SUBDIVISION Civil Review - ENG1.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: June 24, 2015 TO: Rob Long –RAM Engineering, Inc robl@ramengineeringinc.com FROM: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician Jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.gov RE: SubdivisionFile #: PLN20140061 Project: Seabrook Estates7-lot Plat Project Address: 860 Caspers St. During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to an engineering technician. nd Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and closed on Wednesdays. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1.Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on- site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including all utilities, traffic control, NGPA fencing and restoration/enhancement plantings. Please use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and utilize the “write-in” sections where appropriate. A bond is required to be placed for all erosion control measures, right-of-way and stormwater management improvements. Posting a bond for stormwater systems applies to subdivisions that involve 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity and as well as on projects in a critical area or bufferincluding ESLHA. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Please obtain the appropriate subdivision improvement bond forms from the City. If you intend to post a bond in order to record the subdivisionand ahead of constructing required improvements, the bond amount will be based on the entire scope of the project. Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 120% City approved estimate for all improvements. 2.Will a chain link fence be installed during construction? If so, please show location on the th plans. Sidewalk along 9Ave N and Casper’s Stproperty frontage shall remain open except as needed to perform specific activities such as sidewalk replacement and utility connections. 3.Show job shack location, if any. Sheet 1 of 15 –COVER SHEET 1.Please add a demolition note to the plans that states “Separate demolition permits are required for the demolition of structures”. 2.Please add a note to plans stating “A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way.” Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor’s signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3.Add reference to City subdivision file numberabove the city engineering approval block. 4.Change the phone number for the water, sewer, and storm from 425-771-0241 to 425-771-0235. Sheet 2 of 15 –GENERAL NOTES & LEGEND No comment. SHEET 3 OF 15–EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP 1.Please show all existing striping (parking, yellow curbs, crosswalks, stop bars, etc.) and signs.If any signs are removed due to the construction of the sidewalk, please show the relocation on Sheet 8. th 2.Please show the existing shrubbery/trees and the canopy(specifically at the intersection of 9& th Caspers). A detail showing how the existing trees limit the sightfrom 9andfrom Caspers might be helpful in showing how the developer is improving the intersection when showing the new landscape plan. 3.Show existing improvements within 50 feet of the south property line. 4.Show the existing water meter to be maintained throughout the project with an AVB. Please add the following note, ‘City to cut and cap at the main’. Sheet 4 of 15 –CLEARING, GRADING & TESC PLAN 1.Tree protection measures are to be shown on this plan. Where trees are to be maintained barrier fencing shall be placed at the drip line of the tree in order to protect the rootsystem. Any trees not affected by construction at the Plat Phase shall be retained per ECDC 18.45. 2.Identify all tree drip lines that overlap the clearing limits including trees from adjacent properties. Show tree protection as outlined in Kernen Lien’scomments outlined below. 3.Please add a note that the existing sidewalk is to remain until frontage improvements commence. Page 2of 7 4.A portion of the rockery is shown to be relocated onto the western adjacent parcel. Please show the rockery on the subject site or provide an easement that allows for the construction of the rockery as shown. 5.Show stockpile location. 6.TESC Notes: a.Note 2–Please change ‘Nay 1’ to ‘May 1”. b.Note10–What does 2QU mean? 7.The rockery shall be set back from the right-of-way a minimumdistance equal to the height of the rockery. It appears from the plans that the rockery may be too close to the property line. Please revise accordingly. 8.The slope of the toe of the retaining wall located between lots 6 and 7 appears to be greater than what is shown in the detailon Sheet 5. Some manufactures require that the height of the wall be calculated a certain distance away from the face of wall depending on the slope at the toe. This would make the retain height greater than the 3’ shown on the plans and may require the use of geotextile fabric straps behind the wall. Please revise accordingly. Sheet 5 of 15 –GRADING & TESC DETAILS 1.Either remove the Rockery Detail or add a note ‘not permitted by the City’. This is an old detail and the City does notregulate the construction of rockeries. Sheet 6 of 15–ALIGNMENT PLAN th 1.Show the relocation of the utility poles on Caspers St and 9Ave N. The relocation of the poles must be coordinated with Snohomish County PUD. 2.Please add a note to the plans that states the painted fogline, centerline, parking space, and yellow curbing will be restriped/repainted, as required, prior to project completion. 3.Please show all proposed and unchanged striping (parking, yellow curbs, crosswalks, stop bars, etc.)and signs. 4.Add the following note; ‘Existing curb/gutter to be removed and replaced as determined by the City of Edmonds’. 5.Maintain a 15’ pavement width for the entire length of the 60’ hammerhead. Pavement may reduce to 12’ wide beyond the hammerhead, as needed. 6.Modify the ‘no parking’ note to state that the signage and stripingboundaries of Tract 999 (including the hammerhead)with “ No Parking Fire Lane” as noted. Sheet 7 of 15 –COMPOSITE UTILITY PLAN 1.Bold the dry utilities and show required separation. 2.Provide a detail of the water meters and the dry utilities for verification of utility separation. 3.Revise this plan sheet to be consistent with changes made to the other plan sheets. 4.It appears that the gas is less than 5’ from the water service lines. Please revise accordingly. Page 3of 7 Sheet 8 of 15–ROAD & STROM DRAINAGE PLAN 1.Due to the existing flows discharging to the existing CB on Caspers St., the existing catch basin will not be adequate with the addition of flows from the subject. Please show the catch basin being replaced with a Type II manhole. 2.Show a cross section detail of the separation between the storm pipe and the rockery. 3.Show where the footing drains will discharge to for each lot. 4.Show where the drainage from the rockery andretaining walls will discharge to. 5.CB 4 –States to see detail on SHT TD-01. Revise to be SHT RD-01. th 5.Show one full width utility patch or 2” grind and overlay that captures all utility cuts on 9Ave N. Sheet 9 of 15 –ROAD & STORM DRAINAGE PROFILES & SECTIONS 1.It appears that the 48” manhole and Type I catch basin does fit between the sidewalk and the rockery and/or there will be a surcharge placed on the structures from the rockery. Please revise the plans accordingly. 2.Please provide documentation that the pipe material and depth of pipe crossing under the rockery is adequate enough to handle the load placed by the rockery. 3.The detail, ‘Ex CB to CB4’, is not shown accurately. CB 2 and CB 1 would have the same alignmentas the rockery. Please revise accordingly. 4.Please note the invert elevation of the 6” pipe in CB 1. Sheet 10of 15 –ROAD & STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS 1.The Contech Stormfilter detail should specify 7 cartridges instead of 6. Please revise accordingly. 2.Show a 6” diameter ventpipe between the detention pipe andCB 4. 3.Specify one of the following acceptable materials for the detention pipe. a.Metal: i.ACSP – Aluminized Corrugated Steel Pipe (Type 2 meets AASTO designations M274 and M36) ii.ASRP - Aluminum Spiral Ribbed Pipe (16 gauge or better) iii.CAP –Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (16 gauge or better) iv.DIP – Ductile Iron Pipe (Class 50 or better) b.Concrete: i.PCP – Plain Concrete pipe ii.RCP – Reinforced Concrete Pipe c.Plastic: i.PVCP – Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (SDR 35 or better) ii.CPEP – Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (smooth interior wall, or N-12® pipe) iii.RPP- Ribbed Polyvinylchloride Pipe Page 4of 7 Sheet 11 of 15–ROAD & STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS No comments. Sheet 12of 15–SANITARY SEWER& WATER PLAN 1.Show 4 water service lines and meters on the north side ofthe private drive and 3 water service lines and meters on the south side of the private drive. 2.Show and note a wye for the connection of the sewer to the sewer main for Lot 5.Connection shall be a minimum of 3’ downstream from the existing cleanout at the end of the main. 3.Add (typ) to the 4” PVC sewer service. 4.Show cleanouts at the edge of easement for all lots. 5.Add a note to channel the existing City sewer manholeper EdmondsStandard Detail E6.1. 6.Show the City Sewer Easement. Sheet 13 of 15 –SANITARY SEWERPROFILES No comments. Sheet 14 of 15 –SANITARY SEWER& WATER DETAILS No comments. Sheet 15 of 15–TRAFFIC CONTROLPLAN th 1.Revise the Haul Route to go to and from the subject site, south on 9Ave N to Edmonds Way (SR-104). 2.TrafficControl Notes: a.Note 1 –Please remove sentence 2. The City does not approve of construction vehicles, equipment, and material being left within the Right-of-Way. Sheet L-1–COVER SHEET / SITE PLAN See comments submitted by the planning department (Above). Sheet L-2–PLANTING PLAN th 1.Show a detail that shows how the proposed landscaping at 9and Caspers improves the sight distance at this intersection. 2.See comments submitted by the planning department (Above). Page 5of 7 Sheet L-3–DETAILS & NOTES See comments submitted by the planning department (Above). STORMWATER REPORT The following comments are provided from Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Engineer. Please contact Jerry directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at jerry.shuster@edmondswa.govwith any specific questions you may have regarding these comments. Storm Drainage Report –April 28, 2015 1.Page A-1, Developed Conditions-The second paragraph states that runoff from all impervious areas will becollected and routed to the proposed detention tank. Section E of the report states that 0.12 acres of impervious will not go to the detention pipe and bypass it.Please reconcile. 2.Page A-2, MR#2–Please submit a copy of the NOI that will be submitted to the Department of Ecology for this project. 3.Page E-8, Water Quality Analysis–Water quality treatment following a detention system should be sized for the full 2-year discharge rate from the detention pipe (2005 Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, Volume V, Section 4.1.2).The 2year outflow from the detention pipe is 0.117 cfs (~53 gpm). The chosen cartridges are sized for 7.5 gpm each.The treatment system should have seven cartridges instead of the six proposed. PLANNING DIVISION COMMENTS The following comments are provided from Kernen Lien, Senior Planner. Please contact Kernen directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at kernen.lien@edmondswa.govwith any specific questions you may have regarding these comments. 1.Rockeries/retaining walls: Rockeries and retaining walls within setbacks can be no taller than 3 feet in height from original grade. The detail for the rockery on sheet TD-01 notes the rockery maximum height as 3 feet from original grade. However; the detail for the retaining wall on sheet TD-01 shows the 3 feet maximum height from finished grade. Please verify that the retaining will not exceed 3 feet in height from original grade. Thank you for providing the vegetation management plan in 2.Vegetation Management Plan: Sheet L-1–L-3 to.Additional information, however, is needed in order to show compliance with the native vegetation requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C.Please provide written documentation (either as notes on Sheets L-1–L-3 or as a separate document) addressing the following: a.Please provide detail on when the vegetation management plan will be implemented (i.e. following civil improvements, with building permits, some combination of both). If the vegetation management plan will be implemented in phases, please describe. If the native vegetation plan will not be installed until the construction of the residences, a bond will be required for the cost of installing the native vegetation plan prior to recording the plat. If the intent is to install the native vegetation plan with the individual houses, please provide an Page 6of 7 itemized cost estimate covering the cost of landscaping and irrigation (including labor) which will be used to determine the bond amount. b.Under the performance standards on Sheet L-3, please reference the Snohomish County noxious weed list rather than the King County list. c.The performance standards note that “at least one half of the total number of each planted species must be presentat the end of the monitoring period.” Typically, monitoring plans strive for a minimum of 80% survival within the first few years. Please revise the performance measures to include 80% survival of the planted species by the end of the three year monitoring period. 3.Tree Protection Measures: Tree protection measures consistent with ECDC 18.45.050.H are included on Sheet L-3. Sheet TP-01 notes the two trees along the southeast corner of the property are going to be retained, but they also appear to be within the clearing limits. Please add a note on Sheet TP-01 that the trees to be retained must be protected in accordance with the Tree Protection measures identified on Sheet L-3. Page 7of 7