Traffic Impact Analysis.1.29.14.pdfRECEIVED DEVELMIMEN I SEFINWES J ITT Nauate of Proposed Project: (Dim,ner/Applicaml Name Acidrc'ss City Stale Zip 17 Tclephone�,.­ A Q7 ........... CS o Applican-t C oniact Person- Sixee[I 'Mmiling� Addiess city stats Zip Ir of is Engineer who prepared tiro 'Iraffic matt ct Analysis (il'applicable): Firm Name Telephone: THRESHOLD LEVELS OF ANAINSIS Trafflic Level ' s f. 1--ess than 25 peak -hour trips generated H. Mere than 25 peak-bour trips generated PROJECT DESCRIPTION ContacT Name F'Amjl� Sections to co I and 7 only (Worksheet/Checkli-st) All scetions -LA 21� M, K > a i4einify map and site plan.) ko a ( Z3� - Spoci.F proposed tyl,-)e and si/,c of dcvelopincill: k- P-, Qf re.delerllhd affils anflMrsq gwrefiwtfu, U(1011, /,,(,I r.Ycd oa "1" "1.to d. Date consmiction w1lj be -in and bo comp[ete Lf e, Define proposed mecesi locations: t Vo �I v e, f. Define proposed sight distance at site eggress I ocat] ons CL AP_ 4� 2. THIP GENE RATION Source shall be the Fighth Edition of the Institute cif Transportation Engineers OTE) Trip Generation inannal. For independent 1ee calculations, the current editjoij cif the ITE manual may be used. ADT=.Averagc Daily'Fraffic PM Peak-11OLIF trips (AM, noon or school peak may salsa apply as directed by the City Lngineer) , a., Existing SiteTrip GenerationTable PIA Peak-HOLW'Frips N7- 1,Rnd Use Daily (ADT) -T ---------- b. Proposed Projecl Trip GenerationTable: PM Peak -Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) IN OUT c. Net New Proj)ec I Trip Generation "fable: Plv1 Peak-HOUr Trips I and U Se Daily (ADT) IN OUT d. Stale assumptions and -methodology for internal,.link-diverted or passby trips; Rcv,;m!o o?l 6`741,10 h_,72 - Trtjffiii., impact 4wflYsis IVW-4shecl Page of :3. TRIP WSTRIBUTION Prepare and. attach a graphic showing project trip distribution percentages and assignments, For developments that generate over 75 peak-hourtrips, the City Engineer reserves the right to require trim distribution to be deiermined through use of the City traffic model,' 4. SITE ACCESS ROA13WA.']r'I.DRil.VEWAYS AND SAFETY a. Have sight distance requirements at egress location been n et per AASt fTt3 rec�uirei etttS? l). Intersection Level of Service (LOS) Analysis: Ji?tcrsections to heevahwte4l.4hall he determined by the Cite of`F..dmouds° T'raffre En-ineer c. Describe channetization warrants: (Attach striping plan.) d. Vehicle Storage/Queuing Analysis (calculate 50% and 95 rTt elfin leng'tlis): 50% 95% Existing Conditions Existing Conditions LOS Delays Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use Year oJ. Opening LOS Delays Five Years beyond Change of Delays Land UseLOS c. Describe channetization warrants: (Attach striping plan.) d. Vehicle Storage/Queuing Analysis (calculate 50% and 95 rTt elfin leng'tlis): e. If appropriate, state traffic control warrant-, (e.g. step sign warrants, signal warrants).: f. 5un-1111aJ'ize.local accident history2 (only required for access to principal and minor arterials): .AVa.ilahle ttpon request at City of Edmonds Developm m Seivices Department AVIila171e L111011 recfue t at City of Edmonds Police Department I eO.,,'vd oii 6,-24,;'. 110 E82 - Trcifflc 1mjjoc1_=tnahsb: Wor4sheel Piige 3 nl-S 50% 95% Existing Conditions Year of Opeilincr Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use e. If appropriate, state traffic control warrant-, (e.g. step sign warrants, signal warrants).: f. 5un-1111aJ'ize.local accident history2 (only required for access to principal and minor arterials): .AVa.ilahle ttpon request at City of Edmonds Developm m Seivices Department AVIila171e L111011 recfue t at City of Edmonds Police Department I eO.,,'vd oii 6,-24,;'. 110 E82 - Trcifflc 1mjjoc1_=tnahsb: Wor4sheel Piige 3 nl-S 5. TRAFFIC VOLUMES Provide the following and other planned dc-v-cloptnenI vfie witI ti the city.' a. Describe existing ADT and peak -hoer Counts (less than two years old), including turning movements, on street adjacent to and directly impacted by the project. h. Describe the estimated ADT and peak. -hour counts, including turning movements, the year the project is fully open (with and Without project traffic). c. Describe the estimated .ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning Enovem.cnts, five years after the project has been fully open (with and without project traffic). d. Smite annual background traffic growth factor and source: b. LEVEL OF SERVICE (.LOS) ANALYSIS a. Surninarize Level of Seii�lce Analysis below and attach s-upporting LOS analysis documentation. Provide the following documentation for each arterial street or arterial intersection impacted by ten or more peak -hour trips. Other City -planned developments must also be factored into the LOS calculations. b. l ote any assumptions/variations to standard analysis default values and justifications: .A list of planned developments are av,aiihible at, thc. City upon. tequest for public records PeOsed on 6r24i10 E82 - '­ Ifie 1'�rty cx #,utr1�>,rr_c 1J�i�rkslzecr Pe 4 of -5 LOS LOS Existing Conditions Delays Year ol-Opening W1 L11 Project Without Project Five fears Beyond Chan—ge of Land Use With Project Without Project b. l ote any assumptions/variations to standard analysis default values and justifications: .A list of planned developments are av,aiihible at, thc. City upon. tequest for public records PeOsed on 6r24i10 E82 - '­ Ifie 1'�rty cx #,utr1�>,rr_c 1J�i�rkslzecr Pe 4 of -5 IV 11 CA TJ 01'1u St,afe recon-immW mmums and Wes mquired 10 Wipe pject Sped& WDO impaos. 1jamc Opm! Ile shAl he eMmImed Kni die Fdmmds Road Impact I`ee 1hate Sludy f.,kk., 4 (attachied) dcp�,,ndent fee calculations and as Wentified in ECDC 1811120, excepi as otherwisf.' pi%Mded fur iy,i in FCDC 18M M (HIANGE IN USE Fee for JM'i0lLBO Fhall be based crag the esmWed at We JMCOIC PJOY USC WaS, PCI-Mifted, ffthe jimhus use was pennhved pr' or to the adoption of (Whonce 396 date,: 09/12!0-1), the 2004 FCDC M 81 IN Wpm (sae WH be md . I FE Land Usc calegory1Pei Unit 1 Fee Raw Tqev Ilse SAO, S pror the MCA I Ell SqUM'C', N of dweHhy, 'aria etr. X .......... . rpc 'I I or I Iso Fee: "I Ise Fc;:— p IM DEVE W! NO U r, ASS ifin, Pei, Unit square fiect. ITE Land Use Category Fee Fee Rale A'dweHing, evv Use X, ........ . ... ........... Clq uf Edmumb, E CALA:VLATION: $201100 (f conSURMA The AL TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1 $ Approval UUMMO Nio impac'l toes vvifl he d". mv "If as crelt be gkm Q an Qmct I'm cal(.:Iflafion rvsuhiny; in a Hcr negaflvt'�. n ? r;.:_"",. 0 '""'? - Tkqjfic fmpo' / Anulpis H`In-"'Yheel Page 5 €y4;