STF20070010 5-17-07 SCRIBER LK PRINC LETTER.pdfM"i"kY 17 2901
May 14, 2007 &DI�G ���� r���� r
To Whom ItMayConcern,
This letter addresses your request°for additional information regarding the enrollment of
;Scriber Lake High School and` the Options Program as these programs transition to the
Former Woodway High School for the 2007-2008 school year:
The Scriber Lake High School program has a maximum of 13 classroom teachers for
.2.007-2008. The maximum number of students in any classroom is 22. Theoretically,
then, the maximum enrollment would be 286. However,. historically the program "starts
with 1.50-175 students in September and: grows to a maximum of
2,25 in February -June.
The Options Program has a maximum of4 classroom teachers for 2007-2008. The
maximum number of students for the program is SO.. However, there are never 80
students on the campus at the same time. The 7`178"' grade program has a maximum of 30
students who Attend all day. The 9=12 program has a msxitnurn of,25 stridents for the
morning section and a maximum of 25 stuiients for the aflremoori;section. Therefore, the
maximum. number of Options Program students who are on campus at one time is 551.
Totalingboth programs, then, the maximum number of classroom teachers is 17,.with
maximum. enrollment of.225 + 55 = 280.
Vele are cxcited'about:this location for Scriber Lake High and the Options Program. It
willbe: wonderful, to occupy a high school instead of an elementary building. Thanks for
your help. in the process. if you need more information, please contact me.
Kathy Cl
-OUR i9r1i*SaION.
To ACIVOCA M for all students kyikoviniiG a inning envirDrunent which k"iMMWM students, staff and tkte community to TWAT their
pemor€al; creative ai d acndernic potendal in order to-BECOMEhiel nz €eam. sand resp(insible world citims.