Three Graces office.pdfMEMORANDUM
June 22, 2012
TO: David Gilchrist
FROM: Steve Fisher, City of Edmonds Public Works, 425-771-0235
RE: Plan review for trash enclosure
2012-0424 —10435 226th St. SW, Edmonds WA
This proposal does not show the provision of a screened area/enclosure for the storage of
garbage and recycle containers, ']"here are minimum standards for these areas oil
commercial properties. However, the proposal mentions that this property is to be an
office and support space for the adjacent Five Restaurant.
Please clarify if the intent for waste removal services may, or will, include a shared
arrangement using the restaurant's existing waste container area. If this is possibly the
case, please resubmit the site plan with a notation to that affect and/or submit the
clarification to me by letter. You may contact me with any questions.