Storm Drainage Study.pdfSURVEYORS • PLANNERS • ENGINEERS 13000 Highway 99 South • Everett, Washington 98204 (425) 356-2700 FAX (425) 356-2708 idol STORM DRAINAGE STUDY For BRIAN & CINDY ISAACSON 16007-73 r'PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON BLD 20090743 (Building Permit) ISSUE DATE: MAY 2, 2008 REVISION DATE: February 24, 2010 PREPARED & REVIEWED BY: BARRY R. CONSTANT, P.E. EDITED BY:r JESSE JARRELL, P.E.,p" ;I� e Z" 301 )10 CLIENT: Brian & Cindy Isaacson 701-5 lh Avenue, Suite 4770 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 448-1011 WESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. Job No. 06-792XA 5— LAND USE CONSULTANTS • CIVIL ENGINEERS • LAND SURVEYORS • ENGINEERING CORPORATION 1. ATTACHMENT "A" DRAINAGE INFORMATION SUMMARY FORM Summary Table Drainage Basin Information TOTAL On-site Development Area 0.14 ac Type of Storage Proposed Ex. Plat Detention system Approximate .storage Volum a ___.. A .�. �. ....1 100 cf. .............�.�. Soil types... ALDERWOOD-URBAN LAND COMPLEX Type C E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc 1, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed project is located at 16007 — 73`d Place West in the City of Edmonds, Washington. More generally, the site is located in Section 5, Township 27 North, and Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian in Snohomish County, Washington. Please refer to the Vicinity Map attached in the next section. The approximate 0.14 -acre site is currently vacant land consisting primarily of residential lawn. The entire site in located inside a geologically hazardous area. The main hazard is landslides and the resulting landslide debris generally covering the site. See Geotechnical Report issued March 31, 2008 by Terra Associates, Inc. authored by Charles R. Lie, L.E.G. and stamped by the company principal Theodore J. Scheppler, P.E. The: site contains Alderwood-Urban Land Complex type soils. Please refer to the soil map and descriptions attached later in the geotechnical report. Other Geotechnical Reports have been listed in the above report. The planned development for the site includes the construction of 1 new single-family residence, which essentially covers most of the lot. No roadwork is proposed along the frontage except the addition of a driveway to connect the garage to the road. Since this is a landslide hazard area, with groundwater seeping from the hillside above the residence, we are proposing No storm water detention system. All of the past studies from a number of engineering companies have all recommended immediate removal of all storm water and groundwater from the area. The purpose of a detention system is to contain storm water and release it at the pre -developed rate, mimicking the natural runoff before the development. Installing a pipe detention system would negate any benefits derived from this system. Any chance of the detained runoff infiltrating back into the soils may have a grossly negative, long- term effect, to the area. Sewer service is provided from an existing sanitary side sewer and cleanout located near the northwest corner of the site. Excavation is required to provide the side service tap to the new residence. Water service will be provided by a new side service tap and a meter located just north of the new 30' driveway. At this time it is unknown if a NFPA 13-D fire suppression system will be installed. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS -. The approximate 0.14 -acre site is currently vacant land. The entire site in It"a ll' lil, i c; a geologically hazardous area. The main hazard is landslides and the resulting landslide debris generally covering the site. Due to the recent approval of a clearing and grading permit, through the City of Edmonds, the site has been roughly cleared and graded for the new single-family building permit. The entire site consists of stabilized soils overlaid with jute matting and hydroseed. Per site visit on January 9th, 2010, new grass growth has began on-site with no other significant vegetation. 3. OFFSITE ANALYSIS A site reconnaissance was done by Barry R. Constant, P.E. of Western Engineers Inc. on October 19, 2007 to verify the downstream flow paths. The weather was rainy with a temperature around 55 degrees. The approximate 0.14 -acre site is currently vacant land. The entire site in located inside a geologically hazardous area. The main hazard is landslides and the resulting landslide debris generally covering the site. The site contains Alderwood-Urban Land Complex type soils. Please refer to the soil map and descriptions attached later in this report. A: Upstream Analysis Upstream flows into the site primarily consist of steady hillside `seeps' and runoff from upslope from the neighboring property to the east. These flows are considered major contribution to this landslide hazardous area and cannot be ignored. B: Downstream Analysis Please refer to the Downstream Analysis Map attached in the next page for a detailed description of the downstream drainage course. From the surrounding topography, and topographic aerial maps, it appears that the majority of runoff from the site travels west and into the existing underground conveyance system located along the east side of the private road (Lorian Woods drainage conveyance system). As the runoff enters into the existing conveyance system, the flow travels north and eventually turns west and enters into the underground detention system installed for the Plat. From the detention system, the flow outlets to the north and enters into the main drainage system on the north side of N. Meadowdale Road (city drainage system). The drainage system on the north side of N. Meadowdale Road conveys the majority of the runoff from the area, to the west where it eventually enters into Puget Sound approximately 200 yards west of the site. No visible offsite drainage problems were observed at the time of field inspection. Refer to the following pages for Downstream Analysis Map, Aerial Basin Map and USGS Map. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc Downstream Aerial Map E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc AERIAL AND DOWNSTREAM MAP TAKEN FROM THE USGS TERRA SERVER WEB SITE Western Engineers rwa • PLANNERS • ENGINEERS 13000 Hwy 99 South, Everett, WA 98204 (425) 356-2700+(425) 356-2708 (FAX) E-mail: wei.inc@gte.net ISAACSON BUILDING PERMIT EDMONDS, WA 98026 SCALE: None I DATE: 02/24/10 CHECKED: JAJ JOB NUMBER: FILE NAME: BY: JAJ 06-792XA Aerial Map 4. DRAINAGE PROPOSAL The planned storm water development for upstream flows includes a dedicated drainage conveyance system for the hillside seeps, upstream flows and extensive drainage around the new catchment / retaining wall. On-site drainage, for the new patio, residence and driveway will consist of perimeter roof and footing drains. The roof and footing drains are to consist of separate systems which will connect to the recently installed storm conveyance system located along the frontage of the site. The hillside seeps have been located in the field by Western Engineers, Inc. surveyors. As mentioned, in almost all of the previous reports, collecting this drainage and other upstream flows and keeping it from infiltrating into the landslide debris is paramount to the safety of the residence and future stability of the hillside. Through recent construction, a number of aluminum (or similar) trays fabricated, have been installed that will collect the water from the seep area and convey the drainage to the cities storm system and the storm system constructed for the Lorian Woods Plat. Upstream flows, that travel west along the south side of the property, have been bypassed around the site and connect to the cities storm conveyance system located in the center of the private road used to access the site. From there, the cities drainage system travels north, under the existing private road, where it eventually intersects with the existing city drainage system located at the north side of the intersection of the private road and North Meadowdale Road. All other upstream flows to the east of the site travel west, along the northern boundary line of the site, and connect to the private storm system for the Lorian Woods Plat. As the flow connects in to the private system for the Lorian Woods Plat, the flow travels west and then south into an existing detention pipe installed for the original plat (located on the property at the southwest side of the intersection of the private road and North Meadowdale Road). From the existing detention pipe, the flow travels north across North Meadowdale Road, and into the cities storm conveyance system. Refer to the updated civil drawings that represent the recently installed storm system along the north and south perimeters of the site. The catchment / retaining wall, located along the eastern boundary line of the site, is a geotechnical recommendation to protect the residence from any possible landslide debris from impacting the structure. This wall was designed by Reed & Associates based on a boring advanced onsite previously this year. The catchment wall will extend vertically 3 -feet (minimum) above the existing grade where the wall is located. Extensive underground drainage, on the upper side of the wall, is planned to be constructed with the proposed building permit which will bypass any upstream flows entering the site. The upper wall drainage will provide geotechnical fabric against to upper wall or install washed drain rock as an alternative for ground water and rainfall runoff to enter the footing drain. See detail on sheet 5 of the revised civil plans. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc 4. DRAINAGE PROPOSAL (continued) The new storm piping slopes are dependant on the final elevations of the upper portion of the soils above the wall. We recommend that the wall drain system on the uphill side has a clean-out located at the highest soil elevation on the wall (near the middle), and the perforated pipe sloped down gradient to each end of the wall. The pipe shall be continuous in nature from the clean out at the north end of the wall to the south end. The pipe, just at the south end of the wall, should become solid pipe and tight lined directly into the drainage conveyance system located along the southern boundary line of the site. See Geotech Report for further recommendations. As the catchment wall is integrated into the house foundation through the reinforced concrete patio surface itself (approx 12 -16 -inches thickness), the under patio drainage system must be installed prior to concrete placement in the patio area. See design drawings for specifics. We anticipate that the house foundation will be installed first, then the catchment wall and finally the patio surface. The contractor must also ensure that all patio and footing drains are installed prior to the concrete placement on the patio. Patio surface is sloped towards the drains at a 2 percent maximum. The high point in the patio drainage system is designed around the rooftop downspouts, which tie into the under patio drainage system. From the high point, near the northern end of the patio, the drainage flows to the south and into the storm conveyance system located along the southern boundary line of the site. Since this system can only be installed once, all care must to taken to ensure that the pipes and rooftop connections are installed correctly and of top quality materials. The residence will have two dedicated drainage systems that include rooftop runoff control, footing drains and foundation wall geotechnical drainage composite. All rooftop downspouts will be directed into an underground, solid, tight lined collection system separate from the footing drains (see sheet 5 in the drainage plans for details). A clean out shall be installed at the highest elevation point and at any other location the contractor deems necessary (more clean outs is better than less). The drainage plan shows the system, general in nature, as a pipe system directed to flow down gradient into a catch basin located on the west side of the residence at the private road. This is an existing catch basin at the roadway. We are relying on the expertise of the contractor to ensure that the system will be sloped to drain. This system shall be completely separate from the footing drains except at the connection catch basin, both pipes may enter the catch basin so long as the outlet elevation is below all house drainage elevations. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc 4. DRAINAGE PROPOSAL (continued) The footing drains are the typical system (see detail on sheet 5 of the drainage plans or figure 3 in the geotechnical report). We also specify that a geotechnical composite fabric shall be installed on those portions of the outer foundation walls. See geotechnical report, Figure 3, for installation recommendations. As an alternative, the foundation wall can also have approximately 6 -inches of washed drain rock placed outside the composite fabric, around the spread footing and around the perforated PVC footing drain pipeline. This pipe shall be located at the lower portions of the spread footings. In order to match the drainage calculations prided from the Plat of Lorian Woods, the roof drains for the new house will tie into the Lorian Woods drainage system near the north side of the new driveway pad. This drainage system will also convey runoff from the new driveway pad area. The Lorian Woods drainge system will then convey the runoff north and west into the existing detention pipe installed for the Plat of Lorian Woods. Total new runoff from the site directed to the Lorian Woods detention system total approximately 4,048 sf. This is roughly equal to the designed impervious surface area for the existing detention pipe which totals approximately 3,997 sf. (includes 2,700 sf, for new house, 315 sf. for new driveway and 982 sf. of street area which was never installed). Refer to the drainage calculations section for additional information. Due to the site proposing more impervious area that: what was additionally designed for, the new impervious areas from the east patio area, catchment wall and south steps will bypass the Lorian Woods drainage system and enter into the City of Edmonds drainage system (located along the south side of the property). The total area expected to by pass the Lorian Woods detention system is estimated at 763 sf. Refer to the drainage calculations section for additional information. Following the above recommendations are necessary to ensure that the residence and the surrounding area can remain as `dry' as possible. This will reduce future landslide hazards and possible structural problems with differential settlement of the residence. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc 5. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Total Area of the Site = 5,897 s£ (0.135 Acres) As per the Soil Survey of the Snohomish County Area, the development area on site is primarily Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, which corresponds to a Type C soil. For calculation purposes, a Type "C" soil was used. EXISTING SITE: l7 rr crvious area: Entire site consist of residential landscaping (grass). Pervious_Area: _..........._........Total - Impervious => 0.135 Ac. — 0.000 Ac. = 0.135 Ac. DEVELOPED SITE: Impervious area: New SFR (roof area) = 3,337 sf. Driveways and Front Steps = 711 sf. Concrete Patio Area = 588 sf. Catchment Wall = 111 sf. South Perimeter Steps — 3 sf; Total = 4,811 sf. (0.110 Ac.) Pervious Area: . Total - Impervious => 0.135 Ac. — 0.110 Ac. = 0.025 Ac. *Rainfall 2- Year = 1.50 in.: 10- Year= 2.00 in.: 100- Year= 3.00 in. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc 5. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS (continued) Existing Plat Detention System Design Check: Refer to the attachment section in this report for the original drainage report for the Lorian Woods development. Note that in the drainage calculations section, the proposed impervious areas for lots I and 2 of the plat have been somewhat combined. It has been assumed that the site (lot 2) has been provided with 2,700 sf. of roof area and 315 sfof driveway area (1/2 of total). 3,420 sf. of impervious area has been listed for street area. Note that the estimated "as - built" area of the existing private road, located along the frontage of lots 1 and 2, has been calculated at 2,438 sf. This is approximately 982 sf. less that originally calculated. Adding the excess street area not installed by the Plat of Lorian Woods, with the estimated house and driveway areas from the original calculations, the allowable impervious area designed to drain to the existing detention system totals 3,997 sf. The proposed amount of impervious surfaces proposed to enter into the Lorian Woods storm system has been estimate at 4,048 sf. (3,337 sf of new house and 711 sf of new driveway area). Though the proposed impervious area is slightly larger than the original impervious area calculated for in the existing detention pipe, the added 51 sf. of impervious area will have little to no effect on the allowable flows to enter into the pipe. Due to the proposed installation of a new patio, catchment wall and south step area, the runoff from these new impervious areas will bypass the Lorian Woods detention system and enter into the cities drainage system (located along the south boundary line of the site). The estimate area of these surfaces totals 763 s£ (588 sf. patio area, 112 sf. of catchment wall and 63 sf. of south perimeter steps). Note that the additional runoff added to the cities drainage system from these impervious areas will have little to no effect on the total runoff the existing city drainage system already contains. E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.do.c Lorian Woods PIID Original Drainage Report and Calculations E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc J OWNER ROBERT AND JoANN ANDERSON 7370 North Meadowdale Road Edmond, WA. 98020 (206)743-5774 /j K. 1( ` DOE Z{,NOINE ERS, INC. 15263 N.E. 9077.1 Street. Redmond, WA 98052 (206)869-2170 July 10, 1990 W.O. #S17.059 DATE: July 10, 1990 Dr,,ainage Study and Report L,orian Woods, PRD- Edmonds, Washington L II—G, A I - 2 � D E LS -041 P - T-1 Q N: Lots 54, 55, 56 and all EXCEPT the East 120 feet of Lot 57, Meadowdal' Subdivision. e Beach M)�M— Robert and JoAnn Anderson 7370 North Meadowdale Road Edruonds, Waslifijgtoj�, 980201 NIR 0-1) ! J —(,`F I (IN: .1 s n e The project site i locatedsc)Litl'iofNortliMeadowdaleRozi(la-d ast of the 74th Place West right -of -wiry in the Meadowdale area of Edmonds, Washington, The Anderson I")roperty includes Lots 54, 55 and 56 of the Plat of Meadowdale Beach and part of Lot 57. n plan it measures about 350 feet by 650 feet and" illiClUdeS approximately 5.3 acres. The Ati,derson residence is located on Lot 55 in the west center of the site. The eastern third of the property is a slope that gradually steepens toward the cast. The 'upper slope climbs steeply to a bluff with its crest near Elev 250! to 300 off the east. site to the 'rhe central area of the propert y is a bench about 100 to 120 feet Wide covered with grass, IV and scattered trees. Grades on the bench vary from about Elev 120 in the north to Elev livin the south, The Anderson residence and a shed to the South are located ori this ,'�.ip to 47 inches in diarneter and other large trees, straight -trunked and bench, Several firs I vertical, are located just south of the house. I To the west the bench slopes down to the 74th Place West right -of -wary. The grade change ,from the each to the west property Ii-ne ranges from ten feet at the north to about 50 feet at the south. ' Fypical slope inclinations are in the range of 20 to 2-5 degrees with local areas as steep as 45 degrees. 'l'lle project provides, for creation of nine additional building lots, single larr'rily residences, 115.28,aacre site presently leas only the single residential hone of the owners. Although. currently rnarea). la ped RS 0, actual density at completion Nvill be '1, dwelling units per acre g Site planninly further calls for appr() innately 145,000 SF (3.40 acres) of col:nrrrr ria open space. Specific location for buildingsites is based on topographic constraints, maintaining desired vegetation, privacy and view. In 1954, the City of Edmonds constructed under LJ,D. 210, certain improvements on the .Anderson property, Interceptor Brains 1.A and I.B. Refer to constmetion drawing sheet 9 of 30 dated April 1983 by Reid, Middleton & .Associates, Inc. 'Riese interce )tor drains were pant of an area -wide drainage construction project to serve the North l eadowdale area In addition to the collection systems, numerous subsurface interceptor facilities were provided. 1 t 1 -C -1 -INT `AL CO SIDERA I S: .An on. -site geotechnical study was conducted by Terra Associates, Inc, summarized in their report dated June d, 1989, and transmitted to the city of Edmonds Planning Department as part of this project's preliminary submittal and review process. Recommendations mendations from that report have leen included in the design criteria and basis for street, utility and site improvements, `"firth respect to site drainage, the `J'erra" report recomrlrends extending the storm sewers end o to the f the new roadway. This wall provide ars Opportunity to install additional drarrrage at the toe of the east slopes and provide a place where lot owrrr�rs call discharge tlierr foundation drains and :roof glitters. The ;storm sewers will be tightlined. The new storm drains will flow northerly and westerly to a detention system. From the detention systern the storm water" systern. connects to the existing storm drainage system on the north. side of 1" orth lirleadowdale Road. To pick up ground water seepage intercepted by tire trench, drain roti bedding and rrrlsrated,.drainpipe will be installed in the excavations, as trench will be lined with filter cloth and. was done with, p backfilled with pea gravel, except within two feet of the surface, �lr�SIC" N l"A&A,ME(rrE 5: Lots 3, 7, S and 10 have stomia drain extensions that provide for all hard surface runoff interception. Surface runoff from, the common area north and east of Lot 1 will flour raortherl.y to the new ,glitter along the south side of North Meadowdale Road, then westerly into a catchbasin and the detention systema for the forth Basin, "rile area south of I t 7 as well as the area west of the new access road and between forts 3 and 1.0 will not be disturbed. As such, storm water flows will be allowed to exit the site undetained. The allowable leaving the site will be reduced accordingly.. For purposes of system design, the rnajcrr- drainage basins established by Reid, Middletonand .Associates .for LID 210 were= detailed into the sub -basins appropriate for this project. These two were designatedas the "North and South sub -basins." Calculations were made of expected improved surfaces at buildout and runoff there rona determined. The i'llprovedstirf I ace calmleations arc based 011 the approved PRI), which shows expectecl roveil-jell(s, Le, Imildiiig f0(,)t1:)flj'['s, driveways, roads, etc. Refer to ' calciflatiolls for detail. In slijuniary, detention reqijiremen the attached , of- -7-23 cubic feet, While the Soi.jth Sub -Basin volujile was for a closed -Pipe systein VOILIMe ts for the Nortil SLlb-Basin called found to be-143-cuNc feet. EA iS1JA_JMA3J)Lq11 IC Lk, ILATI-OMS: NORTH SOUTH BASIN BASIN Off-site - Existing - 10 yr. Q = 0. 17 c.f.s. Q = 0.23 c.f.s. On-site- Existing - 10 yr. Q =-"4c.f.s. Q = 0.23 c.f.s. Developed Condition - On-site - 10 yr. Q = 1&0-c.f.s. Q = 'o-.69-c.f.s. Detention - Q Allowable Q = 0.88 c.f.s. Q = 0.46 c.f.s. Volume Required 933 c.f. -143-c.f. Orifice size ,44' dia. 2.80" dia. v Gross Area 162,619 s.f. v 67,360 s.f. ALASKA . ....... ........... E COMPUTATIONS W.O. # AdDOI r=NGINNAEERsL T E B T L A® Project Name Client Name Sheet of Prepared by: Di)a I Checked by: Date 161 6) ... .... . ... . s10� �Jk -7 47- il 7ST Tc, Vic, :up LF 14r, s) F :,- n b- rFla 11,01 Ix C)J P, lc�— P'7� 1.h-� (y=6.F-7, Z�, T 701 . . ........... ... j —A ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7, ........... . . . ...... .. ... D 0W ALAS C ENGINEERS t E S t L A B COMPUTATIONS w.o. #Aid � Project Name Client Name Sbeet z of LoTz kN Prepared by: Da Checked by: Date LUQ C.. r)•r-4 Lv..., ITP LAW b 4r..t t _ --. I'S .Q..t,J`� ., w _. J. t a. �. Tc .� a — 'fit 61=� t .� �_`_' �- �� - DOW ENGINEERS T e s T L A e COMPUTATIONS w.o. #Ad 7-:-:, 11 Q S T Project Name Client Name Sheet 3 of Lo21�ly ��l000s ANs»gs6'N Prepared by: Dae Checked by: Date Zia It�4-�O O { 0 ° B a x ..., n i r y 6 G r t "w..? _FZ 9,.,. T"M'1, v_ �E E _,�LA 9e -- -F', L, `-�`� f�.4 6-� 6� �v. , Zs y 9 - f f'� 1�^�....�y ., qq D 0 W L ALASKA ENGINEERS T E S T LAB COMPUTATIONS Project Flame Client Name A s tU � �So� Prepared by: fat Checked by: W.O. # 1 �) sl Sheet �--k' 1 of Date A �mm o F or _ ANG W^.0 DETENTION' VOL. QREA= 1.03'00r _Ni0C0iCl 17. Li r r Sig_=C9'37 G VOL ._' 1;.`?19 CF k r M1 C r l a o q u ?1,71 l A r- f r « AND ld ,.0 �•....W _ . s _..... s_.._. ... _ = _ H�FEHN �,n1,� � Q ALLOW=F+ R8O0 a t -. f 10 N O _ ' w _ — T=2 F� ,CG9 ���.r718 V -L.= -8.6402 CF a � b AdD O W L ALASKA ENGINEERS T E S T L A B COMPUTATIONS Project Name Client Name u��s apt LO'21 AN \/J Go prepared by: ! Datf Checked by W.O. # SS1OS� Sheet S of Date a.. u. - 0 4. ......�..._.�._... Y 4 Y tl j 4 Y s I� Y n .. +. r 4 ! 4 Po . ..�. ......_. �r � AdD O WV L ALA#Prepared ENOINFEERs T E S COMPUTATIONS Project Name e 4�1 Dans�ti X021 AN y: ate Checked by: W.O. # C Sheet of Date D O'W L ALASKA w.0.# ENGINEERS T E S T L A B FCOMPUTATIONS k C) +' Project Name Client Name Sheet of _ -------- Prepared by: Dat Checked by: Date 1 � IOSo k a a � r (A. CD - P, w -cam --dZarro A t r< GT1 �... erg_ ria xJ- 4 "'fir Y FIND W 2.0 DETENTION YOL. AREA= 3.1400 9 ALLOW=0.3800 C DEY=0.3200 SNOCO 10 Q0=0.8758 T=25.7425 X15=928.0323 VOL.=932.5376 CF fo (A. CD - P, w -cam � m . T1 Y FIND W 2.0 DETENTION YOL. AREA= 3.1400 9 ALLOW=0.3800 C DEY=0.3200 SNOCO 10 Q0=0.8758 T=25.7425 X15=928.0323 VOL.=932.5376 CF Drainage Detail Sheets E: / 2006 / 06792A / Engineering / Targeted Drainage Report.doc Ri 21 V- U) 0 0 0 F -- LU C/3 CD C) Lm 0 M5 I LLJ (.D cD fl, 0 n. cn I,- L1.1 ;,, Al rn 0 < H fJj Y 217 0 E -- a.) o cn < 1 Ix L1.1 (f) C) Q.5 r.niA1<cri L, f.,f. 0 - 0 C) co o uj LC �< . ..... I Wa Z 0 < C) UJ o o 0 0 0 cr) 0 u :71. U.. 0- rl, � < :D 1 0 0- p.... ...... U) L) ul :Z -1:: 0 0 L1.1 LU u.j -.1 1 Z. n- 0, < E 2-: ✓" � �L �f K CL U.- a- a_ n._ 0- 0 1Z w CC ry- al. 0C Mma Q 0 0 0 0 n LLJ 1.1.1 LU LU Llj LU 1.1.1 n 1E Z- :5 2 M-1 15E. 0000000 o I cl 0 Q 0 0 CD L-2 8 U-1 LuLu Lu 0 0 0 0 0 W� w ry-, or� m fn m m CL 0ww00 19www0000 w w < < 0 ozommoo 'm U) C, cn Cf) < cocn 1.1.1 LIA LL, ULI U-1 ca 1.1.1 m W0 0 - n 0 0 1.11 LO u 11.1 LLJ Ld Lli LLI U.- n._ CL n., Q - 4t: IN -A E 0 W �2 C, 0 Mma <0 r.y.*. LIJ in Y K 2 ED < =1 0� cy 0 o CfJ < UC. Z- > UJ 0 n ED xx ri 6� .0 z () :* I, a., P E clj� C) W� p -, Z, c) �I ens EPY 1'4 :a III -A C11 01..- C9 o 0 rx 'S ri < tT 0 ue dE 5 L 45 all 1) (D Z - U, > LEE W 'A UlR5 c) Lu :Ez LEE (D fn C� 0 't al o o C. C-) 0- o- 0- I 0 0 r.y.*. LIJ ED >w cl 0 CfJ < UC. Z- > UJ 0 n ED xx ri 6� .0 z () :* I, a., P E clj� C) W� p -, Z, c) �I ens EPY 1'4 :a III -A C11 01..- C9 o 0 rx 'S ri < tT 0 ue dE 5 L 45 all 1) (D Z - U, > LEE W 'A UlR5 c) Lu :Ez LEE (D fn C� 0 't al o o C. C-) 0- o- 0- I 1/ y� #sry TE M rJJJJ%. �bH Rlu Mirafic" 140NL Mirafi° 140NL is a nonwoven geotextile composed of polypropylene fibers, which are formed into a network such that the fibers retain their relative position. Mirafio 140NL is inert to biological degradation and resists naturally encountered chemicals, alkalis, and acids. Minimum Average Mechanical Properties Test Method Unit ,Roll Value .... MD CD m>„ Grab .��,. ab g 0 4 (90) 0.4(90) Strength ASTM D 4632 �kN (lbs) I � �„ .....�e...�. Tensile Stren ... Grab Tensile Elongation ASTM D 4632 % 50 50 _.......... ............... _._......m �.. _ �. _. Trapezoid Tear Strength ASTM D 4533 kN (lbs) 0.2(40) 0.2 (40) Mullen Burst Strength ASTM D 3786 kPa (psi) 1205.6 (175) Puncture Strength ASTM D 4833 kN (lbs) 0.2(55) CBR Puncture Strenqth ASTM D 6241 kN (lbs) _ _ 1.1 Apparent Opening Size (AOS)2 ASTM D 4751 mm 0.25 (U.S. Sieve) 60) _ __. Permittivity ASTM D 4491 sec2.0 _.._...._ _....... Flow Rate ASTM D 4491 I/min/m 2 (gal/min/ft) (145) 145) UV Resistance (at 500 hours) ASTM D 4355 % strength 70 retained ASTM D 4833 has been replaced with ASTM D 6241 2 ASTM D 4751: AOS is a Maximum Opening Diameter Value n. Ph�vsical Properties Test Method Unit Typical Value Weight ASTM D 5261 q/m (oz/yd) 135.0 (4 0) -- Thickness ASTM D 5199 mm (mils) 0.9 (35) Roll Dirr._........�.. ....._..._._ . ........_� .............. Dimensions m 3.8 x 110 4.5 x 110 (width x length) _ (ft) (12.5 x 360) _. (15 x 360) Roll Area m (dy ) ......418 (500) 502 (600) W.... Estimated Rollll Weight -- kq (Ib) 60133) 70 (160) Disclaimer: TenCate assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of this information or for the ultimate use by the purchaser. TenCate disclaims any and all express, implied, or statutory standards, warranties or guarantees, including without limitation any implied warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade as to any equipment, materials, or information furnished herewith. This document should not be construed as engineering advice. FGS000360 ETQR18 y ,, ATE materials that make a difference TenCate develops and produces materials that function toinueasepedbnmance'reUuce costs and deliver measurable results bywork- ing wiihourcustomerstop/uvideadvanced The Difference NUra[ G Series Drainage Composite Makes: ° Consistent and proven long-term perform- ance duetoamulti-directimna|coreconfig- urabnnpowidingaun|fonmOmwpath for water 0oescape, ~ Relief of hydrostatic pressure buildup against subterranean surfaces. ~ High-flow drainage capacity ofupto three times the flow capacity u[aggregate or sand, assuring effective drainage for virtu- ally anydrainuganaed. • High compressive strength core that with- stands installation and in-situ earth stress- es. ~ Cost savings due tothe lightweight, easy tninstall l2Zmxl5J4m(4'x5U')panels. This saves the transportation cost ofb/ing- ingeggregate tothe construction site. TenCate Mira[ioGSeries drainage composite Gl[0Nisproduced from ahigh compressive strength core with ononwoven polypropylene geote*i|ebonded toone side. The Mirafi°S Series drainage composite GlDOW provides the added benefit nTawoven monofilament polypropylene geotexti|ebonded None side for higher clog resistance and long-term flow capacity, MiraU°CSeries drainage composite G2OON.idea|forkwo-sideddrainageapp|icu- bons'isproducedwithMimfi°N-Seriesnnn- wnv n polypropylene geotextilebondedto both sides o{ahigh compressive strength pierced dimple core. APPLICATIONS TenCate Mirafi'GSeries drainage composite Gl00Nproducts are designed for use |nhigh' Ommhighcompassivestrength.vertica| applications where single -sided subsoil drainage filter layer isneeded, The flat side nythe core fits directly against wall surfaces making itideal for retaining walls, bridge abutments and other similar retaining struc- tures. MimM°GSeries drainage composite , , es" , Protection G20ON bdesigned for use where single m double -sided subsoil drainage filter layer is required, MimU°GSeries drainage compos- ite G2OONproducts are capable ofcollecting large quantities of subgrade water and con- ducting it to a discharge pipe or collection system. Ideal applications are placed against the excavation cut ofaretaining wall nr slope, landfill closure interceptor drainage and intrench drains. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES* Detailed installation instructions aremmi|ab|e from your lenCate Mirafi=repmsentadve. ~ These woidofino sprvemugpnembasis for installation. Detailed instructions aipavailable from youranCate m/mh'mpremnomm nvmm* & OL)rdoor mlbrio Ge or, ieuo xmospacocwripmues mduui a/wbr 10 ��`�� ����C� � ���`�����`� �� �� materials that make adifference � � 7 fu %A0 i ra G100N G~Ser^es Drainage Composite G100y4 Drainage Composite is produced from 8 high COrnpFeSok/e strength core with 8 Mir@fi'14Oh]Cnonwoven filter gaotaxti\ebonded b}one side. Core Mechanical Properties Test Method Unit Typical Roll Value C9 th ASTM D 1621 kPa (psf) 862 Maximum Flow Rate' ASTM D 4.716 (qal/min/ft2 260(21) Installed Vertically Flow Rate ASTM D 4.716 (qal/min/ft 2 155(12.5) alled Horizontally Flow Rate 3 ASTM D 4716 I/m n rn 30(2.4) h a gradient of 1.0 2 Installed flow rate with soil overburden at a vertical gradient of 1.0 3 Installed flow rate with soil overburden at a horizqnta!_9radient of 0.05 Geotextile Mechanical Tvpical Roll Value Properties Test Method Unit MD CD Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 kN (Ibs) 0.49(111) 0.49 ITIM 0.212 Apparent Opening Size (AOS) ASTM D -4751 1 (U.S. Sieve) -.-,(70) Permittivity ASTM D 4491-..�sec- 1,9 I/min/M2 5696 Flow Rate ASTM D4491 (clal/min/ft2) (140) Phvsical Properties Test Method Unit I Typical Value Roll Dimensions M1 1.22 x 15.24 �F—Estimated Roll 22.7(50) Weiqht Ohmbhner TenCate assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of this information or for the ultimate use bythe purchaser. TenCate disclaims any and all express, implied, or statutory standards, warranties or guarantees, including without limitation any implied warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade as to any equipment, materials, or information furnished herewith. This document should not beconstrued aoengineering advice. FGS000537 sr�n1 "�`� � ��� ---- -- -- materials that make vdifference ' /N /" Color black black black Thickness ASTM D 1777 ragata (in) I0 IB 101, 40� �!1,001( 10.16 �0,40) 10."1 6 �,O- 40 Compressive Strength ASTM D 1621 klq/rn�' max,r,,a.,n�, Flow Rafe' ASTM D 4716 I/minYm �psl) " rill", 260 000) 260 1� 862 1 1 �1000 1 1 nsta I I ed Vert uca I I y' ASTM D 4716 lftninhii " D ndr, 1 155 30 A) 222 8 4 'I �2 155 21) 30 Installed Horizontz1fll ASTM 4716 Ihninhn• AS I lM D4632 kN �lli �11�8 C 111 Ira hino flow Iasi F� �1' f I 7,?kp'l (,V�'ioof)St) witl a a i achent of 1, 0, 105 10 0,49 I 1� Grab In tallf.0 flow iate wilh soil or concrpte ov&ybqd71.,,,a at V(A'ical gpdOnt of 1.0. 0) AS rM D4632 Installed flow rate with soil ovvtA ii'dert at horizontal aradkvit Of 0, 05. 0.49 111 GEOTEXTILE FILTER M i F49 f i I Geotew [e I 4ONC FW402 140NC MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Grab Tensile MR11IN Lh, D) AS I lM D4632 kN �lli 0. 49 �' 111 105 10 0,49 I 1� Grab 'Rmsj lc� stren'�gwhi 0) AS rM D4632 kNi 0.49 111 86 �"l 0.49 111 Mul�erj Burst strenpith ASTM D 378( kPa 51 �Ob 1516 �221) 3097 45 1516 22( Tra )ezoidal'Tear'St"ew 01 MD) ASTM D 4533 kN s 0.21 0.51 Vi 5 0.21 TraP,oidaiTc,w Stren� ASTM D 4533 kN lb �1, 0.21 4 0.3375� 0.21 7 J4 Punctme Stren ASlM D 4833 kN 031 7 0.44 0.31 70� LJV Resislancxa't Iter 500 hrs ASTM D 4355 %st 0 �J40? 70 9 7 ASTM D 4751 Mrn (U.Ss6ye) 0,212(70) (1425 114 0) 01.'1,12 (10) ASTM D 4491 sec" 11'' 21 1,9 ASTM 01 4491 I/min/ml (gpaVft1) 5698 ?140) 590)145) 5 698 (140) Area COE.022l5�86 % "a is N"I rn �ft -I." ' '5. 15.24 �bb) M 24 4) 1."22 24 M 18.6 20( 7 �'15' Weight k (bs) 227 22.7 (00 l!" ml 18.6 Q ( �l) 18.6 �Z 01X 365 South Holland Drive Tel 800 685 9990 Fax 706 693 4400aur Pendergrass, GA 30567 Tel 7066932226 www.mirafi.com materials that make a difference