File Numbers: ADB -2011-61 / CU -2011-62 IPLN20110061 and PLN201100621 Date of Report: December 13, 2011 Staff Contact: m •s...e�°"t'� Gina Coccia, Associate Planner ADB Meeting: Wednesday — December 21St at 7:00 P.M. Edmonds Public Safety Complex: Council Chambers 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Consolidated design review and conditional use permit review of a proposed new 2740 square foot single -story drive-through building for a Key Bank branch. The proposal includes two teller lanes, 14 parking stalls, and associated paving, landscaping, and utility improvements on an existing 0.44 acre parcel at 9930 Edmonds Way, which currently contains a full-service Shell gas station. The drive-through use proposed requires a conditional use permit (PLN20110062) and because the scope of work triggers review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) design review by the Architectural Design Board (ADB) is required (PLN20110061). The design review and conditional use permit review are considered Type III -B projects under Section 20.01.003 ECDC. The ADB meeting is not a public hearing - the public hearing on this project is scheduled for January 26, 2012 and public notice for the upcoming hearing will soon be provided. The following represents staff's findings of fact, analysis, conclusions, and recommendation on the project. Key Bank PLN20110061/PLN20110062 II. FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicant: Joel Howitt of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. representing Key Bank. 2. Owner: Harry & Rosalie Yourist. 3. Tax Parcel Number: 27033600113600. 4. Location: 9930 Edmonds Way, Edmonds WA 98026 (Attachment 1). S. Size: 19,166 square feet/ 0.44 Acres. 6. Zoning: Neighborhood Business (BN), subject to Chapter 16.45 ECDC. 7. Proposed Use: New drive-through bank building with associated site improvements. 8. Existing Use: Full-service Shell gas station that is commercially zoned. 9. Process: Consolidated design review and conditional use permit. For this project, the ADB reviews the design of the proposal and makes an overall design recommendation to the Hearing Examiner on whether the proposal is consistent with the zoning ordinance and the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Hearing Examiner makes the final decision on both the design and the conditional use permit. This is a Type "III -B" development project application. B. 'SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) was required and a determination of non- significance (DNS) was issued by the City on December 7, 2011 (Attachment 5). This is a phased SEPA review for the building and site improvements only (the second phase of SEPA review will address the large underground storage tanks and site remediation, which will be issued in the near future on behalf of the current property owner). No appeals were received. Both the City and the Applicant have complied with SEPA requirements. C. NOTICE A "Notice of Application" was published in the Herald Newspaper, posted at the subject site, as well as the Public Safety Complex, Community Development Department, and the Library. Notices were also mailed to owners within 300 feet of the site. The City has complied with the noticing provisions of ECDC 20.03 (Public Notice). Notice of the upcoming public hearing on the conditional use permit will soon be published, posted, and mailed, as required. D. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE This application was reviewed and evaluated by the Fire District, Engineering Division, Parks and Recreation Department, Community Services & Economic Development Director, as well as the Public Works Department. This application evolved tremendously over the last several months, and what you are reviewing is the latest version. There was, of course, initial comments and concerns by the reviewing departments, however these issues seem to have been addressed over the course of the last few months. The Applicant is aware that a thorough review of the entire scope of work will take place during the building permit process. Page 2 of 8 Key Bank pLN2011006:/Pum20110062 �AL ENVIRONMENT 1. Mostly flat. The City's UDARdata shows only atwo foot elevation change across the entire site. 2. Soils: According to the Soil Survey of Snohomish County Area, Washington, this site consists of "Urban Land" (Map Unit Symbol 78). 3. Critical Areas: |twas determined that there are no critical areas on nradjacent tothis property (File No.CRA19980222). 4.Wildlife: None noted upon site visit. 5. : The site is mostly paved with small landscaping strips along the street frontage and corner. 8. : It has been determined that this project is not within State Shoreline jurisdiction because itixlocated over one mile from the nearest shoreline. � F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS I This property islocated inthe Neighborhood Business /8N\zone. The neighborhood surrounding the site consists ofcommercial 01 development along Edmonds Way inwhat is known asthe Westgate neighborhood. Shopping centers tothe west (Borte||'o,Starbucks, Subway) north, and east, grocery stores 10the north and northwest (PCC and QFC) along with numerous neighborhood commercial businesses. AsinQ|e family residential /R5'O\neighborhood surrounds the BNzone. There are many new bank buildings planned orinthe process ofbeing constructed in the immediate vicinity, many ofwhich will have drive-through teller lanes. Access will remain off both 10/fhand Edmonds Way (SR-1U4),the latter of which is considered a "Principal Arterial." G. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designation for this site is "Community Commercial." Anexcerpt ofgoals and policies from the City ofEdmonds Comprehensive Plan related tothis project areshovvnbe|ovv: Goals for Community Commercial Areas. Community commercial areas are comprised of commercial development se/xingnduo/pu/pose:servicesondshoppingfbrbothk/co/reskdents and regional traffic. The intent ofthe community commercial designation is torecognize both oy these purposes by permitting a range of businesses and mixed use development while maintaining oneighborhood scale and design character. Page 3 of 8 Key Bank PLN20110061/PLN20110062 C.I. Permit uses in community commercial areas that serve both the local neighborhood and regional through -traffic. C.2. Provide for transit and pedestrian access in addition to the need to accommodate automobile traffic. C.3. Provide for the pedestrian -scale design of buildings that are two stores or less in height and that contain architectural features that promote pedestrian activity. C.4. Provide pedestrian walkways and transit connections throughout the community commercial area, assuring connections to nearby residential neighborhoods. (2010 Comprehensive Plan, page 74) Access is taken off both streets as well as through the adjacent parcel to the east (Ivar's). The building height and bulk is not massive at one single story and only 2740 square feet in area, which is good considering it will be set right at the corner. And the Council recently amended the street setbacks in the BN zone to allow buildings to be closer to the street property lines in order to promote pedestrian activity. Goals and objectives for site design, building form, and building fagade are discussed in the Comprehensive Plan's Urban Design chapter (pages 90-98). 1. Vehicular Access: Access is taken off of Edmonds Way and 100th, as well as cutting through the Ivar's parking lot. The drive-through lanes are routed around the back of the building. 2. Location and Layout of Parking: 14 parking stalls are proposed. Parking lot landscaping is sparse, however four small raingardens are shown. 3. Pedestrian Connections Offsite: There is an existing sidewalk along Edmonds Way and 100th 4. Building Entry Location: The building entry is pedestrian friendly in that there is a pedestrian connection leading out towards the sidewalk at the corner of the intersection. The building was rotated specifically to create a welcoming feeling for pedestrians. S. Setbacks: There are no comparable buildings on either side of this site, but the setback chosen feels appropriate in that it isn't set too far back and remains up near the street edge with sidewalk and landscaping in between. 6. Open Space: None provided, none required. 7. Weather Protection: The building entry is covered and inviting. 8. Lighting: Exterior building lighting proposed (sconces), as well as site lighting. Three 20 -foot poles are proposed (see E-0.1), which will be comparable to the height of the building. 9. Signage: The applicant has not submitted a sign permit at this time. The signage indicated on the elevations and renderings seems appropriate and not out of scale (channel letters, and no freestanding sign is shown), however the exact area and number of signs will be reviewed under a separate building permit. 10. Site Utilities, Storage, Trash and Mechanical: No details are provided other than the footprint of a trash enclosure at the SE corner of the site. The applicant will need to work with Steve Fisher in the Public Works Department to ensure that this is an appropriate size and location for the proposed enclosure. 11. Landscape Buffers: More landscaping is proposed than currently exists. Page 4 of 8 Key Bank PLN20110061/PLN20110062 12. Height: There are no views from this site; the building will be one single storey. 13. Massing: Human scale elements are encouraged; situating this building at the corner is one way the applicant has chosen to accomplish this objective. The footprint of the building is boxy, so turning it at an angle gives the illusion of breaking up the mass. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the above policies and goals in the Comprehensive Plan. H. PUBLIC CONCERNS The public hearing has been scheduled for review by the Hearing Examiner on Thursday, January 26 at 3:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Public Safety Complex. Public comments can be received up until the close of the public hearing and should include the party's name and mailing address. After the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner has two weeks to issue his decision in writing. After the decision is issued, there is a two week appeal period. t. APPLICABLE CODES' 1. Chapter 16.45 ECDC (BN: Neighborhood Business) The site is located in the Neighborhood Business (BN) zone and subject to the requirements of ECDC 16.45. The office (bank) use is a permitted primary use (16.45.010.A.3 ECDC), however the drive- through component requires a conditional use permit (16.45.010.C.2). The minimum street setback in the BN zone (within the Westgate Community Center) has been recently reduced to only 8 feet along SR -104 and 5 feet along 100`h Avenue West (ECDC 16.45.020.A, footnote #2). There are no side setbacks because it is not adjacent to residentially - zoned properties. The maximum height is 25 feet. The project is shown at 22'2" from the finished floor. Detailed height calculations must be submitted with the building permit application to ensure that the project remains under 25. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all development standards during the building permit process. 2. Chapter 17.50 ECDC (Off Street Parking Regulations) Pursuant to ECDC, banks require one parking stall for every 200 square feet of gross building square footage. The building area is given as 2740 square feet, which requires 14 (13.7) parking stalls. 14 parking stalls have been provided, which meets this requirement. If any changes are made to the building area, the parking will be re -calculated. Compliance with the parking regulations in Chapter 17.50 ECDC is verified with the building permit review. 3. Chapter 20.11 ECDC (General Design Review) ECDC 20.11.010 requires the ADB to review general design review applications that trigger SEPA. This project required review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) due to the massive underground storage tanks that will need to be excavated. ECDC 20.11.030 lists the criteria for Building Design and Site Treatment that must be met. ECDC 20.11.030.A. Building Design. No one architectural style is required. The building shall be designed to comply with the purposes of this chapter and to avoid conflict with the existing and Page 5 of 8 Key Bank PLN20110061/PLN20110062 planned character of the nearby area. All elements of building design shall form an integrated development, harmonious in scale, line and mass. The following are included as elements of building design: 1. All exterior building components, including windows, doors, eaves, and parapets, 2. Colors, which should avoid excessive brilliance or brightness except where that would enhance the character of the area; 3. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof, grounds or buildings should be screened from view from the street level; 4. Long, massive, unbroken or monotonous buildings shall be avoided in order to comply with the purposes of this chapter and the design objectives of the comprehensive plan. This criterion is meant to describe the entire building. All elements of the design of a building including the massing, building forms, architectural details and finish materials contribute to whether or not a building is found to be long, massive, unbroken or monotonous. a. In multifamily (RM) or commercial zones, selections from among the following or similar features are appropriate for dealing with this criterion: i. Windows with architectural fenestration; ii. Multiple rooflines or forms; iii. Architecturally detailed entries, iv. Appropriate landscaping, v. The use of multiple materials; 5. All signs should conform to the general design theme of the development. a. The project complies with ECDC 20.11.030.A (Building Design). The building is not massive the awning details and windows make each elevation appear interesting. There are several windows on all elevations and there is a detailed front entry. Materials chosen include a stone base with brick above, which.is important in making the building feel pedestrian friendly as it sits very near the sidewalk. ECDC Site Treatment. The existing character of the site and the nearby area should be the starting point for the design of the building and all site treatment. The following are elements of site treatment: 1. Grading, vegetation removal and other changes to the site shall be minimized where natural beauty exists. Large cut and fill and impervious surfaces should be avoided. 2. Landscape treatment shall be provided to enhance the building design and other site improvements. 3. Landscape treatment shall be provided to buffer the development from surrounding property where conflict may result, such as parking facilities near yard spaces, streets or residential units, and different building heights, design or color. 4. Landscaping that could be damaged by pedestrians or vehicles should be protected by curbing or similar devices. 5. Service yards, and other areas where trash or litter may accumulate, shall be screened with planting or fences or walls which are compatible with natural materials. 6. All screening should be effective in the winter as well as the summer. 7. Materials such as wood, brick, stone and gravel (as opposed to asphalt or concrete) may be substituted for planting in areas unsuitable for plant growth. Page 6 of 8 Key Bank PLN20110061/PLN20110062 8. Exterior lighting shall be the minimum necessary for safety and security. Excessive brightness shall be avoided. All lighting shall be low-rise and directed downward onto the site. Lighting standards and patterns shall be compatible with the overall design theme. b. The project appears to comply with ECDC (Site Treatment). Exterior lighting proposed consists of three 20 -foot tall light poles, similar to what can be observed at grocery store parking lots. The need for three of these light poles is not expressed in the application (Would one or two poles suffice? How would this light affect neighboring properties?). The landscaping chosen should enhance and soften the building design. The rooftop mechanical equipment is screened on the roof by the parapet. Grading quantities depend on the future removal of the large underground tanks, as well as the amount of soil to be removed/imported for the site remediation. Staff recommends that the applicant come prepared to discuss and explain the various types of lighting proposed, because there are several different products shown in Attachments 7 and 4. 4. Chapter 20.13 ECDC (Landscaping Requirements) Chapter 20.13 ECDC contains specific landscaping requirements for new developments, which the ADB may alter in accordance with the design review chapter. The landscaping chapter in its entirety is attached for review (Attachment 8). Adjacent zoning to the east and south is also BN, as well as across the street to the north and west. Staff suggests that the ADB review all of the on-site landscaping proposed and leave the street tree species to the Parks Department for final approval, as there are several species on the list. Staff recommends that the ADB discuss the amount of landscaping proposed for compliance with ECDC 20.13 and determine if the project necessitates an exception to these standards or if additional plantings should be required. S. Chapter 20.60 ECDC (Signs) Signs require building permits and are regulated through chapter 20.60 ECDC. No sign information has been provided for review other than what is shown on the renderings. Several channel letter wall signs are shown, but no monument sign is shown. They appear to be applied lettering. It is unknown if they are to be illuminated. The sign review will be conducted as a separate building permit review. The applicant should be aware that the City Council recently amended the sign code to allow no more than three (3) signs per site. Page 7 of 8 Key Bank PLN20110061/PLN20110062 L. Pursuant to ECDC 20.11.020, when approving proposed development applications, the ADB is required to find that the proposed development is consistent with the criteria listed in ECDC 20.11.030 (General Design Review), the Comprehensive Plan, and the zoning ordinance. Based on the findings, analysis, conclusions, and attachments to this report, staff recommends that the ADB RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the design of the Key Bank building to the Hearing Examiner, files PLN20110061/PLN20110062, with the following conditions: 1. The street tree species shall be reviewed and approved by the Parks Department for compliance with the Street Tree Plan during the building permit review process. 2. Height calculations are required with the building permit application in order to show that the project meets the 25' height limit. 3. The building shall be clad with a stone band around the base of the building with brick above in order to appear pedestrian friendly. The applicant must apply for and obtain all necessary permits. This application is subject to the requirements in the Edmonds Community Development Code. It is up to the applicant to ensure compliance with the various provisions contained in these ordinances. IV. PARTIES OF RECORD 1. Joel Howitt / Barghausen Consulting Engineers 1821572 nd Avenue South, Kent WA 98032 2. Mark Phillips / Key Bank 3300 E 1't Ave, Denver CO 80205 3. Harry & Rosalie Yourist 935 N 175th, Shoreline WA 98133 1. Zoning and vicinity map 2. Land use application 3. Project Description & Design Criteria 4. 11/04/2011 Plans: Elevations, Site Plan, Landscaping Plan, Grading, Drainage, Lighting Plan 5. SEPA DNS & Environmental Checklist 6. Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Recommendations 7. Lighting Specifications 8. ECDC 20.13 Landscaping Requirements Page 8 of 8