StevensSurgeryLockers1.pdf City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 DATE: April 30, 2007 TO: David Oskamp FAX: 206-640-4443 FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Plan Check #2007-0380 Project: Interior remodel of surgery floor (basement) locker rooms th Project Address: 21601 76 Ave W During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found on the plans. Please submit revised plans/documents to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. th 1.Under General Site Information on Sheet R0.00, revise site address to 21601 76 Ave W. 2.On Campus Map on Sheet R.00, show the location of the area of work under this permit. 3.On all sheets call out all uses of space. 4.On Sheet R0.10 Code Analysis, show all fire and life-safety information and applicable fire ratings (such as shafts, corridors, smoke barriers, bearing walls, exit enclosures, doors, etc. and coordinate with past plans issued for this floor/building). 5.Provide detail for seismic anchoring of partitions to floor structure above to meet IBC 1621.1.2, ASCE-7 section for lateral bracing. 6.Show detail of fire rated floor-ceiling assembly and how it will be maintained for this remodel. Some areas of the hospital have fire rated ceiling grid systems as part of the fire rated floor-ceiling assembly. 7.The accessible route of travel is required throughout the remodeled areas, including but not limited to restrooms, locker rooms, showers, maneuvering distances, etc. Provide details showing compliance and cross-reference where they apply on the plans. 8.Provide the 1-hour listed and tested assembly reference number for partition type 01 on Sheet A2.01. Include all assembly construction requirements. 9.Provide details of the proposed soffit showing it below and adjacent to existing 1-hour fire rated assemblies (not penetrating the assembly). 10.The alterations require accessibility upgrades per IBC/WAC 3409.6. On the plans clearly show that the exterior and interior accessible route of travel complies with current code, or provide upgrades per the previously referenced section. If you choose to use exception #1 of that section, provide a letter stamped and signed by the architect (reference the code exception), stating what parts of the existing site and building are not accessible, the project cost and what 20% of it equals, list the upgrades that will be done as part of this permit as well as showing that the total cost of the upgrades is at least 20%.