W Dayton-220_bld20080524_BNSF Office_2.pdf
DATE: September 17, 2008
TO: Kevin Harrington
FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
RE: Application #: bld20080524
Project: BNSF Office
Project Address: 220 West Dayton
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison.
City of Edmonds handouts and standard details can be referenced on the City website under
Development Services Department, Engineering Division.
Review 1 July 24, 2008
Review 2 September 17, 2008
9/17/08 Thank you for providing a cost estimate. Please provide an itemization for each
and include unit prices. The cost estimate shall also include the curb, gutter and sidewalk
removal and replacement, asphalt paving, striping, erosion control,
7/24/08 - Please provide an itemized cost estimate for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way)
improvements, including traffic control.
9/17/08 Traffic control plan has not yet been received. Please submit.
7/24/08 - Please submit a traffic control plan for review and approval.
C101 - Demolition Plan
1.9/17/08 An existing concrete curb is called out on the east side of the railroad tracks.
This is actually a driveway approach. With the new driveway entrance this approach
should be removed and replaced with standard curb, gutter and sidewalk. Is there a need
for this driveway approach to remain as is?
W Dayton-220_bld20080524_BNSF Office_2
Comments e-mailed 9/18/08
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C101 & C102 Demolition and Site Plan
1. 9/17/08 Please remove the crosswalk striping shown across the driveway entrance.
2.9/17/08 The driveway entrance shall be constructed per City standard detail E2.26 or
E2.27.2. I redlined the plans with this note and incorporated the details onto sheet C501.
I wanted you to be aware of the requirement for cost estimate purposes.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
W Dayton-220_bld20080524_BNSF Office_2
Comments e-mailed 9/18/08
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