TaskOrder 13-05 -DEA- Soldier Pile Wall.pdfrASK ORDER City of Edntonds Flow ON-CALL CIVIL/S1'RUCTURAL EN(391NEERING SERVICES Task Order No, Task Title Consultant DAV I D EVANS & ASS0C1.A:'1.8 Consultant Contact Person ------ Phone No. . City of Edmonds Requester,,, V�)J_ Phone No� ('�'it.y Project No. /Budget Line No. . . . . ........ . . bursable? Yes, by c') � q M r� ( _,� ,,-! (Nanie, address & phone no. of who wHI reirnburse the City) No 1) ES (" R I PTION 0 F' I'ik 8 K AS SIG N N1 E N'I' Per attached Scope of Services Site Address or Location COMPENSATION r] LUMP SUM Compensation for- these services shall be a lunip Sum of TIME AND MA"I"ERIAL-Ca nipctisatioii ("or Iliese services will be oil a Tiinc and Materials basis, not to exceed S V - without written authorization. Approved budget attached (if applicable, Required if cost exceeds $3,000.) SCIIEDLILE The Consultant shall conipletc the, selviccs By,,,,, (Dntc) In accordance with the attached schedule, All provisions of the Agreenicrit for On -Call Civil/Structural Engineering Services dated 0,2/019/13 shall be in full force and effect for this Task Order. CITY OF EDMONDS By... Rb ringlis t 1 C kr 0S Signature Title Citi, 31gincer Date 5 l-'.](-�lrN'.kl,a:,�11)�k-.�iui,v,<d G"Ll AI's%D ]I (%fl I Ch -H SwTd.T, B'nkLU,: I r, [III do, CONSULTANT By Signature . ..... . 'Title D,ate