Stormwater System -Email 3.3.15.pdf
From:Lambert, Jennifer
Subject:Stormwater System
Date:Thursday, March 05, 2015 10:52:28 AM
I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you. We have reviewed your stormwater plan and have
approved the proposed system, but will need to see additional information on the pump sizing per
the Policy on Stormwater Pumping Systems.
In addition, it has come to our attention that the neighbor to the north will allow you to discharge to
their system that then discharges to BNSF property. Per the Geotechnical Report, that was the
preferred option to discharge the collected stormwater. The City is asking that you attempt to
come to an agreement with Mark and Oleta Beard that allows you to discharge the stormwater
through their existing discharge pipe to BNSF. If an agreement cannot be made, please provide a
letter from the Beards and yourself explaining why an agreement could not be met.
I had really been hoping to send this email with BNSF information, but I have not been successful. I
will continue to try get to the right person. In the meantime, City review of the stormwater revision
is on hold until the above notes is addressed.
Jennifer Lambert
Engineering Technician
City of Edmonds
425-771-0220 ext 1321