Stewart TIA.pdf#E82a City of Ediri"Iiands "l-raffic-': Ii"�I'ipact Ar"ialyped iii s Wor;1-1eet Name of Proposed Project.._9W0L4A-_,) A .. . ........ . . ........... . . .............................. Owner/Appfica.nt CA�N A Name S treet[Mai ling Address LA -mo (N s City State Zip Telephone: Applicant Contact Person: N Street/Mailing Address City State Zip Telepllomle. Trafflc Engineer who prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis. Hn-n Name Contact Nanie '1"elephoie: E-mail: THRESHOLD LEVELS OF ANALYSIS Pr(kject Traffic Levels Sections V) Complete 1. Less than 25 peak hour trips, generated I and 7 only (Workshect/Checklisl) 11. More than 25 peak -hour trips generated All sections 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. Location - Street address: s-�Y-ee* E Aw-oc\do W A a, viciui4, map and site plan.) b. Specify existing land USC ._._ CS c. Specify proposed type and size of development: (# qfresidenthal tnits and-1101-st Ifo, "")puilding') T'J! Revised on 6115110 E82a - Trq/,fic linpaci Anal."is Worksheel 6-2010 hum, I ol'5 d. When will the project begin construction and when will it be completed? ajMmly/ 2o�W'-V\W 1m k e. Define proposed access locations:. S�\,C �i ueyi i,,A (a�1uti Strmeel f. Define proposed sight distance at site egress locations: ?1v �- \ e a -.s :' CaoO Ciln W M Source shall be the Eighth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manual. For independent fee calculations, the current edition of the ITE manual may be used. ADT = Average Daily Traffic PM Peak -hour trips (AM, noon or school peak may also apply as directed by the City Engineer a. Existing Site Trip Generation Table: d. State assumptions and methodology for internal, link -diverted or passby trips: Revised on 6/23/10 F.82a - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet 6-2010 Page 2 of 5 s. TRAFFIC VOLUMES Provide the following and other city -planned development traffic as provided by the City. a. Describe existing ADT and peak -hour counts (less than two years old), including turning movements, on street adjacent to and directly impacted by the project. b. Describe the estimated ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning movements, the year the project is fully open (with and without project traffic). c. Describe the estimated ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning movements, five years after the project has been fully open (with and without project traffic). d. State annual background traffic growth factor and source: 6. LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS a, Summarize Level of Service Analysis below and attach supporting LOS analysis documentation. Provide the following documentation for each arterial street or arterial intersection impacted by ten or more peak -hour trips. Other City -planned developments must also be factored into the LOS calculations. LOS I I LOS Existing Conditions Existing f Delays Year of Opening With Project Without Project Five Years Beyond Change of With Project Without Project Land Use b. Note any assumptions/variations to standard analysis default values and justifications: Revised on 6123110 F82a - Traffic Impact Analpis Worksheet 6-2016 Page 4 of 5 Gouepsed pomels E r_ 2) U0 Wo f 1i 0. 1-4 4D 0(% 0 0 zoo 0r� mo Gouepsed pomels r_ 2) 7 f 1i 0. 1-4 7 f 1i 0. 1-4