Vilce 5-23-07.doc May 23, 2007 Marta Vilce th 18230 88 Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98026 Case: # ZE-07-136 (2007-0056) th Subject Property: 18230 88 Ave. W., Edmonds, WA. 98026 Dear Ms. Vilce, The City has received a complaint regarding an addition or accessory building constructed in the side yard setback on the north side of the subject property. An inspection was made and it appears that new construction has taken place at this location. A building permit is required for an addition to the house or for an accessory building over 120 square feet. Regardless of the size of the building, a side yard setback of 10 feet is required in the RS-10 zone. Corrective actions required:  Please contact me at your earliest convenience by May 30, 2007 to confirm receipt of this information, describe the construction and review the options available. It would also be appropriate at that time to arrange a formal inspection.  It is likely that the construction will be required to be removed from the setback. This will need to take place by June 25, 2007. Please call me at 425-771-0220 x1716 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, Mike Thies Code Enforcement Inspector thies@ci.edmonds.wa.us cc. J. Graf, Building Official