Updated ESU's for Pt Edwards and Edmonds Pine LLC-PDF.pdflnc.1890 CITY OF EDMONDS GARYHAAKENSON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • 7110 — 210TH ST. S.W. • EDMONDS, WA 98026 MAYOR (425) 771.0235 • FAX (425) 744.6057 • E-MAIL: klein@ci.edmonds.wa.us 11/13/2018 - WEB SITE: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us Based on the impervious surface area calculations in the stormwater report submitted with Building 10 (the final November 4, 2005 building to be constructed), the total impervious for the ENTIRE development = 10.88 acres, or 157.97 ESU's. Building 10 has 2.09 acres of impervious or 2207.ESU's, leaving a remainder of 135.91 ESU's for the Pt Edwards development. Mr. Ross W. Woods Building 10 (50 Pine), AKA Edmonds Pine LLC is no longer Point Edwards LLC a part of Pt Edwards and therefore the amenity space 3801 Alaskan Way, Suite 207 impervious cannot be shared with this building site. As noted below, the original calculation of impervious for Seattle, WA 98121 Buildings 1-9, which also includes the shared amenity space = 123.75 ESU's. This is 12.16 less ESU's than what Re: Pt. Edwards Stormwater Utility actually exists. (135.91-123.75=12.16). The 12.16 ESU's Charges will be split between the existing buildings 1-9 according to the number of units in each building (261 total units = Dear Ross: 0.0465 ESU's per unit). See updated ESU's below -JMcConnell Per your request of September 13, 2005 and based upon the proposed total of 335 dwelling units for this development, I have prorated the impervious surface areas in ESU's for each building based upon the total number of dwelling units per building: Building 1 Building 2 4-/ Building 375 B u i I ding 4 Amenities Building No. of Dwelling Units 21 Multiply # of units by 0.47 to calculate 22 new ESU's for each building Current Total is I NEW ESU's: 117.47 ESU's In the future when additional phases are developed, the charges for each additional building will be based upon the following: Building 5 5i6'i No. of Dwelling Units x 41 ESU's 18.45' (�`b/3�l = 20.38 Building 6 Iq/r,5, '34-dj 15.30— = 16.6 5 Building 7 X 31 15.75 60 17.19 Building 8 c-141?— 14.85 - 0-01 3,�3 O = 16.29 -� Building 9 32 a9 1-4.40 - IpD16lip = 15.75 Building 10 (50 Pine) Edmonds Pine LLC: ESU's = 22.07 • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • I- - , "I - - . T T_I_:---.- T_.-_- / Total ESU's for Total ESU's for Buildings 1-9 Buildings 1-9 based on the based on the above = above = 135.91 ESU's 123.75 ESU's The assigned impervious surface areas for each building are based upon a total calculated impervious area of 150.75 ESU's for the entire site which encompasses all six (I through VI) development phases. Please note that the ESU's currently assigned for the Amenities Building will be incrementally reduced to zero as additional buildings 5,6,7 and 8 initiate utility service. Once the number of ESU's for the development exceed 117.47, the monthly stormwater utility charges will increase accordingly by the additional number of ESU's. In regards to additional stormwater management system development charges, these charges will be imposed when the total impervious surface for the development surpasses 117.47 ESU's. This will occur under Phase V when Building 9 is permitted (assuming the building occurs in numerical order). In accordance with Edmonds City Code 7.50.070, the stormwater management system development charge is to be paid prior to the issuance of the building permits and will be charged at the rate stated in the City Code at the time of permit issuance. The charges will be based on the following: Building 9 - 6.28 ESU's Building 10 - 27.00 ESU's Finally, you mentioned in your September 13t" letter that your accounting department was processing a check request of $9,486.84. At this date, I have not received a check for this amount. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Noel F. Miller, P.E. Public Works Director NM/Ik Attachments cc: Dave Gebert, P.E., City Engineer Denise Burke, Utility Billing Clerk. Jeannine Graf, Building Official Wordata/Admin/Pt. Edwards Storm Charges 11-2-05 September 13, 2005 Mr. Noel Miller City of Edmonds Combined Utility Services 121 51h Ave. North Edmonds WA 98020 RE: Storm Drain Charges Account #6-01299 Dear Noel, Thank you very much for meeting with me, on September 7 to discuss the storm water charges for the Point Edwards property. To confirm my understanding and agreement of the options presented at the meeting, Point Edwards LLC is in agreement to pay the prior storm water charges that Unocal was paying on the property prior to our ownership. You have addressed this in "option 2" (see attached) which means that Point Edwards will pay the storm water charges of 117.47 ESU's x $6.73/ESU from the period beginning September 30, 2003. As per your outline in option 2 the net amount due at this time $9,486.84. Point Edwards shall continue to pay $790.57 per month until such time we have exceeded 117.47 ESU's in our development. I have submitted a check request to our accounting department in the amount of $9,486,84 which I will send to you directly so that you may process accordingly. Duane Bowman mentioned that you will memorialize this agreement in some fashion, which I look forward to receiving. In addition, we discussed prorating these fees by each building. We are open to any suggestions as to how to divide the costs out including dividing the dollar mount by the total number of units served through phase four. I trust you will arrive at an equitable solution on this methodology. Once again, thank you for your time, organizing the meeting and the follow up to this matter. Sincerely, Point Edwards LLC Ross W. Woods Enclosure — Option 2 2801 Alaskan Way, Suite 107 206-374-0414 office Seattle, WA 98121 206-374-0415 fax P:\DATA\PROJECT\POINT EDWARDS\CITY OF EDMONDS\Miller storm Utilities 091205.doc Pt. Edwards Development Stormwater Charge Option 2 Property acquired on 9-30-03 Total ESU's charge to UNOCAL 117.47 Monthly stormwater fee @ $6.73/ESU: Total charges up to 7-31-05 $790.57 x 17 months (10/03 thru 2/05) $845.78 x 5 months (3/05 thru 7/05) Less amount paid Net amount due $790.57 $13,439.69 $4,228.90 $8,181.75 No stormwater conenction is required since impervious surface for development Phase 1 & 2 (64.33 ESU's) is less than original impervious surface (117.47 ESU's) ExceldataWdmifft Edwards Stormwater Charges 977/2005