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CCOOMMMM 23427 OldEdmonds-Woodway LLIIBBRRAARRYY 517 23505 HighSchool BBAASSEEBBAALLLL OS THPLSW FFIIEELLDD 2233TTOO4422 Zone 10506 23530 FFOORREESSTTGGLLEENN 23605 236TPLSW H 23611 23615 Site 23708 23618 23621 23619 23619 23626 23629 23625 23627 RS-8 10127 23700 23701 23701 23701 Zone 23706 23707 23707 23711 LSW THP 237 2 23721 2 8T T 23806 23805 2 23814 23813 2 23817 23821 23820 23 23901 23828 10518 23 23830 23902 23 23911 23915 23919 23924 23917 23923 23927 23928 23927 \] Exhibit2 KlahayaSwim&TennisClub ConditionalUsePermit Zoning&VicinityMap FileNumberCU-2008-9 0100200Feet 10307238thStreetSW(RS-8Zone)