STF2008-0001 App letter 1-10-08.pdfcS'C1�Do" -DDD/ me M Al. DATE: December 12, 2007 TO: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official, City of Edmonds FROM: Mike Adams RE: Plan Check: #12007-0043, 2007-0044, 2007-0045, and 2007-0046 Project: Arbor Villa Carports Project Address: 7503 and 7505 212th Street SW, Edmonds See the following information, corrections, or clarifications as required. JAN 1 C 2008 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDMONDS Previous items 3 & 4: Your response regarding IBC Table 704.8 footnote C does not address the fire separation distance to the imaginary property line between the carports and the existing R2 condo building which was included in all past plan review comments and discussed on the phone and at the counter. IBC 704.3 requires that when a new building is placed on a lot with an existing building, the placement of the imaginary property line cannot affect the existing building with regards to exterior wall rating and opening protection. This has still not been addressed on the plans. The imaginary property line between the existing building and the new carports is still missing from the plans. For example, if an imaginary property line were centered between carports BID and the existing 6 -unit building, exterior walls of both the existing building and carports must be 1 -hour fire rated, and no openings would be permitted in the exterior wall of the existing building facing the imaginary property line, nor the new carports facing the imaginary property line. During one discussion at the counter, you were going to use exception to IBC 704.3, which is also noted in previous pian review comments. The exception requires that Chapter 5 requirements (allowable area, stories, type of construction, etc.) be met for the combined buildings. For example, if carports B & D combined with the existing North building can meet these requirements, then exterior wall and opening protection is not required. City records show the existing buildings as Type VA (1 -hour rated). If this exception is used, this would require that the carports meet Type VA construction requirements — same as the existing buildings (See IBC Table 601), including fire rated columns, beams, roof -ceiling assembly, etc. Currently the carports are Type IV construction. Please provide code justification for your current design. We still want to use the exception to IBC 704.3 and submit the carport construction as Type VA (One -Hour) with an Alternate Design per IBC Section 904.99. Sheet A2.00 shows the Erre rated construction details with the column and beam sizes based upon the RITC technical note 7. Calculation of Fire Resistance of Glued Laminated Timbers published by the American Institute of Timber Construction. We plan on using the GA File NO. RC 2509 for the roof deck construction. t 425.775.1530 21911 76th Ave W, Suite 210 Incorporated in the State of Washington taylor gregoty butterfleld architects f 425.774.7503 Edmonds WA 98026 www.tgbarchitects.corn Please see sheet A1.00 for building type clarification. Sheets A2.00, A3.00 and A4.00 have been revised to accommodate the changes required for submitting as an Alternate Design. 2. Previous item 6: Still waiting for Special Inspection and Testing Agreements to be submitted for soil bearing verification and welding. Please see attached Special Inspection and Testing Agreement. Sincerely, Mike Adams t 425.778.1530 21911 76th Ave W, Suite 210 Incorporated in the State of Washington taylor gregory butter€ield architects IN f 425.774.7803 EdmondsWA98026 www.tgbarchitects.com