Updated project status email Feb 15 2012.pdf
Clugston, Michael
Clugston, Michael
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:08 PM
'Phillip Lehn'
McConnell, Jeanie
RE: Project status for Greenness short plat, LLA, etc.
pln20080077_Memo to Phil Lehn 060209.pdf
D. Incomplete Applications.
1. Whenever the applicant receives a determination from the city pursuant to subsection (A)(2) of this section that
the application is incomplete, the applicant shall have 90 days to submit the necessary information. Within 14 days
after an applicant has submitted the requested additional information, the director shall make a determination of
completeness and notify the applicant in the manner provided in subsection (A) of this section.
2. Whenever the applicant receives a notice that the contents of the application, which had been previously
determined under subsection (A)(1) of this section to be complete, is insufficient, ambiguous, undecipherable, or
otherwise unresponsive of the information being sought, the applicant shall have 90 days to submit the necessary
information. If circumstances warrant, the applicant may apply in writing to the director requesting a one-time 90-
day extension. The extension request must be received by the city prior to the end of the initial 90-day compliance
3. If the applicant does not submit the additional information requested within the 90-day period (or within the 90-
day extension period, as applicable), the director shall make findings and issue a decision, according to the Type I
procedure, that the application has lapsed for lack of information necessary to complete the review. The decision
shall state that no further action will be taken on the application, and that if the applicant does not make
arrangements to pick up the application materials from the planning and/or public works/engineering departments
within 30 days from the date of the decision, the application materials will be destroyed.
4. When the director determines that an application has lapsed because the applicant has failed to submit required
information within the necessary time period, the applicant may request a refund of the application fee remaining
after the citys determination of completeness.
Hi Phil,
Jen Machuga left me a message that you had called last week inquiring about the status of the projects related to
the Greenness short plat at 16202 72nd Ave. W. I looked back through the files and here is what I found.
1) PLN-2005-0064. Greenness 2-lot short plat. Preliminary short plat approval was granted on September 19,
2005. Preliminary approval was valid for 5 years from that date but since civil improvement documents were not
reviewed and approved and final short plat approval was not granted in that five years, the preliminary approval
expired on September 19, 2010. That application is no longer valid and cannot be renewed.
2) PLN-2008-0077. According to the attached letter dated 11/6/09, we are still awaiting response to comments
from Jeanie McConnell made on June 2, 2009 (also attached). Because this application is vested to the old
permit processing code, ECDC 20.90.010, and the application was determined to be complete on March 3/19/09,
there is no deadline to submit the requested information. As a result, this application is still valid. If you submit
the requested information, we will continue with our preliminary review.
3) LL-02-157 amendment. According to the 11/6/09 letter, this project is valid through April 7, 2011. If everything
isn't completed by that date (City approval, filing at County, City receives Auditor-endorsed copies), the project will
expire. I don't know where you stand relative to your extension request letter of 11/5/09, but my comments from
5/1/09 still need to be addressed and the $130 fee must still be paid prior to our endorsement. This project must
be approved prior to preliminary approval of PLN-2008-0077 since -0077's lines are based on the lines amended
by LL-02-157.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Mike Clugston, AICP
City of Edmonds
Development Services Department
P: 425-771-0220 | F: 425-771-0221
<<Response re timelines for S-08-77 and LL-02-157 amendment.pdf>> <<pln20080077_Memo to Phil Lehn
060209.pdf>> <<Mike Clugston 11-5-09.pdf>> <<LL-02-157 amendment changes required.pdf>>